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use strict;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Encode qw(find_encoding);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(collect_urls_css html_handler_presets reduce_html_handlers
guess_encoding encoder decoded_body resolve_href);
my $charset_re = qr{\bcharset\s*=\s*['"]?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)['"]?}i;
sub collect_urls_css {
map { s/^(['"])// && s/$1$//; $_ } (shift || '') =~ m{url\((.+?)\)}ig;
sub decoded_body {
my $res = shift;
return encoder(guess_encoding($res))->decode($res->body);
sub encoder {
for (shift || 'utf-8', 'utf-8') {
if (my $enc = find_encoding($_)) {
return $enc;
sub guess_encoding {
my $res = shift;
my $type = $res->headers->content_type;
return unless ($type);
my $charset = ($type =~ $charset_re)[0];
return $charset if ($charset);
return _guess_encoding_html($res->body) if ($type =~ qr{text/(html|xml)});
return _guess_encoding_css($res->body) if ($type =~ qr{text/css});
sub html_handler_presets {
return {
'script[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'link[href]' => sub { $_[0]->{href} },
'a[href]' => sub { $_[0]->{href} },
'img[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'area' => sub { $_[0]->{href}, $_[0]->{ping} },
'embed[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'frame[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'iframe[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'input[src]' => sub { $_[0]->{src} },
'object[data]' => sub { $_[0]->{data} },
'form' => sub {
my $dom = shift;
my (%seed, $submit);
sub {
my $e = shift;
$seed{my $name = $e->{name}} ||= [] if $e->{name};
if ($e->tag eq 'select' && $name) {
my $found = 0;
if (exists $e->{multiple}) {
sub {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, shift->{value});
elsif (my $opts = $e->at('option[selected]')) {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $opts->{value});
if (!$found) {
sub {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, shift->{value});
elsif ($e->tag eq 'textarea') {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $e->text);
return unless (my $type = $e->{type});
if (!$submit && grep { $_ eq $type } qw{submit image}) {
$submit = 1;
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $e->{value}) if $name;
if ($name) {
if (grep { $_ eq $type } qw{text hidden number password date}) {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $e->{value});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $type } qw{checkbox}) {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $e->{value}) if (exists $e->{checked});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $type } qw{radio}) {
push(@{$seed{$name}}, $e->{value}) if (exists $e->{checked});
return [
$dom->{action} || '',
uc($dom->{method} || 'GET'),
'meta[content]' => sub {
return $1
if ($_[0] =~ qr{http\-equiv="?Refresh"?}i
&& (($_[0]->{content} || '') =~ qr{URL=(.+)}i)[0]);
'style' => sub {
'[style]' => sub {
'urlset[xmlns^=]' => sub {
@{$_->find('url loc')->map(sub { $_->content })->to_array};
sub reduce_html_handlers {
my $handlers = $_[0];
my $contexts = ref $_[1] ? $_[1] : [$_[1]];
my $ret;
for my $sel (keys %$handlers) {
my $cb = $handlers->{$sel};
for my $cont (@$contexts) {
$ret->{($cont ? $cont . ' ' : '') . $sel} = sub {
return if ($_[0]->xml && _wrong_dom_detection($_[0]));
return $cb->($_[0]);
return $ret;
sub resolve_href {
my ($base, $href) = @_;
$href =~ s{^\s|\s$|\n}{}g;
$href = ref $href ? $href : Mojo::URL->new($href);
$base = ref $base ? $base : Mojo::URL->new($base);
my $abs = $href->fragment(undef)->to_abs($base);
my $path_parts = $abs->path->parts;
shift @{$path_parts} while (@$path_parts && $path_parts->[0] eq '..');
return $abs;
sub _guess_encoding_css {
return (shift =~ qr{^\s*\@charset ['"](.+?)['"];}is)[0];
sub _guess_encoding_html {
my $head = (shift =~ qr{<head>(.+)</head>}is)[0] or return;
my $charset;
sub {
$charset = (shift->{content} =~ $charset_re)[0];
return $charset;
sub _wrong_dom_detection {
my $dom = shift;
while ($dom = $dom->parent) {
return 1 if ($dom->tag && $dom->tag eq 'script');
use 5.010;
=head1 NAME
WWW::Crawler::Mojo::ScraperUtil - Scraper utitlities
This class inherits L<Mojo::UserAgent> and override start method for storing
user info
WWW::Crawler::Mojo::ScraperUtil implements following attributes.
=head1 METHODS
WWW::Crawler::Mojo::ScraperUtil implements following methods.
=head2 collect_urls_css
Collects URLs out of CSS.
@urls = collect_urls_css($dom);
=head2 decoded_body
Returns decoded response body for given L<Mojo::Message::Request> using
guess_encoding and encoder.
=head2 encoder
Generates L<Encode> instance for given name. Defaults to L<Encode::utf8>.
=head2 html_handler_presets
Returns common html handler in hash reference.
my $handlers = html_handlers();
=head2 reduce_html_handlers
Narrows html handler selectors by prefixing container CSS snippets.
my $handlers = html_handlers($handlers, ['#header', '#footer li']);
$handlers->{img} = sub {
my $dom = shift;
return $dom->{src};
my @urls;
for my $selector (sort keys %{$handlers}) {
$dom->find($selector)->each(sub {
push(@urls, $handlers->{$selector}->(shift));
=head2 resolve_href
Resolves URLs with a base URL.
WWW::Crawler::Mojo::resolve_href($base, $uri);
=head2 guess_encoding
Guesses encoding of HTML or CSS with given L<Mojo::Message::Response> instance.
$encode = WWW::Crawler::Mojo::guess_encoding($res) || 'utf-8'
=head1 AUTHOR
Keita Sugama, E<lt>sugama@jamadam.comE<gt>
Copyright (C) Keita Sugama.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.