Changelog for MarpaX-ESLIF
3.0.30 2020-02-22T09:31:52
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.30 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Instructions optimization [ci skip]
Merge commit 'a5f042913b3e343ea19b8e4a38dd8d346cb0b7b4' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 0d61a065..49d07b65
Merge commit '7845601a33d8fa81c850a5249fc174289a8f45ae' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 50410e3f..08a56f31
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from ab4943aa..4544f567
Merge commit '398d95fa2655d4696a72cb3823ee58f1c145d214' [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: set GENERICSTACK_DEFAULT_LENGTH to 1024 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed a warning detected by clang [ci skip]
Java JSON dev+
Default JSON strict mode is a true value
Java ESLIFJSONDecoder dev+
marpa/ decode() method [ci skip]
marpa/ encode() method synopsis fix [ci skip]
marpa/ Add [ci skip]
marpa/ Add an example in synopsis [ci skip]
Java: ESLIFJSONEncoder
java: ESLIFJSONEncoder and ESLIFJSONSDecoder dev+
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: +/-Infinity and NaN better support, start of JSON
encoder/decoder support
perl/ESLIF.xs: do not convert to Math::BigFloat when this is +/-Infinity
or NaN
Re-introduce marpaESLIFValueResult_isinfb() and
marpaESLIFValueResult_isnanb() when hosts do not use native
float/double, or do not use/support native long double
Tiny processor cache optimizations
src/lua_marpaESLIFJSON.c: more simple version
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix typos [ci skip]
Lua marpaESLIFJSON handy class
lua json decoder support
src/json.c: set errno to EINVAL if there is a maxDepth exception [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: maxDepthl option get fix
test/marpaESLIFLuaTest.lua: test json encoding on niled table and array
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix crash in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_concat_valueResultCallbackb [ci skip]
config_autoconf.ini: perl in cpan config [ci skip]
json in lua, work on _marpaESLIFRecognizer_concat_valueResultCallbackb
[ci skip]
.appveyor.yml: Restored all builds
Merge commit '3bcc1ed2dcf22a97938770505605ff90da74b63a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 61bc7e12..0d61a065
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from ce57ae6d..50410e3f
Merge commit 'b449e559aac91dba29be62a95eb5e38ad71510b3'
Merge commit '37b3be8cfc0d750fd327064e469ae4a2fc710116'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from c7751228..ab4943aa
perl/ESLIF.xs: Accept default marpaESLIF proposal if valid [ci skip]
_marpaESLIF_flatten_pointers optimization
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_grammar_eventsb(),
removed a non-needed and costly initialization instruction [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Removed unused variable if compiled without
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed unused variable [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Add missing braces around initializer [ci skip]
internal/structures.h: Removed unused and badly writen constant
marpaESLIF_alternative_default [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fixed badly writen comment [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix typo in error string [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from fbb6e18b..61bc7e12
Merge commit '283e68634cd23e523b14c7ac88b41a6b5d64f929' [ci skip]
Merge commit '4ccf40d0c61960823d1d760350232f3e8b898f43' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 4c1122c5..c7751228
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIFValueResult_stack_i_setb() optim dev+ [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFValueResult_stack_i_setb() removed one
unnecessary memcpy, in _marpaESLIF_generic_action___concatb() respect
original encoding if concatenated string is empty [ci skip]
src/floattos.c: Make LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG less false -;
Revisit marpaESLIF_[f|d|ld]tos to versions that do not loop, fix macros
test on isinf and isnan check
Removed unbinded marpaESLIFValueResult_resetb() method
BNF/README.pod: Update [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Return an empty STRING or ARRAY when the rule is not
nullable but concatenation size is 0
perl/ESLIF.xs: Use Math::BigFloat->bcmp instead of bge and ble [ci skip]
Perl: try to favour IV or UV when decoding JSON number [ci skip]
perlJSON .pm files review [ci skip]
json revisited
pcre2-10.23/CMakeLists.txt: Move FIXME_CMAKE_ABSOLUTE upper
perl build
t/json.c: Removed Data::Scan::Printer
pcre2-10.23/CMakeLists.txt: EBCDIC and SUPPORT_UNICODE are mutually
PCRE2s EBCDIC and SUPPORT_UNICODE are not compatible bis [ci skip]
PCRE2s EBCDIC and SUPPORT_UNICODE are not compatible [ci skip]
pcre2 and build system [ci skip]
Merge commit '04872fe4f0e97d7e3c9294214ca054be3ce3b4ce' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 709184a9..7584b412
Add userDatavp to json decode callbacks [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed floating point downgrade trials [ci skip]
JSON callbacks semantics [ci skip]
json internal grammar introduced the need of internal proxy
representation dev+ [ci skip]
Perl JSON dev+ [ci skip]
JSON/ Add [ci skip]
Removed internal floating point fmtss [ci skip]
perls JSON native encode [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: marpaESLIFValueResult_resetb() and force eof to true
when readerCallbackp is NULL [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Add marpaESLIFValueResult_resetb() [ci skip]
API/README.pod: More when readerCallbackp is NULL [ci skip]
internal/eslif/G1.h: Added "::jsonf" built-in action [ci skip]
src/json.c: marpaESLIFJSON_encodeb() fix [ci skip]
Removed marpaESLIF_isinfb() and marpaESLIF_isnanb() [ci skip]
Undef MSVC, strtold is strtod
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_value_validb() fix
Work on special float values
Work on config
Work on json fallback
Merge commit 'b6efab3fcc3656de5091728a56d7ed001f2b3fde' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 7303dc1f..709184a9
json number fallback dev+ [ci skip]
Renamed JSON action with fallback at the end [ci skip]
Grammar properties bindings fix and perls t/test.t upgrade [ci skip]
Grammar/ properties perl specific implementation [ci skip]
json decode and grammar properties implementations in bindings [ci skip]
Move lconv in marpaESLIF_t [ci skip]
Merge commit '156d638676eced64ea36579ee2d8aedb59bf3d66' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e13b3c7a..7303dc1f
src/json.c: Changed a WARNF to a TRACEF [ci skip]
Move math hacks in a specialized math.h header [ci skip]
Merge commit '63db070fb06c49b4a66e0be9d4f08a961e02f9e9'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from d480cb97..e13b3c7a
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix marpaESLIF_isinf [ci skip]
Some preprocessor warning messages
float constants dev+
test/jsonTester.c: Removed unused variables [ci skip]
src/json.c: Removed unused variable [ci skip]
Merge commit '2aefef9a4871fd5da1d49d9c7a44eceef6a53c83'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 3c0b6861..d480cb97
Work on floating point classification dev+ [ci skip]
json dev+
HUGE_VALx downgrades instead of promotions [ci skip]
HUGE_VALx promotions if needed [ci skip]
Use C_STRTOLD and C_STRTOLL [ci skip]
Merge commit 'f20b1c7f78758a9325aaa284e2475626c6621f44' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 21673367..3c0b6861
src/marpaESLIF.c: when tconv fails, try to print from and to encodings
test/adventTester.c: grammar is in UTF-8 [ci skip]
test/adventTester.c: Fix memory leak [ci skip]
test/jsonTester*c: move to chunk mode to please compilers having a limit
on string literal length
Use default-encoding => UTF-8 in json grammars [ci skip]
Fallback charset detection support [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 346aaad2..23239076
Merge commit '7bfe3ea08a14858b7522930093ee91bfe3fef6b1' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 77c30aef..21673367
Merge commit 'd1e304cbdb7ddcefe75102f48a3fa4ad0ded6b08' [ci skip]
default-encoding dev+ [ci skip]
default-encoding and fallback-encoding dev+ [ci skip]
default-encoding and fallback-encoding grammar adverb items dev+ [ci
test/jsonTesterData.c: some compilers do not like very long strings -
split up to approx 100 characters [ci skip]
JSON dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Protect _marpaESLIF_utf82ordi for an eventual read out
of allowed buffer [ci skip]
Fix build
Fix possible memory leaks
test/jsonTester.c t+
Make marpaESLIFJSON_newp create grammar on demand dev+
test/jsonTester.c: t+ [ci skip]
CMakeObjects.PL upgrade and fixes
src/json.c: #ifdef and not #idef -; [ci skip]
src/json.c: MARPAESLIF_HUGE_VALL and MARPAESLIF_HUGE_VAL tests [ci skip]
marpaESLIFJSONDecodeOption.noReplacementCharacterb: dev+
nan and inf external functions dev+
Merge commit 'd6e7187432e82a032a9bb6441ec0f51f75ab3131' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 2d312a45..77c30aef
JSON decoder dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In binary mode, an empty array should not fail in
::concat [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Removed obsolete comments about alternative and symbol
or rule callback [ci skip]
README.pod: typographical changes [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use newRV_noinc when RETVAL is a reference to an array
[ci skip]
perl event callback [ci skip]
Do not enforce exhaustion event if recognizer interface did not set the
exhausted option [ci skip]
event action and java [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: event callback doc [ci skip]
event callback: do as if user would have called
marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventb [ci skip]
event callback in lua dev+ [ci skip]
lua event action dev+ [ci skip]
dev+ [ci skip]
Support of RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW (U+21D2) in addition to "=>" [ci
README.pod: Put version and licence badges first [ci skip]
README.pod: AppVeyor badge status [ci skip]
Version 3.0.29
t/ define MarpaX::ESLIF dependant input in another
BEGIN block
src/marpaESLIF.c: Data must not be consumed until BOM removal process,
if any, says ok
Version 3.0.28
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 48932631..52f77812
Merge commit '79d9d88a69ca0ed7eec232b8cb41c3acce26eea2'
Version 3.0.27
t/test.c: ifAction symbol property test [ci skip]
Added missing ifACtion in perls bindings for symbol property [ci skip]
Added missing support of MARPAESLIF_ACTION_TYPE_LUA in all bindings [ci
README.pod: Add build example with cmake
Permit to use embedded lua for if-action
.appveyor.yml: add skip_non_tags: true
back to linux only, do not understand travis os natively failing because
of ruby version [ci skip]
travis os only (arch is too experimental) dev+ [ci skip]
travis os and arch dev+
Version 3.0.26
Re-enable all windows builds
Add /wd4018 /wd4067 if MSVC
Add /wd4305 /wd4309 if MSVC
Merge commit 'd0f9d1ae6b1b0740ae992202b2bc69c0238b7bd1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 251c0b2e..2d312a45
dir __generated_include_dir__ if if exists
type __generated_include_dir__\stdint.h if if exists
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6d68e878..251c0b2e
Merge commit 'b6bfcb297353a8dedc67348f36bc9f093bd0639b'
Merge commit '57a78666fd93d5a533eaba29bd5fce4274021906'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from bade164e..6d68e878
VS2008 dev+
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c930960d..bade164e
Merge commit 'c4700b1ad34abc4e6ac290146f061704bc372706'
VS2008 dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '25a8c231758d6ab0a524d7de740c68c8c4d6529e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 49ddd2f0..c930960d
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b9337ca3..49ddd2f0
Merge commit '13cfdf102c50de389a8bd8f88e852d7ba0566323'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from f79f3e62..b9337ca3
Merge commit 'e4ed7f795959e25c92b0eacbf90392b75207aa8a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 7dd4247d..f79f3e62
Merge commit '631280f94c22033ac3e3a9c492a5a47a5effdf2a'
Merge commit 'e23d11f93c101cd54f0c73203d6e747e61ed3cec'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 799c0d35..7dd4247d
Version 3.0.25
Merge commit '8ce78d2054be35c47f7388d311b5be9544479b70'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 30e75b82..48932631
Version 3.0.24
Merge commit '95044777523e73ff9241de04b88ed81bd1a4c490'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1cd4c96f..30e75b82
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 309f072f..1cd4c96f
Merge commit '6b2f9bf2c63ca4410763dc20c13ff2ec3e348f3d'
Version 3.0.23
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 3e23eb70..309f072f
Merge commit '762a036f54cc7bfb153cb19ab63404db00467842'
Merge commit '9a7fa73f732251e65871ec4e36d509af6812f60c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 4c5c4569..3e23eb70
Merge commit '613a6c794675076e270b150eedaaab7a5438d363' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b716824d..799c0d35
Version 3.0.22
Replaced some ;; by ;
Version 3.0.21
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 21219a5d..fbb6e18b
Merge commit 'c365c87b039dee8d5601d7175ac7839b049928ab' [ci skip]
Version 3.0.20
Merge commit '95ec2664d29ab6629ecf85cc4f5bb157ae2adb08'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from d3bc96e4..21219a5d
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ba977e86..346aaad2
Merge commit '363e73dc94f48d2228db2f2cad8605cf08b03b46'
Merge commit '4de89861b5124efddef65cac85783f9a3cdb325f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 3fc52b30..ce57ae6d
Merge commit '360da4caa0c1f98d1ee168a723a31f1e569e019e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 2992af68..4c1122c5
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '95edb4eaa10bf138dcf52977de344f063e387486'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 02bdda29..b716824d
Merge commit '2f37069268b54496d3eb9f8fbc293c659ef7f298'
BNF/README.pod: Fix [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: Fix typo [ci skip]
Version 3.0.19
Added a method to retreive last discarded data [ci skip]
Say which rule failed at creation if possible
Version 3.0.18
Fix crash when setting a zero-length lexeme via API [ci skip]
Version 3.0.17 [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod and test/selfTester.c updates
::ast built-in action
t/thread.t: Still trying to fix pb with Test::More
Version 3.0.15 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Fix potential use of undefined string in
BNF/README.pod: POD fix [ci skip]
.travis.yml: Update JSON::MaybeXS
src/marpaESLIF.c: If discard is successful, recognizer should break if
there is at last one grammar event in addition to the eventual discard
src/marpaESLIF.c: event sort is always missing the last event
Version 3.0.14 [ci skip]
t/json.t: use parse() [ci skip]
t/import_export.t: Fix number of tests
Version 3.0.13 [ci skip]
t/thread.t: use a constant to hopefully bypass a Test::More apparent
random(?) bug [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix printf() debug statement [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: undef default string representation is empty, \"null\"
is reserved to json mode
Tutorials update [ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: update [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c fix and <if action> BNF
if-action full implementation [ci skip]
if action: external definition [ci skip]
symbol-action support in :lexeme and :terminal rules
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix typo in a message [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Fix error string associated to adverb list unpack
context [ci skip]
Version 3.0.12
Process grammar :discard[] hooks in any case only in the top recognizer
Process grammar :discard[] hooks from
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_grammar_eventsb() to
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_eventb() to catch the case when they are
associated to lexemes ot terminals (which are not using grammar events
Fix log calls [ci skip]
Explicit terminal event [ci skip]
<restricted ascii graph name> simplification [ci skip]
:discard[switch] new keyword doc fix
:discard[switch] new keyword fixes
:discard[switch] new keyword
Version 3.0.11 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: marpaESLIFPerl_is_bool optimization
MarpaX/ Tiny optimization
Revert "In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead
of lua_newstate" [ci skip]
