Changes for version 2.3
- new constructor param "init_headlines_seen" so you can fetch a feed, mark everything as seen, then only get updates after the fact. Thanks to Carl Fürstenberg for suggesting.
- Applied Aaron Krowne's patch for XML::RSS::Headline to use guid instead of the url if available. Thanks Aaron!
- wrote t/021_headline_guid.t for XML::RSS::Headline->guid
- fix t/008_store_retrieve.t to check if not only is /tmp a dir but also if its writeable. This fixes testing errors reported by Slaven Rezić.
- Also no longer use LWP::Simple to try to call, just hard code the XML in the test because no longer exists.
- wrote tests for coverage of the 'init_headlines_seen' param.
- make some of the logic a bit easier to read the first time through
- Added Carp as a prerequsiste
- fixed 013_legacy.t to skip if File::Temp isn't isntalled
- perlcritic updates
- use carp instead of warn for errors (not for debug)
- moved all the pod to after __END__
- three argument open
- use constant DEFAULT_DELAY for the default delay between fetches (3600)
- no shifting of @_, unpack all args at once (except for accessors)
- return statments on each sub
- changed any double quoted string that didn't need to be interpolated to a single quoted string.
- migrated code from CVS to git. added .gitignore file to repository
Persistant XML RSS Encapsulation
Persistant XML RSS Encapsulation
XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass
XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass
XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass