Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader::XMLToPerlData - XMLReader to turn xlsx XML to perl hashes


	#!/usr/bin/env perl
	use Data::Dumper;
	use	MooseX::ShortCut::BuildInstance qw( build_instance );
	use	Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader;
	use	Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::Error;
	use	Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader::XMLToPerlData;
	my  $test_file = 'xl/sharedStrings.xml';
	my  $test_instance = build_instance(
			package => 'TestIntance',
			superclasses =>[ 'Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader', ],
			add_roles_in_sequence =>[ 'Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader::XMLToPerlData', ],
			file	=> $test_file,
			error_inst	=> Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::Error->new,
	map{ $test_instance->next_element( 'si' ) }( 0..15 );# Go somewhere interesting
	print Dumper( $test_instance->parse_element ) . "\n";

	# SYNOPSIS Screen Output
	# 01: $VAR1 = {
	# 02:           'list' => [
	# 03:                       {
	# 04:                         't' => {
	# 05:                                'raw_text' => 'He'
	# 06:                              }
	# 07:                       },
	# 08:                       {
	# 09:                         'rPr' => {
	# 10:                                  'color' => {
	# 11:                                             'rgb' => 'FFFF0000'
	# 12:                                           },
	# 13:                                  'sz' => '11',
	# 14:                                  'b' => 1,
	# 15:                                  'scheme' => 'minor',
	# 16:                                  'rFont' => 'Calibri',
	# 17:                                  'family' => '2'
	# 18:                                },
	# 19:                         't' => {
	# 20:                                'raw_text' => 'llo '
	# 21:                              }
	# 22:                       },
	# 23:                       {
	# 24:                         'rPr' => {
	# 25:                                  'color' => {
	# 26:                                             'rgb' => 'FF0070C0'
	# 27:                                           },
	# 28:                                  'sz' => '20',
	# 29:                                  'b' => 1,
	# 30:                                  'scheme' => 'minor',
	# 31:                                  'rFont' => 'Calibri',
	# 32:                                  'family' => '2'
	# 33:                                },
	# 34:                         't' => {
	# 35:                                'raw_text' => 'World'
	# 36:                              }
	# 37:                       }
	# 38:                     ]
	# 39:         };


This documentation is written to explain ways to use this module when writing your own excel parser. To use the general package for excel parsing out of the box please review the documentation for Workbooks, Worksheets, and Cells

This package is used convert xml to deep perl data structures. As a note deep perl xml and data structures are not one for one compatible to xml. However, there is a subset of xml that reasonably translates to deep perl structures. For this implementation node names are treated as hash keys unless there are multiple subnodes within a node that have the same name. In this case the subnode name is stripped and each node is added as a subref in an arrary ref. The overall arrayref is attached to the key list. Attributes are also treated as hash keys at the same level as the sub nodes. Text nodes (or raw text between tags) is treated as having the key 'raw_text'.

This reader assumes that it is a role added to a class built on Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader it expects to get the methods provided by that type of file reader to use to traverse the node. As a consequence it doesn't accept an xml object since it expects the overall file to be read serially.

Required Methods











These are the methods provided by this module.

parse_element( $level )

    Definition: This returns a deep perl data structure that represents the full xml down as many levels as indicated by $level (positive is deeper) or to the bottom for no passed value. When this method is done the xml reader will be left at the begining of the next level or up xml node.

    Accepts: $level ( a positive integer )

    Returns: ($success, $data_ref ) This method returns a list with the first element being success or failure and the second element being the data ref corresponding to the xml being parsed by Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader.



    1. Nothing yet


Jed Lund


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

This software is copyrighted (c) 2014, 2015 by Jed Lund