Avoid unnecessary events
Merge commit '5cab1870f56f83de6799872dbb088c15c45fd571' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 26e8b99d..4c5c4569
In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead of
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1d18796c..26e8b99d
Merge commit 'd9988f7ce2ecda775f60ce50bf604705a096cc66' [ci skip]
Add missing meta actions to the doc [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: Simplifications [ci skip]
Version 3.0.10 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix memory management in case of error recovery
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->previousMaxMatchedl in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of marpaESLIFRecognizerp->lastSizel in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Reset pristine flag in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
java: ESLIFSymbolEventBitSet
lua: symbol eventBitSet [ci skip]
perl: MarpaX::ESLIF::Symbol::EventBitSet
_marpaESLIF_flatten_pointers work [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from ea926630..d3bc96e4
Merge commit '719c37e0825f54751771b4b939da8395f96e1ba7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 2a5695ab..3fc52b30
Merge commit '5c3b13c95a5f170c1eaef52f5d5e67742eedcd48' [ci skip]
Merge commit '2d0928e6eea97a2e4be7ba06c104ae6ebe3ab67c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 49e9eeae..2992af68
src/marpaESLIF.c: Avoid unnecessary memcpy's in
CMakeLists.txt: Fix setting of LUA_INT_TYPE and LUA_FLOAT_TYPE
Symbol event introspection
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from d88c2d62..ea926630
Merge commit '68b94bad9878bfaf9788eeab2161a7ea585b2953' [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
number types [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
float type [ci skip]
3.0.29 2019-11-21T05:07:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.29
t/ define MarpaX::ESLIF dependant input in another
BEGIN block
src/marpaESLIF.c: Data must not be consumed until BOM removal process,
if any, says ok
3.0.28 2019-11-17T18:48:57
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.28
Merge commit '79d9d88a69ca0ed7eec232b8cb41c3acce26eea2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 48932631..52f77812
Version 3.0.27
t/test.c: ifAction symbol property test [ci skip]
Added missing ifACtion in perls bindings for symbol property [ci skip]
Added missing support of MARPAESLIF_ACTION_TYPE_LUA in all bindings [ci
README.pod: Add build example with cmake
Permit to use embedded lua for if-action
.appveyor.yml: add skip_non_tags: true
back to linux only, do not understand travis os natively failing because
of ruby version [ci skip]
travis os only (arch is too experimental) dev+ [ci skip]
travis os and arch dev+
3.0.26 2019-11-16T19:06:57
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.26
Re-enable all windows builds
Add /wd4018 /wd4067 if MSVC
Add /wd4305 /wd4309 if MSVC
Merge commit 'd0f9d1ae6b1b0740ae992202b2bc69c0238b7bd1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 251c0b2e..2d312a45
dir __generated_include_dir__ if if exists
type __generated_include_dir__\stdint.h if if exists
Merge commit 'b6bfcb297353a8dedc67348f36bc9f093bd0639b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6d68e878..251c0b2e
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from bade164e..6d68e878
Merge commit '57a78666fd93d5a533eaba29bd5fce4274021906'
VS2008 dev+
Merge commit 'c4700b1ad34abc4e6ac290146f061704bc372706'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c930960d..bade164e
VS2008 dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '25a8c231758d6ab0a524d7de740c68c8c4d6529e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 49ddd2f0..c930960d
Merge commit '13cfdf102c50de389a8bd8f88e852d7ba0566323'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b9337ca3..49ddd2f0
Merge commit 'e4ed7f795959e25c92b0eacbf90392b75207aa8a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from f79f3e62..b9337ca3
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 7dd4247d..f79f3e62
Merge commit '631280f94c22033ac3e3a9c492a5a47a5effdf2a'
Merge commit 'e23d11f93c101cd54f0c73203d6e747e61ed3cec'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 799c0d35..7dd4247d
Version 3.0.25
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 30e75b82..48932631
Merge commit '8ce78d2054be35c47f7388d311b5be9544479b70'
Version 3.0.24
Merge commit '95044777523e73ff9241de04b88ed81bd1a4c490'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1cd4c96f..30e75b82
Merge commit '6b2f9bf2c63ca4410763dc20c13ff2ec3e348f3d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 309f072f..1cd4c96f
Version 3.0.23
Merge commit '762a036f54cc7bfb153cb19ab63404db00467842'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 3e23eb70..309f072f
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 4c5c4569..3e23eb70
Merge commit '9a7fa73f732251e65871ec4e36d509af6812f60c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b716824d..799c0d35
Merge commit '613a6c794675076e270b150eedaaab7a5438d363' [ci skip]
Version 3.0.22
Replaced some ;; by ;
Version 3.0.21
Merge commit 'c365c87b039dee8d5601d7175ac7839b049928ab' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 21219a5d..fbb6e18b
Version 3.0.20
Merge commit '95ec2664d29ab6629ecf85cc4f5bb157ae2adb08'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from d3bc96e4..21219a5d
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ba977e86..346aaad2
Merge commit '363e73dc94f48d2228db2f2cad8605cf08b03b46'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 3fc52b30..ce57ae6d
Merge commit '4de89861b5124efddef65cac85783f9a3cdb325f'
Merge commit '360da4caa0c1f98d1ee168a723a31f1e569e019e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 2992af68..4c1122c5
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '95edb4eaa10bf138dcf52977de344f063e387486'
Merge commit '2f37069268b54496d3eb9f8fbc293c659ef7f298'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 02bdda29..b716824d
BNF/README.pod: Fix [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: Fix typo [ci skip]
Version 3.0.19
Added a method to retreive last discarded data [ci skip]
Say which rule failed at creation if possible
Version 3.0.18
Fix crash when setting a zero-length lexeme via API [ci skip]
Version 3.0.17 [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod and test/selfTester.c updates
::ast built-in action
t/thread.t: Still trying to fix pb with Test::More
Version 3.0.15 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Fix potential use of undefined string in
BNF/README.pod: POD fix [ci skip]
.travis.yml: Update JSON::MaybeXS
src/marpaESLIF.c: If discard is successful, recognizer should break if
there is at last one grammar event in addition to the eventual discard
src/marpaESLIF.c: event sort is always missing the last event
Version 3.0.14 [ci skip]
t/json.t: use parse() [ci skip]
t/import_export.t: Fix number of tests
Version 3.0.13 [ci skip]
t/thread.t: use a constant to hopefully bypass a Test::More apparent
random(?) bug [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix printf() debug statement [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: undef default string representation is empty, \"null\"
is reserved to json mode
Tutorials update [ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: update [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c fix and <if action> BNF
if-action full implementation [ci skip]
if action: external definition [ci skip]
symbol-action support in :lexeme and :terminal rules
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix typo in a message [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Fix error string associated to adverb list unpack
context [ci skip]
Version 3.0.12
Process grammar :discard[] hooks in any case only in the top recognizer
Process grammar :discard[] hooks from
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_grammar_eventsb() to
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_eventb() to catch the case when they are
associated to lexemes ot terminals (which are not using grammar events
Fix log calls [ci skip]
Explicit terminal event [ci skip]
<restricted ascii graph name> simplification [ci skip]
:discard[switch] new keyword doc fix
:discard[switch] new keyword fixes
:discard[switch] new keyword
Version 3.0.11 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: marpaESLIFPerl_is_bool optimization
MarpaX/ Tiny optimization
Revert "In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead
of lua_newstate" [ci skip]
Avoid unnecessary events
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 26e8b99d..4c5c4569
Merge commit '5cab1870f56f83de6799872dbb088c15c45fd571' [ci skip]
In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead of
Merge commit 'd9988f7ce2ecda775f60ce50bf604705a096cc66' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1d18796c..26e8b99d
Add missing meta actions to the doc [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: Simplifications [ci skip]
Version 3.0.10 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix memory management in case of error recovery
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->previousMaxMatchedl in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of marpaESLIFRecognizerp->lastSizel in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Reset pristine flag in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
dev+ [ci skip]
java: ESLIFSymbolEventBitSet
lua: symbol eventBitSet [ci skip]
perl: MarpaX::ESLIF::Symbol::EventBitSet
_marpaESLIF_flatten_pointers work [ci skip]
Merge commit '719c37e0825f54751771b4b939da8395f96e1ba7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from ea926630..d3bc96e4
Merge commit '5c3b13c95a5f170c1eaef52f5d5e67742eedcd48' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 2a5695ab..3fc52b30
Merge commit '2d0928e6eea97a2e4be7ba06c104ae6ebe3ab67c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 49e9eeae..2992af68
src/marpaESLIF.c: Avoid unnecessary memcpy's in
CMakeLists.txt: Fix setting of LUA_INT_TYPE and LUA_FLOAT_TYPE
Symbol event introspection
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from d88c2d62..ea926630
Merge commit '68b94bad9878bfaf9788eeab2161a7ea585b2953' [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
number types [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
float type [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Raise Test::More to 1.3, guessing it is the origin of
strange cpantester failures [ci skip]
marpa/ t+ [ci skip]
Version 3.0.8 - fixes #5 [ci skip]
perl: import/export of empty string - fixes #6 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: If solaris compiler, add -lCrun in any case - for #6 [ci
perl/dist.ini: Hopefully addresses #6 [ci skip]
ESLIF/ Require that both value and encoding are set [ci skip]
Version 3.0.7 [ci skip]
perl: import/export - Fixes #4 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may detect as a
recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult structure [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may
detect as a recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult
structure [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Align lua integer and float to perl whenever possible [ci
Version 3.0.6 [ci skip]
Embedded lua must be compiled with LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=3 and not
LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=2 [ci skip]
Version 3.0.5 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Enable long double for embedded lua [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Reference marpaESLIF_BINDINGS doc [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: Document that when perl is exporting to marpaESLIF,
make sure numbers are real scalars [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: When exporting to marpaESLIF, make sure numbers are real
scalars [ci skip]
Version 3.0.4 [ci skip]
Merge commit '0f4171c70a9dc22b24229f3802f6393d9b63f9b5' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from d558a3b3..1d18796c
Merge commit '1563e8e6fd1ea890726cef1bb05e9eafe4b2cb65' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 55cd1f3d..d88c2d62
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 8bf31768..ba977e86
Merge commit '302300db4261d0c9eb914236774de7aa57271e3c' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'aa7edaeb714015940fa40caa7f959e0102016a5c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 0f092917..2a5695ab
Merge commit 'a8e4b1e8fc98e447faea3961d5d4ab0c41398c80' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 1a014665..49e9eeae
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '14d2adc14f9372892b59007ffd09f954fe09ee2a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 01f6628b..02bdda29
Merge commit '33c305f991f922cfddee0ad4451411e7acffc0d2' [ci skip]
Set C99 feature if possible, set inconditionally _NETBSD_SOURCE to
CFLAGS on NetBSD [ci skip]
Fix warnings detected by clang [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix warnings detected by clang
CMakeLists.txt: Version 3.0.3 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: use cxx guess only if it exists [ci skip]
3.0.19 2019-10-13T08:32:48
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.19
Added a method to retreive last discarded data [ci skip]
Say which rule failed at creation if possible
3.0.18 2019-08-28T05:36:33
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.18
Fix crash when setting a zero-length lexeme via API [ci skip]
3.0.17 2019-08-07T19:12:45
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.17 [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod and test/selfTester.c updates
::ast built-in action
3.0.16 2019-08-04T08:08:20
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
t/thread.t: Still trying to fix pb with Test::More
3.0.15 2019-08-03T04:45:13
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.15 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Fix potential use of undefined string in
BNF/README.pod: POD fix [ci skip]
.travis.yml: Update JSON::MaybeXS
src/marpaESLIF.c: If discard is successful, recognizer should break if
there is at last one grammar event in addition to the eventual discard
src/marpaESLIF.c: event sort is always missing the last event
3.0.14 2019-07-22T04:50:47
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.14 [ci skip]
t/json.t: use parse() [ci skip]
t/import_export.t: Fix number of tests
3.0.13 2019-07-21T04:42:43
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.13 [ci skip]
t/thread.t: use a constant to hopefully bypass a Test::More apparent
random(?) bug [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix printf() debug statement [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: undef default string representation is empty, \"null\"
is reserved to json mode
Tutorials update [ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: update [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c fix and <if action> BNF
if-action full implementation [ci skip]
if action: external definition [ci skip]
symbol-action support in :lexeme and :terminal rules
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix typo in a message [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Fix error string associated to adverb list unpack
context [ci skip]
3.0.12 2019-06-13T19:40:36
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.12
Process grammar :discard[] hooks in any case only in the top recognizer
Process grammar :discard[] hooks from
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_grammar_eventsb() to
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_push_eventb() to catch the case when they are
associated to lexemes ot terminals (which are not using grammar events
Fix log calls [ci skip]
Explicit terminal event [ci skip]
<restricted ascii graph name> simplification [ci skip]
:discard[switch] new keyword doc fix
:discard[switch] new keyword fixes
:discard[switch] new keyword
3.0.11 2019-06-09T13:33:58
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.11 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: marpaESLIFPerl_is_bool optimization
MarpaX/ Tiny optimization
Revert "In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead
of lua_newstate" [ci skip]
Avoid unnecessary events
Merge commit '5cab1870f56f83de6799872dbb088c15c45fd571' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 26e8b99d..4c5c4569
In valuation, instanciate lua state with lua_newthread instead of
Merge commit 'd9988f7ce2ecda775f60ce50bf604705a096cc66' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1d18796c..26e8b99d
