alog - An Apache access log viewer


alog [<options>] [<name>]


-a[<n>]    show last n accesses with info spread vertically
-f         tail -f the log
-g         graph requests at hourly intervals
-gd        graph requests at daily intervals
-h         displays this help text
-i         info and statistics
-l         list available logs
-ll        list available logs verbosely
-p         print log path
-r<n>      rotation number
-v         vim the log

<name>     name of the log you are trying to access (regexp),
           if name contains a "/", name is treated as a file name,
           default is the error log for the cwd.


This program will show the Apache access log associated with the directory you are currently inside of.

Many people set up web servers with each website inside their own directory in $HOME or /var/www. While working on these sites, for example /var/www/, you can run `alog` with no arguments and it will show the access log for that site inside of less(1).

If you define the $PAGER environment variable, `alog` will use that program instead of less(1).

If you want to view another site's access log, provide `alog` with an expression that partially matches the name of that website's log after the `alog` command. For example, `alog foo`.

To see a list of all the access logs on the server use `alog -l`. More detailed information, such as what rotations exist for each log, use `alog -ll`.

To specify an older rotation of an access log, use the -r option. For example `alog -r2`, might show the /var/log/httpd/foo.access_log.2.gz file.

The way it determines which access log to show is by parsing Apache config files in either /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2. A CustomLog line tells where the access log is, a DocRoot line tells which directory that access log is for, a LogFormat line tells what format the access log uses.

The -p option will show the path the selected access log file.

The -f option will open the log in `tail -f`.

The -v option will open the log in `vim`.

The -i option will show statistics about the access log file such as how many requests there were, their time frame, and most active uris.

The -a option will show the data fields of the access log entry on their own line, so you don't have to scroll right to see the part you are interested in.

The -g option will show a graph of the number of requests in hourly intervals.

The -gd option will show a graph of the number of requests in daily intervals.



Jacob Gelbman <>


Copyright (C) 2017 by Jacob Gelbman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.