Changes for version 0.96008 - 2015-05-22
- Updating for release of version 0.96008 Added missing mock data (Ivan Wills) Added note to keep track of where things are (Ivan Wills) Added pipe (|) to special escaped characters (Ivan Wills) Added cpan tag (Ivan Wills) Udated the documentation (Ivan Wills) Added the ability to limit the maximum number of runs (Ivan Wills) Updated manifest with renamed readme (Ivan Wills) Added missing documentation (Ivan Wills) Updated errors to be more helpful (Ivan Wills) Removed unneeded tag (Ivan Wills) Added : as a character to replace (Ivan Wills) Worked on documentation (Ivan Wills) Added specific Test::More version for the features being used (Ivan Wills) Converted README into a POD file and added build and coverage badges (Ivan Wills) Added config for (Ivan Wills)
Clean old branches out of the repository
grep for branch names
Stats on the number of commits by committer
checkout whitespace only changed files
Create a feature branch from the "current release"
Get information on files changed across branches.
Copies hooks into their proper location
Checkout any branch mentioning the passed Jira
Manage pom.xml file versions
Find what files have been changed recently in a repository
grep tags
Check that git branches include latest production branch/tag
Watch for changes in repository up-stream
Git workflow tools
Helper for other commands
Clean old branches out of the repository
grep for branch names
Stats on the number of commits by committer
checkout whitespace only changed files
Create a feature branch from the "current release"
Get information on files changed across branches.
Checkout any branch mentioning the passed Jira
Manage pom.xml file versions
Find what files have been changed recently in a repository
grep tags
Check that git branches include latest production branch/tag
Watch for changes in repository up-stream
Tools for maven POM files with git
A basic wrapper around GIT
Mock of a git repository
Test Git::Workflow::Command::* files