Add missing meta actions to the doc [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: Simplifications [ci skip]
3.0.10 2019-05-12T05:48:08
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.10 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix memory management in case of error recovery
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->previousMaxMatchedl in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Move management of marpaESLIFRecognizerp->lastSizel in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Reset pristine flag in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_alternativeb instead of
dev+ [ci skip]
java: ESLIFSymbolEventBitSet
lua: symbol eventBitSet [ci skip]
perl: MarpaX::ESLIF::Symbol::EventBitSet
_marpaESLIF_flatten_pointers work [ci skip]
Merge commit '719c37e0825f54751771b4b939da8395f96e1ba7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from ea926630..d3bc96e4
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 2a5695ab..3fc52b30
Merge commit '5c3b13c95a5f170c1eaef52f5d5e67742eedcd48' [ci skip]
Merge commit '2d0928e6eea97a2e4be7ba06c104ae6ebe3ab67c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 49e9eeae..2992af68
src/marpaESLIF.c: Avoid unnecessary memcpy's in
CMakeLists.txt: Fix setting of LUA_INT_TYPE and LUA_FLOAT_TYPE
Symbol event introspection
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from d88c2d62..ea926630
Merge commit '68b94bad9878bfaf9788eeab2161a7ea585b2953' [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
number types [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: makes sure core and client luaunpanic have the same
float type [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Raise Test::More to 1.3, guessing it is the origin of
strange cpantester failures [ci skip]
marpa/ t+ [ci skip]
Version 3.0.8 - fixes #5 [ci skip]
perl: import/export of empty string - fixes #6 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: If solaris compiler, add -lCrun in any case - for #6 [ci
perl/dist.ini: Hopefully addresses #6 [ci skip]
ESLIF/ Require that both value and encoding are set [ci skip]
Version 3.0.7 [ci skip]
perl: import/export - Fixes #4 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may detect as a
recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult structure [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may
detect as a recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult
structure [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Align lua integer and float to perl whenever possible [ci
Version 3.0.6 [ci skip]
Embedded lua must be compiled with LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=3 and not
LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=2 [ci skip]
Version 3.0.5 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Enable long double for embedded lua [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Reference marpaESLIF_BINDINGS doc [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: Document that when perl is exporting to marpaESLIF,
make sure numbers are real scalars [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: When exporting to marpaESLIF, make sure numbers are real
scalars [ci skip]
Version 3.0.4 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from d558a3b3..1d18796c
Merge commit '0f4171c70a9dc22b24229f3802f6393d9b63f9b5' [ci skip]
Merge commit '1563e8e6fd1ea890726cef1bb05e9eafe4b2cb65' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 55cd1f3d..d88c2d62
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 8bf31768..ba977e86
Merge commit '302300db4261d0c9eb914236774de7aa57271e3c' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'aa7edaeb714015940fa40caa7f959e0102016a5c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 0f092917..2a5695ab
Merge commit 'a8e4b1e8fc98e447faea3961d5d4ab0c41398c80' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 1a014665..49e9eeae
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '14d2adc14f9372892b59007ffd09f954fe09ee2a' [ci skip]
Merge commit '33c305f991f922cfddee0ad4451411e7acffc0d2' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 01f6628b..02bdda29
Set C99 feature if possible, set inconditionally _NETBSD_SOURCE to
CFLAGS on NetBSD [ci skip]
Fix warnings detected by clang [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix warnings detected by clang
CMakeLists.txt: Version 3.0.3 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: use cxx guess only if it exists [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: Version 3.0.2 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Move Test::Deep version dependency in dist.ini
Revert "t/*.t: Raise Test::Deep dependency to version 1.128" [ci skip]
t/*.t: Raise Test::Deep dependency to version 1.128
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from c2d373a4..d558a3b3
Merge commit '23069077f9740ac5e91890ad2cd2709c5ae5da28' [ci skip]
3.0.9 2019-04-18T05:16:14
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
perl/dist.ini: Raise Test::More to 1.3, guessing it is the origin of
strange cpantester failures [ci skip]
marpa/ t+ [ci skip]
3.0.8 2019-04-14T10:58:48
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.8 - fixes #5 [ci skip]
perl: import/export of empty string - fixes #6 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: If solaris compiler, add -lCrun in any case - for #6 [ci
perl/dist.ini: Hopefully addresses #6 [ci skip]
ESLIF/ Require that both value and encoding are set [ci skip]
3.0.7 2019-04-13T13:59:00
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.7 [ci skip]
perl: import/export - Fixes #4 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may detect as a
recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult structure [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Avoid static empty string that marpaESLIF may
detect as a recursive pointer in composite marpaESLIFValueResult
structure [ci skip]
3.0.6 2019-04-11T17:20:51
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
perl/dist.ini: Align lua integer and float to perl whenever possible [ci
Version 3.0.6 [ci skip]
Embedded lua must be compiled with LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=3 and not
LUA_FLOAT_TYPE=2 [ci skip]
3.0.5 2019-04-11T04:00:15
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.5 [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Enable long double for embedded lua [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Reference marpaESLIF_BINDINGS doc [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: Document that when perl is exporting to marpaESLIF,
make sure numbers are real scalars [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: When exporting to marpaESLIF, make sure numbers are real
scalars [ci skip]
3.0.4 2019-04-10T04:52:40
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 3.0.4 [ci skip]
Merge commit '0f4171c70a9dc22b24229f3802f6393d9b63f9b5' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from d558a3b3..1d18796c
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 55cd1f3d..d88c2d62
Merge commit '1563e8e6fd1ea890726cef1bb05e9eafe4b2cb65' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 8bf31768..ba977e86
Merge commit '302300db4261d0c9eb914236774de7aa57271e3c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 0f092917..2a5695ab
Merge commit 'aa7edaeb714015940fa40caa7f959e0102016a5c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 1a014665..49e9eeae
Merge commit 'a8e4b1e8fc98e447faea3961d5d4ab0c41398c80' [ci skip]
Merge commit '14d2adc14f9372892b59007ffd09f954fe09ee2a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 01f6628b..02bdda29
Merge commit '33c305f991f922cfddee0ad4451411e7acffc0d2' [ci skip]
Set C99 feature if possible, set inconditionally _NETBSD_SOURCE to
CFLAGS on NetBSD [ci skip]
Fix warnings detected by clang [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix warnings detected by clang
3.0.3 2019-04-07T17:29:17
No changes found
3.0.2 2019-04-07T13:55:09
No changes found
3.0.1 2019-04-07T10:05:49
No changes found
3.0.0 2019-04-07T10:05:49
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
bindings/README.pod: Fix lua section [ci skip]
README.pod: Reference to bindings doc [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: Lua section [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Fixed a comment about import of marpaESLIFs string type
src/bindings/README.pod: perl section [ci skip]
src/bindings/perl: Support of bindings pod [ci skip]
doc/BNF/README.pod: Note on lua globals when running embedded [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: Java import/export [ci skip]
*/*.pod: indentation [ci skip]
bindings/README.pod: indentation [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Runtime optimizations [ci skip]
doc/Tutorial: Update [ci skip]
test/jsonTester.c: Update
src/bootstrap.c: Support of empty string ::u8 literal [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Fix MARPAESLIF_LONG_LONG_FMT definition [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Update [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: Update [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Bug in marpaESLIFLua_stack_setb() when looping on
table via pairs [ci skip]
Type string requires non-NULL pointers for data and encoding, even for
an empty string
Validation of UTF-8 string literals embedded in the grammar
marpa/ Fix test
perl/ESLIF.xs: Prefer newSV(0) instead of &PL_sv_undef when using
perl/ESLIF.xs: Prefer newSV(0) instead of &PL_sv_undef when pushing to
AV* or HV*
t/*.t: move log level to INFO, we are near travis CI max log length -;
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_string2utf8p and empty string case [ci
bindings/*: Protect when importing empty string [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix a call to MARPAESLIF_ERRORF() in
_marpaESLIF_string2utf8p [ci skip]
internal/logging.h; make sure that log does not alter errno [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: add missing errno set, say that a NULL string must not
have size > 0 [ci skip]
Java json t+ [ci skip]
t/import_export.t: Removed obsolete comment [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix stack set in case of lua string [ci skip]
java map t+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Empty string creation fix [ci skip]
Removed free-action for BNF
java t+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Removed debug statement [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Fix errors under gcc dev+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: map import/export dev+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: HashMap export dev+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Commented debug statements [ci skip]
Java import/export dev+ [ci skip]
Java symbol action dev+ [ci skip]
Force STRING type to always have encoding set, import/expot dev+ [ci
Empty string and encoding dev+ [ci skip]
Import/export dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: in internal actions, switch to
_marpaESLIF_lexeme_concatb when the symbol is nullable [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFLuaTest.lua: Removed deprecated free-action keyword [ci
perl update dev+ [ci skip]
Compilation in debug mode dev+ [ci skip]
alternatives dev+ [ci skip]
symbols and transfer actions
dev+ [ci skip]
Lexemes dev+ [ci skip]
Alternatives dev+ [ci skip]
Remove free-action from grammar, move free callback to
marpaESLIFValueResult, make lexeme input stack a marpaESLIFValueResult
stack dev+ [ci skip]
Use a marpaESLIFValueResult instead of {bytep,bytel} in
marpaESLIFValueSymbolCallback_t dev+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: import/export dev+ [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: add empty string test [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: we know we have objects first, array or hash
components are a different story [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Math::BigXxx export dev+ [ci skip]
Support of long long, eventually [ci skip]
Merge commit 'e04d2289eb9e58428fd2b94bbc28540b94318a53' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 49823c10..c2d373a4
marpa/ t+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: save primitive type classes in global objects [ci
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: handle boxed and unboxed primitive types [ci
Java import/export t+ [ci skip]
marpa/ call AppImportExport t+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '2e037da3a9c1e36f3a1306d26db7e0d57ae58b04' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 48f5896a..55cd1f3d
Merge commit '95a9738e3be2ef89f1ebfc090bf26fa3dfc7a455' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 21cede17..0f092917
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIFValue_stack_i_resetb() optimisation [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: Math::BigInt fallback [ci skip]
MarpaX/ Add Math::BigInt dependency [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIFValue_stack_i_resetb() revisited to support
containers [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Add missing constants [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: Removed unused action lua_null [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: export dev+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Use marpaESLIFPerl_stack_setv() everytime we push to
ESLIF, fix array deserialization [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: numbers t+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Becauseof marpaESLIFLua_stack_setbs marpaESLIFp
dependency, make sure all lua contexts have a marpaESLIFp shallow
pointer [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unused visited variable in
marpaESLIFPerl_stack_setv() [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: long double import dev+ [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: row import dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c. lua5.2 compatibility [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_lua_gettable() fix when not embedded [ci skip]
Perl and string serialization [ci skip]
Perl export dev+ [ci skip]
In lua sources, removed unused variables [ci skip]
Perl: localize implementations of is_bool(), is_Int(), is_StrictNum()
and is_Str() [ci skip]
t/ Removed the Safe::Isa dependency and usage t+ [ci
test/jsonTesterLua.c: Restore explicit encoding set in lua_empty_string
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Make encoding auto-detection optional at compile
time - default is off [ci skip]
t/ strings and encoding t+ [ci skip]
t/ add undef in the serialization t+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '0ce7379f11bd7743f9fc8b3f885725b350534c5a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 1d8d587c..49823c10
Perl serialization dev+ [ci skip]
nil table value serialization in Lua [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_encodings() renamed to marpaESLIF_encodings() [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_encodings() helper method [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: booleans goes to u.y [ci skip]
perl, boolean and get magic [ci skip]
MarpaX/ use JSON::MaybeXS 1.004000 because of the true() and
false() functions [ci skip]
t/ Fix number of tests [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: true and false [ci skip]
Merge commit '1c822d4c2e49fa6d3cb2642b24b92582ba109801' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from a95e9c58..1d8d587c
t/ t+ [ci skip]
CMakeObjects.PL: Commented -DLUA_32BITS -DLUA_USE_C89 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Removed debug statements [ci skip]
In lua, propagate MarpaESLIFValueResults of type PTR that are unknown to
the binding [ci skip]
Make ::ascii builtin return a STRING instead of a PTR, prepare lua for
conservative actions v.s. PTRs [ci skip]
Lua: make alternatives reuse marpaESLIFLua_stack_setb(), removal of
lexemeStackp [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_lua_newuserdata() dev+ [ci skip]
Add marpaESLIFValuep to marpaESLIFValueFreeCallback_t parameters, lua
bindings should not overwrite any host callback [ci skip]
Perl: true, false and is_bool via JSON::MaybeXS [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use boot_nvtype_is_long_doubleb and
boot_nvtype_is___float128 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Fix perl->ESLIF double transmission [ci skip]
MarpaX/ : use Types::Serialiser dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: action ::undef optimization [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Removed unused result_r reference [ci skip]
