XML::Excel - Perl extension converting Excel files to XML
use XML::Excel;
$excel_obj = XML::Excel->new();
$excel_obj = XML::Excel->new(\%attr);
$status = $excel_obj->parse_doc(file_name);
$status = $excel_obj->parse_doc(file_name, \%attr);
$excel_obj->print_xml(file_name, \%attr);
XML::Excel is a new module which is going to be upgraded very often as my time permits. For the time being it uses Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module object default values to parse the (*.xls) document and then creates a perl data structure with xml tags names and data. At this point it does not allow for a write as you parse interface but is the first upgrade for the next release. I will also allow more access to the data structures and more documentation. I will also put in more support for XML, since currently it only allows a simple XML structure. Currently you can modify the tag structure to allow for attributes. No DTD support is currently available, but will be implemented in a soon coming release. As the module will provide both: object and event interfaces, it will be used upon individual needs, system resources, and required performance. Ofcourse the DOM implementation takes up more resources and in some instances timing, it's the easiest to use.
ATTRIBUTES parse_doc()
headings - Specifies the number of rows to use as tag names. Defaults to 0. Ex. {headings => 1} (This will use the first row of data as xml tags)
sub_char - Specifies the character with which the illegal tag characters will be replaced with. Defaults to undef meaning no substitution is done. To eliminate characters use "" (empty string) or to replace with another see below. Ex. {sub_char => "_"} or {sub_char => ""}
ParseExcel = Allows to provide custom Spreadsheet::ParseExcel object to XML::Excel.
ATTRIBUTES print_xml()
file_tag - Specifies the file parent tag. Defaults to "records". Ex. {file_tag => "file_data"} (Do not use < and > when specifying)
parent_tag - Specifies the record parent tag. Defaults to "record". Ex. {parent_tag => "record_data"} (Do not use < and > when specifying)
format - Specifies the character to use to indent nodes. Defaults to "\t" (tab). Ex. {format => " "} or {format => "\t\t"}
Example #1:
This is a simple implementation which uses defaults
use XML::Excel; $excel_obj = XML::Excel->new(); $excel_obj->parse_doc("in_file.xls", {headings => 1});
Example #2:
This example uses a passed headings array reference which is used along with the parsed data.
use XML::Excel; $excel_obj = XML::Excel->new();
$excel_obj->{column_headings} = \@arr_of_headings;
$excel_obj->parse_doc("in_file.xls"); $excel_obj->print_xml("out.xml", {format => " ", file_tag = "xml_file", parent_tag => "record"});
Example #3:
First it passes a reference to a array with column headings and then a reference to two dimensional array of data where the first index represents the row number and the second column number. We also pass a custom Spreadsheet::ParseExcel object to overwrite the default object. This is usefull for creating your own Spreadsheet::ParseExcel object's args before using the parse_doc() method. See 'perldoc Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' for different new() attributes.
use XML::Excel;
$default_obj_Spreadsheet_ParseExcel = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); $excel_obj = XML::Excel->new({ParseExcel => $default_obj_Spreadsheet_ParseExcel}); $excel_obj->{column_headings} = \@arr_of_headings;
$excel_obj->{column_data} = \@arr_of_data;
Ilya Sterin,