Changes for version 2.0.12 - 2017-05-31
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- Version 2.0.12 [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: Make sure that discard of very last data can happen only for the top-level rcognizer [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed builtins for the moment [ci skip]
- ESLIF/Recognizer.pod: typo in POD [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: consume as much discard as possible after exhaustion
- ci skip
- test/marpaESLIFTester.c: fix exhausted flag [ci skip]
- API/README.pod: An important comment on exhaustion recognizer flag and the parse() method [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: work on exhausted grammar but lexeme remains: a very last :discard should be tried [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed ::nosep that is now a built-in, removed ::unpack (returns more than once value) and ::eval (no gain) [ci skip]
- hide separator documentation [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed an read of uninitialized variable [ci skip]
- New adverb item hide-separator [ci skip]
- BNF/README.pod: more words on :discard[on] and :discard[off] [ci skip]
- Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off" in self test
- ci skip
- Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off", for more concise doc -; [ci skip]
- Missing doc pieces for symbol-action => <string literal> [ci skip]
- String literal in rule and symbol actions done [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix event type settings when cloning and event is internal [ci skip]
- String literation as action dev+ [ci skip]
- String literal MARPAESLIF_DST_OR_VALCHAR() macro helper dev+ [ci skip]
- String literal dev+ [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: do not allow a trailing backslash in a string [ci skip]
- Prepare for action => <quoted string> [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: ::keep, ::printf and ::pack dev+ [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed logic with backslash processing [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: support of ::{} builtin [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix check of nullable semantics [ci skip]
- src/marpaESLIF.c: In marpaESLIFValue_contextb(), return -1 for symbol or rule Id when the case does not apply [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: removed ::undef action built-in injection because it already exist natively in ESLIF -; [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: ::[], ::undef, ::true and ::false special actions [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: %nosep and %skip [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: "%nosep->" implementation dev+ [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: perl builtin actions will start with "%" why not [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: prepare for the marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb() method [ci skip]
- marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb(): removed a debug statement and document how it is implemented [ci skip]
- Revival of grammar extension but under some limitations, this time it is marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb() [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: prevent built-in [] to be av_undef'ed [ci skip]
- perl/ESLIF.xs: support of "nosep->" and "[]" hooks
- Make marpaESLIFValue_contextb() usable with ruleproperty [ci skip]
- Hide marpaESLIF_extend() - almost works but too "dangerous" until the framework is protected against user's error [ci skip]
- Fix eventual memory leak: discardEvents scope is on a rule, not on a symbol [ci skip]
- Revisit marpaESLIF_extendb() so that marpaESLIFp adress does not change
- fix uninitialized marpaWrapperGrammarp in marpaESLIFRecognizerp_newp()
- ci skip
- Support of ESLIF extension [ci skip]
- Shortened a comment in rule property structure [ci skip]
- API/README.pod: rule and grammar introspection POD [ci skip]
- Rule introspection: added marpa rule bits [ci skip]
- test/exceptionTester*.c: removed few compile warnings [ci skip]
- Grammar introspection [ci skip]
- Rule introspection [ci skip]
- For rules, create a convenience array of RHS Ids for future rule introspection [ci skip]
- perl/CMakeLists.txt: no need to recurse to find ESLIF.xs [ci skip]
- test/exceptionTester*c [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF's grammar
MarpaX::ESLIF's Introduction
MarpaX::ESLIF's logger interface
MarpaX::ESLIF's recognizer
MarpaX::ESLIF's recognizer interface
MarpaX::ESLIF Calculator Tutorial
MarpaX::ESLIF's value
MarpaX::ESLIF's value interface
ESLIF is Extended ScanLess InterFace
ESLIF Event Types
ESLIF Logger levels
ESLIF Value Types