Removed unused marpaESLIFValue_stack_get_importb() [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: correct export for NVTYPE [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: use ::row instead of ::lua->lua_pairs
src/lua.c: Removed a no-op line [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: marpaESLIFPerl_stack_setv() dev+ [ci skip]
For MARPAESLIF_VALUE_TYPE_TABLE, use explicitly a key/value pair
marpaESLIFJava_importb and hash dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: when packing to ESLIF, if a table is recursive do
not croak but send it as a lua opaque value [ci skip]
t/ perl input/output with marpaESLIF t+
perl/ESLIF.xs: Avoid a sv_mortalcopy [ci skip]
perl: tentative export [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: make comments to marpaESLIF_importb() more visible
[ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: More details about marpaESLIFValue_importb() [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: typo in a comment [ci skip]
.appveyor.yml: Back to strawberry -; [ci skip]
Revert ".appveyor.yml: C:\Perl lookup [ci skip]"
.appveyor.yml: C:\Perl lookup [ci skip]
.appveyor.yml: install App::cpanminus [ci skip]
.appveyor.yml: use default cmake, nsis and perl [ci skip]
perl: take into account the __float128 case
perl: use $Config{nvtype} to check if NVTYPE is a long double
perl: Math::BigFloat fallback if long double but NV is only double [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix fmts for double... these are format strings, not
formatted strings [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix long_double_fmts [ci skip]
internal/structures.h: Increase internal size of generated float number
formats [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from f52e23d2..a95e9c58
Merge commit '39cc6c5a81f1fe73faa3c402cbe9e88436fde85d' [ci skip]
Merge commit '756ab61b0f4e910ca2aae99e3c660b65dcc81e26' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 0377618d..01f6628b
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix warning detected by cl [ci skip]
appveyor: git clone instead of shallow_clone [ci skip]
appveyor: t+ [ci skip]
appveyor: drmemory without -exit_code_if_errors 1 because of pcre2 jit
[ci skip]
test/*.c: exit with exit() and no return -; [ci skip]
appveyor: selfTester t+ [ci skip]
appveyor: selfTester under drmemory [ci skip]
appveyor: PATH for test under drmemory [ci skip]
appveyor: dir of C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory\bin [ci skip]
appveyor: drmem explicit path [ci skip]
appveyor: refreshenv [ci skip]
appveyor: drmemoty attempt on selfTester [ci skip]
appveyor dev+ [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Value::Type, reorder the switch/case in ESLIF.xs [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix a MARPAESLIF_TRACEF call [ci skip]
Perl cpan build dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'f9c989a038239fe5f80339be94be10c5e64774c7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 2c004ca8..0377618d
src/marpaESLIF.c: case of platforms where LDBL_DIG is not defined [ci
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: long double support dev+ [ci skip]
Add long double [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: trust encoding information
ESLIF/ use Encode
perl: UTF-8 (and not utf8) cross-check dev+ [ci skip]
Add namespace::autoclean to build deps [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::String dev+ [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::String dev+
t/json.t: update [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: missing newline [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Fix warning [ci skip]
lua: string encoding support, canarray and opaque table metatables flag
name [ci skip]
Calculator/README.pod: update on importer [ci skip]
doc/Tutorial: update [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Optimization to get marpaESLIFp that only bootstrap can
do because it knows marpaESLIF structures [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix skip information in ascii shows, by saying (-XXX-)
instead of (XXX) [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: Renamed "[Internal-%d]" to "Internal[%d]" [ci skip]
test/*.c: adapt for transform removal
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: fix code on non embeded mode [ci skip]
In ::concat rule, do not consider that concatenating an undef when not
in string mode is a failure since this is a no-op [ci skip]
t/json.t: fix [ci skip]
Removal of all transform callbacks in favour of a single import
callback: java part [ci skip]
Removal of all transform callbacks in favour of a single import callback
[ci skip]
StringHelper removal [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: lua_members action fix [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: use pairs() on table instead of next() [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: t+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIFLua_luaL_pairsb [ci skip]
src/lua.c: wrapper marpaESLIFLua_luaL_checktype [ci skip]
Merge commit 'a59142f0a7d02d540e08f08acd7832252fe2cc87' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 3dd96929..f52e23d2
test/jsonTesterLua.c: version without marpaESLIFStringHelper [ci skip]
Removed long double [ci skip]
Fix warnings [ci skip]
long double dev+ [ci skip]
src/lua.c: Removed comment that should not be in this file [ci skip]
Merge commit '792751be2251014b7538fd1a9f1443473a3155e3' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 3c40ba97..48f5896a
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 6bb1ad69..21cede17
Merge commit '9e29ce3a623231d936e00442f7a3957f5c816a5c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from cb9c27dc..1a014665
Merge commit '85c8deb26125240f77a1d56d5cac8f97607e80ca' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'bba02b6b66235912752bda2d136d685f3a8a3eb9' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from da88dd07..2c004ca8
marpaESLIF_sv2byte, back to SvPV instead of SvPVutf8 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: bug fix in _marpaESLIFValue_transformb with
alternatives [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: update [ci skip]
built-in rule action ::table [ci skip]
built-in rule action ::rowb, fix value stack reset logic v.s. containers
[ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: More comments in the test [ci skip]
Merge commit '2d84e03aadbcc544f1e53d547fbd72aa4d18e5b9' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 47812e01..3dd96929
.gitignore: Add CPackCustomProjectConfig.cmake [ci skip]
Lua ambiguities for {} v.s. [], nil persistency via tables forced to be
opaque to marpaESLIF [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: table_print fix [ci skip]
Row and Table ESLIF types dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'b0df9b4c0bd04e2795b1d6a95bb367abe45b97cd' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 20dadb1b..47812e01
test/jsonTesterLua.c: lua_string action [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.: Restrict number types to compatible cases with ESLIF
(i.e. native C float or double at most) [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: correct internal variable funcs [ci skip]
Removed ordered collection type - too prone for errors
Lua interopebility dev+ [ci skip]
lua recursivity check dev+ [ci skip]
Table type dev+ fix memory leak [ci skip]
Table type dev+ [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Say explicitly that marpaESLIFValueResultArray_t
is a byte array in the comment [ci skip]
Revert "MARPAESLIF_VALUE_TYPE_MATRIX type [ci skip]"
Lua string rationale: since lua string are like C strings, i.e. just
containers, support an additional second argument that is the string
encoding when return value of a lua action is a string [ci skip]
src/lua.c: Removed unwanted space in prototypes [ci skip]
UTF-8 brute force detection in _marpaESLIF_string2utf8p() [ci skip]
Eventually silent tconv failure [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: interoperobility dev+ [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: transfomers prototype update, changed (...) to
(-...-) in pairs rule [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: TO DO markers [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: protection against recursivity with ordered collection
value type [ci skip]
interoperilibity [ci skip]
src/lua.c: in embedded mode, make sure transformers are always restored
[ci skip]
marpaESLIF_TransformPtr hopefully fix for store a pointer in a jlong
Removed non-needed test in java and perl bindings
transformers prototype change, added ordered collection support in value
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: Use precomputed marpaESLIF_UTF8p in
tutorial doc+ [ci skip]
doc+ [ci skip]
Renamed marpaESLIFGrammar_grammarshowscripb() to
marpaESLIFGrammar_grammarshowscriptb(), doc+
src/marpaESLIf.c: Fix sizeof values for default representations [ci
doc update [ci skip]
Removed | and @ from <restricted ascii graph name>
Support of inner quantified rules in grouping, removed () from
<restricted ascii graph name>
BNF/README.pod: Support of inner exceptions in rhs alternatives [ci
Support of inner exceptions in rhs alternatives
src/bootstrap.c: Changed internal rule from "Internal[%d]" to
Changed hide syntax to (- ... -), support of group (<priorities>) and
(-<priorities>-) in <rhs alternative>
self grammar: align BNF/README.pod and test/selfTester.c
Revert "perl/ESLIF.xs: &PL_sv_undef instead of newSVsv(&PL_sv_undef)"
perl/ESLIF.xs: a little more in croak statement to know where travis pb
comes from
BNF/README.pod: ESLIF grammar update [ci skip]
test/selfTester.c: ESLIF grammar update [ci skip]
src/bootstrap.c: propagate skip information when processing prioritized
rules [ci skip]
Calculator/Calculator.c: use hide facility in the tutorial
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix stack manipulation when hiding values [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix skip processing [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: use marpaESLIFLua_lua_touserdata() wrapper, force
UTF-8 when injecting strings, leak fix in lexemeReadi [ci skip]
src/lua.c: marpaESLIFLua_lua_touserdata() wrapper [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFLuaTest.lua: Fixed a logging statement [ci skip]
src/bindings: inject strings as UTF-8 in perl and java runtimes
perl/ESLIF.xs: &PL_sv_undef instead of newSVsv(&PL_sv_undef)
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 5446fd43..3c40ba97
Merge commit '08f4ce9513ee8e4dad194c52d33fc201f64f127b' [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: skipIndices support
Revival of the () syntax in grammar to skip automatically RHSs
Removed ::intb internal action - too platform specific [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: add ::int test [ci skip]
propositionalLogic/propositionalLogic.c: update to latest ABI [ci skip]
Calculator/Calculator.c: update to latest ABI [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIFValue_strtoi() tuning [ci skip]
::int builtin action hexdump if overflow or underflow
::int builtin action
Back to LIBS LOCAL for genericLogger
BOM removal in streaming mode must be done once only
CMakeLists.txt: move genericLogger dependency to static [ci skip]
float and double better default string representations
Merge commit 'ff8fc36fa2a4e990a9a911c8e7b17a6548b2e18e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from fb2bbfe8..5446fd43
marpaESLIFValueFreeCallback_t prototype change
In _marpaESLIF_generic_action___concatb(), fix potential memory leak
Default representation [ci skip]
t/advent.t: change actions [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use MARPAESLIF_ENCODING_IS_UTF8() macro [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: value type constant update [ci skip]
In lauguage bindings, any other value but false for a boolean type means
true [ci skip]
Built-in ::true and ::false actions [ci skip]
Removed a dead code if() [ci skip]
Fix macros lookup up encoding [ci skip]
default representation [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_representationb change [ci skip]
t+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: bom dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_rule_freeCallbackv() memory leak,
_marpaESLIF_string_representationb() [ci skip]
t/advent.t: string t+
CMakeLists.txt: Always set -DPCRE2_STATIC=1
src/marpaESLIF.c: Commented unused variables
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_generic_action___concatb() memory leak
src/marpaESLIF.c: concat producing a string
src/marpaESLIF.c: default free action and strings
java/CMakeLists.txt: Fix genericStack dependency [ci skip]
Replaced utf8bomp by a faster version
test/selfTester.c: test when descp is != NULL
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed eventually the UTF-8 BOM
src/marpaESLIF.c: convert string from outside to UTF-8 when it is a
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Renamed macro MARPAESLIFLUA_SET_VALUE() to
Isolate _marpaESLIF_string_eqb when used internally, then it is always
UTF-8 strings [ci skip]
string in marpaESLIFValue dev+ [ci skip]
src/bindings/lua/CMakeLists.txt: fix genericStack dependency [ci skip]
Merge commit 'e1fc993ddda86cf03417e988d8baf2345ef2b477' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 4be0e8da..da88dd07
marpaESLIF_charconvb helper [ci skip]
Merge commit 'fafb55c0ee0042772273c3bfb7ca22943e36ca45'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c86b9bea..4be0e8da
Work on dependencies
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 4e13c2f9..20dadb1b
Merge commit 'bd41b3b912c6948454ae299fa9ef336e705a89e0'
Merge commit '0b54b527da0fdac30dfdba0a4b6f6cfb8a490dfa'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 614898fb..fb2bbfe8
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 13f2a5da..8bf31768
Merge commit '961af2ad0c6f754d3c2ccfbd0fec5abaa98f5cd4'
Merge commit '8cc8009cca022d5ae2d2d28e43c5712a4939998d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 0eaf9630..6bb1ad69
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 7d93be15..cb9c27dc
Merge commit 'd823e30393e47ae67f78db9b290adf7f8a00bdf2'
Merge commit '81d50b0f5c7ba16cd2162c5805c0d90ebbaf4183'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
CMakeLists.txt dev+
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from e460828f..0eaf9630
Merge commit 'c0862098b3a32a230b0f4cce60951844d09a0c2c'
Merge commit 'f603c667809d566103d02d83c79e9818b58415d5'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from ca4cd210..c86b9bea
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 9fbd9dc9..e460828f
Merge commit 'aea359dea7e8722b57871b33346811b7565dffe8'
Merge commit '3b2c39dde0fa184983578a554f0a1422869e832e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 75363415..ca4cd210
CMakeLists.txt: luaunpanic_static dependency
perl/dist.ini: png files and move from lua534 to luaunpanic
.travis.yml: upgrade perl Moo
perl/CMakeLists.txt: Add -v to check
CMakeObjects.PL: fix after copy from lua534 repo
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from b7ac94d1..4e13c2f9
Merge commit '6536130c3f1778154336ced355a97a28f5adeac7'
- ->
Merge commit 'ecb34f3fda8653de828aff57341ea1b24cf177d0'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' changes from 86e5c623..b7ac94d1
Merge commit '47a9ff6e21b8867c8b7d56b4c3db5212841cee55'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 11a4efae..75363415
cmake/Findluaunpanic.cmake: typo LUAunpanic -> luaunpanic
lua534 -> luaunpanic
Squashed '3rdparty/github/luaunpanic/' content from commit 86e5c623
Merge commit 'd010f9347885550f7f5111eac30128a00e5a480e' as
Merge commit '8445704a448278ed056c469471d6e0214bc6aa96'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 2c4db8a9..4add0061
src/bindings/java/marpaESLIFJava.c: uniform and fixed handling of string
coming from marpaESLIF
Merge commit 'be4aa862caa439c40dd681dde44128e2fe206d8a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 35e608c7..2c4db8a9
internal lua dependency renamed to lua534
.travis and lua ct'ed
.travis.yml lua+
.travis.yml dev+
.travis.yml: cmake again
.travis.yml: cmake & clang & precise
.travis.yml: cmake & clang & trusty
.travis.yml: cmake & clang
src/lua.c: enclose marpaESLIFLua_luaL_newlib() macro content with
marpaESLIFLua_valueContextInitb() and
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lastCompletedLenghti() fixes [ci
perl bindings fix for MarpaX::ESLIF::version [ci skip]
Fix memory leak with bracketed symbol names [ci skip]
test/selfTester.c: fix [ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/ESLIF.xs: update v.s. marpaESLIFValue changes [ci
