use strict;
use vars qw/ $opt_c $opt_n $opt_f $opt_e $opt_d $opt_o $opt_h $opt_t $opt_v $opt_x $opt_z /;
use FTN::Database qw(&open_ftn_database &close_ftn_database &create_ftn_index &drop_ftn_index);
use FTN::Log qw(&logging);
=head1 NAME
ftndb-nodelist - Fidonet/FTN Nodelist related processing using an SQL Database.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.35
our $VERSION = '0.35';
This script both provides an example of using the FTN::Database and
FTNDB::Nodelist modules as well as providing some basic
functionality related to using an SQL Database for Fidonet/FTN related
processing. The SQL Database engine is one for which a DBD module exists,
defaulting to SQLite.
C<ftndb-nodelist [-c config_file] [-t tablename] [-f nodelist_file] [-d domain] [-n net] [-z zone] [-e] [-v] [-x] load>
C<ftndb-nodelist [-c config_file] [-t tablename] [-n net] [-z zone] [-o outfile] [-v] [-x] list>
C<ftndb-nodelist [-h | --help]>
C<ftndb-nodelist --version>
if ($opt_h) {
HELP_MESSAGE(*STDOUT); #printing usage/help message
exit 0;
my (
$nodelist_directory, $nodelist_file, $db_handle, $sql_statement, $domain, $type,
$number, $name, $location, $log_file, $command, $zone_number, $net_number,
$sysop, $phone, $bps, $flags, $table_name, $list_file, $config_file
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -c
This is the filename and path of a configuration file, with the
default being ftndb.cfg in the current directory.
if ($opt_c) {
$config_file = $opt_c;
undef $opt_c;
else {
my $config_dir = File::Spec->curdir();
$config_file = File::Spec->join($config_dir, 'ftndb.cfg');
# Get configuration from file
my $ftndb_config = Config::Tiny->new();
$ftndb_config = Config::Tiny->read($config_file)
or die "Could not open configuration file: $config_file";
# Get the definition of the log file
$log_file = $ftndb_config->{_}->{LogFile};
my $log_id = 'nl2db';
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Starting ftndb-nodelist... ');
=item -v
Verbose option.
if ($opt_v) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Verbose flag is set');
=item -x
Debug option.
if ($opt_x) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Debug flag is set');
my %db_option = ();
# Get the definition of the database type
$db_option{'Type'} = $ftndb_config->{Database}->{Type};
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, "Database type being used is $db_option{'Type'}") };
# Get the definition of the database name
$db_option{'Name'} = $ftndb_config->{Database}->{Name};
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, "Database name being used is $db_option{'Name'}") };
# Get the definition of the database user
if ($db_option{'Type'} eq 'SQLite') {
$db_option{'User'} = q{};
} else {
$db_option{'User'} = $ftndb_config->{Database}->{User};
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, "Database user being used is $db_option{'User'}") };
# Get the definition of the database password
if ($db_option{'Type'} eq 'SQLite') {
$db_option{'Password'} = q{};
} else {
$db_option{'Password'} = $ftndb_config->{Database}->{Password};
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, "Database password being used is $db_option{'Password'}") };
=item -f
The nodelist file.
If the -e option is also set, then this is an exact file name. If -e is
not set, then this is the basename of the nodelist files. If -f is not
set, then when needed it defaults to "nodelist".
=item -e
If set, then the -f option must be exact file name. If not set, then
the -f option is the basename of a nodelist file.
=item -t
The nodelist table name to be used.
Note that if there is a period in the name, that period will be changed
to an underscore.
if ($opt_t) {
if ( $opt_t =~ /\./ ) { # period in proposed table name?
