VCS::Lite::Delta - VCS::Lite differences
use VCS::Lite;
# diff
my $lit = VCS::Lite->new('/home/me/foo1.txt');
my $lit2 = VCS::Lite->new('/home/me/foo2.txt');
my $difftxt = $lit->delta($lit2)->diff;
print OUTFILE $difftxt;
# patch
my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new('/home/me/patch.diff');
my $lit3 = $lit->patch($delt);
print OUTFILE $lit3->text;
# merge
my $lit4 = $lit->merge($lit->delta($lit2),$lit->delta($lit3));
print OUTFILE $lit4->text;
This module provides a Delta class for the differencing functionality of VCS::Lite
The underlying object of VCS::Lite::Delta is an array of difference chunks such as that returned by Algorithm::Diff.
The constructor takes the following forms:
my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new( '/my/file.diff',$sep); # File name
my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new( \*FILE,$sep); # File handle
my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new( \$string,$sep); # String as scalar ref
my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new( \@foo, $id1, $id2) # Array ref
$sep here is a regexp by which to split strings into tokens. The default is to use the natural perl mechanism of $/ (which is emulated when not reading from a file).
print OUTFILE $delt->diff
This generates a standard diff format, for example:
4c4 < Now wherefore stopp'st thou me? --- > Now wherefore stoppest thou me?
my ($id1,$id2) = $delt->id;
The id method allows get and set of the names associated with the two elements being diffed. The id is set for delta objects returned by VCS::Lite->diff, to the element IDs of the VCS::Lite objects being diffed.
Diff format omits the file names, hence the IDs will not be populated by new. This is not the case with diff -u format, which includes the file names which are passed in and available as IDs.
my @hunklist = $delt->hunks
A hunk is a technical term for a section of input containing a difference. Each hunk is an arrayref, containing the block of lines. Each line is itself an arrayref, for example:
[ '+', 9, 'use Acme::Foo;'],
[ '-', 9, 'use Acme::Bar;'],
See the documentation on Algorithm::Diff for more details of this structure.
Copyright (c) Ivor Williams, 2003
You may use, modify and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself.