File::CodeSearch - Search file contents in code repositories


This documentation refers to File::CodeSearch version 0.7.4.


use File::CodeSearch;

# Simple usage
code_search {
    my ($file, $line) = @_;
    # do stuff

# More control
my $cs = File::CodeSearch->new();
$cs->code_search(sub {}, @dirs);



new ( %params )


regex - File::CodeSearch::RegexBuilder

This is the object that handles the testing of individual lines in a file and must be created with the search options desired, note you can also use the F::C::Highlighter and F::C::Replacer modules interchangeably with F::C::RegexBuilder.

files - File::TypeCategories

If you desire to limit files by file type, name, symlink status pass this object, other wise a default object will be created.

recurse - Bool

Set to false to not recurse into sub directories.

breadth - Bool

Changes the search order to breadth first i.e. the searching will search all the ordinary files in a directory before searching the directories. The default is to search directories when they are found.

depth - Bool

Changes the search order to depth first i.e. the searching will search all the sub directories in a directory before searching the ordinary files. The default is to search directories when they are found. If both breadth and depth are both true breadth will be used.

suround_before - Int

Specifies the maximum number of lines before a match is found that should be passed to the searching code reference.

suround_after - Int

Specifies the maximum number of lines after a match is found that should be passed to the searching code reference. Note the after match lines are passed to the next matched line in a file or to a call at the end of a file with matches.

limit - Int

Stops matching after limit matches have been found across all files that have been searched.

Return: File::CodeSearch - new object

Description: Creates & configure a File::CodeSearch object.

search ( $search, @dirs )


$search - code ref

Subroutine to be executed each time a match in a file is found.

The subroutine should have accept parameters as

$search->($line, $file, $line_number, %named);
$line - string

The line from the file that was matched by regex. If searching with after set this may be undefined when called with the lines found after the last match at the end of the file.


The file name that the line was found in (relative to the supplied directory


The line number in the said file


This contains all the other helpful values

codesearch - F::CodeSearch

The object that is doing the searching.

before - ArrayRef

An array of lines that were found before the matched line.

after - ArrayRef

An array of lines that were found after the last matched line.

lines - ArrayRef

An array of lines of the file. This is only present if regex is a F::C::Replacer object.

parent - path

The parent path from @path

@dir - paths

An array of the directory paths to search through.



search_file ( $search, $file, $parent )


$search - CodeRef

See search above for details.

$file - file

A file to search through line by line

$parent - path

The directory from @dirs which the file was found in

Description: Searches an individual file for matches.






There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.


Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close, Hornsby Heights, NSW Australia 2077). All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.