git-feature - Create a feature branch from the "current release"


This documentation refers to git-feature version 0.96006


  git-feature [option] branch-name
  git-feature [option] [--jira|-j] JIRAID

 branch-name       The name of the new branch to create from the current release branch/tag

 -j --jira[=]JIRAID
                   Specify a JIRA ID to use to find the summary of an make it
                   branch name for the feature.
 -u --url[=]URL    Use URL as the JIRA instance for looking up summaries.
 -U --user[=]str   JIRA user name to use when looking up JIRA
 -P --password[=]str
                   JIRA password for --user
 -t --tag[=]str    Specify a tag that any branch with newer commits must contain
 -b --branch[=]str Similarly a branch that other branches with newer commits must
                   contain (Default origin/master)
 -l --local        Shorthand for --branch '^master$'
 -p --push         Push the new brach upstream
    --no-fetch     Don't fetch before trying to find the remote branch
 -n --new-pom      Set the pom.xml version to the next available version
 -x --pom[=]dir/pom.xml
                   The location of the master pom.xml if it isn't in the
                   current directory.
 -t --test         Test don't actually run
 -v --verbose      Show more details
    --version      Prints the version information
    --help         Prints this help information
    --man          Prints the full documentation for git-feature


The git feature command allows a simplified way to create and switch to feature branches using whatever you define as the current release.

By default current release is defined as the origin/master branch that can be changed either on the command line using the --tag or --branch arguments or by setting the git config. Example of a commonly used alternatives include using release version tags where you might use something like --tag ^v\d+[.]\d+' to match tags like v0.1 or v1.0 etc. Other examples include different branches containing release versions of code.

The branch origin/master is used over master to save you from having to switch to master and pull any new changes, a git fetch is called by default before branching to further ensure the latest version of code is available.


run ()

Executes the git workflow command

jira ()

Create a branch name form the JIRA summary



Defaults for this script can be set thought git config  Sets how a prod release is determined
               eg the default equavilent is branch=^origin/master$
workflow.pom   The default location for the pom.xml file (used C<--new-pom>
               and updating the pom.xml for the new branch)
               Can set default value of C<--local>
jira.url       Sets the default url for talking to JIRA with

You can set these values either by editing the repository local .git/config file or ~/.gitconfig or use the git config command

# eg Setting the global value
   git config --global 'branch=^origin/master$'

# or set a repository's local value
   git config 'tag=^release_\d{4}_\d{2}\d{2}$'

# or setting pom.xml location to a sub directory
   git config workflow.pom 'somedir/pom.xml'




There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.


Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close, Hornsby Heights, NSW Australia 2077). All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.