Net::Ethereum - Perl Framework for Ethereum JSON RPC API.


# Deploy contract

use Net::Ethereum;

my $contract_name = $ARGV[0];
my $password = $ARGV[1];

my $node = Net::Ethereum->new('http://localhost:8545/');

# my $src_account = "0x0f687ab2be314d311a714adde92fd9055df18b48";
my $src_account = $node->eth_accounts()->[0];
print 'My account: '.$src_account, "\n";

my $constructor_params={};
$constructor_params->{ initString } = '+ Init string for constructor +';
$constructor_params->{ initValue } = 102; # init value for constructor

my $contract_status = $node->compile_and_deploy_contract($contract_name, $constructor_params, $src_account, $password);
my $new_contract_id = $contract_status->{contractAddress};
my $transactionHash = $contract_status->{transactionHash};
my $gas_used = hex($contract_status->{gasUsed});
print "\n", 'Contract mined.', "\n", 'Address: '.$new_contract_id, "\n", 'Transaction Hash: '.$transactionHash, "\n";

my $gas_price=$node->eth_gasPrice();
my $contract_deploy_price = $gas_used * $gas_price;
my $price_in_eth = $node->wei2ether($contract_deploy_price);
print 'Gas used: '.$gas_used.' ('.sprintf('0x%x', $gas_used).') wei, '.$price_in_eth.' ether', "\n\n";

# Contract sample

pragma solidity ^0.4.10;

contract HelloSol {
    string savedString;
    uint savedValue;
    address contractOwner;
    function HelloSol(uint initValue, string initString) public {
        contractOwner = msg.sender;
        savedString = initString;
        savedValue = initValue;
    function setString( string newString ) public {
        savedString = newString;
    function getString() public constant returns( string curString) {
        return savedString;
    function setValue( uint newValue ) public {
        savedValue = newValue;
    function getValue() public constant returns( uint curValue) {
        return savedValue;
    function setAll(uint newValue, string newString) public {
        savedValue = newValue;
        savedString = newString;
    function getAll() public constant returns( uint curValue, string curString) {
        return (savedValue, savedString);
    function getAllEx() public constant returns( bool isOk, address msgSender, uint curValue, string curString, uint val1, string str1, uint val2, uint val3) {
        string memory sss="++ ==================================== ++";
        return (true, msg.sender, 33333, sss, 9999, "Line 9999", 7777, 8888);

    function repiter(bool pBool, address pAddress, uint pVal1, string pStr1, uint pVal2, string pStr2, uint pVal3, int pVal4) public pure
    returns( bool rbBool, address rpAddress, uint rpVal1, string rpStr1, uint rpVal2, string rpStr2, uint rpVal3, int rpVal4) {
      return (pBool, pAddress, pVal1, pStr1, pVal2, pStr2, pVal3, pVal4);

# Call contract contract_methods

use Net::Ethereum;
use Data::Dumper;

my $contract_name = $ARGV[0];
my $password = $ARGV[1];
# my $src_account = "0x0f687ab2be314d311a714adde92fd9055df18b48";
my $contract_id = $ARGV[2];;

my $node = Net::Ethereum->new('http://localhost:8545/');

my $src_account = $node->eth_accounts()->[0];
print 'My account: '.$src_account, "\n";

my $abi = $node->_read_file('build/'.$contract_name.'.abi');

# Call contract methods without transactions

my $function_params={};
my $test1 = $node->contract_method_call('getValue', $function_params);
print Dumper($test1);

my $test = $node->contract_method_call('getString');
print Dumper($test);

my $testAll = $node->contract_method_call('getAll');
print Dumper($testAll);

my $testAllEx = $node->contract_method_call('getAllEx');
print Dumper($testAllEx);

$function_params->{ pBool } = 1;
$function_params->{ pAddress } = "0xa3a514070f3768e657e2e574910d8b58708cdb82";
$function_params->{ pVal1 } = 1111;
$function_params->{ pStr1 } = "This is string 1";
$function_params->{ pVal2 } = 222;
$function_params->{ pStr2 } = "And this is String 2, very long string +++++++++++++++++=========";
$function_params->{ pVal3 } = 333;
$function_params->{ pVal4 } = '-999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999977777777';

my $rc = $node->contract_method_call('repiter', $function_params);
print Dumper($rc);

