Changes for version 0.006 - 2013-08-21
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- Marpa::R2 DSL compliance
- In POD, "terminfo x variable" -> "x variable"
- POD typo
- tvxxx test suite
- $self->tvxxxx normalisation: always returns true if found, false if not found
- Preparation for use_env
- addPercentToRc: add a missing comment in generated code
- Fix error in addPushConst
- Fix indentation
- Removed unused method _doIndent
- _get_ospeed_and_baudrate environment variables fix
- A little better _get_ospeed_and_baudrate()
- use_env
- xtest compliance
- putp
- xtest compliance
- bsd_tputs, tputs fixes
- POD fixes, inversion of tgoto() arguments
- main_module is lib/MarpaX/Database/Terminfo/
- Fix indices on staticp and dynamicp
- renamed
- test the pure txt version of stubs
- rename
- xtest compliance
- More eval and failover
- xtest compliance and two ## no critic for eval
- xtest compliance
- Fix in untained mode, removed $log statements from stubs
- Removed $log statement
- A lot of stuff about stubs
- use pre computed stubs
- use pre computed stubs
- xtest compliance
- new stopwords
- stubs generation and shared files
- Use our parsing technique instead of perl version of GNU ncurses
- Order the tests by alias
- Use the real escape character
- Octal characters and not integer, debugf to tracef
- Octal characters and not integer
- String grammar and actions
- Character constants
- Doc touch up
- xtest compliance
- tparm and al.
- Moving from Class::Singleton to classic OO
- tgetstr and tigetstr compliance with the standard
- Try to change author so that I do not appear also as author and contributor
- xtest compliance
- tiget family
- Allow internal routine _tget() to look into terminfo, termcap or variable via a parameter, preparation for tgoto and al.
- Document that termcap and variable entries are automatically derived using the caps parameter of _new_instance()
- Optional filehandle to POSIX::Termios::getattr()
- Play with pos() on $areap
- PC, UP, BC, ospeed and baudrate initializations
- xtest compliance
- tget* interfaces
- Caps files
- {MARPAX_DATABASE_TERMINFO_BIN} and tgetent(() as exported
- feature in now an array
- feature is now an array, use terminfo constants
- Terminfo constants
- If boolean ends with '@' then it is explicitely false
- Add emacs backup files
- tgetent() prototype
- Value returned by Marpa is also a reference
- Oups, one level of reference too much
- POD fix
Parse a terminfo data base using Marpa
Terminfo constants
Terminfo grammar in Marpa BNF
Terminfo grammar actions
Terminfo character classes
Terminfo grammar regexps
Terminfo interface
Parse a terminfo string using Marpa
Terminfo string grammar in Marpa BNF
Terminfo grammar actions