FTN::Database::Forum - Fidonet/FTN Message Forum SQL Database operations.


Version 0.40


FTN::Database::Forum is a Perl module containing common forum (message conference) related functions for Fidonet/FTN Forum related processing on a Forum table in an SQL Database, including one that defines the fields for such a Forum table. The SQL database engine is one for which a DBD module exists, defaulting to SQLite.


The following functions are available in this module: define_forum_table(), define_areasbbs_table(), ftnmsg_index_fields(), and ftnareas_index_fields().



Syntax: $fields = define_forum_table();

This function returns a string that contains the SQL which defines a message conference/forum table for use in an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN processing,

Except for the id field, which is defined in the create_ftn_table subroutine itself, the defined fields are as follows:


The ftscdate field is used to contain a string indicating the date of the FTN message. It can contain up to 20 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The datetime field is used to contain date and time that the FTN message was added to the forum table.


The fromnode field is used to contain the FTN node number that the message is from. It can contain up to 72 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The tonode field is used to contain the FTN node number that the message is to. It can contain up to 72 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The fromame field is used to contain the name of whom the FTN message is from. It can contain up to 36 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The toname field is used to contain the name of whom the FTN message is to. It can contain up to 36 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The subject field is used to contain the subject for the FTN message. It can contain up to 72 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The attrib field is used to contain the set of attribues from the FTN message. Defaults to none of them being set. Defaults to being defined as an integer.


The msgid field is used to contain the FTN message ID. Defaults to an empty string.


The replyid field is used to contain the FTN message reply ID. Defaults to an empty string.


The required body field is used to contain the body of the FTN messages and defaults to an empty string.


The ctrlinfo field is used to contain the FTN control information for the message being stored in the table. Defaults to an empty string.


Syntax: $fields = define_areasbbs_table();

This function returns a string that contains the SQL which defines an areasbbs table for use in an SQL database being used for Fidonet/FTN to track message/forum or file echo processing.

Except for the id field, which is defined in the create_ftn_table subroutine itself, the defined fields are as follows:


The areaname field is used to contain a string indicating the distribution name of the FTN message or file area. It can contain up to 32 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The bbsname field is used to contain a string indicating the name of the FTN message or file area as it is referenced in the database. It can contain up to 32 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The description field is used to contain the description of the message or file area. It can contain up to 32 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The prinode field is used to contain the primary FTN node number for the system that the area is on. It can contain up to 72 characters and defaults to an empty string.

The uplink field is used to contain the FTN node number that the system obtains the area from. It can contain up to 72 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The domain field is used to contain the name of FTN domain in which the area is distributed. It can contain up to 8 characters and defaults to an empty string.


The maxmsgss field is used to indicate the maximum number of messages that should be kept in this message/forum area. Defaults to the number zero.


The maxdays field is used to indicate the maximum number of days that messages should be kept for in this message/forum area. Defaults to the number zero.


The type field is used to indicate what type of FTN message/forum area this is. Can be an L, for local; an N, for netmail, or an L, for local. Defaults to an L. (Message/Forum areas only.)


Syntax: $fields = ftnmsg_index_fields();

This is a function that returns a string containing a comma separated list of the fields that are intended for use in creating the ftnmsg database index. The index contains the following fields: msgid and replyid.


Syntax: $fields = ftnareas_index_fields();

This is a function that returns a string containing a comma separated list of the fields that are intended for use in creating the ftnareas database index. The index contains the following fields: areaname and bbsname.


An example of opening an FTN database, then creating a forum table, loading data to it, then creating an index on it, and then closing the database connection:

use FTN::Database;
use FTN::Database::Forum;

my $db_handle = open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
$fields = define_forum_table();
create_ftn_table($db_handle, $table_name, $fields);
...   (Load data to forum table)
ftnmsg_index_tables($db_handle, $table_name);


Robert James Clay, <jame at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests via the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

Note that you can also report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ftn-database at, or through the web interface at; however, the FTN-Database Issue tracker at the SourceForge project is preferred.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc FTN::Database::Forum

You can also look for information at:


The message/forum and areasbbs table definitions were originally derived from the bbsdbpl scripts and available at the FTN Perl project at SourceForge:


L<FTN::Database>, L<FTN::Database::ToDo>


Copyright 2001-2004,2013 Robert James Clay, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.