src/bindings/java/marpaESLIFJava.c update v.s. marpaESLIFValue changes
[ci skip]
Move sizel and shallowb into dedicated union members in MarpaESLIFValue
_marpaESLIF_string_clonep optimization [ci skip]
Avoid strdup() when encodingasciis is the internal constant
Removed the asciib parameter to _marpaESLIF_string_newp(), that was
always set to 1 [ci skip]
Explicit boolean member [ci skip]
Added string type to marpaESLIFValueResult [ci skip]
Warning fixes [ci skip]
Work on marpaESLIF_string_t [ci skip]
Add marpaESLIFValueType_t to marpaESLIFValueFreeCallback_t [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: Add valuation [ci skip]
lutest/jsonTesterLua.c: lua actions t+ [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: lua_unicode t+ [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: lua_unicode action t+ [ci skip]
lua embedded representation callback must use a proxy function [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: fix usage of marpaESLIFValue_valueb() [ci skip]
Changed LOG_ERROR_THIS_STRING() macro to LOG_LATEST_ERROR() [ci skip]
Add missing goto err in MARPAESLIFLUA_CALLBACK() macro [ci skip]
lua embedded error reporting [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIF_versionPatchi fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 5ed7dc5c..35e608c7
Merge commit 'b605514ba809f780d6d3b62c1ef83ff38ddccbc0' [ci skip]
Work on embedded lua using luaunpanic instead of native lua [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Removed all commented debug statements [ci skip]
Fix warning with gcc [ci skip]
Merge commit '88b6768d5bd4cef73fce647f101a8dadcc1e5630' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 27169a29..5ed7dc5c
Removed lua_State from marpaESLIFGrammar [ci skip]
lua t+ [ci skip]
lua embedded integration - free callback [ci skip]
lua embedded integration [ci skip]
In marpaESLIFLua_representationb(), remember previous stringification
[ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: call marpaESLIF_valueContextCleanupv() in
marpaESLIF_valueContextFreev() [ci skip]
Do not force contextp to MARPAESLIFLUA_CONTEXT when faking a
marpaESLIFValueResult in marpaESLIFLua_pushValuev() [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFValue_newFromUnmanagedi [ci skip]
Free issue with marpaESLIFLuaContext [ci skip]
Fix memory issues in lua bindings [ci skip]
marpaESLIF new output is a table [ci skip]
Do not expose marpaESLIFLua_*_newFromUnmanagedi functions to Lua [ci
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_newFromUnmanagedi [ci skip]
Internal test optimization fix [ci skip]
Internal test optimization [ci skip]
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed unused #defines [ci skip]
contexti is now contextp [ci skip]
Fix perl build [ci skip]
Merge commit '9a96600397db698e62fb69229997d4895668b1f7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 9b14ec77..614898fb
Use a grammar context in lua bindings [ci skip]
Removed marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIF_versionChecki [ci skip]
perl's ESLIF version [ci skip]
Work on versioning [ci skip]
Interate lua bindings into marpaESLIF dev+ [ci skip]
lua integration in marpaESLIF dev+ [ci skip]
Prepare for MARPAESLIFLUA_EMBEDDED workflow [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIFLua_newi() dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Use an explicit context for ESLIF in lua bindings
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Silence some inevitable (IMHO) warnings [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from bb5dc248..13f2a5da
Merge commit '50a3ce9183d5cf6bef620cd7e07b3fc540eb37b4' [ci skip]
src/bindings/lua/src/marpaESLIFLua.c: internal renamings [ci skip]
lua bindings: Support of MARPAESLIFLUA_EMBEDDED preprocessor directive
[ci skip]
src/bindings/lua/src/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIFLua_pushValuev() fix and
call it in symbol callback [ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unused parameter in
marpaESLIF_getSvp() [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed a wrong logging in trace mode [ci skip]
lua bindings t+ [ci skip]
perl/t/test.t: Fixed a log [ci skip]
t/test.t: Removed wrong commment [ci skip]
lua recognizerInterface factorization t+ [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue lua bindings dev+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unused variables [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_hookDiscardi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationi [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: removed non-needed variable canContinueb [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: removed non-needed variable canContinueb [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_[line|column]i [ci skip]
Mention lua bindings in main README [ci skip]
[ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: fix marpaESLIFRecognizer_hook_discardb doc [ci skip]
Renamed marpaESLIFLua_marpaeslifmultitonstable_freevi() to
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFMultitonsTable_freevi() [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_progressLogi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_readi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_isEofi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_discardLastTryi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeLastTryi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeLastPausei [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeExpectedi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_[lexeme|discard]Tryi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeReadi [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeCompletei [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexemeAlternativei [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventOnOffi [ci skip]
lua bindings events dev+ [ci skip]
lua bindings dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: factorization of registry use
test/marpaESLIFLuaTest.lua: indicate better this is a string we return
on do_symbol
lua dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: lua 5.2 compatibility [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: fix warnings [ci skip]
lua/CMakeLists.txt: Fix link dependency [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: -DPCRE2_STATIC=1 is for MSVC only [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: In marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIF_newi(), pop logger if
any [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIFLua_paramIsLoggerInterfaceOrNilb() [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: Renamed marpaESLIF_paramIsLoggerInterfaceOrUndefv() to
marpaESLIF_paramIsLoggerInterfaceOrUndefb() [ci skip]
lua bindings: in genericLogger callback use the lua_State that created
marpaESLIF [ci skip]
lua bindings and self dev+ [ci skip]
lua: t+ [ci skip]
lua: marpaESLIFLua.marpaESLIFGrammar_ngrammari dev+ [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFLuaTest.lua t+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Removed debug genericLogger notice calls in
marpaESLIFLua_genericLoggerCallbackv() [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Add string reference to multiton in
marpaESLIFGrammar table [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIFLua.h: Add "lua.h" [ci skip]
lua/CMakeLists.txt: fix name of internal config.h [ci skip]
git_subtree_pull.zsh: Add eventual stash [ci skip]
Merge commit '5373eafc44960cd648166e6660d39383869291a4' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 4497feec..11a4efae
Package dependencies [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from e1c13037..bb5dc248
Merge commit 'f6f622ff4855955854a324b3a531ebab75c2a5c4' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 3ff68e2b..9b14ec77
Merge commit '4e7b80a1ce9502fea4bb5cd3c9a15182eaef32eb' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 65576609..e1c13037
Merge commit '90887f825ca9b960801003cba9b2246b61170043' [ci skip]
Merge commit '726157740e0e46a6f448055f49f09afe8ae9624a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from f20c24c8..4497feec
CMakeLists.txt: Add -DPCRE2_STATIC=1 on Windows [ci skip]
marpaESLIFLua_create_refi dev+ [ci skip]
lua bindings of marpaESLIFGrammar dev+ [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIF.lua: deleted because not used [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: removed a non-needed print statement [ci skip]
internal/eslif/L0.h: no need for a group in
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: -DPCRE2_EXP_DECL=extern should not be general
[ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c dev+ [ci skip]
java/CMakeLists.txt: fix java test command [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Ensure generic logger dedicate thread is not
garbaged until generic logger is freed [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIFLua.c: Use a dedicated lua_State for genericLogger
callback [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c: renamed r to logger_r [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIFGrammar_newp binding [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c: Removed non-needed LUA_LIB [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c: marpaESLIF_freev binding [ci skip]
lua/marpaESLIFLua.c: better marpaESLIFLua_marpaESLIF_newp [ci skip]
lua marpaESLIF multiton dev+ [ci skip]
lua/CMakeLists.txt circular dependency dev+
java/CMakeLists.txt: changed the workdir of java test [ci skip]
Lua bindings dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'ab114b9c0f3b7a4da478404572d7dacda78f7796' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from eb865633..27169a29
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '303276f15298b698cd9aa5e0bb74b5cd363743dd' [ci skip]
src/lua.c: LUAL_SETFUNCS macro [ci skip]
Update shells [ci skip]
doc/Tutorial/propositionalLogic/propositionalLogic.c: change
marpaESLIFReaderCallbackp to readerCallbackp [ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: change marpaESLIFReaderCallbackp to readerCallbackp
[ci skip]
tutorial shell helpers [ci skip]
Proposition logic test using lua [ci skip]
MARPAESLIF_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL value type [ci skip]
Removed luab and userDatavp from marpaESLIFValueResult, not used nor
useful [ci skip]
Support of forced internal custom transformers, for ease of code
maintainibility [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterLua.c: removed non needed lua statements [ci skip]
Adapt calculator example doc [ci skip]
Adapt calculator example [ci skip]
Give more ESLIF feature in main README [ci skip]
Renamed marpaESLIFRecognizerOption.marpaESLIFReaderCallbackp to
marpaESLIFRecognizerOption.readerCallbackp, work on tutorials dev+ [ci
doc/Tutorial: dev+ [ci skip]
doc/API/README.pod: Removed encodingOfEncodings [ci skip]
Removed unwanted cosmetic additional space [ci skip]
Use perl context in logger callback [ci skip]
Use perl context in MarpaX_ESLIF_Recognizer_t [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_transformb() and JNI [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use ppport.h
Supression of encodingOfEncodings, addition of
marpaESLIFValue_transformb() helper [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_transformb() [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unnecessary assignment [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Renamed marpaESLIF_getSvFromStack() to
marpaESLIF_getSvp() [ci skip]
src/lua.c: fix typo in switch label (defaut instead of default)
t/json.t: back to all tests [ci skip]
src/lua.c: fixed memory leak [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: centralized final value management in
marpaESLIF_getSvFromStack() [ci skip]
fix trace mode [ci skip]
Load lua bytecode [ci skip]
lua precompilation dev+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs dev+ [ci skip]
t/json.t t+ [ci skip]
API/README.pod: example with user-land alternative [ci skip]
Version 2.0.45 [ci skip]
src/lua.c: no need to set size when returning a PTR [ci skip]
_marpaESLIF_luatypes() [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Support of external sources in the stack [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Renamed _marpaESLIFRecognizer_valueResultb() to
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_value_validb() [ci skip]
Improve doc about shallowb [ci skip]
Restore context in embedded lua interpreter actions [ci skip]
perl/etc/copyDirs.PL: skip cmake globally [ci skip]
CMakeObjects.PL [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 9e9c85cc..eb865633
Merge commit '317fcb93f5f6f68562c865300c13ec73d7536632' [ci skip]
lua: removed context in built-in actions [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Fixed a comment [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from aeb9b82f..9e9c85cc
Merge commit 'c3aaf7682c8779fa910eca0740f88561a9acae76' [ci skip]
Merge commit '2aebc8030444b8ac827a3080b90d89b4db778d3c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from e817b80a..aeb9b82f
lua dev+
In bootstrap, use _marpaESLIFValue_stack_xxx()
Restrict user context to values >= 0, call _marpaESLIFValue_stack_setb()
instead of marpaESLIFValue_stack_setb() in bootstrap
Merge commit 'f34fbd4acdd16201c9abdd43ea22210134ac56d1' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from ee0bf6cc..f20c24c8
lua embed type conversion fixes - dev+
lua embed - removed unused code - dev+ [ci skip]
lua embed dev+ [ci skip]
lua action dev+ [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from a84dcf47..e817b80a
Merge commit 'a50760db267e07d0e3feb45b0beea8731b5b4042' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'a3d76c1827f210392f91d4495afd811318b0fada' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 38da7d89..a84dcf47
Commented SET (MYPACKAGE_DEBUG TRUE) [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 890b1bb5..ee0bf6cc
Merge commit '172897f6c47533f7ee32c78078b21dde71e21d30' [ci skip]
cmake-utils patch for STATIC keyword [ci skip]
Lua embed dev+ [ci skip]
lua vm dev+ [ci skip]
-Dlua_STATIC because we explicity statically link to lua
External script dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '72fe975511a62fbf36d7bff969e804cc345ad2e3' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 36285a3d..38da7d89
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 2f6abf11..36285a3d
Merge commit 'b58c414389d07bf4d315c2daa83c2ef4dd58df83' [ci skip]
Lua call in the grammar dev+
External script dev+
Merge commit '4c2151131da724cfc82def00070bbf34b60f3c36' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 8c3a0024..2f6abf11
Merge commit 'be4e277aac5726f13ad2a37739ba256c8751eaf6' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from a33561e6..8c3a0024
src/marpaESLIF.c: fixed a logging statement replacing >= by > [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 05785e5a..a33561e6
Merge commit '83d2f39e2d910c027cb31cf60f88dfbf34892ef3' [ci skip]
PCRE2 and lua are always statically linked [ci skip]
PCRE2 public or private scope, lua private scope [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from f24ce43a..05785e5a
Merge commit 'f24b005a76011e09f3abed79b9e8cfa9e9525cc9' [ci skip]
Added some lua binary files to bytes section of perl dist.ini bis [ci
Added some lua binary files to bytes section of perl dist.ini [ci skip]
Merge commit '9a8d93b6b21edc69d9bccc1ec68b7cabb4640de2' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from ed12f7b5..f24ce43a
Add lua534 to git_subtree_pull.zsh [ci skip]
Add lua534 to CMakeObjects.PL [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6cdd3328..890b1bb5
Merge commit '2dcd93955a0e86efcb9e0c410f7323fbe6f7abdd' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' changes from 37146f98..ed12f7b5
Merge commit 'f9c129f2defbb96875e5d92d42c11bbad64c737b' [ci skip]
Add lua534 as local library depndency [ci skip]
Merge commit '505f8401d93017ac03130922c4dee90402474a30' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from ff50607b..6cdd3328
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from a63aebdc..ff50607b
Merge commit 'acbc3bd5c2f91f8d73aa15f807008ec83f1df193' [ci skip]
Merge commit '0ef6430f7115e9e97e6f9f3493448b6e80cddbf4' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6df21ca9..a63aebdc
Squashed '3rdparty/github/lua534/' content from commit 37146f98
Merge commit '46a0113b52280cd4ce8100f3571e10773614c858' as
Force local PCRE2 build when ALL_IN_ONE is set [ci skip]
2.0.44 2018-04-21T18:46:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 7bcef9d0..3ff68e2b
