XBase - Perl module for reading and writing the dbf files
use XBase;
my $table = new XBase "dbase.dbf" or die XBase->errstr;
for (0 .. $table->last_record)
my ($deleted, $id, $msg)
= $table->get_record($_, "ID", "MSG");
print "$id:\t$msg\n" unless $deleted;
This module can read and write XBase database files, known as dbf in dBase and FoxPro world. It also reads memo fields from the dbt and fpt files, if needed. Module XBase provides simple native interface to XBase files. For DBI compliant database access, check the DBD::XBase and DBI modules.
Warning for now: XBase doesn't support any index files at present! That means if you change your dbf, your ndx/mdx (if you have any) will not match. You will need to regenerate them using other tools -- probably those that later make use of them. If you do not have any indexes, do not worry about them.
The following methods are supported by XBase module:
General methods
- new
Creates the XBase object, loads the info form the dbf file. The first parameter should be the name of existing dbf file (table, in fact) to read. A suffix .dbf will be appended if needed. This method creates and initializes new object, will also check for memo file, if needed.
The parameters can also be specified in the form of hash: values for name is then the name of the table, other flags supported are memofile to specify non standard name for the associated memo file and ignorememo to ignore memo file at all. The second is usefull if you've lost the dbt file somewhere and you do not need it.
- close
Closes the object/file.
- create
Creates new database file on disk and initializes it with 0 records. A dbt (memo) file will be also created if the table contains some memo fields. Parameters to create are passed as hash.
You can call this method as method of another XBase object and then you only need to pass name value of the hash; the structure (fields) of the new file will be the same as of the original object.
If you call create using class name (XBase), you have to (besides name) also specify another four values, each being a reference to list: field_names, field_types, field_lengths and field_decimals. The field types are specified by one letter strings (C, N, L, D). If you set some value as undefined, create will make it into some reasonable default.
The new file mustn't exist yet -- XBase will not allow you to overwrite existing table. Use drop (or unlink) to delete it first.
- drop
This method closes the table and deletes it on disk (including associated memo file, if there is any).
- last_record
Returns number of the last record in the file. The lines deleted but present in the file are included in this number.
- last_field
Returns number of the last field in the file, number of fields minus 1.
- field_names, field_types, field_lengths, field_decimals
Return list of field names and so on for the dbf file.
- field_type, field_length, field_decimal
For a field name, returns the appropriate value. Returns undef if the field doesn't exist in the table.
Reading the data one by one
When dealing with the records, reading or writing, you have to specify the number of the record in the file. The range is 0 .. $table->last_record()
- get_record
Returns a list of data (field values) from the specified record (line of the table). The first parameter in the call is the number of the record. If you do not specify any other parameters, all fields are returned in the same order as they appear in the file. You can also put list of field names after the record number and then only those will be returned. The first value of the returned list is always the 1/0
value saying if the record is deleted or not, so on success, get_record will never return empty list. - get_record_as_hash
Returns hash (in list context) or reference to hash (in scalar context) containing field values indexed by field names. The name of the deleted flag is
. The only parameter in the call is the record number.
Writing the data
All three writing methods always undelete the record. On success they return true -- the record number actually written.
- set_record
As parameters, takes the number of the record and the list of values of the fields. It writes the record to the file. Unspecified fields (if you pass less than you should) are set to undef/empty.
- set_record_hash
Takes number of the record and hash as parameters, sets the fields, unspecified are undefed/emptied.
- update_record_hash
Like set_record_hash but fields that do not have value specified in the hash retain their value.
To explicitely delete/undelete a record, use methods delete_record or undelete_record with record number as a parameter.
Dumping the content of the file
If you need to deal with the whole content of the dbf file, there is a method get_all_records. It returns a reference to array containing array of values for each record. Only not deleted records are returned and so the _DELETED
flag is not included in the record data. As a parameter, pass list of fields to return for each record.
To read the records one by one, you can create a cursor using prepare_select. This returns an object and you can then call repeatedly its method fetch to retrieve next not deleted record. As for get_all_records, the _DELETED
is not included in the returned list of field values, and you can specify only some of the fields to be fetched in each record.
To print the content of the file in a readable form, use method dump_records. It prints all not deleted records from the file. By default, all fields are printed, separated by colons, one record on a row. The method can have parameters in a form of a hash with the following keys:
- rs
Record separator, string, newline by default.
- fs
Field separator, string, one colon by default.
- fields
Reference to a list of names of the fields to print. By default it's undef, meaning all fields.
- undef
What to print for undefined (NULL) values, empty string by default.
Example of use is
use XBase;
my $table = new XBase "table" or die XBase->errstr;
$table->dump_records("fs" => " | ", "rs" => " <-+\n",
"fields" => [ "id", "msg" ]);'
Errors and debugging
If the method fails (returns false or null list), the error message can be retrieved via errstr method. If the new or create method fails, you have no object so you get the error message using class syntax XBase->errstr()
The method get_header_info returns (not prints) string with information about the file and about the fields.
Module XBase::Base(3) defines some basic functions that are inherited by both XBase and XBase::Memo(3) module.
In the module XBase there is variable $CLEARNULLS that specifies, whether will the reading methods cut off spaces and nulls from the end of fixed character fields on read. The default is true.
This is a code to update field MSG in record where ID is 123.
use XBase;
my $table = new XBase "test.dbf" or die XBase->errstr;
for (0 .. $table->last_record)
my ($deleted, $id) = $table->get_record($_, "ID")
die $table->errstr unless defined $deleted;
next if $deleted;
$table->update_record_hash($_, "MSG" => "New message")
if $id == 123;
For some more examples please see the eg directory of the distribution.
If there is a memo field in the dbf file, the module tries to open file with the same name but extension dbt or fpt. It uses module XBase::Memo(3) for this. It reads and writes this memo field transparently (you do not know about it).
No index files are currently supported. I'm working on a support for ndx index files but it's still far from being ready. Please send me examples of your data files and suggestions for interface if you need indexes.
I have been using the Xbase(3) module by Pratap Pereira for quite a time to read the dbf files, but it had no writing capabilities, it was not use strict
clean and the author did not support the module behind the version 1.07. So I started to make my own patches and thought it would be nice if other people could make use of them. I thought about taking over the development of the original Xbase package, but the interface seemed rather complicated to me.
So with the help of article XBase File Format Description by Erik Bachmann on URL
I have written a new module. It doesn't use any code from Xbase-1.07 and you are free to use and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Please send all bug reports or patches CC'ed to my e-mail, since I might miss your post in c.l.p.m or dbi-users (or other groups). Any comments about both the Perl and XBase issues of this module are also welcome.
(c) 1997--1998 Jan Pazdziora,, at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
perl(1); DBD::XBase(3) and DBI(3) for DBI interface; dbfdump(1)