nl2ftndb - Load information into a Nodelist table in an Fidonet/FTN SQL database.


Version 0.15


Initial load of a particular Fidonet/FTN St. Louis Format Nodelist into an SQL Database for Fidonet/FTN processing. The SQL Database engine is one for which a DBD module exists, defaulting to SQLite.


nl2ftndb -c config_file -n nodelist_directory [-t tablename] [-f nodelist_file] [-l log_file] [-d domain] [-e] [-v] [-x] [-z zonenum]

nl2ftndb [-h | --help]

nl2ftndb --version



This is the filename and path of a configuration file, with the default being ftnpldb.cfg in the current directory.


This would be the filename and path of a log file, with the default being ftnpldb.log in the current directory.


Verbose option.


Debug option.


The nodelist directory being used. This is required, so if it is not set the program will exit displaying a help message.


The nodelist file. If the -e option is also set, then this is an exact file name. If -e is not set, then this is the basename of the nodelist files.


If set, then the -f option must be exact file name. If not set, then the -f option is the basename of a nodelist file.


The nodelist table name to be used. Note that if there is a period in the name, that period will be changed to an underscore.


If defined; is the only zone to be loaded


If defined, this is the domain of the nodelist being loaded. Defaults to fidonet.


The Database section in the configuration file has the following keywords:


Database type. This needs to be a database type for which a DBD module exists, the type being the name as used in the DBD module. The default type is SQLite.


Database name. For an SQLite database; this needs to be at least the filename and can also include a path.


Database user. For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not needed for that type of database.


Database password. For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not needed for that type of database.

This is an example of the contents of an ftnpldb.cfg file:



Given that $NLDIR is the directory where the nodelist files can be found and that NODELIST is the base nodelist filename and that $CFGFILE is an existing configuration file, the following command line can be used to load an FTN nodelist from a set of nodelist files all with the same basename of NODELIST:

nl2ftndb -c $CFGFILE -n $NLDIR -f NODELIST -d fidonet -v

Given that $NLDIR is the directory where the nodelist files can be found and that $CFGFILE is an existing configuration file, the following command line can be used to load a specified zone of the specified domain from a specified nodelist:

nl2ftndb -c $CFGFILE -n $NLDIR -f nodelist.197 -d fidonet -z 1 -e -v


Robert James Clay, <jame at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ftn-database at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc nl2ftndb

You can also look for information at:


L<FTN::Database>, L<FTN::Database::Nodelist>, L<ftndbadm>,
L<ftndbadm>, and L<listftndb>


Copyright 2010 Robert James Clay, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.