CGI::Session::Serialize::DataDumper - serializer for CGI::Session using Data::Dumper


This library is used by CGI::Session driver to serialize session data before storing it in disk.



receives two arguments. First is the CGI::Session driver object, the second is the data to be stored passed as a reference to a hash. Should return true to indicate success, undef otherwise, passing the error message with as much details as possible to $self->error()


receives two arguments. First being CGI::Session driver object, the second is the string to be deserialized. Should return deserialized data structure to indicate successs. undef otherwise, passing the error message with as much details as possible to $self->error().


If you want to be able to store objects, consider using CGI::Session::Serialize::Storable or CGI::Session::Serialize::FreezeThaw instead.


Copyright (C) 2002 Sherzod Ruzmetov. All rights reserved.

This library is free software. It can be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.


Sherzod Ruzmetov <>

All bug reports should be directed to Sherzod Ruzmetov <>.


Jonathan Buhacoff <>

Sherzod wrote the module, I just wanted to be able to call it DataDumper so that when I glance at code I don't have to remember that "Default" (CGI::Session::Serialize::Default) uses Data::Dumper.

If you encounter a bug, try using "Default" instead of "DataDumper". If the bug goes away, then it's mine, and you should send the report to me. If it persists, it's Sherzod's, and you should send the report to him. You can CC me if you want me to help as well, because I'm a big fan of Sherzod's CGI::Session and I use it all the time, so I'm very interested in bugfixes etc.