Merge commit 'c108a7fa82af3b95f43ce51615028260f425ebac' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from a4203ba9..65576609
Merge commit 'd5b581fefa9ae37898b0d18691079a69ca2baff2' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 554b5b14..9fbd9dc9
Merge commit 'ac3f1f8b863ad4038cffd249086534fd5b810ad0' [ci skip]
Merge commit '7eb39e39ffed34b36672f27a420ea98cb5504384' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 6773554c..7d93be15
Merge commit '27d2e70f9fc9204dd7950d5d9026fb8f126af97a' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c662ce98..6df21ca9
Merge commit '4a2435693ff21ec8eb0f5dd44ce9c6bd8f4dcedb' [ci skip]
Precision on quoted right-side expected quote character for quoted
strings [ci skip]
MARK for quoted strings [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: fixed wrong comment [ci skip]
2.0.43 2018-04-04T05:35:35
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.43 [ci skip]
Bug fix in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_encoding_eqb, take into account that
stream can move when doing exception or discard checks
2.0.42 2018-03-21T06:35:35
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.42 [ci skip]
isCanContinue API doc [ci skip]
isCanContinue normalization in perl and java dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed an unused variable [ci skip]
When discard fails, restore original logic on continuation flag
isCanContinue() normalization dev+
perl/dist.ini: filename =
src/3rdparty/github/tconv/3rdparty/tar/cchardet-1.0.0.tar.orig.gz [ci
2.0.41 2018-03-15T04:02:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.41 (fix linking issue when libc++abi does not have all the
iostream bindings) [ci skip]
Merge commit '7edcab3b005487c9cbd2a0fe8737539ddce55974' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 3490bdb8..a4203ba9
2.0.40 2018-03-13T17:42:32
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.40 [ci skip]
Fix for case where symbolMaxStartCompletionsi is 1 just before the loop
while (--symbolMaxStartCompletionsi > 0) {} [ci skip]
exception test No 4: case where symbolMaxStartCompletionsi is 1 just
before the loop while (--symbolMaxStartCompletionsi > 0) {} [ci skip]
2.0.39 2018-03-12T18:28:40
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.39 [ci skip]
compile fixes [ci skip]
Removed unused experimental flag lexemeAllocModed [ci skip]
pointer inside lexeme_tryb is shallow in any case dev+ [ci skip]
special case of lexemes that are not coming from source: string action
dev+ [ci skip]
Use offsets with every internal matching dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix crash if tconv_open_ext() fails [ci skip]
Avoid always allocating any alternative dev+ [ci skip]
Revert "src/bootstrap_actions.c: say that it works because internal
recognizer was created without a parent recognizer [ci skip]"
src/bootstrap_actions.c: say that it works because internal recognizer
was created without a parent recognizer [ci skip]
Revert "src/bootstrap_actions.c: removed non-needed malloc() [ci skip]"
API/README.pod: say share shared recognizers cannot run in parallel [ci
src/bootstrap_actions.c: removed non-needed malloc() [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c532839f..3490bdb8
Merge commit '777ed1b69d9056196eb1bfb017270c7923cfd977' [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: still pcre2-8 v.s. pcre2-8d [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix warning on unused variable [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: reuse a cached variable in
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_terminal_matcherb [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: tiny runtime optimizations [ci skip]
malloc()/free() optimization [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c2762aac..c532839f
Merge commit '7db94650329e2bf8ed881c3d31f902399f444eb7' [ci skip]
2.0.38 2018-02-25T11:39:29
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.38 [ci skip]
[perl] MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::share refcnt fix and test [ci skip]
2.0.37 2018-02-25T09:39:50
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.37 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: fix refcnt management [ci skip]
2.0.36 2018-02-21T07:00:53
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.36 - I missed version 2.0.35... [ci skip]
Version 2.0.35 [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: removed unused code [ci skip]
[JAVA] ESLIFRecognizer.share(eslifRecognizerShared) javadoc fix [ci
[JAVA] ESLIFRecognizer.share(eslifRecognizerShared) method [ci skip]
API/README.pod: fix doc on how the reader callback used when using
marpaESLIFRecognizer_shareb [ci skip]
API/README.pod: more on how the input stream is called in case of a
shared stream [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: Config::AutoConf::INI = 0.005 [ci skip]
2.0.35 2018-02-19T03:16:26
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
merge sharedstream4 branch
Revert "Shared interface and java dev+ [ci skip]"
Shared interface and java dev+ [ci skip]
runtime optimization by caching meta symbol grammars on the heap [ci
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: still win32 and make program that would not be
make [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Fix header for marpaESLIFRecognizer_newFromp [ci skip]
pcre2 debug libraries on win [ci skip]
Fix cleanup of grammar events and push of exhaustion event after asking
directly to the grammar [ci skip]
[perl] ESLIF.xs: Ensure lifetime of eventual shared recognizer instances
dev+ [ci skip]
[perl] ESLIF.xs: Ensure lifetime of eventual shared recognizer
instances, global protection in SvREFCNT_inc()/SvREFCNT_dec() [ci skip]
[perl] t/jsonWithSharedStream.t dev+ [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::newFrom fix [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: removed unneeded
marpaESLIFRecognizerValue in doparse() [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: removed unneeded
marpaESLIFRecognizerOption in doparse() [ci skip]
API/README.pod: some words on lifetime of shared and recognizers [ci
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: simplification bis [ci skip]
test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c: simplification [ci skip]
[perl] Reduced number of threads to 3 in t/thread.t [ci skip]
[perl] MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::newFrom,
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::set_exhausted_flag, and
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::share [ci skip]
doc and shared streams [ci skip]
linel and columnl are part of marpaESLIF_stream [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_set_exhausted_flagb [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_newFromp and test/jsonTesterWithSharedStream.c [ci
marpaESLIFRecognizer_shareb [ci skip]
Avoid one malloc/free with marpaESLIF_stream [ci skip]
Corrected connect/disconnect on stream for sub-lexeme recognizers dev+
[ci skip]
marpaESLIF_stream dev+ [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_stream_t dev+ [ci skip]
inputs and inputl become _inputs and _inputl dev+ [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: d library and WIN32 [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: Fix mention of iconv dependency in
MarpaX::ESLIF::Introduction [ci skip]
2.0.34 2018-01-30T06:32:43
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.34 [ci skip]
Merge commit 'f7e5642ea28bc345a21c5fb37993d4703af57cdd' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 39462b65..c2762aac
perl/dist.ini: removed section searching for iconv library, since tconv
is now bundled with it
perl/dist.ini: add libiconv-1.15.tar.gz [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: fixed a condition specific to WIN32 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ef234f9c..39462b65
Merge commit 'db91a1257cb9d09f57ec15c3d4fc34517ab262c6' [ci skip]
2.0.33 2018-01-25T16:08:46
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.33 [ci skip]
Merge commit '435c6c42cac8613b7f369921cd7fd3c386a10f5e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 53210066..ef234f9c
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: back to an INSTALL_COMMAND with DESTDIR= - it
fails with MSBuild and this not understood [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: prevent global install using INSTALL_COMMAND=""
[ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: INSTALL_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} instead of
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed code inside #ifndef MARPAESLIF_NTRACE that
does not compile anymore [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: use INSTALL_DIR instead of INSTALL_COMMAND, fix
WIN32 tests [ci skip]
2.0.32 2018-01-19T04:06:03
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.32 [ci skip]
src/*.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_terminal_matcherb(), one of the most
important methods, avoid doing malloc when not necessary [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_terminal_matcherb(), tiny
optimization by doing a test on a local variable first [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_meta_matcherb(), tiny
optimization by not systematically derefencing
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->marpaESLIFp, used only in error or warning cases
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_terminal_matcherb(), tiny
optimization by not systematically derefencing
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->marpaESLIFp, used only in error or warning cases
[ci skip]
internal/structures.h: better comment [ci skip]
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_resume_oneb() optimization [ci skip]
Merge commit 'db7319fc9a296238ae28100f9d6758865c26f2b5' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 372b25c6..c662ce98
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from defe7751..53210066
Merge commit '9baaddc9c7e5fca564171544d03f257f4a3225cd' [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: when reporting a failure say this is at (line,column)
instead of after (line,column) [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed a warning used during _marpaESLIF_charconvb()
development dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_charconvb() and remaining bytes dev+ [ci
Merge commit '50cc3f6c97a17bfef5236687abf2dfa96e0121f5' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from e8049e8d..defe7751
src/marpaESLIF.c: tconv and remaining bytes dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed unused variables [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix naming of internal methods [ci skip]
Handle leftover bytes only when needed during character conversion dev+
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: stop processing if a character conversion fails [ci
Faster check if encoding is changing
src/marpaESLIF.c: in _marpaESLIF_charconvp(), remove a non-needed case
Merge commit '35e20ae8514f74d04e274cd6526b21e76e182027' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 37add041..e8049e8d
Merge commit '3eed78e5410ff2b70ce13ae9ba3e0ce02b370c90' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 119c622c..37add041
Merge commit '63726b3cb1573f3685f9a3ecdadc86d20cc64583' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 30a2ce93..119c622c
Merge commit 'a1e9530248b6d25923e0968292ccc588fd186dbe' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 3b965ed1..30a2ce93
Removed unused haveTerminalMatchedb variable [ci skip]
When calling tconv, fix an infinite potential loop [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix calls to tconv when caller want or not to remember
the tconv pointer [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: when this is a tconv failure, report failure at this
level [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: add eofb to methods that call tconv [ci skip]
Merge commit 'ad671c8c9b499e4ff8094ea7125747ebc9d4d82b' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 008fcb46..3b965ed1
Merge commit 'db11ce12926fa744a4a5611c8a92f441dc6ed50b' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Version is now 2.0.31... too late v.s. the tag -; [ci skip]
Fix bug when reallocating internal buffer - this happens with quite
large input
Notes on the order or recognizer callbacks [ci skip]
Typo on the exhausted event [ci skip]
Version 2.0.30 - Case where a lexeme matches, and explicit terminal as
well, and the lexeme match is longer than the terminal, then the lexeme
is wrongly skipped
.appveyor.yml dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '2e025e00c9aa3b41844a3f21f13f864e24ba2bcd'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c219386d..372b25c6
Toolchain dev+ [ci skip]
toolchain dev+ [ci skip]
Version 2.0.29
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from fcf108ae..7bcef9d0
Merge commit 'febabe2df570054487615385a9da93db6bdcf419'
Merge commit '5bca74e24063efdd129cf212e81aa0e3e39bd26b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 7d840039..008fcb46
Merge commit 'e34fd606b4def4ddecf4a84fcdb49b38eda363c8'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 6b543e9a..554b5b14
Merge commit 'c41a50dd6c967a75d915304313446b87734a1fe2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from ecaddd5c..6773554c
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '0df08ebf4898c6cbf9ab46b257d4520f8e75894b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6aca3dc6..c219386d
Merge commit 'f2250b562095f3bc582ebefae4c31e34b3ae6a04'
Version 2.0.28
Version 1.0.27
Merge commit '737b9349cd572f1199b25771e8e7ca56a4db50f2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 47dc7441..fcf108ae
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c5e01595..7d840039
Merge commit '53434711d935c64ca9fe9f49356ded9afb9d0e64'
Merge commit '794656e6451c64151e4a4c94f4c0558f8ae5cf05'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 7bed850c..6b543e9a
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 5ef9f575..ecaddd5c
Merge commit '9b93cf7f4a34153f1449b267059f9027dfeb1637'
Merge commit 'fea1f6e3a863dda76fd9044b44afbb54561a418c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '339d1e0b2fd98accac47a20744345ad6c83c4523'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 1a27b81f..6aca3dc6
git reset --hard origin/master [ci skip]
Version 2.0.26
Merge commit '2cbd0eaa7944bbf36181d121e7eba69fa342ffc7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from b7068d00..c5e01595
Merge commit '3fbeb9a4a8b2ae8c928186fdf22a1dcebc7c6ed7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 1dddd0db..1a27b81f
Version 2.0.25
Version 2.0.24 [ci skip]
Merge commit '73e65fd31dc94c12093ee6002b347d7f03fcc2e7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 310e9a58..47dc7441
Merge commit '5a49e9cbb81bd2aba41ba6d062c47dc6d12ea465' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from c526ee20..7bed850c
Merge commit '1ef10c4e3edaf493d80eb0dc764d7c01ba0bb566' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 658a9e5d..5ef9f575
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '6d4949bed85e12a131ae0d9e4ca574c1df633ac8' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'bf50ff436b80a4029168ed65780b815b934c0f5e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 180b4468..1dddd0db
Merge commit 'db724affbff091fe6dbd84dd017aaef20e0bb78f' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 10c2ea86..180b4468
Call MYPACKAGEPRINTSETUP at the end of CMakeLists.txt
More CMake garbage
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 8e9d5627..10c2ea86
Merge commit 'f0bf04ab45173b672ab7fdabacbd2d6ba06247de'
Merge commit 'b2e2a71b1187acb31e2e0ae2f1f15d80ac3a7fda'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 620edd76..8e9d5627
Call MYPACKAGEPACK [ci skip]
Non-needed file [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: test and xtest [ci skip]
Removed some @Override statements
Excluded bindings from packaging: they have their own packaging logic
(java is maven, perl is CPAN)
Back to -std=gnu89 on CFLAGS only and clang only [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_flush_charconv(), utf8s may
be used uninitialized in the err: section, detected by clang [ci skip]
src/bootstrap_actions.c: some variables may be used uninitialized in the
err: section, detected by clang [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: terminalp may be used uninitialized in the err:
section, detected by clang [ci skip]
In Perls dist.ini, take CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from current environment,
eventually [ci skip]
Revert "Version 2.0.23 [ci skip]"
