Data::Scan::Impl::Printer - Data::Scan printer implementation
version 0.007
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Data::Scan;
use Data::Scan::Impl::Printer;
my $this = bless([ 'var1', 'var2', {'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'}, \undef, \\undef, [], sub { return 'something' } ], 'TEST');
my $consumer = Data::Scan::Impl::Printer->new(with_deparse => 1);
Data::Scan->new(consumer => $consumer)->process($this);
Data::Scan::Impl::Printer is an example of an implementation of the Data::Scan::Role::Consumer role.
Here the list of supported options, every name is preceded by its type.
FileHandle handle
Handle for the output. Default is \*STDOUT.
Str indent
Indentation. Default is ' '.
PositiveOrZeroInt max_depth
Maximum unfold level. Default is 0, meaning no maximum.
Str undef
Representation of an undefined value. Default is 'undef'.
Str unknown
Representation of an unknown value. Default is '???'.
Str newline
Separator between lines. Default is "\n".
Bool with_ansicolor
Use ANSI colors. Default is a false value if $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED} exists, else a true value if $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_ENABLED} exists, else a false value if Win32::Console::ANSI cannot be loaded and you are on Windows, else a true value.
Str array_start
Representation of the start of an array. Default is '['.
Str array_next
Representation of separator between array elements. Default is ','.
Str array_end
Representation of the end of an array. Default is ']'.
Str hash_start
Representation of the start of a hash. Default is '{'.
Str hash_next
Representation of separator between hash elements, where an element is the tuple {key,value}. Default is ','.
Str hash_end
Representation of the end of a hash. Default is '}'.
Str hash_separator
Representation of hash separator between a key and a value. Default is '=>'.
Str indice_start
Representation of internal indice count start. Default is '['.
Str indice_end
Representation of internal indice count end. Default is ']'.
Bool with_indices_full
Use full internal indice representation, i.e. show indices from the top level up to current level, as if the tree would have been only composed of array references to array references, and so on. Default is a false value.
Str address_start
Representation of the start of an address. Default is '('.
Str address_format
Format of an address. Default is '0x%x'.
Str address_end
Representation of the end of an address. Default is ')'.
Str ref_start
Representation of the start of a reference. Default is '\'.
Str ref_end
Representation of the end of a reference. Default is the empty string.
Bool with_address
Show address of any reference. Default is a false value.
Bool with_array_indice
Show array indices. Default is a true value.
Bool with_hash_indice
Show hash indices. Default is a true value.
Bool with_deparse
Show deparsed subroutine references. Default is a false value.
If deparse raise an exception, the current item is shown as if with_deparse would be off, i.e. a classic stringification resulting in something like e.g. CODE(0x...)
Bool with_methods
Show public, private and inherited methods. Default is a false value.
Bool with_filename
Show loaded or resolved filename. Default is a false value.
Bool buffered
If a true value, bufferize the output and print it only at the end of the processing, otherwise print it item per item, the later is less efficient but also memory-friendly in case of large data. Default is a false value.
HashRef[Str] colors
Explicit ANSI color per functionality. The absence of a color definition means the corresponding value will be printed as-is. A color is defined following the Term::ANSIColor specification, as a string.
Supported keys of this hash and their eventual default setup is:
- string => undef
Generic stringified value.
- blessed => 'bold'
Blessed name.
- regexp => undef
Stringified regexp.
- array_start => 'blue'
Array start.
- array_next => 'blue'
Separator between array elements.
- array_end => 'blue'
Array end.
- hash_start => 'blue'
Hash start.
- hash_separator => 'blue'
Separator between hash key and value.
- hash_next => 'blue'
Separator between a hash value and the next hash key.
- hash_end => 'blue'
Hash end.
- ref_start => undef
Reference start.
- ref_end => undef
Reference end.
- indice_full => 'magenta'
Full indice.
- indice_start => 'magenta'
Indice start.
- indice_value => 'magenta'
Indice value.
- indice_end => 'magenta'
Indice end.
- undef => 'red'
The undefined value.
- unknown => 'bold red'
An unknown value.
- address_start => 'magenta'
Address start.
- address_value => 'magenta'
Address value.
- address_end => 'magenta'
Address end.
- code => 'yellow'
Deparsed or stringified code reference.
- already_scanned => 'green'
Already scanned reference. Such item will always be represented using "var[...]", where [...] is the full indice representation.
Will be called when scanning is starting. It is resetting all internal attributes used to keep the context.
Will be called when scanning is ending. Returns a true value.
Called when an unfolded content is opened.
Called when an unfolded content is closed.
Called when an unfolded content is read. Returns eventual unfolded content.
If with_methods option is on, Class::Inspector (and not Package::Stash like what does Data::Printer) is used to get public, private and other (labelled inherited, then) methods. Thus, notion of methods, usage of @ISA etc, could look different to what Data::Printer say.
B::Deparse, Class::Inspector, Data::Scan::Printer, Term::ANSIColor, Win32::Console::ANSI
Jean-Damien Durand <>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.