=head1 NAME
XBase::Base - Base input output module for XBase suite
Used indirectly, via XBase or XBase::Memo.
This module provides catch-all I/O methods for other XBase classes,
should be used by people creating additional XBase classes/methods.
The methods return nothing (undef) or error and the error message can
be retrieved using the B<errstr> method. If the $XBase::Base::DEBUG
variable is true, they also print the message on stderr, so the
caller doesn't need to do this, just die or ignore the problem.
Methods are:
=over 4
=item new
Constructor. Creates the object and if the file name is specified,
opens the file.
=item open
Opens the file and using method read_header reads the header and sets
the object's data structure. The read_header should be defined in the
derived class, there is no default.
=item close
Closes the file, doesn't destroy the object.
=item get_record_offset
The argument is the number of the record, if returns the number
$header_len + $number * $record_len
using values from the object. Please note, that I use the term record
here, even if in memo files the name block and in indexes page is more
common. It's because I tried to unify the methods. Maybe it's
a nonsense and we will drop this idea in the next version ;-)
=item seek_to_record
Seeks to record of given number.
=item seek_to
Seeks to given position. It undefs the tell value in the object, since
it assumes the users that will do print afterwards would not update it.
=item read_record
Reads specified record from get_record_offset position. You can give
second parameter saying length (in bytes) you want to read. The
default is record_len. If the required length is -1, it will read
record_len but will not complain if the file is shorter. Whis is nice
on the end of memo file.
The method caches last record read. Also, when key unpack_template
is specified in the object, it unpacks the string read and returns
list of resulting values.
=item write_record, write_to
Writes data to specified record position or to the absolute position
in the file.
=head1 VERSION
=head1 AUTHOR
(c) Jan Pazdziora, adelton@fi.muni.cz
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), XBase(3)
package XBase::Base;
use strict;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( DEBUG FIXPROBLEMS Error Warning NullError );
@EXPORT_OK = qw( DEBUG FIXPROBLEMS Error Warning NullError );
# ##############
# General things
$VERSION = "0.034";
# Sets the debug level
$DEBUG = 0;
sub DEBUG () { $DEBUG };
# FIXPROBLEMS can be set to make XBase to try to work with (read)
# even partially dameged file. Such actions are logged via Warning
# Holds the text of the error, if there was one
$errstr = '';
sub errstr () { $errstr }
# Issues warning to STDERR if there is debug level set, but does Error
sub Warning (@)
if (not FIXPROBLEMS) { Error(@_); return; }
shift if ref $_[0];
print STDERR "Warning: ", @_ if DEBUG;
# Prints error on STDERR if there is debug level set and sets $errstr
sub Error (@)
shift if ref $_[0];
print STDERR @_ if DEBUG;
$errstr .= join '', @_;
# Nulls the $errstr, should be used in methods called from the mail
# program
sub NullError () { $errstr = ''; }
# Contructor. If it is passed a name of the file, it opens it and
# calls method read_header to load the internal data structures
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $new = {};
bless $new, $class;
if (@_) { $new->open(shift) and return $new; return; }
return $new;
# Open the file. This is the second chance when filename can be
# specified. It uses the read_header to load the header data
sub open
my $self = shift;
if (@_ and not defined $self->{'filename'})
{ $self->{'filename'} = shift; }
return 1 if defined $self->{'opened'};
# won't open if already opened
my $fh = new IO::File;
my ($filename, $writable, $mode) = ($self->{'filename'}, 0, 'r');
($writable, $mode) = (1, 'r+') if -w $filename;
# decide if we want r or r/w access
$fh->open($filename, $mode) or do
{ Error "Error opening file $filename: $!\n"; return; };
# open the file
my $perms = (stat($filename))[2] & 0777;
@{$self}{ qw( opened fh writable perms ) }
= ( 1, $fh, $writable, $perms );
unless ($self->can('read_header'))
{ Error "Method read_header not defined for $self\n"; return; }
unless ($self->read_header()) # read_header should be
{ return; } # defined in the derived class
# Closes the file
sub close
my $self = shift;
if (not defined $self->{'opened'})
{ Error "Can't close file that is not opened\n"; return; }
delete @{$self}{'opened', 'fh'};
# Drop (unlink) the file
sub drop
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self;
if (ref $self)
$filename = $self->{'filename'};
$self->close() if ($self->{'opened'});
unlink $filename or
do { Error "Error unlinking file $filename: $!\n"; return; };
# Create new file
sub create_file
my $self = shift;
my ($name, $perms) = @_;
if (not defined $name)
Error "Name has to be specified when creating new table\n";
if (-f $name)
Error "File '$name' already exists\n";
my $fh = new IO::File;
$fh->open($name, "w+", $perms) and do
@{$self}{ qw( fh filename perms writable opened ) }
= ( $fh, $name, $perms, 1, 1 );
return $self;
