Bio::MAGE::Array - Container module for classes in the MAGE Array package


use Bio::MAGE::Array;


This is a package module that encapsulates a number of classes in the Bio::MAGE hierarchy. These classes belong to the Array package of the MAGE-OM object model.


The Bio::MAGE::Array module contains the following Bio::MAGE classes:

  • Array

  • FeatureDefect

  • ArrayGroup

  • ArrayManufacture

  • ArrayManufactureDeviation

  • Fiducial

  • ManufactureLIMS

  • ManufactureLIMSBiomaterial

  • PositionDelta

  • ZoneDefect


@class_list = Bio::MAGE::Array::classes();

This method returns a list of non-fully qualified class names (i.e. they do not have 'Bio::MAGE::' as a prefix) in this package.

$obj_ref = Bio::MAGE::Array->new(%parameters)
$obj_ref_copy = $obj_ref->new()

The new() method is the class constructor. If invoked with an existing object instance, it is a copy constructor.

Return value: It returns a reference to an object of class Bio::MAGE::Array.

Side effects: It invokes the initialize() method if it is defined by the class.


$array_ref = $array->getArrayGroup_list()

This method handles the list for the Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayGroup class. It returns a reference to an array of the class objects that have been associated with the package instance.

This is useful when retrieving data from parsed MAGE-ML file.


This method is an interface for adding Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayGroup objects to the arraygroup_list list. It is generally used by generic methods such as those in the XMLWriter.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the owner association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not a subclass of class Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayGroup

$array_ref = $array->getArray_list()

This method handles the list for the Bio::MAGE::Array::Array class. It returns a reference to an array of the class objects that have been associated with the package instance.

This is useful when retrieving data from parsed MAGE-ML file.


This method is an interface for adding Bio::MAGE::Array::Array objects to the array_list list. It is generally used by generic methods such as those in the XMLWriter.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the owner association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not a subclass of class Bio::MAGE::Array::Array

$array_ref = $array->getArrayManufacture_list()

This method handles the list for the Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayManufacture class. It returns a reference to an array of the class objects that have been associated with the package instance.

This is useful when retrieving data from parsed MAGE-ML file.


This method is an interface for adding Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayManufacture objects to the arraymanufacture_list list. It is generally used by generic methods such as those in the XMLWriter.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the owner association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not a subclass of class Bio::MAGE::Array::ArrayManufacture

$obj->set_slots(\@name_list, \@value_list)

The set_slots() method is used to set a number of slots at the same time. It has two different invocation methods. The first takes a named parameter list, and the second takes two array references.

Return value: none

Side effects: will call croak() if a slot_name is used that the class does not define.


The get_slots() method is used to get the values of a number of slots at the same time.

Return value: a list of instance objects

Side effects: none

$val = $obj->set_slot($name,$val)

The set_slot() method sets the slot $name to the value $val

Return value: the new value of the slot, i.e. $val

Side effects: none

$val = $obj->get_slot($name)

The get_slot() method is used to get the values of a number of slots at the same time.

Return value: a single slot value, or undef if the slot has not been initialized.

Side effects: none

@names = $obj->get_slot_names()

The get_slot_names() method is used to retrieve the name of all slots defined for a given object.

Return value: a single slot value, or undef if the slot has not been initialized.

Side effects: none

$val = $array->arraygroup_list()
$val = $array->arraygroup_list($val)

This is the unified setter/getter method for the arraygroup_list slot. If $val is specified, the setter method is invoked, with no parameters, the getter method is invoked.

Input parameters: the optional $val will invoke the setter method.

Return value: for both setter and getter the current value of the arraygroup_list slot

Side effects: none

Exceptions: none

$val = $array->array_list()
$val = $array->array_list($val)

This is the unified setter/getter method for the array_list slot. If $val is specified, the setter method is invoked, with no parameters, the getter method is invoked.

Input parameters: the optional $val will invoke the setter method.

Return value: for both setter and getter the current value of the array_list slot

Side effects: none

Exceptions: none

$val = $array->arraymanufacture_list()
$val = $array->arraymanufacture_list($val)

This is the unified setter/getter method for the arraymanufacture_list slot. If $val is specified, the setter method is invoked, with no parameters, the getter method is invoked.

Input parameters: the optional $val will invoke the setter method.

Return value: for both setter and getter the current value of the arraymanufacture_list slot

Side effects: none

Exceptions: none

$val = $array->mageml_lists()
$val = $array->mageml_lists($val)

This is the unified setter/getter method for the mageml_lists slot. If $val is specified, the setter method is invoked, with no parameters, the getter method is invoked.

Input parameters: the optional $val will invoke the setter method.

Return value: for both setter and getter the current value of the mageml_lists slot

Side effects: none

Exceptions: none

$val = $array->tagname()
$val = $array->tagname($val)

This is the unified setter/getter method for the tagname slot. If $val is specified, the setter method is invoked, with no parameters, the getter method is invoked.

Input parameters: the optional $val will invoke the setter method.

Return value: for both setter and getter the current value of the tagname slot

Side effects: none

Exceptions: none


Please send bug reports to


Jason E. Stewart (

