SMS::MessageBird::API - Provides API integration base for SMS::MessageBird.
Version 0.02
new (contructor)
In: %params - Various parameters for the API interface.
Creates a new instance of SMS::MessageBird.
Parmeters are passed to the contructor as a hash. Required / acceptable keys are as follows:
- api_key
Required. The MessageBird account API key used for authentication with MessageBird's API.
- originator
As per the MessageBird documentation, all sending functionality requires an originator. This can be set once on the SMS::MessageBird object and passed to all the module methods. This can be set later using the originator() mutator.
- api_url
If for some reason you need to use some form of local HTTP proxy / forwarder this parameter can be used to specifiy the alternate address. If it is omittied the default is MessageBird's URL
In: $originator (optional) - New originator to set.
Out: The currently set originator.
Mutator for the originator parameter. This parameter is the displayed "From" in the SMS. It can be a phone number (including country code) or an alphanumeric string of up to 11 characters.
This can be set for the lifetime of the object and used for all messages sent using the instance or passed individually to each call.
You can pass the originator param to the constructor rather than use this mutator, but it's here in case you want to send 2 batches of SMS from differing originiators using the same object.
In: $api_url (optional) - New api_url to set.
Out: The currently set api_url.
Mutator for the api_ul parameter. Should some form of network relay be required this can be used to override the default
James Ronan, <james at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-sms-messagebird at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Alternatively you can raise an issue on the source code which is available on GitHub.
Copyright 2016 James Ronan.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.