MarpaX::Database::Terminfo::String::Grammar::Actions - Terminfo grammar actions


version 0.008


This modules give the actions associated to terminfo grammar. The value will be an anonymous stub that will accept $self, a reference to static_vars array, and a reference to dynamic_vars array in input, and tparm() arguments. The output will be the parameterized string.


Instance a new object.

addEscapedCharacterToRc($self, $c)

Generates code that appends escaped character $c to the output of generated code.

addCharacterToRc($self, $c)

Generates code that appends character $c to the output of generated code.

addPercentToRc($self, $c)

Generates code that appends character '%' to the output of generated code.

addPrintPopToRc($self, $c)

Generates code that appends a print of pop() like %c in printf().

addPrintToRc($self, $format)

Generates code that appends a print of pop() using the $format string in the terminfo database.

addPushToRc($self, $push)

Generates code that appends a push().

addDynPop($self, $dynpop)

Generates code that appends a pop() into a dynamic variable.

addDynPush($self, $dynpush)

Generates code that appends a push() of a dynamic variable.

addStaticPop($self, $staticpop)

Generates code that appends a pop() into a static variable.

addStaticPush($self, $staticpush)

Generates code that appends a push() of a static variable.

addL($self, $l)

Generates code that appends a push() of strlen(pop()).

addPushConst($self, $const)

Generates code that appends a push() of char constant $const.

addPushInt($self, $int)

Generates code that appends a push() of integer constant $const.

addPlus($self, $plus)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop()+pop()

addMinus($self, $minus)

Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() - first pop()

addStar($self, $star)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() * pop()

addDiv($self, $div)

Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() / first pop()

addMod($self, $mod)

Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() % first pop()

addBitAnd($self, $bitAnd)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() & pop()

addBitOr($self, $bitOr)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() | pop()

addBitXor($self, $bitXor)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() ^ pop()


Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() == first pop()


Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() > first pop()


Generates code that appends a push() of second pop() < first pop()

addLogicalAnd($self, $logicalAnd)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() && pop()

addLogicalOr($self, $logicalOr)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() && pop()

addNot($self, $not)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() && pop()

addComplement($self, $complement)

Generates code that appends a push() of pop() && pop()

addOneToParams($self, $one)

Generates code that adds 1 to all parameters (in practice not more than two)

addIfThenElse($self, $if, $units1p, $then, $units2p, $elsifUnitsp, $else, $unitsp, $endif)

Generates code that adds generated if {} $elsifUnits else {}.

addIfThen($self, $if, $units1p, $then, $units2p, $elsifUnits, $endif)

Generates code that adds generated if {} $elsifUnits.

elifUnit($self, $else, $units1p, $then, $units2p)

Generates code that adds generated elsif {}.

eof($self, ...)

Routine executed at EOF. It is also preventing undef to be pass through the parse tree value.

ifEndif($self, ...)

Routine executed to empty IF/ENDIF. It is also preventing undef to be pass through the parse tree value.


jddurand <>


Jean-Damien Durand <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.