# Send Transaction 1

my $rc = $node->personal_unlockAccount($src_account, $password, 600);
print 'Unlock account '.$src_account.'. Result: '.$rc, "\n";

my $function_params={};
$function_params->{ newString } = '+++ New string for save +++';

my $used_gas = $node->contract_method_call_estimate_gas('setString', $function_params);
my $gas_price=$node->eth_gasPrice();
my $transaction_price = $used_gas * $gas_price;
my $call_price_in_eth = $node->wei2ether($transaction_price);
print 'Estimate Transaction Gas: '.$used_gas.' ('.sprintf('0x%x', $used_gas).') wei, '.$call_price_in_eth.' ether', "\n";

my $tr = $node->sendTransaction($src_account, $node->get_contract_id(), 'setString', $function_params, $used_gas);

print 'Waiting for transaction: ', "\n";
my $tr_status = $node->wait_for_transaction($tr, 25, $node->get_show_progress());
print Dumper($tr_status);

# Send Transaction 2

$rc = $node->personal_unlockAccount($src_account, $password, 600);
print 'Unlock account '.$src_account.'. Result: '.$rc, "\n";

$function_params->{ newValue } = 77777;

$used_gas = $node->contract_method_call_estimate_gas('setValue', $function_params);

$transaction_price = $used_gas * $gas_price;
$call_price_in_eth = $node->wei2ether($transaction_price);
print 'Estimate Transaction Gas: '.$used_gas.' ('.sprintf('0x%x', $used_gas).') wei, '.$call_price_in_eth.' ether', "\n";

$tr = $node->sendTransaction($src_account, $node->get_contract_id(), 'setValue', $function_params, $used_gas);

print 'Waiting for transaction: ', "\n";
$tr_status = $node->wait_for_transaction($tr, 25, $node->get_show_progress());
print Dumper($tr_status);

$testAllEx = $node->contract_method_call('getAllEx');
print Dumper($testAllEx);

# Some other methods

my $res = $node->eth_accounts();
print Dumper($res);

my $web3_version = $node->web3_clientVersion();
print Dumper($web3_version);

my $web3_sha3 = $node->web3_sha3("0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64");
print Dumper($web3_sha3);

my $net_version = $node->net_version();
print Dumper($net_version);

my $net_listening = $node->net_listening();
print Dumper($net_listening);

my $net_peerCount = $node->net_peerCount();
print Dumper($net_peerCount);

my $eth_protocolVersion = $node->eth_protocolVersion();
print Dumper($eth_protocolVersion);

my $eth_syncing = $node->eth_syncing();
print Dumper($eth_syncing);

my $eth_coinbase = $node->eth_coinbase();
print Dumper($eth_coinbase);

my $eth_mining = $node->eth_mining();
print Dumper($eth_mining);

my $eth_hashrate = $node->eth_hashrate();
print Dumper($eth_hashrate);

my $eth_gasPrice = $node->eth_gasPrice();
print Dumper($eth_gasPrice);

my $eth_blockNumber = $node->eth_blockNumber();
print Dumper($eth_blockNumber);

my $eth_getBalance = $node->eth_getBalance('0xa15862b34abfc4b423fe52f153c95d83f606cc97', "latest");
print Dumper($eth_getBalance);

my $eth_getTransactionCount = $node->eth_getTransactionCount('0xa15862b34abfc4b423fe52f153c95d83f606cc97', "latest");
print Dumper($eth_getTransactionCount);

my $eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash = $node->eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash('0xe79342277d7e95cedf0409e0887c2cddb3ebc5f0d952b9f7c1c1c5cef845cb97', "latest");
print Dumper($eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash);

my $eth_getCode = $node->eth_getCode('0x11c63c5ebc2c6851111d881cb58c213c609c92d4', "latest");
print Dumper($eth_getCode);


Net::Ethereum - Perl Framework for Ethereum JSON RPC API.

This is alpha debugging version.

Currently support marshaling only uint, int, bool, string types.

