Changes for version 0.7.3 - 2015-05-23
- Updating for release of version 0.7.3 Added todo to manifest (Ivan Wills) Fixed Build.PL (Ivan Wills) Updated dates (Ivan Wills) Fixed spelling (Ivan Wills) Fixed renamed README (Ivan Wills) Fixed file that lost it's correct version (Ivan Wills) Removed unneeded tag (Ivan Wills) Added missing =cut (Ivan Wills) Updated README to being a pod file, and removed all the references to VCS::Which (Ivan Wills) Added specific Test::More version for the features being used (Ivan Wills) Reverting bad fix attempt (Ivan Wills) Added config for (Ivan Wills) New TODO file (Ivan Wills)
Search file contents in code repositories
Highlights matched parts of a line.
Takes in various options and builds a regular expression to check lines of a file
Sorts out file content that should be changed.