Changes for version 0.03 - 2010-08-18

  • Correct PREREQ_PM list in Makefile.PL file.
  • Correct FTN::Database SUPPORT module references.
  • Enable use of 'croak' function from the Carp module in the
  • Use the full package names for the FTN::Database subroutines. FTN::Database::Nodelist module.
  • Derive and move the create_nodelist_table and drop_nodelist_table functions from ftndbadm and nl2ftndb to the FTN::Database::Nodelist module.
  • Derive and move the create_ftnnode_index and drop_ftnnode_index functions from ftndbadm and nl2ftndb to the FTN::Database::Nodelist module.


FTN SQL Database related operations for Fidonet/FTN related processing.
Fidonet/FTN Nodelist SQL Database operations.