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'sqlite does not allow periods in table names.');
$opt_t =~ tr/\./_/; # change period to underscore
$table_name = $opt_t; #
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Changed table name to $table_name.");
else { # no period in name
$table_name = $opt_t; # just assign to variable
else {
$table_name = 'Nodelist'; # default table name
=item -n
If set, it is the FTN Net number being operated on.
if ($opt_n) {
$net_number = $opt_n;
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Defined Net: $net_number");
undef $opt_n;
=item -z
If defined; is the only zone being operated on.
if ($opt_z) {
$zone_number = $opt_z;
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Defined Zone: $zone_number");
undef $opt_z;
=item -d
If defined, this is the domain of the nodelist being loaded. Defaults
to fidonet.
if ($opt_d) {
$domain = $opt_d;
else {
$domain = 'fidonet';
if ($opt_v) { # log domain name
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Domain: '$domain'");
if ($opt_x) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Debug mode is set');
=item -o
Output file.
This needs to be at least the filename and can also include a path.
if ($opt_o) {
$list_file = $opt_o;
undef $opt_o;
=item load
This will load an FTN Nodelist database table in an SQL database
server being used for Fidonet/FTN processing.
=item list
This will list information from an FTN Nodelist database table in
an SQL database server being used for Fidonet/FTN processing, by
a specified zone and/or net number.
# Parse commands
# if a command is found, then execute & exit
# if not; display error message, then help message, then exit
$command = shift;
if (lc($command) eq 'create') {
$command = shift;
if (lc($command) eq 'table') {
# Create an FTN nodelist table
} else {
print {*STDERR} "Unrecognized parameter for \'create\' command.\n";
exit 1;
} # End parsing of 'create' command
} elsif (lc($command) eq 'load') {
} elsif (lc($command) eq 'list') {
} else {
print {*STDERR} "Unrecognized command.\n";
exit 1;
} # End of command parsing.
exit 0;
# Subroutines
# Display of help message
my $fh = shift;
print {$fh} "\n\tSynopsis:\n";
print {$fh} "ftndb-nodelist [-c config_file] [options] load\n";
print {$fh} "ftndb-nodelist [-c config_file] [options] list\n";
print {$fh} "ftndb-nodelist -h | --help\t= Display this help message.\n";
print {$fh} "ftndb-nodelist --version\t= Display version message\n";
print {$fh} "\tOptions.\n";
print {$fh} "[-c config_file]\t= Name and path for configuration file.\n";
print {$fh} "[-t tablename]\t\t= Nodelist table name; defaults to 'Nodelist'.\n";
print {$fh} "[-f nodelist_file]\t= Nodelist filename, defaults to 'nodelist'.\n";
print {$fh} "[-d domain]\t\t= Nodelist domain; defaults to 'fidonet'.\n";
print {$fh} "[-n net_number]\t= If only, the only net to be operated on.\n";
print {$fh} "[-z zone_number]\t= If only, the only zone to be operated on.\n";
print {$fh} "[-o outfile]\t\t= Output file and path.\n";
print {$fh} "[-e]\t\t\t= If present, then nodelist_file is an exact filename\n";
print {$fh} "[-v]\t\t\t= Verbose Mode\n";
print {$fh} "[-x]\t\t\t= Debug Mode\n";
# Create an FTN Nodelist table
sub create_ftn_nodelist_table {
# connect to database
$db_handle = FTN::Database::open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
# drop the old nodelist table index, if it exists.
FTN::Database::drop_ftn_index($db_handle, 'ftnnode');
