ftndb-admin - Administration of an SQL database for Fidonet/FTN processing.
Version 0.30
Administration of a database for Fidonet/FTN related processing. The SQL database engine is one for which a DBD module exists, defaulting to SQLite.
ftndb-admin -c config_file [options] [-d databasename] create|drop database
ftndb-admin -c config_file [options] [-t tablename] create|drop table
ftndb-admin [-h | --help]
ftndb-admin --version
- -c
This is the filename and path of a configuration file, with the default being ftndb.cfg in the current directory.
- -x
Debug option.
- -v
Verbose option.
- -d
Name of the database being created or dropped.
- -t
The nodelist table name to be used. Note that if there is a period in the name, that period will be changed to an underscore.
- create database
This will create a database an SQL database server being used for Fidonet/FTN processing. If it already exists, it will drop it first, before going on to create it again.
- drop database
This will drop a database if it exists in an SQL database server being used for Fidonet/FTN processing.
- create table
This will create a nodelist table in an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN nodelist processing. If it already exists, it will drop it first before going on to create it again.
- drop table
This will drop a database table if it exists in an SQL database server being used for Fidonet/FTN processing.
Configuration information not provided by the command line options are obtained from a configuration file. That can be defined by setting the "-c" option, which is the path and file name of the configuration file to be used. If that is not defined, it looks for a file named ftndb.cfg in the current directory. The file contains configuration items listed outside of a named section as well as those listed within a named section, and blank lines and lines starting with a "#" are ignored.
The first items in the file are those outside of a named section:
- LogFile
This is the rquired filename and path of a log file.
The Database section in the configuration file has the following keywords:
- Type
Database type. This needs to be a database type for which a DBD module exists, the type being the name as used in the DBD module. The default type is SQLite.
- Name
Database name. For an SQLite database; this needs to be at least the filename and can also include a path.
- User
Database user. For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not needed for that type of a database.
- Password
Database password. For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not needed for that type of a database.
This is an example of the contents of an ftndb.cfg file:
# ftndb.cfg
Given that $CFGFILE is a configuration file, the following command line can be used to create an FTN Nodelist table in that database file:
ftndb-admin -c $CFGFILE -t Nodelist -v create table
Robert James Clay, <jame at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests via the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Note that you can also report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ftn-database at
, or through the web interface at; however, the FTN-Database Issue tracker is preferred.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc ftndb-admin
You can also look for information at:
FTN-Database issue tracker
RT: CPAN's request tracker
Search CPAN
L<FTN::Database>, L<FTN::Database::Nodelist>, and L<ftndb-nodelist>.
Copyright 2010-2012 Robert James Clay, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.