Start node cmd:

geth --datadir node1 --nodiscover --mine --minerthreads 1 --maxpeers 0 --verbosity 3 --networkid 98765 --rpc --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal,web3" console

Attach node:

geth --datadir node1 --networkid 98765 attach ipc://home/frolov/node1/geth.ipc



my $node = Net::Ethereum->new('http://localhost:8545/');


Returns the current client version.
my $web3_version = $node->web3_clientVersion();


Returns Keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data.
my $web3_sha3 = $node->web3_sha3("0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64");


Returns the current network id:
"1": Ethereum Mainnet =item "2": Morden Testnet (deprecated) =item "3": Ropsten Testnet =item "4": Rinkeby Testnet =item "42": Kovan Testnet
my $net_version = $node->net_version();


Returns 1 (true) if client is actively listening for network connections.
my $net_listening = $node->net_listening();


Returns number of peers currently connected to the client.
my $net_peerCount = $node->net_peerCount();


Decrypts the key with the given address from the key store.

my $rc = $node->personal_unlockAccount($account, 'PASSWORD', 600);
print 'Unlock account '.$src_account.'. Result: '.$rc, "\n";

$account  - account to unlock;
$password - passphrase;
$timeout  - the unlock duration

The unencrypted key will be held in memory until the unlock duration expires.
The account can be used with eth_sign and eth_sendTransaction while it is unlocked.


Store contract ABI in this object

my $node = Net::Ethereum->new('http://localhost:8545/');


Returns ABI for contract, stored in this object

my $contract_abi = node->get_contract_abi();


Set dubug mode. Debug info printed to console.

$mode: 1 - debug on, 0 - debug off.


Set show progress mode to waiting contract deploying.

$mode: 1 - show progress mode on, 0 - show progress mode off.


Get show progress mode to waiting contract deploying.

Returns: 1 - show progress mode on, 0 - show progress mode off.


Store contract Id in this object

my $contract_id = "0x432e816769a2657029db98303e4946d7dedbcd8f";
my $node = Net::Ethereum->new('http://localhost:8545/');

$contract_id - contract address


Get contract id from this object
Returns Contract id

print 'New Contract id: '.$node->get_contract_id(), "\n";


Returns the current ethereum protocol version.

my $eth_protocolVersion = $node->eth_protocolVersion();


Returns an object with data about the sync status or false.

Object|Boolean, An object with sync status data or 0 (FALSE), when not syncing:

  startingBlock: QUANTITY - The block at which the import started (will only be reset, after the sync reached his head)
  currentBlock: QUANTITY - The current block, same as eth_blockNumber
  highestBlock: QUANTITY - The estimated highest block

my $eth_syncing = $node->eth_syncing();


Returns the client coinbase address (20 bytes - the current coinbase address).

my $eth_coinbase = $node->eth_coinbase();


Returns true if client is actively mining new blocks.

my $eth_mining = $node->eth_mining();


Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.

my $eth_hashrate = $node->eth_hashrate();


Returns the current price per gas in wei.

my $eth_gasPrice = $node->eth_gasPrice();


Returns a list of addresses owned by client.

my $res = $node->eth_accounts();


Returns the number of most recent block.

my $eth_blockNumber = $node->eth_blockNumber();


Returns the balance of the account of given address as Math::BigInt object.

$addr - address to check for balance;
$block_number - integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending"

my $eth_getBalance = $node->eth_getBalance('0xa15862b34abfc4b423fe52f153c95d83f606cc97', "latest");




Returns the number of transactions sent from an address.

$addr - address;
$block_number - integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending"

my $eth_getTransactionCount = $node->eth_getTransactionCount('0xa15862b34abfc4b423fe52f153c95d83f606cc97', "latest");


Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash.

$hash - hash of a block;

my $eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash = $node->eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash('0xe79342277d7e95cedf0409e0887c2cddb3ebc5f0d952b9f7c1c1c5cef845cb97', "latest");








Returns code at a given address.

my $contract_code=$node->eth_getCode($contract_status->{contractAddress}, "latest");

$addr - address;
$block_number - integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending"

The following options are possible for the defaultBlock parameter:

  HEX String - an integer block number
  String "earliest" for the earliest/genesis block
  String "latest" - for the latest mined block
  String "pending" - for the pending state/transactions




Send message to contract.
Returns result

my $rc = $this->eth_sendTransaction($params);
return $rc;

