Changes for version 0.005 - 2016-02-20
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- Impl/Printer: changed defaults of with_indices_full and with_methods to a false value, clear memory at dsend()
- Impl/ Removal of MooX::HandlesVia dependency
- Data/ Avoid too many calls to arybase
- Impl/ MooX::HandlesVia::Simple will be MooX::HandlesVia::Dirty
- Impl/ use MooX::HandlesVia::Simple -replace => 1
- Impl/ $desc = "\"$desc\"" is fast than $desc = " . $desc . "
- Impl/ MooX::HandlesVia::Simple like optim
- Impl/ In preparation of MooX::HandlesVia::Simple
- Impl/ put Moo first in the use statements
- Impl/ bug fix when with_indices_full => 0
- Impl/ make _currentIndicePerLevel really current indice instead of next value
- Impl/ fix concatenatedLevels string
- Impl/ use handles_via
- Impl/ colored calls profiling
- Impl/ _pushDesc() profiling
- Impl/ Profiling bis
- Impl/ Profiling
- Impl/ Added 0x32 (space) to printable characters
- dist.ini: Add Authority
- Data/ removed unused import
- Data/ Mention of link to Data::Scan::Printer
- Scan/ ABSTRACT fix
Stackfree arbitrary data scanner
Data::Scan printer implementation
Example of a printer consumer for Data::Scan
Data::Scan consumer role