git-up-to-date - Check that git branches include latest production branch/tag


This documentation refers to git-up-to-date version 1.0.5


  git-up-to-date [am-i] [option]
  git-up-to-date show [option]
  git-up-to-date current [option]
  git-up-to-date update-me [option]

 am-i              (default) determine if the current branch is up-to-date
 show              Show's the status of all active branches (ie branches with
                   commits since last release)
 current           Show the current "production" branch or tag
 update-me         Merges in the latest release

 -t --tab[=]str    Specify a tag that any branch with newer commits must contain
 -b --branch[=]str Similarly a branch that other branches with newer commits must
                   contain (Default origin/master)
 -l --local        Shorthand for --branch '^master$'
 -f --format[=](test|text|html|csv|tab|json)
                   Set the out put format
                     * test - TAP test formatted output (default)
                     * text - Simple formatted text
                     * html - A basic HTML page
                     * csv  - Comma seperated values formatted output
                     * tab  - Tab seperated values formatted output
 -q --quick        Print to STDERR the statuses as they are found (no formatting)
 -i --include[=]regexp
                   Include only "neweer" branches that match this regexp
 -e --exclude[=]regexp
                   Exclude any "neweer" branches that match this regexp
    --all          Show the status of all branches not just current ones.
 -m --max-history[=]int
                   Set the maximum number of release branches/tags to go back
                   (if more than one) to find where a branch was created from.
                   (Default 1)

 -s --branch-status
                   Shows the status (name, last committer, last commit date) of
                   all branches.
 -a --age-limit[=]date
                   With --branch-status limit to only branches created after
                   date (a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date)
 -F --fetch        Do a fetch before anything else.
 -x --fix          With am-i, merges in the current prod/release branch/tag

 -v --verbose      Shows changed branches that are upto date.
    --version      Prints the version information
    --help         Prints this help information
    --man          Prints the full documentation for git-up-to-date


The git up-to-date command can tell you the status of "active" branches as compared to a release tag or branch. It does this by finding all tags or branches that match the regular expression passed to --tag or --branch, sorts them alpha-numerically assuming that the largest is the most recent.

eg release_1, release_1_1

The branch release_1_1 would be considered the most recent. With the found tag/branch the date/time it was created is used to find all branches that have newer commits (unless --all is used). These branches are then searched to see if they contain the found release tag or branch (and if --max-history is specified and the branch doesn't contain the release branch or tag the older releases are searched for).




Defaults for this script can be set through git config  Sets how a prod release is determined
               eg the default equivalent is branch=^origin/master$
               Sets the default C<--max-history> value

You can set these values either by editing the repository local .git/config file or ~/.gitconfig or use the git config command

# eg Setting the global value
   git config --global workflow.max-history 10

# or set a repository's local value
   git config 'tag=^release_\d{4}_\d{2}\d{2}$'




There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.


Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close, Hornsby Heights, NSW Australia 2077). All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.