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Custom::Log - Yes... Another OO-ish logging module.


Object instatiation

   use Custom::Log;

   my $log = Custom::Log->open (
       file => 'logs/my.log',
       mode => 'append',

Basic logging

   # Just like many other logging packages:
   $log->log('INFO', 'I can has info?');
   $log->log('ERROR', 'Oh crapz! Someone killed a kittah!');

Custom logging

   # Call any log type you like as an object method. For 
   # example, if you are logging cache hits and misses you 
   # might want to do something like:
   if ($CACHE->{$key}) {
       $log->cache_hit("Got hit on key $key");
       return $CACHE->{$key};
   } else {
       $log->cache_miss("Awww... Key $key was a miss");
       $CACHE->{$key} = do_expensive_operation(@args);

Other usage

   # Use the object as a file handle for print() statements
   # from within your script or application:
   print {$$log} "This is a custom message. Pay attention!\n";


Yet another darn logger? Why d00d?


I wanted to write a logging module that developers could use in a way that felt natural to them and it would just work.

I wanted to write a logging module that was adaptable enough that it could be used in dynamic, ever changing environments.

I wanted to write a logging module that was flexible enough to satisfy most logging needs without too much overhead.

Custom::Log still has a ways to go, but the direction seems promising. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Currently Custom::Log has only one format for the log entries which looks like:


Eventually this module will have support for a user override of the default format, as it should having a name like Custom::Log.


Log "type" refers to the string displayed in the square brackets of your log output. In the following example the type is 'BEER ERROR':

    Thu Nov  8 21:14:12 2007 [BEER ERROR] Need more (main 99)

For those unfamiliar with logging this is especially useful when grepping for specific types of errors, ala:

    % grep -i ' beer error' /path/to/my.log

As stated above, there is no set list of types that this module supports... If you want to have a new type start showing up in your logs just call an object method of that name and Custom::Log will automatically do what you want:



  • open()

    This is the object constructor. (Sure, you can still use new() if you wish) open() has two available parameters, each with several allowed values. They are:

     * file [ file name | STDOUT | STDERR ]
        This parameter is REQUIRED.
     * mode [ append | clobber ]
        This parameter is OPTIONAL. The default value is 'append'.

    Here is an example instantiation for logging to a file that you want to clobber:

        my $log = Custom::Log->open (
            file => '/path/to/logs/my.log',
            mode => 'clobber',

    Here is an example instantiation for logging to STDERR:

        my $log = Custom::Log->open (file => STDERR);

    As you can see there is no need to quote STDERR and STDOUT, but it will still work if you do decide to quote them.

  • close()

    Close the file handle.

  • log()

    Your basic log subroutine. just give it the message type and the message body:


    Message types are discussed above.

  • Custom Methods

    Log any type of message you want simply by calling the type as an object method. For example, if you want to log a message with a type of ALARM you would do:


    This would print a log entry that looks like:

       Thu Nov  8 21:14:12 2007 [ALARM] OONTZ! (main 42)

    This functionality was the impetus for writing this module. What ever type you want to see in the log JUST USE IT! =)


While most OO modules bless a reference to a data structure, this module blesses a reference to an open file handle. Why did I do that? Because I can and I felt like doing something different. The only "special" thing this really lets you do is use the object as a file handle from within your script or application. All you have to do is dereference it when you use it. For example:

    # Normal log entry
    $log->info('This is information');

    # Special log entry
    print {$$log} "*** Hai. I am special. Pls give me attention! ***\n";

Obviously if you use the object in this special way you will not get any of the nice additional information (timestamp, log type, and caller information) that you would get when using the normal way. This simply gives you the flexibility to print anything you want to your log. A useful example would be a dump of an object or data structure:

    use Data::Dumper;
    print {$$log} "Object dump:\n" . Dumper($object);


James Conerly <> 2007


None that I know of... yet =)


This software is free to use. If you use pieces of my code in your scripts or applications all I ask is that you site me. Other than that, log away my friends.