Version 2.0.23 [ci skip]
Perls dist.ini, removed a redundant line [ci skip]
Perls dist.ini, closes #3 [ci skip]
Perls dist.ini: printout OTHERLDFLAGS [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CBuilder is appending CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, not the others [ci
Version 2.0.21 [ci skip]
[perl] dist.ini work on tweaking all flags
For clang, use std=gnu99 - Version 2.0.20 [ci skip]
Version 2.0.19
For perl Prereqs / TestRequires, hardcoded dependencies not
automatically detected
Version 2.0.18
For perl, determining the need of inline compiler semantics because of
clang on Mavericks
cmake/CMakeLibrarySetup.txt should be removed -; [ci skip]
Version 2.0.17 [ci skip]
marpaESLIFGrammar_unsafe_newp when callers knows what they are doing -;
_marpaESLIFGrammar_newp thread-safety [ci skip]
marpa/ - removed an initial sleep call [ci skip]
marpa/ - javadoc fix [ci skip]
Java thread test dev+ [ci skip]
Java - use an indice for genericLogger [ci skip]
Javadoc fix [ci skip]
Perl - getInstance method [ci skip]
Java - move multiton in main class [ci skip]
Javadoc multiton fixes [ci skip]
Java multiton [ci skip]
.travis.yml: update to latest Path::Tiny [ci skip]
cmake/FindgenericHash.cmake appears to be missing
javadoc fix ct'd (< and > characters)
- javadoc fix (< and > characters
Do not install PCRE2 globally
doc fixes [ci skip]
Travis: remove debugging thingies
Travis and cpanm
Travis and CMake
[Perl] Thread-safe multiton
Fix perl linking on Windows and mingw headers [ci skip]
[Perl] t/thread.t fixes 2 [ci skip]
[Perl] t/thread.t fixes [ci skip]
Perl multiton - dev+
src/marpaESLIF.c: symbolp->lhsRuleStackp is not correctly filled [ci
Dump of pattern when pcre2_compile fails [ci skip]
Fix MARPAESLIF_XV_STORE() macro usages: newSVsv(&PL_sv_undef) instead of
&PL_sv_undef [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: comment on versioning [ci skip]
JNI: rule and symbol grammar instrospection [ci skip]
JNI: grammar properties interface [ci skip]
JNI: symbol arrays and display interfaces [ci skip]
Added maxLevel in any grammar property [ci skip]
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty trial
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty trial
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty
.travis.yml: try email 02
.travis.yml: try email
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar POD [ci skip]
JNI: no need of a new local reference in setGrammar
JNI: setGrammar during valuation [ci skip]
JNI: always convert to the UTF-8 the Object representation [ci skip]
JNI: Cosmetic indentation fix
JNI: Move marpaESLIFValueContextCleanup() where it is use for code
maintainance, and document that JNI doc about GetStringLength() is wrong
Revert "User-land alternative uses default java charset in the toString
representation [ci skip]"
User-land alternative uses default java charset in the toString
representation [ci skip]
java test bug fix [ci skip]
JNI: Value context injection [ci skip]
*.java: new value interface methods [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c new valueInterface methods, changed
previous_utf16s to previous_representations in value context
marpaESLIFJava.c: introspection classes dev+ [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: fixed a comment [ci skip]
Generated equals, hashCode and toString java methods for ESLIFEvent [ci
Generated equals, hashCode and toString java methods [ci skip]
Grammar introspection t+
- javadoc and alias methods [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
ESLIFGrammarSymbolProperties constructor [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::Properties more perlish
- [ci skip]
Objectification of grammar, rule and symbol properties [ci skip]
make sure using MarpaX::ESLIF is enough
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing symbolp->propertyBitSet initialization fix [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing symbolp->propertyBitSet initialization [ci
Removed lookupLevelDeltai from exported symbol property structure [ci
perl/t/test.t: use MarpaX::ESLIF::Symbol::PropertyBitSet values [ci
Symbol instrospection t+ [ci skip]
symbol introspection [ci skip]
perl's symbolPropertyBitSet, renamed Rule::Types to Rule::PropertyBitSet
[ci skip]
Symbol introspection low-level [ci skip]
internal/structures.h: changed a comment [ci skip]
perl's MarpaX::ESLIF::Rule::Type::constant [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: fix warning [ci skip]
perl bindings to grammar introspection [ci skip]
Localized perl variable for valuation [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_optionp [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_optionp test [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb revisited, marpaESLIFGrammar_optionp added [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.h: obsolete and removed
CMakeLists.txt: Output PERL_EXECUTABLE [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb test [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: skip emacs garbage
Value context dev+
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.20
Revert "Bypass a genericLogger bug until it is fixed [ci skip]"
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 2f629160..b7068d00
Merge commit '3e3bb83f5d4a1a7935056d12c82bb9bf24644d50'
Merge commit 'e0504f42eee23c464ca3d077c176d83c6a8ae2a9'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from c0ca32f6..310e9a58
Merge commit '5a302c1560ed555e2535bc5f250412c2767e5c96'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 33bf3bff..c526ee20
Merge commit 'b8120e0712c26391d0348dbd65f15e86ebe361d4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Bypass a genericLogger bug until it is fixed [ci skip]
ESLIF/Recognizer.pod: $eslifRecognizer->lastCompletedLocation section
fix [ci skip]
Version 2.0.14 [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: some words on regular expression pitfalls [ci skip]
[ci skip]
Set utf validated input earlier to do pcre2_jit_match as soon as
possible [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about exception [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about exception constraints [ci skip]
Exception: do not retry to match what was tried before dev+ [ci skip]
Fixed a warning detected by gcc [ci skip]
Exception new implementation dev+ [ci skip]
Exception dev+ [ci skip]
Another exception implementation [ci skip]
Preprare for exception handling in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_resume_oneb()
dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFGrammar_validateb(), commented out a
block that I think is redundant about checking syntactic exception
nature [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Moved MARPAESLIF_MATCH_AGAIN processing from
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_resume_oneb() into
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed warnings seen with clang [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unused method marpaESLIF_call_actionv() [ci skip]
Fixed a warning about typecast from one enum to another [ci skip]
Fixed a warning about /* within a comment [ci skip]
Version 2.0.13 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: removed unused method and prefer av_len over av_top_index
for old perls [ci skip]
Version 2.0.12 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Make sure that discard of very last data can happen
only for the top-level rcognizer [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed builtins for the moment [ci skip]
ESLIF/Recognizer.pod: typo in POD [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: consume as much discard as possible after exhaustion
[ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: fix exhausted flag [ci skip]
API/README.pod: An important comment on exhaustion recognizer flag and
the parse() method [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: work on exhausted grammar but lexeme remains: a very
last :discard should be tried [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed ::nosep that is now a built-in, removed ::unpack
(returns more than once value) and ::eval (no gain) [ci skip]
hide separator documentation [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed an read of uninitialized variable [ci skip]
New adverb item hide-separator [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more words on :discard[on] and :discard[off] [ci skip]
Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off" in self test
[ci skip]
Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off", for more
concise doc -; [ci skip]
Missing doc pieces for symbol-action => <string literal> [ci skip]
String literal in rule and symbol actions done [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix event type settings when cloning and event is
internal [ci skip]
String literation as action dev+ [ci skip]
String literal MARPAESLIF_DST_OR_VALCHAR() macro helper dev+ [ci skip]
String literal dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: do not allow a trailing backslash in a string [ci
Prepare for action => <quoted string> [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: ::keep, ::printf and ::pack dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed logic with backslash processing [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: support of ::{} builtin [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix check of nullable semantics [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In marpaESLIFValue_contextb(), return -1 for symbol or
rule Id when the case does not apply [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: removed ::undef action built-in injection because it
already exist natively in ESLIF -; [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: ::[], ::undef, ::true and ::false special actions [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: %nosep and %skip [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: "%nosep->" implementation dev+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: perl builtin actions will start with "%" why not [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: prepare for the marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb()
method [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb(): removed a debug statement and
document how it is implemented [ci skip]
Revival of grammar extension but under some limitations, this time it is
marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb() [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: prevent built-in [] to be av_undef'ed [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: support of "nosep->" and "[]" hooks
Make marpaESLIFValue_contextb() usable with ruleproperty [ci skip]
Hide marpaESLIF_extend() - almost works but too "dangerous" until the
framework is protected against user's error [ci skip]
Fix eventual memory leak: discardEvents scope is on a rule, not on a
symbol [ci skip]
Revisit marpaESLIF_extendb() so that marpaESLIFp adress does not change
+ fix uninitialized marpaWrapperGrammarp in marpaESLIFRecognizerp_newp()
[ci skip]
Support of ESLIF extension [ci skip]
Shortened a comment in rule property structure [ci skip]
API/README.pod: rule and grammar introspection POD [ci skip]
Rule introspection: added marpa rule bits [ci skip]
test/exceptionTester*.c: removed few compile warnings [ci skip]
Grammar introspection [ci skip]
Rule introspection [ci skip]
For rules, create a convenience array of RHS Ids for future rule
introspection [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: no need to recurse to find ESLIF.xs [ci skip]
test/exceptionTester*c [ci skip]
Fix version in CMakeLists.txt, version 2.0.11 [ci skip]
Exception handling fix, version 2.0.10
src/marpaESLIF.c: better traces, fixed comment saying that // is never
regonizeed as a valid regexp [ci skip]
Case of empty strings, this is generating an empty PCRE2 pattern [ci
Use memcmp() for explicit strings without modifiers [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: :discard[on] and :discard[off] correctness [ci skip]
Version 2.0.9 [ci skip]
Use macros for internal gets of symbol and rules, guaranteed to be
faster (no paranoid check) in production mode [ci skip]
Work on macros to get symbols and rules from their respective stacks
Allow internal :discard[on] and :discard[off] events in any cloned
POD for MarpaX::ESLIF->new()
Allow logger interface parameter to be under in MarpaX::ESLIF->new()
Revert "Renamed marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStack and
marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStack to marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStackp
and marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStackp, respectively [ci skip]"
Renamed marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStack and
marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStack to marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStackp
and marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStackp, respectively [ci skip]
Removed non-needed marpaESLIF_grammarp->selfp element [ci skip]
Version 2.0.8 [ci skip] (2.0.7 not available via CPAN !?)
Version 2.0.7 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 4f53c4ed..2f629160
Merge commit 'a6a44f44ae59b96d40a47d89921808169c8571a4' [ci skip]
Version 2.0.6 [ci skip]
Removed unused members in the symbol structure [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: bug fix in MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::eventOnOff when
getting the AV* length
Merge commit '827c5206e36c27862feaa64ba6567313deb0c4ac' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 420645d..4f53c4e
Version 2.0.5 [ci skip]
Merge commit 'fb229c5a58bca5fdaf71216ce834788cd5dae98e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 81212d51..420645d3
Merge commit '41bcfd5dfdd3d285f2b15b4103b96b1eb1e566ea' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 13bd6daa..81212d51
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 0fe768ea..13bd6daa
Merge commit 'd887bce48eac292c77a0d1d4ce190d7c5c878aac' [ci skip]
Merge commit '118232d02fdf73625ded300ba0ac042ea095aa14' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 8466306f..0fe768ea
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c6ef2919..8466306f
Merge commit '69f0ae1c3219b0df69aceb45c1eeaf6ec850f9c2' [ci skip]
Repush .travis.yml [ci skip]
Merge commit 'ebc81635bd98964eb6c2bf50dfe8e712c0cfb847' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from fd56f7b3..33bf3bff
git_subtree_pull.zsh: Added genericHash [ci skip]
Merge commit '1248d72a24f2ce008d081c05c39dbdf2d313f9cd' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 508ddcea..c0ca32f6
Merge commit 'd6426bebb644e006b8dbd982147705ff416594e0' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from a747a2e6..c6ef2919
Merge commit '62e03b2ed77b0aa80745feb2e30cf694d734b198' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a31a3463..658a9e5d
Merge commit 'abefd02f26b4e4ed94a61a29972b9db5ea3ee960' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '5d7caf595b6335d57d7d3f47815e9a3bcc16a55e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c5dec90e..620edd76
perl/ESLIF.xs: do not croak in !warnIsFatalb in marpaESLIF_sv2byte [ci
etc/copyDirs.PL: Removed non-needed stuff from CPAN distribution [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix typos in an error message [ci skip]
Version 2.0.4 [ci skip]
Version 2.0.3 [ci skip]
Use 3rdparty/tar/pcre2-10.23-patched.tar.gz instead of
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ec267612..a747a2e6
Merge commit '72e47428776594f80be87be687e7036f083cd923' [ci skip]
Merge commit '1552a28b5cde796e0640ff3b9c4e522690057a42' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from d9ef92d5..a31a3463
Lazy intialization of lexeme data [ci skip]
Fixed some warnings under gcc -Wall
java/CMakeLists.txt: still trying to undersrand travis build failures
Merge commit '5a08cb2a44601d965074f87ae9b3fbd75fff321f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ddc92980..ec267612
java/CMakeLists.txt: try to fix travis build error using absolute path
for -Djava.library.path...
Changed marpaESLIF_grammar.marpaESLIFp to
Cache of reusable recognizers [ci skip]
Limit the number of calls to malloc [ci skip]
Commented out code that should not run in production [ci skip]
Merge commit '5ca33ca6de2c7d7a25225650e01d701b6f2b8cb5' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from e1f6b17..fd56f7b
Removed the complicated code with grammar cache and commented out code
that should not run in production [ci skip]
Version is 2.0.2 following last tags...
