Tinkerforge::BrickletPiezoBuzzer - Creates 1kHz beep
This constant is used to identify a Piezo Buzzer Bricklet.
The get_identity() subroutine and the CALLBACK_ENUMERATE callback of the IP Connection have a device_identifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.
This constant represents the display name of a Piezo Buzzer Bricklet.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_BEEP_FINISHED callback.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_MORSE_CODE_FINISHED callback.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
- new()
Creates an object with the unique device ID *uid* and adds it to the IP Connection *ipcon*.
- beep()
Beeps for the given duration.
- morse_code()
Sets morse code that will be played by the piezo buzzer. The morse code is given as a string consisting of "." (dot), "-" (minus) and " " (space) for *dits*, *dahs* and *pauses*. Every other character is ignored.
For example: If you set the string "...---...", the piezo buzzer will beep nine times with the durations "short short short long long long short short short".
- get_identity()
Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.
The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' or 'h' (Bricklet Port). The Raspberry Pi HAT (Zero) Brick is always at position 'i' and the Bricklet connected to an :ref:`Isolator Bricklet <isolator_bricklet>` is always as position 'z'.
The device identifier numbers can be found :ref:`here <device_identifier>`. |device_identifier_constant|