File::Namaste - routines to manage NAMe-AS-TExt tags
use File::Namaste; # to import routines into a Perl script
$stat = nam_set($dir, $portable, $number, $fvalue, $max, $ellipsis);
# Return empty string on success, else an error
# message. The first four arguments required;
# remaining args are passed to nam_elide().
# Uses $dir or the current directory. Specify
# $portable as undef to get best character mapping
# for the platform. To request the more general
# Win32 mapping, set $portable to 1.
# Example: set the directory type and title tag files.
($msg = nam_set(0, 0, "dflat_0.4")
|| nam_set(2, 0, "Crime and Punishment"))
and die("nam_set: $msg\n");
@num_nam_val_triples = nam_get($dir, $filenameglob, ...);
# Return an array of number/filename/value triples
# (eg, every 3rd elem is number). Args give numbers
# (as file globs) to fetch # (eg, "0" or "[1-4]")
# and no args is same as "[0-9]". Uses $dir or the
# current directory.
# Example: fetch all namaste tags and print.
my @nnv = nam_get();
while (defined($num = shift(@nnv))) { # first of triple is tag number;
$fname = shift(@nnv); # second is filename derived...
$fvalue = shift(@nnv); # from third (the full value)
print "Tag $num (from $fname): $fvalue\n";
$transformed_value = # filename-safe transform of metadata value
nam_tvalue( $full_value, $portable, $max, $ellipsis);
print nam_elide($title, "${displaywidth}m") # Example: fit long title
if length($title) > $displaywidth; # by eliding from middle
This is very brief documentation for the Namaste Perl module, which implements the Namaste (Name as Text) convention for containing a data element completely within the content of a file, using as filename an approximation of the value preceded by a numeric tag.
nam_elide( $s, $max, $ellipsis )
Take input string $s and return a shorter string with an ellipsis marking what was deleted. The optional $max parameter (default 16) specifies the maximum length of the returned string, and may optionally be followed by a letter indicating where the deletion should take place: 'e' means the end of the string (default), 's' the start of the string, and 'm' the middle of the string. The optional $ellipsis parameter specifies how the deleted characters will be represented; it defaults to ".." for 'e' or 's' deletion, and to "..." for 'm' deletion.
Directory Description with Namaste Tags
This is a beta version of Namaste tools. It is written in Perl.
John A. Kunze jak at ucop dot edu
Copyright 2009-2010 UC Regents. Open source BSD license.
Perl Modules: File::Glob
Script Categories:
UNIX : System_administration