Pistachio - turns source code into stylish HTML


version 0.08


# List supported languages and styles.
print Pistachio::supported;
# Get a Pistachio::Html object
my $handler = Pistachio::html_handler('Perl5', 'Github');
# Perl source code text (in typical usage, read from a file)
my $perl = join "\n", 'use strict;', 'package Foo::Bar', '...';
# Github-like CSS-styled HTML snippet.
my $snip = $handler->snippet(\$perl);


Currently, only Perl 5 support is baked into Pistachio (via PPI::Tokenizer).

However, using Pistachio::Language, you can roll your own support for any language.

A Pistachio::Language must be provided with two subroutines. They are:

  • First, a subroutine that returns Pistachio::Tokens for that language.

  • And second, a subroutine that maps those tokens' types to CSS style definitions.

Generate HTML From Tokenized JSON

Using modules:

In this example, JBD::JSON is used to parse JSON text into tokens, then maps those tokens to Pistachio::Tokens.

Also, a simple hash lookup is used to map the token types JBD::JSON produces to CSS definitions.

use strict;
use JBD::JSON 'std_parse';
# Argument: JSON input text. Returns arrayref of Pistachio::Tokens.
my $tokens = sub {
my $tokens = std_parse 'json_text', $_[0];
[map Pistachio::Token->new($_->type, $_->value), @$tokens];
# Argument: a token type. Returns corresponding CSS definition.
my $css = sub {
my %type_to_style = (
JsonNum => 'color:#008080',
JsonNull => 'color:#000',
JsonBool => 'color:#000',
JsonString => 'color:#D14',
JsonColon => 'color:#333',
JsonComma => 'color:#333',
JsonSquareBracket => 'color:#333',
JsonCurlyBrace => 'color:#333',
$type_to_style{$_[0] || ''} || '';
# Construct a Pistachio::Html, loaded with our JSON language object.
my $lang = Pistachio::Language->new(
tokens => $tokens,
css => $css
my $handler = Pistachio::html_handler($lang, 'Github');
# Now Pistachio understands how to convert JSON input texts
# into Github-styled HTML output. Proceed as in the synopsis:
my $json = '{"key1":"value1"}';
my $snip = $handler->snippet(\$json);


Joel Dalley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Joel Dalley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.