Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::Base - base class for canonicalization methods


# canonicalization results get output to STDOUT
my $method = new Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed(
                  output_fh => *STDOUT,
                  Signature => $dkim_signature);

# add headers
$method->add_header("Subject: this is the subject\015\012");

# add body
$method->add_body("This is the body.\015\012");
$method->add_body("Another line of the body.\015\012");

# this adds the signature to the end


Use the new() method of the desired canonicalization implementation class to construct a canonicalization object. E.g.

my $method = new Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed(
                  output_fh => *STDOUT,
                  Signature => $dkim_signature);

The constructors accept these arguments:


(Required) Provide the DKIM signature being constructed (if the message is being signed), or the DKIM signature being verified (if the message is being verified). The canonicalization method either writes parameters to the signature, or reads parameters from the signature (e.g. the h= tag).


If specified, the canonicalized message will be passed to this object with the PRINT method.


If specified, the canonicalized message will be added to this digest. (Uses the add() method.)


If specified, the canonicalized message will be written to this file handle.

If none of the output parameters are specified, then the canonicalized message is appended to an internal buffer. The contents of this buffer can be accessed using the result() method.


add_body() - feeds part of the body into the canonicalization

$method->add_body("This is the body.\015\012");
$method->add_body("Another line of the body.\015\012");

The body should be fed one "line" at a time.


my $result = $method->result;

If you did not specify an object or handle to send the output to, the result of the canonicalization is stored in the canonicalization method itself, and can be accessed using this method.