$from - account;
$to - contract id to send message;
$data - marshalled data
$gas - gas used




Call contract method without transaction
Returns result

my $raw_params=$this->_marshal($function_name, $function_params);

my $params = {};
$params-> {to} = $this->{contract_id};
$params-> {data} = $raw_params;
my $rc = $this->eth_call($params);


Makes a call or transaction, which won't be added to the blockchain and returns the used gas, which can be used for estimating the used gas.
Returns the amount of gas used.

my $contract_used_gas = $node->deploy_contract_estimate_gas($src_account, $contract_binary);
print 'Estimate GAS: ', Dumper($contract_used_gas);

$params - See eth_call parameters, expect that all properties are optional.
If no gas limit is specified geth uses the block gas limit from the pending block as an upper bound.
As a result the returned estimate might not be enough to executed the call/transaction when the amount of gas is higher than the pending block gas limit.

Returns the amount of gas used.


Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
That the receipt is not available for pending transactions.

$tr_status = $this->eth_getTransactionReceipt($contrarc_deploy_tr);


Convert wei to Ether, returns Ether

my $price_in_eth = $node->wei2ether($contract_deploy_price);


Send message to contract.
Returns transaction id

my $function_params={};
$function_params->{ newString } = "+= test =+";
my $tr = $node->sendTransaction($src_account, $node->get_contract_id(), 'setString', $function_params);

$src_account - account;
$contract_id - contract id to send message;
$function_name - function name;
$function_params - function params


Estimate used gas for deployed contract.
Makes a call or transaction, which won't be added to the blockchain and returns the used gas, which can be used for estimating the used gas.
Returns the amount of gas used.

my $contract_used_gas = $node->deploy_contract_estimate_gas($src_account, $contract_binary);
print 'Estimate GAS: ', Dumper($contract_used_gas);

$src_account - account
$contract_binary - contract binary code


Deploy contract
Returns transaction id

my $rc = $node->personal_unlockAccount($src_account, 'ptktysq', 600);
print 'Unlock account '.$src_account.'. Result: '.$rc, "\n";
my $contrarc_deploy_tr = $node->deploy_contract($src_account, $contract_binary);

$src_account - account
$contract_binary - contract binary code


Wait for contract deployment/
Store contract address into this object.
Returns the transction status:

$VAR1 = {
      'transactionIndex' => '0x0',
      'logs' => [],
      'contractAddress' => '0xa5e4b4aa28b79891f12ffa985b660ff222157659',
      'cumulativeGasUsed' => '0xb64b3',
      'to' => undef,
      'blockNumber' => '0x36a6',
      'blockHash' => '0x71b75f5eae70c532f94aeee91df0fef0df6208c451f6c007fe9a2a462fb23fc0',
      'transactionHash' => '0xfa71027cb3ae4ed05ec7a71d1c0cdad7d0dc501679e976caa0bf665b7309b97b',
      'from' => '0x0f687ab2be314d311a714adde92fd9055df18b48',
      'logsBloom' => '0x0000000...00',
      'gasUsed' => '0xb64b3',
      'root' => '0x9a32416741eb3192eae9197fc20acf7e5436fce7e6d92153aca91f92d373d41b'

my $contract_status = $node->wait_for_contract($contrarc_deploy_tr);

$contrarc_deploy_tr - waiting contract transaction;
$iterations - number of wait iterations;
$show_progress - show progress on console (1 or 0)


Wait for wait_for_transaction
Returns the transction status:

$VAR1 = {
       'cumulativeGasUsed' => '0xabcd',
        'transactionHash' => '0x237569eeae8f8f3da05d7bbd68066c18921406441dac8de13092c850addcb15b',
        'logs' => [],
        'gasUsed' => '0xabcd',
        'transactionIndex' => '0x0',
        'blockHash' => '0xdb7f3748658abdb60859e1097823630d7eb140448b40c8e1ac89170a76fc797e',
        'from' => '0x0f687ab2be314d311a714adde92fd9055df18b48',
        'logsBloom' => '0x000000000000000000...0000',
        'to' => '0x6f059b63aee6af50920d2a0fbd287cec94117826',
        'root' => '0x3fe46002e1c71876474a8b460222adb2309ab8f36b5750a6408a1f921f54ab4c',
        'blockNumber' => '0x36e2',
        'contractAddress' => undef

my $tr_status = $node->wait_for_transaction($tr);

