Changes for version 0.41 - 2014-08-03

  • Update libgit2 to 59e3f45 (GH#105)
  • Remote -> name() now accepts an optional "problems" parameter
  • Repository -> clone() options no longer accepts 'remote_name' and 'ignore_cert_errors' options (Incompatible change) (GH#105)
  • Added Repository -> clone() callbacks (GH#105):
    • remote_create
  • Diff::File -> mode() and Diff::Delta -> status() return value(s) changed:
    • "new" to "unreadable" (Incompatible change)
  • Repository -> status() now takes options (GH#106) (Incompatible change):
    • Options are mandatory.
    • Pathspec matching is no longer auto-disabled if a list of files is specified. It is up to the user to disable it via the "flags" parameter.
    • "worktree_unreadable" may now be returned as a status flag.
  • Try to support ActiveState PPM builds
    • Most Unices should build now
    • Windows 32-bit will never build as the MSVC6 is too dated.
    • Windows 64-bit should build, but will not work. As soon as is merged, it should work.


Perl bindings to the Git linkable library (libgit2)
Git blame class
Git blame hunk class
Git blob class
Git branch class
Git commit class
Git config class
Git credentials class
Git diff class
Git diff delta class
Git diff file class
Git diff hunk class
Git diff statistics class
Error class
Error category class
Git filter class
Git filter source class
Git graph class
Git index class
Git index entry class
Git patch class
Git pathspec class
Git pathspec class
Git push class
Git refspec class
Git reference class
Git reflog class
Git remote class
Git repository class
Git signature class
Git stash class
Git tag class
Git tree class
Git tree builder class
Git tree entry class
Git revwalker class