# drop the old nodelist table, if it exists.
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Dropping existing nodelist table $table_name if it already exists.");
FTN::Database::drop_ftn_table($db_handle, $table_name);
# Create nodelist table
FTNDB::Nodelist::create_nodelist_table($db_handle, $table_name, $db_option{'Type'});
# Creating Index
my $index_name = 'ftnnode';
my $index_fields = 'zone,net,node,point,domain';
FTN::Database::create_ftn_index($db_handle, $table_name, $index_name, $index_fields);
# disconnect from database
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Table $table_name created.");
# Load an FTN Nodelist table in an FTN database
sub load_ftn_nodelist {
use constant EIGHT => 8;
# set defaults
my $zone = 1;
my $net = 0;
my $node = 0;
my $point = 0;
my $region = 0;
$nodelist_directory = $ftndb_config->{Nodelist}->{Directory};
if ($opt_f) {
if ($opt_e) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Using exact file name $opt_f.");
$nodelist_file = $opt_f;
} else {
$nodelist_file = get_nodelist_filename($opt_f);
} else {
$nodelist_file = get_nodelist_filename('nodelist');
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Nodelist directory: '$nodelist_directory'");
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Nodelist file: '$nodelist_file'");
open NODELIST, "$nodelist_directory/$nodelist_file"
or die logging($log_file, $log_id, "Cannot open $nodelist_directory/$nodelist_file");
# connect to database
$db_handle = FTN::Database::open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
if ($opt_v) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Deleteing old entries for '$domain'");
# remove any and all entries where domain = $domain when doing an insert to the table
FTNDB::Nodelist::remove_ftn_domain($db_handle, $table_name, $domain);
# drop the old nodelist table index 'ftnnode', if it exists.
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Dropping existing nodelist table index ftnnode if it already exists.');
FTN::Database::drop_ftn_index($db_handle, 'ftnnode');
if ($opt_v) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Loading database from nodelist $nodelist_file");
# Build SQL Statement for Prepare
$sql_statement = "INSERT INTO $table_name ";
$sql_statement .= '(type,zone,net,node,point,region,name,';
$sql_statement .= 'location,sysop,phone,baud,flags,domain,source) ';
$sql_statement .= 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
my $insert_handle = $db_handle->prepare($sql_statement);
while (<NODELIST>) {
if ( /^;/ || /^\cZ/ ) {
# print;
( $type, $number, $name, $location, $sysop, $phone, $bps, $flags ) =
split /,/, $_, EIGHT ;
# if $flags is undefined (i.e., nothing after the baud rate)
if ( !defined $flags ) {
$flags = q{ };
else {
$flags =~ s/\r?\n$//; # else remove EOL (removes \r\n or \n but not \r) from $flags
if ( $type eq 'Zone' ) { # Zone line
$zone = $number;
$net = $number;
$node = 0;
} #
elsif ( $type eq 'Region' ) { # Region line
$region = $number;
$net = $number;
$node = 0;
elsif ( $type eq 'Host' ) { # Host line
$net = $number;
$node = 0;
else {
$node = $number;
# display where in the nodelist we are if debug flag is set
if ($opt_x) {
print "$type,";
printf "%-16s", "$zone:$net/$node";
print "$sysop\n";
# If zone_number is defined, then go to the next line if the zone
# number is not the same as zone_number
if (defined $zone_number) {
if ($zone != $zone_number) {
# Execute the insert SQL statment
$insert_handle->execute($type, $zone, $net, $node, $point, $region,
$name, $location, $sysop, $phone, $bps, $flags, $domain, $nodelist_file)
or die logging($log_file, $log_id, $DBI::errstr);
undef $insert_handle;
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Create ftnnode index'); }
# Recreate ftnnode Index
my $index_name = 'ftnnode';
my $index_fields = 'zone,net,node,point,domain';
FTN::Database::create_ftn_index($db_handle, $table_name, $index_name, $index_fields);
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Closing database'); }
# disconnect from database
logging($log_file, $log_id, 'Nodelist table loaded... ');
# List information from FTN nodelist
sub list_ftn_nodelist {
if (!defined $list_file) {
print "The output file option, -o, was not defined.\n";
exit 1;
# connect to database
my $db_handle = FTN::Database::open_ftn_database(\%db_option);
# build Select query sql statement
my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE zone = $zone_number and net = $net_number ";
$sql_statement .= 'ORDER by node ASC';
# execute query
my $query_handle = $db_handle->prepare($sql_statement);
$query_handle->bind_columns(\my($id, $type, $zone, $net, $node, $point, $region,
$name, $location, $sysop, $phone, $baud, $flags, $domain, $ftnyear, $yearday, $source, $updated));
open(ListFile, ">$list_file") or die "Cannot open $list_file\n";
while($query_handle->fetch()) {
write ListFile;
close ListFile;
# finish query
undef $query_handle;
# disconnect from database
return ();
format ListFile_TOP =
Zone @<<<< Net @<<<<
$zone_number, $net_number
format ListFile =
Node: @<<<<
Name: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Sysop: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Location: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Phone: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Baud: @<<<<<
$phone, $baud
Flags: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# get nodelist filename, given path & base name
