Font::TFM -- read and work with TeX font metric files
use Font::TFM;
### $Font::TFM::TEXFONTSDIR = 'your directories';
### to change the default
my $cmr = new Font::TFM 'cmr10'
or die "Error reading font: $Font::TFM::errstr\n";
print 'Designsize: ', $cmr->designsize(), "\n";
print $cmr->width('A'), ', ', $cmr->kern('Wo'), "\n";
should print
Designsize: 10
491521.25, -54613.75
Method Font::TFM::new creates a new TFM object in memory, loading all the necessary information from the .tfm
file. Second (optional) parameter means scale. You can also use Font::TFM::new_at and as the second parameter put requested size in pt:
my $cmr10_12 = new_at Font::TFM 'cmr10', 12;
The methods new and new_at search for the .tfm
files in the directories listed colon separated in a variable $Font::TFM::TEXFONTSDIR, and also in all of their subdirectories. By default, they use files ls-R
(this name can be changed in the $Font::TFM::LSFILENAME variable) to speed up the search. This feature can be disabled by setting variable $Font::TFM::TEXFONTSUSELS to 0. Suffix .tfm
is appended if necessary.
If the file is not found (or there is some other method), new returns undef
and sets error message to $Font::TFM::errstr.
After was the file loaded, you can use following methods of the object to query information about the font's properties and about the characters, etc.
- designsize, fontsize
Returns the design size and the actual size of the font in pt.
$cmr->designsize; returns 10 $cmr->fontsize; 10 $cmr10_12->fontsize; 12
- width, height, depth, italic
Returns the requested dimension for a specified character of the font.
$cmr->height("A") 447828.75 $cmr10_12->height("A") 537394.5 $cmr->italic("I") 0 $cmr10_12->italic("f") 61167.75
- kern, lig, ligpassover
For a two-letter string returns kern between them, ligature formed and number of characters to pass over after the ligature, respectivelly.
$cmr->lig("fi") \014 $cmr->lig("ff") \013 $cmr->lig("\013i") \016 $cmr10_12->kern("AV") -87381.75
- expand
One string parameter undergoes ligature expansion and then kernings are inserted. Returns array containing of string, kern, string, ...
$cmr->expand("AV--fix") "A", -72818.125, "V{\014x"
- word_dimensions
Returns the width, height and depth of a word. Does the lig/kern expansion, so the result is the real space it will take on output.
$cmr->word_dimensions("AV--fix") 1947881.875, 455111.25, 0 $cmr->word_dimensions("pm") 910225, 282168.75, 127431.25
- word_width, word_height, word_depth
and returns appropriate element. No caching is done, so it is better to callword_dimensions
yourself if you will need more than one dimension of one word. - param
Returns parameter of the font, indexed from 1.
- slant, x_height, em_width, quad
- space, space_stretch, space_shrink, extra_space
Returns the parameter of the font, by name.
$cmr->slant() 0 $cmsl10->slant() 0.166671752929688 $cmr->x_height() 282168.75 $cmr->height("x") 282168.75 $cmr->em_width() 655361.875 $cmr->quad() 655361.875 $cmr->space() 218453.75 $cmr->space_stretch() 109226.875 $cmtt10->space() 344061.25 $cmtt10->space_stretch() 0
- name
Returns the name of the font.
Dimensions are multiplied by $Font::TFM::MULTIPLY * actual size of the font. Value of $Font::TFM::MULTIPLY defaults to 65536, so the dimensions can be used directly when writing the .dvi
Variable $Font::TFM::DEBUG may be set to 1 to get the processing messages on the standard error output.
TeX::DVI(3), TeX::DVI::Parse(3), perl(1).
(c) 1996--1998 Jan Pazdziora,, at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic