Changes for version 0.5.0 - 2015-04-06

  • Updating for release of version 0.5.0 Added missing modules to tests (Ivan Wills) Fixed spelling (Ivan Wills) Fixed up dependencies (Ivan Wills) Moved from Moose to Moo (Ivan Wills) Cleaned up documentation a little (Ivan Wills) Fixed config file reference (Ivan Wills) More docs (Ivan Wills) Added more documentation about tags (Ivan Wills) Added documentation (Ivan Wills) Fixed issue when there is no tagging module available (Ivan Wills) Fixed manifest files (Ivan Wills) Removed warn statement (Ivan Wills) Added auto tagging Classes (Ivan Wills) Fixed require used file name (Ivan Wills) Implementing tagging base class (Ivan Wills) Added specific Test::More version for the features being used (Ivan Wills) Changed log to better fit Getopt::Alt's capabilities (Ivan Wills) Added using newer version of Getopt::Alt for more flexible arguments (to better match git) (Ivan Wills) Added coveralls coverage badge (Ivan Wills) Added more complete list of pull options (Ivan Wills) Added config for (Ivan Wills) Made fetch quiet (Ivan Wills) Added documentation about pull and sh (Ivan Wills) Giving easy to use examples and explanations (Ivan Wills)


Perform operations over many git repositories at once
Some example usage of group-git


Base module for group of git repository operations.
Adds reading all repositories you have access to on
Show all branches with optional grepping
Runs git status on a git project
Runs git status on a git project
Pull latest version of all repositories or clone any that are missing
Runs shell script in each git project
Runs git status on a git project
Runs git status on a git project
Watch for changes in repositories and run a command
Adds reading all repositories you have access to on
Adds reading all repositories you have access to on a gitosis host
Git repository details object.
Adds reading all repositories you have access to on your local Stash server
Base for individual auto tagger classes
Sets tags for repositories with out any remotes
Sets tags for repositories with remotes