# Computes the correct offset, asumes that header_len and record_len
# are defined in the object, probably set up by the read_header.
# Assumes that the file has got header and then records, numbered from
# zero
sub get_record_offset
my $self = shift;
my ($header_len, $record_len) = @{$self}{ qw( header_len record_len ) };
unless (defined $header_len and defined $record_len)
Error "Header and record lengths not known in get_record_offset\n";
my $num = shift;
unless (defined $num)
Error "Number of the record must be specified in get_record_offset\n";
return $header_len + $num * $record_len;
# Will get ready to write record of specified number
sub seek_to_record
my ($self, $num) = @_;
my $offset = $self->get_record_offset($num);
return unless defined $offset;
# Will get ready to write at given position
sub seek_to
my ($self, $offset) = @_;
return 1 if defined $self->{'tell'} and $self->{'tell'} == $offset;
my $filename = $self->{'filename'};
# the file should really be opened and writable
if (not defined $self->{'opened'})
{ Error "The file $filename is not opened\n"; return; }
if (not $self->{'writable'})
{ Error "The file $filename is not writable\n"; return; }
delete $self->{'tell'}; # we cancel the tell position
$self->{'fh'}->seek($offset, 0) # seek to the offset
or do { Error "Error seeking to offset $offset on $filename: $!\n";
# Read the record of given number. Cache last record read; when
# defined unpack_template, unpack into list. Of course, any class may
# redefine it, if this behaviour is not suitable
sub read_record
my ($self, $num, $in_length) = @_;
if (not defined $num)
{ Error "Record number to read must be specified\n"; return; }
if ($num > $self->last_record())
{ Error "Can't read record $num, there is not so many of them\n"; return; }
if (defined $self->{'cached_num'} and $num == $self->{'cached_num'})
my $data = $self->{'cached_data'};
if (ref $data) { return @$data; }
return $data;
my $tell = $self->{'tell'};
$self->seek_to_record($num) or return;
my ($fh, $record_len) = @{$self}{ qw( fh record_len ) };
my $buffer;
my $length = $record_len if ((not defined $in_length) or $in_length == -1);
my $readlen = $fh->read($buffer, $length);
if ((not defined $in_length or $in_length != -1) and $readlen != $length)
Warning "Error reading the whole record num $num\n";
return unless FIXPROBLEMS;
$self->{'tell'} = (defined $tell) ? $tell + $length : $fh->tell();
$self->{'cached_num'} = $num;
if (defined $self->{'unpack_template'})
my @data = unpack $self->{'unpack_template'}, $buffer;
$self->{'cached_data'} = [ @data ];
return @data;
$self->{'cached_data'} = $buffer;
return $buffer;
# Write the record of given number
sub write_record
my ($self, $num) = (shift, shift);
if (not defined $num)
{ Error "Record number to write must be specified\n"; return; }
if (defined $self->{'cached_num'} and $num == $self->{'cached_num'})
{ delete $self->{'cached_num'}; }
$self->seek_to_record($num) or return;
delete $self->{'tell'};
local ($,, $\) = ("", "");
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
$fh->print(@_) or
do { Error "Error writing record $num: $!\n"; return; } ;
( $num == 0 ) ? "0E0" : $num;
# Write to offset
sub write_to
my ($self, $offset) = (shift, shift);
$self->seek_to($offset) or return;
delete $self->{'tell'};
local ($,, $\) = ("", "");
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
$fh->print(@_) or
do { Error "Error writing at offset $offset: $!\n"; return; } ;
( $offset == 0 ) ? "0E0" : $offset;