Changes for version 0.5.8 - 2014-08-21
- Updated manifest (Ivan Wills) Fixed travis-ci config (Ivan Wills) Added travis config (Ivan Wills) Fixed abstracts to match spec per (Ivan Wills) Adding tag files (Ivan Wills) Documented quiet mode (Ivan Wills) Added quiet mode to hide warnings (Ivan Wills) Fixed not checking that the user can change into a directory (Ivan Wills) Updating for release of version 0.5.7 (Ivan Wills) Added missing "not" (Ivan Wills) Added skipping making backups for version controlled files (Ivan Wills) Added forcing processing the end of a file when replacing (Ivan Wills) Added check for processing the end of a file (Ivan Wills) Trying to get replace --yes working (Ivan Wills)
Search and/or replace text (with some intelligence)
Search file contents in code repositories
Handles the testing file types, symlinks and file name positive & negative matching.
Highlights matched parts of a line.
Takes in various options and builds a regular expression to check lines of a file
Sorts out file content that should be changed.