Class::DBI::Template::Stash - Template::Stash subclass for Class::DBI::Template


package Music::DBI;
use base 'Class::DBI';
use Class::DBI::Template;


There is nothing you need to do for this module, it is setup for you when you use Class::DBI::Template. It provides a subclass of Template::Stash that overrides it's undefined() method. The new method knows how to find the Class::DBI object that we are rendering, and how to get information out of it for use by the Template module for rendering your template.


Nothing is exported, it simply makes a Template::Stash subclass, which is used when building the Template object which will render your data.


The only configuration this module has is -stash_order and -stash_preload keys, which can be passed to template_configure in the class using Class::DBI::Template. Both these options take an array reference as an argument.

-stash_order determines what order the stash module uses in searching for data for your object. The first option in the -stash_order search that returns a defined value will cause the search to end and the value to be returned. Undefined values cause the search to continue unless otherwise noted below.

-stash_preload lists options that should have their data preloaded into the stash object. This saves you the time of having the stash search for their values, at the expense of having to determine all their values up front. It is up to you to determine which way is faster based on your data. Options passed to -stash_preload will automatically be removed from -stash_order if they are there.

Options that you can pass to -stash_order or -stash_preload (except where noted) are:


This option indicates to search the database columns associated with the current object. The column names returned by $object->columns will be used to collect this data. If this variable is included in STASH_ORDER, what is actually given to the template are subroutines that will collect the data only when the template actually uses it. This can save you a lot of time as it defers database accesses until needed. If you preload columns, every column in the database will be retrieved for each object, this might be slow. If you really want to preload columns, you would do well to put all your columns in one group, if you split them up into multiple column groups, then preloading will result in multiple database calls until all the columns are loaded.


The template_data option searches for values that you previously set by calling __PACKAGE__->template_data(something => 'some value'). This can be preloaded fairly quickly, it's just preloading the has reference.


The functions option will check to see if your object has a method that it can run with the name of the item being searched for. If one is found, then the method will be run as an instance method if template_render was called as an instance method, or as a class method if template_render was called as a class method, and it's return value used if defined. Functions cannot be preloaded, as there is no way to determine what functions are available and can be safely called. You can emulate preloading functions by using:

for my $function (qw/function1 function2 function3/) {
  __PACKAGE__->template_data($function => sub { shift()->$function());
__PACKAGE__->template_configure(STASH_PRELOAD => [qw/template_data/],

The environment option will look for the search object in the %ENV hash. It can be preloaded quickly.


The arguments option searches the hash of additional arguments that were passed to the template_render call. Preloading the arguments is rather quick, and it is the only item that defaults to preloaded.


If the search order contains a hash reference, it will be checked to see if it contains a key that matches the search term. Obviously hash references cannot be preloaded using STASH_PRELOAD, use template_data to preload them instead.


If the search order contains a code reference, it will be run and it's return value used if defined. When run it will be passed three arguments, the object being rendered (a Class::DBI subclass), and the term and arguments from the template. Code references cannot be preloaded using STASH_PRELOAD, use template_data to preload them.

The default value for -stash_order is ['columns', 'template_data', 'functions']. If no match is found in the -stash_order search for the term in question, then it will be replaced in the template with an empty string. If -stash_order contains a lone + sign anywhere in the search order, it will be replaced with the default -stash_order. If the same option is specified more than once in the search order, only the first one will actually be tested.

The default for -stash_preload is 'arguments'.

__PACKAGE__->template_configure(-stash_order => ['environment']);
# -stash_order is now: environment

__PACKAGE__->template_configure(-stash_order => ['+', 'environment']);
# -stash_order is now: columns template_data functions environment

__PACKAGE__->template_configure(-stash_order => ['environment', '+']);
# -stash_order is now: environment columns template_data functions



The Hints and Tips section of the Class::DBI::Template documentation has some tricks you can play with the -stash_order setting to make your life easier when debugging.


Jason Kohles <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Jason Kohles

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.