Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy - represents an Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP) record


fetch() - lookup an ADSP record in DNS

my $policy = Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy->fetch(
          Protocol => "dns",
          Author => '',

new() - construct a default policy object

my $policy = Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy->new;


apply() - apply the policy to the results of a DKIM verifier

my $result = $policy->apply($dkim_verifier);

The caller must provide an instance of Mail::DKIM::Verifier, one which has already been fed the message being verified.

Possible results are:


The message is approved by the sender signing policy.


The message is rejected by the sender signing policy. It can be considered very suspicious.


The message is neither approved nor rejected by the sender signing policy. It can be considered somewhat suspicious.

is_implied_default_policy() - is this policy implied?

my $is_implied = $policy->is_implied_default_policy;

If you fetch the policy for a particular domain, but that domain does not have a policy published, then the "default policy" is in effect. Use this method to detect when that happens.

location() - where the policy was fetched from

If the policy is domain-wide, this will be domain where the policy was published.

If the policy is user-specific, TBD.

If nothing is published for the domain, and the default policy was returned instead, the location will be undef.

policy() - get or set the outbound signing policy (dkim=) tag

my $sp = $policy->policy;

Outbound signing policy for the entity. Possible values are:


The default. The entity may sign some or all email.


All mail from the domain is expected to be signed, using a valid Author signature, but the author does not suggest discarding mail without a valid signature.


All mail from the domain is expected to be signed, using a valid Author signature, and the author is so confident that non-signed mail claiming to be from this domain can be automatically discarded by the recipient's mail server.

signall() - true if policy is "all"

signall_discardable() - true if policy is "strict"


  • If a sender signing policy is not found for a given domain, the fetch() method should search the parent domains, according to section 4 of the dkim-ssp Internet Draft.


Jason Long, <>


Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Messiah College

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.