Changes for version 0.11 - 2010-08-29

  • Correct the '-n' pod documentation in bin/listftndb.
  • Change name of SYNOPSIS section in modules to DESCRIPTION.
  • Removed extraneous character in lib/FTN/Database/
  • Move DESCRIPTION section in the bin/* scripts ahead of SYNOPSIS.
  • Change sql_stmt to sql_statement in lib/FTN/Database/
  • Create an EXAMPLES pod section in the Database and Nodelist modules.


Administration of an SQL database for Fidonet/FTN processing.
List information from an Fidonet/FTN SQL database
Load information to a Nodelist table in an Fidonet/FTN SQL database.


FTN SQL Database related operations for Fidonet/FTN related processing.
Fidonet/FTN Nodelist SQL Database operations.