FTN::Database - FTN SQL Database related operations for Fidonet/FTN related processing.
Version 0.30
FTN::Database is Perl modules containing common database related operations for Fidonet/FTN related SQL Database processing plus associated scripts. The SQL database engine is one for which a DBD module exists, defaulting to SQLite.
The following functions are available in this module: create_ftn_database, open_ftn_database, close_ftn_database, drop_ftn_database, drop_ftn_table, create_ftn_index, and drop_ftn_index.
Syntax: create_ftn_database($db_handle, $database_name);
Create an SQL database for use for Fidonet/FTN processing, where $db_handle is an existing open database handle and $database_name is the name of the database being created.
Syntax: $db_handle = open_ftn_database(\%db_options);
Open a database for Fidonet/FTN processing, where $db_handle is the database handle being returned to the calling program and the referenced hash contains the following items:
- Type
The database type. This needs to be a database type for which a DBD module exists, the type being the name as used in the DBD module. The default type to be used is SQLite.
- Name
The name of the database to be opened. If the Type is SQLite, this is a filename and path to the database file.
- User
The database user, which should already have the neccesary priviledges.
- Password
The database password for the database user.
Syntax: close_ftn_database($db_handle);
Closing an FTN database, where $db_handle is an existing open database handle.
Syntax: drop_ftn_database($db_handle, $database_name);
Drop an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN processing if it exists, where $db_handle is an existing open database handle and $database_name is the name of the database being dropped.
Syntax: drop_ftn_table($db_handle, $table_name);
Drop an FTN table from an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN processing if it exists, where $db_handle is an existing open database handle and $table_name is the name of the table to be dropped.
Syntax: create_ftn_index($db_handle, $table_name, $index_name, $indexed_fields);
Create an index named $index_name on table $table_name in an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN processing; where $db_handle is an existing open database handle, the $table_name is the name of the table that is being indexed, and $index_name is the name of the index itself. The index is created on the fields listed in $indexed_fields, with the field names separated by commas.
Syntax: drop_ftn_index($db_handle,$index_name);
Drop an index from an FTN table in an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN processing if it exists, where $db_handle is an existing open database handle, and $index_name is the name of the index to be dropped.
An example of opening an FTN database, then closing it:
use FTN::Database;
my $db_handle = open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
An example of creating a database for FTN related processing, using a mysql database:
use FTN::Database;
my $database_name = "ftndbtst";
my $db_option = {
Type = "mysql",
Name = "mysql",
User = $db_user,
Password = $db_password,
my $db_handle = open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
create_ftn_database($db_handle, $database_name);
An example of dropping a database being used for FTN related processing, using a mysql database:
use FTN::Database;
my $database_name = "ftndbtst";
my $db_option = {
Type = "mysql",
Name = "mysql",
User = $db_user,
Password = $db_password,
my $db_handle = open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
drop_ftn_database($db_handle, $database_name);
Robert James Clay, <jame at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests via the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Note that you can also report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ftn-database at
, or through the web interface at; however, the FTN-Database Issue tracker is preferred.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc FTN::Database
You can also look for information at:
FTN-Database issue tracker
RT: CPAN's request tracker
Search CPAN
Note that the version number in scripts matches up to the oldest version of the modules that they will run with. The version in FTN::Database is always the primary version, while the version of the submodules matches up to the version at which they were last changed.
L<DBI>, L<FTN::Database::Nodelist>, L<ftndb-admin>,
and L<ftndb-nodelist>
Copyright 2010-2012 Robert James Clay, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.