sub get_nodelist_filename {
# Find the most recent version (by day number) when given a base name & dir
# of the nodelist; once this is implemented, this will be the default.
# Note that if there is more than one file with the same base name, it will
# use the first one found.
use constant MinusOne => -1;
my ($basename) = @_;
my ( $i, @files );
if ($opt_v) { logging($log_file, $log_id, "Searching for $basename files.") }
opendir DIR, $nodelist_directory;
@files = reverse sort (grep( /$basename\.[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/i, readdir(DIR) ));
closedir DIR;
if ( $#files == MinusOne ) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Nodelist files $basename not found");
print "\nNodelist files $basename not found.\n";
exit 0;
else {
if ($opt_v) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @files ; $i++ ) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "Nodelist file $i found: $files[$i]");
if ( $#files > 1 ) {
logging($log_file, $log_id, "More than one '$basename' found, using first.");
return ( $files[0] ); # return filename
# Display Version message
my $fh = shift;
print {$fh} "ftndb-nodelist version $VERSION\n";
Configuration information not provided by the command line options are
obtained from a configuration file. That can be defined by setting the
"-c" option, which is the path and file name of the configuration file
to be used. If that is not defined, it looks for a file named ftndb.cfg
in the current directory. The file contains configuration items listed
outside of a named section as well as those listed within a named section,
and blank lines and lines starting with a "#" are ignored.
The first items in the file are those outside of a named section:
=over 4
=item LogFile
This is the required filename and path of a log file.
The B<Database> section in the configuration file has the following
=over 4
=item Type
Database type.
This needs to be a database type for which a DBD module exists, the type
being the name as used in the DBD module. The default type is SQLite.
=item Name
Database name.
For an SQLite database; this needs to be at least the filename and can
also include a path.
=item User
Database user.
For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not
needed for that type of database.
=item Password
Database password.
For an SQLite database, this defaults to an empty string as it is not
needed for that type of database.
The B<Nodelist> section in the configuration file has the following
=over 4
=item Directory
The directory where the FTN Nodelist files are located.
This is an example of the contents of an ftndb.cfg file for use with
FTN Nodelist related processing:
# ftndb.cfg
Given that $CFGFILE is a configuration file, the following command line can be
used to create an FTN Nodelist table in that database file:
C<ftndb-nodelist -c $CFGFILE -t Nodelist -v create table>
Given that NODELIST is the base nodelist filename and that $CFGFILE is an
existing configuration file, the following command line can be used to
load an FTN nodelist from a set of nodelist files all with the same
basename of NODELIST:
C<ftndb-nodelist -c $CFGFILE -f NODELIST -d fidonet -v load>
Given that $CFGFILE is an existing configuration file, the
following command line can be used to load a specified zone of the
specified domain from a specified nodelist:
C<ftndb-nodelist -c $CFGFILE -f nodelist.197 -d fidonet -z 1 -e -v load>
=head1 AUTHOR
Robert James Clay, C<< <jame at rocasa.us> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests via the web interface at
and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug
as I make changes.
Note that you can also report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-ftndb at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
however, the FTN Database application issue tracker at the
SourceForge project is preferred.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc ftndb-nodelist
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * FTN Database application issue tracker
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * Search CPAN
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<FTN::Database>, L<FTNDB::Nodelist>, and L<ftndb-admin>.
Copyright 2010-2012 Robert James Clay, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.