Apache::OutputChain - chain stacked PERL handlers


Inherit from this module to put a new one into the chain.


This module allows chaining perl handlers in Apache, which enables to make filter modules that take output from previous handlers, make some modifications, and pass the output to the next handler.

I will try to explain how this module works, because I hope you could help me to make it better and mature.

When the handler function is called, it checks if it gets a reference to a class. If this is true, the this function was called from some other handler that wants to be put into the chain. If not, it's probably an initialization (first call) of this package and we will supply name of this package.

Now we check, where is STDOUT tied. If it is Apache, we are the first one trying to be put into the chain. If it is not, there is somebody in the chain already. We call tie on the STDOUT, steal it from anybody who had it before -- either Apache or the other class.

When later anybody prints into STDOUT, it will call function PRINT of the first class in the chain (the last one that registered). If there is not other class behind, the print method of Apache will be called. If this is not the last user defined handler in the chain, we will call PRINT method of the next class.


(c) 1997 Jan Pazdziora,

at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno