Data::Dumper::EasyOO - wraps DD for easy use of printing styles
use Data::Dumper::EasyOO;
# build an EzDD object
my $ezdd = Data::Dumper::EasyOO->new(indent=>1,terse=>1);
# use the same ezdd obj repeatedly
print "default: ", $ezdd->($_) for @userdata;
# label it $foo, not $VAR1
print "labelled: ", $ezdd->(foo => $_) for @userdata;
# alter printing style using DD API, and reuse object
print "default: ", $ezdd->($_) for @userdata;
# alter many print styles at once
$ezdd->Set ( indent=>1, terse=>0, sortkeys=>1 );
print "default: ", $ezdd->($_) for @userdata;
This package wraps Data::Dumper, and adapts its API for easier control of output format.
In the following, I often use DD as shorthand for Data::Dumper, OO for its Object Oriented API, and EzDD for this class.
Here are what I see as Data::Dumper OO API usage problems:
calls to OO-DD are Too Verbose
For everything but exported Dumper(), invoking DD is baroque. This class assumes that printing data is why you want the object, and makes its use as easy/brief as possible; you dont even need a method name!
print $ezdd->($foo);
Too Hard to Label data
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$a,$b,$c], [qw(a b c)]);
This non-OO usage is just too punctuation intensive, too dependent on having exactly 2 arrayref args, and the label position is counterintuitive; ie after the data (ie: tag => value).
Format Control is Cumbersome
{ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print Dumper (@foo); }
Without using OO form, your only choice wrt print-style is either localizing package variables each time you use Data::Dumper, or changing them globally.
Early Binding of Data
# OO usage
foreach $datum (@data) {
$d = Data::Dumper->new($datum);
print $d->Dump;
In DD OO, you must provide the data to be dumped when the object is created. Only afterwards can you control that objects print format. This means lots of extra typing and function calls, thus discouraging use of OO style. I often live with indent=2, which I personally find harder to read than indent=1.
Brief-as-possible printing
print $ezdd->($yourdata)
In other words, theres no method, just the object handle, the arrow, and the parenthesized arguement list.
Easy Control of Printing Style
With EzDD, you can control print style of a single object, either by speifying at creation, or altering thereafter.
$ezdd = Data::Dumper::EasyOO->new(%printOptions);
Arguments are checked to see if they can be interpreted as labels, ie values at odd indexes must be scalars. If this test passes, the data is rendered using DD labelling feature, see "Too Hard to Label Data" above.
This maybe a bit aggressive for your tastes, but I dont use DD with simple scalars (except by accident ;-) and my habit with Dumper() is to always pass a single data-arg anyway, ex \@foo. YMMV. For more specifics, check t/labels.t or the code.
Dumper() builds a new DD object for each print, and this has non-zero runtime costs. Ive included a benchmark in the testsuite which shows 3% to 24% improvement on a linux 686 laptop, using the small data chunks I used for testing. With large data sets, that improvement will asymtotically drop to 0%.
As I hope is clear by now, $ezdd->($data) renders the data
new(%printOptions) creates a new EzDD object, and calls Set() to establish desired printing behavior of that instance.
Set(%printOptions) alters the print style of an existing EzDD object. It accepts option names matching the methods that DD provides, and lowercase versions of them. %option values are not validated by EzDD, DD itself may do so, but I havent tested this, and make no promises.
Set() also does not provide accessor functionality; most DD methods return the DD object in support of method chaining, and thus cannot return the attribute values.
AUTOLOAD() allows you to invoke the familiar DD methods on an EzDD object, its a convenience method which calls Set().
The class builds a blessed CODEref object, for which perl also allows method-lookups. This hybrid nature is key to the viability of the design.
new() builds a private Data::Dumper object, then builds and returns a closure on that object. The closure provides the printing interface directly, and also provides (via special data value - slightly hackish) access to the underlying DD object for the other methods; Set() and AUTOLOAD().
Possible Applications
A client-class dumper. With a singleton in a pkg-var or file-my-var, you can set the sortkeys attr to dump only the object keys you care to see for debugging purposes. A small number of such specialists should serve all your needs.
For nested structures this may be insufficient; you may wish to print different parts of different substructures.
CAVEATS, Enhancements, TBD, TBC
As wise men say, 'release early, release often'
- method-less invocation may be over-cool.
After all, $d->dump() (see Data::Dump) isnt so verbose, and I may add one here, subject to feedback. This was an experiment (in blessed coderefs) that went well enough to continue. This experiment should be apparent below...
- Brand new code, with the usual caveats.
It tested good against 5.005_03, so blessed coderefs must be OK ;-)
- Too much dependency on DD attributes.
This is partly, mostly, or completely solvable with existing DD methods. I still need to decide on the 'right' way to check for methods in DD to forward to, 3 choices are apparent; just try it in an eval block, check the symbol table, check for attributes in the dd hash. Each is imperfect.
- No validation on %printOptions values.
arrayrefs & hashrefs are passed verbatim to DD object TBD iff needed, theyll be derefed first.
- format control not per-use, but on object only
You cant localize print options for 1 usage. This is because those DD pkg vars, localized or not, are copied into the object when its constructed. This *could* be fixed by changes to DD, but I dont see the value, and Id anticipate a slowdown.
- no global format control
Im considering 'import' tags to control globally, ex
use Data::Dumper::EasyOO qw(indent=>1,useqq=>1)
. The problem with this is that each user package may want different style. import() would have to store a custom hash per package, and new() would have to use it. Such overhead may not be worth it. - auto-labelling may be overzealous.
In particular, $ezdd->(1,2,3,4) will treat 1,3 as labels. At minimum it needs more tests.
- flexibility wrt capitalization of attr/methods.
can issue warnings with different capitalization from usage.
- not *entirely* data-agnostic
will return underlying DD object, unlike all other data. This hackery is needed cuz the closure is the only handle to the DD object, unless Ive missed something. I could protect it by checking the caller package, but I dont want a gun in the house. - add no_reset option
EzDD uses $ddo->Reset so that $ddo can be reused. a no_reset option would allow you to defeat that. the internal flag 'ddez_noreset' already exists
- settle on validation in Set()
Set() currently contains several mechanisms to validate %printoptions, none of which are perfect; symbol-table-check VS attr-check VS eval{$ddo->$meth($val)}.
To Be Considered
- no-print printing.
could print if called in void context. Tell me if you think so, and what its import or un-import symbol should be. - functor style is too magical ?
I could export-ok a dump(), like Data::Dump, enable it with an 'import' control
- AUTOLOAD() accessor mode
This conflicts with support for method-chaining (ie returning the object so it can be chained). Since DD supports it, we should too.
It may be possible by defining sub _get($prop), calling it from AUTOLOAD if not @args. This would break chaining for accessors, but thats 'broken by design' anyway.
- Sortkeys as hashref
If sortkeys was a hashref (with arrayref values), the keys *could* specify applicability of the arrayref based upon the data being dumped; its type, depth, tag, etc.. See "Possible Applications".
Reasons not to bother: The key would need som XPath-ish form, which may be sufficient reason to kill the idea at birth. It would also need DD support, at very least a callback scheme.
Comments welcome.
Whats overkill ?
Data::Dumper is used internally (you know by now ;-)
Data::Dump also has a simple interface, ie a single function, imported as dump() or pp(). It doesnt have print-style controls, and doesnt have DDs statement syntax, so its not directly usable for eval-able output. However, its output is magically data-dependent; if it fits on a single line, it prints that way.
Gurusamy Sarathy for writing DD, I love it and use it *ALL* the time, its often my microscope of choice. I cant leave the above critique as the only commentary.
Jim Cromie <>
Copyright (c) 2003 Jim Cromie. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
I dont suppose Ill ever recover the (modest) development time via reduced keystrokes, but CPAN has saved me so much already; heres a little give-back. And besides, perl is fun, like an always-new toy.