Tk::Canvas::Draw - Simplifies drawing with a mouse in a perl/Tk Canvas


This module simplifies the drawing of perl/Tk shapes in a Canvas, using a mouse. Once the first <Button-N> event is detected for the given mouse button N, and in the specified Canvas, the Motion and ButtonRelease events are bound to the same mouse button and Canvas. All subsequent points are captured until the final ButtonRelease event occurs. Finally, any previous set bindings for the Canvas and mouse button are reinstated, and the registered callback is invoked to handle any necessary final processing.


Version 0.04


use Tk::Canvas::Draw;

Tk::Canvas::Draw->new($canvas, \&final_callback, $h_args);



The Tk::Canvas object where the mouse events will be captured.


A callback to invoked when the <ButtonRelease> event occurs. The argument is required, but may be a non-blank string (eg. 'none') if the user is certain that no final processing is necessary. (See the section FINAL CALLBACK below)


An optional reference to a hash containing any of the following arguments:


The style of drawing to be done. Must be one of:


Does not draw anything, just collects the (x,y) points generated by moving the mouse over the canvas.


Joins all points drawn to create freehand lines (this is the default).


Joins the first point with the most recent point, to create a straight line.


Joins the first point with the most recent point to create an oval.


JOins the first point with the most recent point to create a circle.


JOins the first point with the most recent point to create a rectangle.


The mouse button to bind the drawing to; one of {'1', '2' or '3'}. The default is '1'.


The color of the object being drawn. (Do not confuse this with the 'fill' argument). The default color is 'black'.


The color with which to fill the drawn shape (does not apply to styles 'free' or 'line'). The default fill is '0' (ie. no fill).


The width of the shape being draw. In the case of lines (style 'free' or 'line'), this referes to the line width; in all other shapes it is the width of the shape's outline. The default width is '1'.


A callback to invoke each time a new point is detected. It will be passed a reference to an array containing the most recent (x, y) point detected, eg. [ 123, 45 ].


The final callback parameter names a subroutine to be invoked when the mouse button is released. This subroutine is passed the following 3 arguments:

    $o_obj -- The Tk::Canvas::Draw object

    $a_points -- A reference to an array containing the captured coordinate points, each of which is an array reference in the form [ x, y ]

    $a_ids -- A reference to an array containing the ID(s) of the drawn shape


restart($obj, $h_args)

    Lets the user reuse the Tk::Canvas::Draw object, optionally resetting any of the same arguments as allowed to the new() method. This method takes the following 2 arguments:


        The Tk::Canvas::Draw object


        An optional hash, with the same values as allowed in the new() constructor. (See the $h_args parameter in the REQUIRED PARAMETERS section above)

transform($obj, $a_points, $xoff, $yoff, $canvas)

    Allows the recreation of the shape given by the points in $a_points to an alternate location in the canvas (or in a separate canvas), and returns the ID(s) associated with the new shape. The following arguments are required:


        The Tk::Canvas::Draw object. The following accessor methods allow retrieval of the corresponding member data:



        A reference to an array containing the (x, y) points generated by an initial call to Tk::Canvas::Draw::new. For example:

        [ [10, 25], [12, 27], [13, 29], ... ]


        The x-offset by which to vary the new shape from the original


        The y-offset by which to vary the new shape from the original


        An optional Canvas on which to draw the new shape (it defaults to the current Canvas used by $obj)





John C. Norton


Copyright 2009 John C. Norton.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.