$contrarc_deploy_tr - waiting transaction;
$iterations - number of wait iterations;
$show_progress - show progress on console (1 or 0)


Estimate used gas for contract method call.
Makes a call or transaction, which won't be added to the blockchain and returns the used gas, which can be used for estimating the used gas.
Returns the amount of gas used.

my $function_params={};
$function_params->{ newString } = '+= test GAS ok =+';

my $used_gas = $node->contract_method_call_estimate_gas('setString', $function_params);
print 'Estimate GAS: ', Dumper($used_gas);


Call contract method without transaction
Returns unmarshalled data

$function_params->{ pBool } = 1;
$function_params->{ pAddress } = "0xa3a514070f3768e657e2e574910d8b58708cdb82";
$function_params->{ pVal1 } = 11;
$function_params->{ pStr1 } = "str1 This is string 1";
$function_params->{ pVal2 } = 22;
$function_params->{ pStr2 } = "str2 And this is String 2, very long string +++++++++++++++++== smart!";
$function_params->{ pVal3 } = 33;
$function_params->{ pVal4 } = 44;

my $rc = $node->contract_method_call('repiter', $function_params);


Compile and deploy contract
Returns contract id

my $constructor_params={};
$constructor_params->{ initString } = '+ from constructor +';
$constructor_params->{ initValue } = 101;

my $contract_status = $node->compile_and_deploy_contract($contract_name, $constructor_params, $src_account, $password);
my $new_contract_id = $contract_status->{contractAddress};


Read file into variable.

$file_path - path to file.

my $abi = $this->_read_file('build/'.$contract_name.'.abi');
my $bin = $this->_read_file('build/'.$contract_name.'.bin');


nternal method.
Marshaling data from from function params/
Returns raw marshalled data

my $raw_params=$this->_marshal($function_name, $function_params);

$function_name - method name to get ABI
$function_params - function params


Internal method.
Unmarshal data from JSON RPC call

return $this->_unmarshal($function_name, $raw_data);

$function_name - method name to get ABI
$raw_data - data, returned from method


Internal method.
Marshal integer value
Returns marshales string


int_to_marshal - int value to marshal


Internal method.
Unmarshal integer value
Returns unmarshaled value

my $uint256 = $this->_unmarshal_int($hunk);

int_to_marshal - int value to marshal


Internal method.
Returns ABI for given method

my $function_abi = $this->_get_function_abi($function_name);

$function_name - method name to get ABI


Internal method.
Returns ABI for contract constructor

if($function_name eq 'constructor')
  $function_abi = $this->_get_constructor_abi($function_name);

$function_name - method name to get ABI


Internal method.
Convert a method name into function selector (contract methos id).
Returns the contract methos id.

The first four bytes of the call data for a function call specifies the function to be called.
It is the first (left, high-order in big-endian) four bytes of the Keccak (SHA-3) hash of the signature of the function.
The signature is defined as the canonical expression of the basic prototype, i.e. the function name with the parenthesised list of parameter types.
Parameter types are split by a single comma - no spaces are used.

my $function_selector = $function_name;
$method_name = $function_selector.'('.$param_types_list.')';
my $contract_method_id = $this->_getContractMethodId($method_name);

$method_name - function name, include parameters


Internal method.
Convert a hexadecimal value into string. Returns the string.

my $str = $this->_hex2string('0x'.$data_chunk);

$data_chunk - hexadecimal data to conv


Internal method.
Convert a string to hexadecimal. Returns the converted string.

my $hunk=$this->_string2hex($str);

$string - source string to conv


Internal method.
Send request to JSON RPC API

my $rq = { jsonrpc => "2.0", method => "net_version", params => [], id => 67};
my $num = $this->_node_request($rq)-> { result };



  2. Management APIs:

  3. Application Binary Interface Specification:

  4. Working with Smart Contracts through the Ethereum RPC API (Russian):


Alexandre Frolov,

The founder and director of SAAS online store service Shop2YOU, L<>


Copyright (C) 2018 by Alexandre Frolov

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.26.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.