MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::Properties - ESLIF Grammar Properties
version 2.0.20
use MarpaX::ESLIF;
my $eslif = MarpaX::ESLIF->new();
my $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };
my $eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $data);
my $grammarProperties = $eslifGrammar->currentProperties;
my $grammarPropertiesByLevel = $eslifGrammar->propertiesByLevel(0);
# This is an example of a calculator grammar
:start ::= Expression
:default ::= action => do_op
symbol-action => do_symbol
free-action => do_free # Supported but useless
:desc ::= 'Calculator'
:discard ::= whitespaces event => discard_whitespaces$
:discard ::= comment event => discard_comment$
event ^Number = predicted Number
event Number$ = completed Number
Number ::= NUMBER action => ::shift
event Expression$ = completed Expression
event ^Expression = predicted Expression
Expression ::=
Number action => do_int
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group action => ::copy[1]
|| Expression '**' Expression assoc => right
|| Expression '*' Expression
| Expression '/' Expression
|| Expression '+' Expression
| Expression '-' Expression
whitespaces ::= WHITESPACES
comment ::= /(?:(?:(?:\/\/)(?:[^\n]*)(?:\n|\z))|(?:(?:\/\*)(?:(?:[^\*]+|\*(?!\/))*)(?:\*\/)))/u
:lexeme ::= NUMBER pause => before event => ^NUMBER
:lexeme ::= NUMBER pause => after event => NUMBER$
:desc ~ 'Calculator Tokens'
NUMBER ~ /[\d]+/ name => 'NUMBER Lexeme'
WHITESPACES ~ [\s]+ name => 'WHITESPACES Lexeme'
ESLIF Grammar Properties.
Calls to grammar's currentProperties() or propertiesByLevel() methods outputs an instance of this class.
Creation of an ESLIFGrammarProperties instance, noted $self
afterwards. %args
is a hash that should contain:
- level
Grammar level
- maxLevel
Maximum grammar level
- description
Grammar description
- latm
Grammar is in LATM (Longest Accepted Token Mode) ?
- defaultSymbolAction
Grammar default symbol action
- defaultRuleAction
Grammar default rule action
- defaultFreeAction
Grammar default free action
- startId
Start symbol Id
- discardId
Discard symbol Id
- symbolIds
Symbol Ids (array reference)
- ruleIds
Rule Ids (array reference)
Returns grammar's level
Returns maximum grammar's level
Returns grammar's description
Returns a boolean that indicates if this grammar is in the LATM (Longest Acceptable Token Mode) or not
Alias to isLatm()
Returns grammar's default symbol action, never null
Returns grammar's default rule action, can be null
Returns grammar's default free action, never null and always ":defaultFreeActions" (hardcoded in the JNI interface)
Returns grammar's start symbol id, always >= 0
Returns grammar's discard symbol id, < 0 if none.
Returns a reference to a list of symbol identifiers
Returns a reference to a list of rule identifiers
Jean-Damien Durand <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.