Version 1.0.54 following genericStack and marpaWrapper updates
Merge commit '6c236f8e1ed611379ebdd9c13e4c537e8cd5cd5d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from aeb47b01..508ddcea
Merge commit '286d3c57c082a5e5eddda6d71d8a6ffea71cab2a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 328964b4..d9ef92d5
bindings in general: case when argument on the stack is undef [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
ter [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
bis [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed debug statements [ci skip]
Discard hook [ci skip]
src/bootstrap_actions.c: Fixed a memory leak [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Added missing doc for marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed two MARPAESLIF_NTRACE enclosings of error
messages [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Fixed a double definition of typedef
marpaESLIFValueResult_t [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: some words on how a lexeme is referenced [ci skip]
Tutorial/propositionalLogic update [ci skip]
Calculator/README.pod update [ci skip]
Calculator/Calculator.c: update [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Fix typo in comment [ci skip]
API doc+ [ci skip]
New absolute position track option, fix memory leaks in ESLIF.xs
Absolute grammar reference documentation [ci skip]
Support of absolute grammar reference notation @=<unsigned integer>
API doc dev+
API typo fix [ci skip]
Doc update dev+ [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: alternative representation is always only a
sequence of bytes, no encoding information
XS: utf8 flag management [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt; CTest specific command-line if !WIN32 [ci skip]
XS and UTF-8 dev+, marpaESLIF_sv2byte protection [ci skip]
Better and faster value API
test/jsonTester.c: fixed a printf argument [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: escape double quote
Perl dependency and CTest [ci skip]
Merge commit 'ed6be7c3a98d05c573c81b4883c3652d7523c086' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 0eb4067..aeb47b0
Merge commit '28fc0f4a1d530d841f17fd4f821873aad4e8f96b' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 7bdc094..328964b
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 3613ba82..0eb40670
Merge commit 'b23e652a92be6e55b90a1fd02d54edb3ae8eed5b'
Merge commit 'bf093b2f0782951d6ee4240e574ed69a36817f98'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a4cce7d4..7bdc0944
Custom genericStack type dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'd14eb8c234a5b3740fd151a94112a0d06308d080'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a236c341..a4cce7d4
src/marpaESLIF.c: make sure that ::ascii action result in a PTR in the
Perl calculator example [ci skip]
t/advent.t: fixes [ci skip]
t/advent.t: removed debug statements [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: sv2byte and refcount dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed unused variables [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: removed unused variable [ci skip]
t/advent.t dev+ [ci skip]
.travis.yml: Test::More::UTF8 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use newRV_inc for ref count [ci skip]
Merge commit '0771c3906237a49e7cf15dea15c8536b4523f615' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e6038fef..c5dec90e
Work on user-land representation of objects pushed to stack, including
perl/ESLIF.xs: paranoid protection for representation [ci skip]
JNI: Test of line and column number recognizer [ci skip]
JNI: Support of line and column number recognizer [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: fix stringification callback [ci skip]
Perl: MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::lastCompletedLocation,
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::line, MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::column and
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::location [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: comment an internal subtility with grammar and events
on lexeme [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: commented out a change of logger level
src/marpaESLIF.c: require that the left side of an exception is unique
in the grammar, because exception will become part of the lexeme
Exception mode implementation is moved to symbol matcher [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: faster MARPAESLIF_IS_LEXEME() macro [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: Added more garbage to ignore [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: fix warnings [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: cosmetic change [ci skip]
Exceptions are moved to the lexing phaase [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: make sure a rule with an exception have exactly one
RHS before the "-" sign
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing 'break' in grammar validation [ci skip]
Notion of symbol with hiden grammar internal event [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c t+ [ci skip]
::translit becomes ::convert [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: concat uniformization dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_appendOpaqueDataToStringGenerator()
optimization [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: append representation only it is != NULL and > 0 [ci
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: test of alternative representation [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: remember exception existence if the concerned rule is
productive, genericLogger callback factorizations, work on ::concat dev+
[ci skip]
test/jsonTester.c: Add marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb test [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: representation callback dev+ [ci skip]
internal/logging.h: prepend temporary genericLogger with an underscore
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: unbind array only if this really is an arrat [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb [ci skip]
dist.ini: Add README.solaris to meta_noindex [ci skip]
Version 1.0.53 [ci skip]
dist.ini: Put back Capture::Tiny in ConfigureRequires in case we run our
local ExtUtils::CppGuess [ci skip]
dist.ini: Put ExtUtils::CppGuess in ConfigureSuggests and add a
README.solaris [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: add etc to meta_noindex [ci skip]
Update README.pod
Tutorial/Calculator.pod fix for utf-8 [ci skip]
Version 1.0.52 [ci skip]
Perl - calculator example - fix warning [ci skip]
Perl - calculator example [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: when getting an SV from the stack, try to identify the typee
of entry in the stack in case of a problem [ci skip]
rule's ::concat is ::shift when there is a single RHS [ci skip]
Perl - Tutorial - Events dev+ [ci skip]
XS - make resume deltaLength parameter optional [ci skip]
Perl - Tutorial - events dev+ [ci skip]
Perl - Force load of MarpaX::ESLIF if accessing only the constants [ci
Perl - Tutorial - Fix POD errors [ci skip]
Fix constant synopsis [ci skip]
perl/typemap: ensure that undef is not a valid input [ci skip]
XS: ensure proper order for destroys [ci skip]
Fix inline definition when it is not detected [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 2438d3e6..3613ba82
Merge commit '534baac2e210cd0eaf482ead73913167d3efc733'
Merge commit '8ee66683364614e3a539147b1342c368de014f22'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 80f07038..ddc92980
Perl - calculator dev+ [ci skip]
POD dev+ [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Introduction generation [ci skip]
MarpaX/ changed SEE ALSO section [ci skip]
README.pod: capitalized =head1 sections [ci skip]
Perl - BNF/README.pod fix [ci skip]
MarpaX/ NOTES section [ci skip]
Perl - calculator example dev+ [ci skip]
Java - test fix [ci skip]
Perl example dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: more useful trace [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: missing encoding information propagation [ci skip]
Perl example [ci skip]
t/test.t: comment symbol-action
perl/ESLIF.xs: Support of MARPAESLIF_VALUE_TYPE_UNDEF [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about default rules [ci skip]
marpa/ Minor change in a log statement [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Adapt valueb() alike parseb() [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: document dangerousity of symbol-action
src/marpaESLIF.c: symplify ::concat to deal only with ARRAY and ignore
everything else [ci skip]
JNI - setResult and ByteBuffer [ci skip]
JNI - parseb and byte array [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::parse [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Tutorial::Calculator [ci skip]
README.pod fixes [ci skip]
pcre2-10.23 [ci skip]
Perl - MarpaX::ESLIF doc [ci skip]
Perl - BNF doc [ci skip]
Perl - doc [ci skip]
Perl - Adapt doc/BNF/README.pod to MarpaX::ESLIF::BNF [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: rearrange a bit startup [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Logger::Levels => MarpaX::ESLIF::Logger::Level [ci skip]
Doc [ci skip]
Perl - re index Event::Type [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: make MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::scan first argument optional
[ci skip]
POD [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CppGuess and dist.ini [ci skip]
dist.ini: inc dir [ci skip]
PODNAME [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CppGuess dependency [ci skip]
Perl - POD [ci skip]
Perl - MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::ruleDisplay fix [ci skip]
Java - Added a comment for rule display [ci skip]
Perl POD [ci skip]
read() interface callback returns a boolean [ci skip]
Patreon donation for marpa [ci skip]
Value/ POD [ci skip]
Event/ POD [ci skip]
dist.ini: no_index on lib/MarpaX/ESLIF/Value/ [ci skip]
- fix XSLoader usage [ci skip]
Update for solaris, version 1.0.51 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from a68e118b..80f07038
Merge commit '9ecb11bbd4c1a3ea39e7e1ade8d8c6496dfe26d0'
Fixed a compiler warning and a correclty detected misplaced forget:
label location [ci skip]
SunOS/Solaris tweaks [ci skip]
dist.init and $iconv_libs, version 1.0.50
Fix for iconv discovery bis [ci skip]
Fix for iconv discovery [ci skip]
Version 1.0.49 [ci skip]
Work on issue #1 [ci skip]
Version is 1.0.48 [ci skip]
dist.ini meta provides
dist.ini and modules requirements [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: fix warning [ci skip]
Perl: fix dist.ini repository.github [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' content from commit a68e118b
Merge commit '58dee367cfac1b2beced362e27e60b404a85350c' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/tconv for subtree reimport
Merge commit '05b23264944767ef1d6ac288b54d707260a2d348' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit e6038fef
Removed cmae-utils for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'c3c537147d3d24551274b8e4bc206f91ce8f3d8a' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' content from commit 2438d3e6
Removed 3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper for subtree reimport
Merge commit '03bdbac292298e81ef701e162c4489824caefb71' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' content from commit a236c341
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericStack for subtree reimport
Merge commit '566b5d05dead721fb34f5d54a32937abf55dd4d0' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' content from commit c59c2888
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericLogger for subtree reimport
Merge commit '61e87eea62c46791dc77b066a41827d98759620a' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' content from commit e1f6b179
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericHash for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'df198ec056d1da7313a59decf6a7d485af398967' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/cmake-utils for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'decca0c29bfb5722270e0974a6f8da0388b65e06'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e310bfc2..e6038fef
git_subtree_pull.zsh dev+
Re-import of marpaWrapper as subtree
Re-import of tconv as subtree
Re-import of genericStack as subtree
Re-import of genericHash as subtree
Re-import of genericLogger as subtree
Merge remote-tracking branch 'cmake-utils/master'
Perl dist.ini [ci skip]
Perl release [ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: skip section dev+ |ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: skip section |ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: more skip |ci skip]
Following XS dev [ci skip]
Bug fix in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_completeb:
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->inputs is cached but can change becuase of a call
to _marpaESLIFREcognizer_readb() [ci skip]
JNI - use native marpaESLIF stack [ci skip]
Perl - commented debug statements [ci skip]
Forget original when we do an internal stack copy [ci skip]
Generic hash for ptr refcount dev+ [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' content from commit e1f6b17
Merge commit '5ce46aafac5b088be3f5bc75076dd500bcbf2fde' as
Get/set grammar defaults [ci skip]
XS - marpaESLIF_svStackCleanByIndicev [ci skip]
XS - Removed free action resolver, not used in high level interfaces
because managed by the proxy [ci skip]
XS - Factoization [ci skip]
XS - factorizations [ci skip]
dist.ini - Fix a warning [ci skip]
XS - memmove [ci skip]
XS - symbol and free actions dev+internal variables renamings [ci skip]
XS - internal variables renamings [ci skip]
XS - marpaESLIF_canb fix [ci skip]
JAVA - problem with cmake 3.2
XS - Fix memory problems [ci skip]
JNI - removed a wrong comment [ci skip]
Perl dev+ [ci skip]
Fix apparent but in value symbol callback [ci skip]
Perl XS constants dev+ [ci skip]
Back to a single ESLIF.xs for portability [ci skip]
Put TRACE by default if compiled with it, fixed a call to $log [ci skip]
Skip Makefile files [ci skip]
Perl xs dev+ [ci skip]
JNI - Removed unused variables [ci skip]
Perl typemap - correct typecast [ci skip]
Perl and constants and multiple xs files [ci skip]
Java - more tests [ci skip]
API semantics [ci skip]
JNI Work on logging [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: skip more files
Add marpaESLIFPerlPackage to the default build target [ci skip]
Cosmetic fixes [ci skip]
Enable JIT for PCRE2 [ci skip]
Perl - fix mem corruption [ci skip]
XS_MarpaX__ESLIF__Grammar_parse fix [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::parse preparation [ci skip]
Information on dzil location [ci skip]
Copy files in binary mode when preparing perl package [ci skip]
Skip java test if not gcc for a problem with rdynamic [ci skip]
Print a log statement before what is happening -; [ci skip]
Reintroduce java tests and packaging [ci skip]
Renamings, version 1.0.4
Merge commit '3f0951aa7f71f4bd64e0170bcbe81dd5b6f24385'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '10ee07604217691add4efe3b80963c53538b1867'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from e15626f..a68e118
Merge commit '10f09b9d30c39818463dfbdf0b98f754851ff07e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'ea9cc0413560faca86c7fb12905c081ac4c0e66e'
Reduce filepaths
Renamings, version 1.0.22
Merge commit '486d1582e905335da16ee632f11fed8683a2cdfa'
Merge commit '653ec0fbe4c5734ddd754c7771327e559f2b13ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Renamings, version 1.0.46
Merge commit '64899fab810ea97f7a1d63def9cac36f0c7c9ee7' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/Marpa--R2/' content from commit 0f99f82
Pb with Marpa--R2 tree
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'fd26834a7e34caced75161fa7a1f00e8fb52fdfc'
Merge commit '2d7418e4b14387abacf97346be982e15cc9bb273'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'dd8d79abe0798f952c827c559083e614a72d8bee'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '470cb2fb3b60a8fac9eaf46bb0dbe516601f9517'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2e339cc269dedd86874c4aef47d8521a3537130c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Typo when doing rename of subtree, version 1.0.34
Typo when doing rename of subtree, version 1.0.33
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.32
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.31
Merge commit '53fb2713e11df68f5b1726b37635d835370061e0'
Merge commit 'b1c318116a9f404fc72075e591300366fef2c8cf'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '542aeffec2c792ccc7fb4ca43067817d30897dea'
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.35
Merge commit 'a4c92cc1e484ce8fac836715b85a7f586e8716b4'
Version 1.0.19
Merge commit 'b62627cabd84aa4c1a135ebe46b0c3b61b2c54cd'
Perl better typemap [ci skip]
Fix dependencies perl [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: cleanup [ci skip]
Fix marpaESLIFPerlCopy target [ci skip]
perl dev+
dev+ [ci skip]
Typo in comment
bindings dev+ [ci skip]
travis and perl: t+
travis and perl: more dependencies
travis and perl: fix Authority plugin
travis and perl: fix call to dzil authordeps --missing dev+
travis and perl dev+
travis and perl: install Dist::Zilla via apt-get
travis and perl, say cpanm --quiet --notest
travis and perl
pcre2: no external package in any case
Install rules
Merge commit 'de0af3892ec2847295d5f79460dd7993ed1e1aac'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from fbb6fda..e15626f
Merge commit '0ad50bee3d752b9f8094edb26d0e3426daff04e8'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c0adbbfba1a52ab4b8e8134995535956a7309d24'
man pages fix
man page absolute path
pod tweak
pcre2 build
Merge commit '1d65337567cb04a5b74ae397a071e906379db06a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c37ee0583a7189bf6173be3c08437eca84c8caf4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
More common sizes
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 349cbf5..fbb6fda
Merge commit 'f93bd5a4595eebdf3374906a6d8103b71428260e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '7e3c03857f666713e844319549f134d0980c9a6f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'cf8e243fe93380ffdc4b82dc599a503a5fb10a6c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'db1b3b61fddfef13db95af797d734ccc87a02c3f'
Version 1.0.21
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'd9565d218e63054a223eb2855c703dedd208a2a1'
LIBS scope implies TEST scopeSay public to all links
Say public to all links
Merge commit '67ab58a489cd8173d39c5b4bfde99889e7f4e98e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '7caa8e6f6930ca172078249255d71403e48bed71'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f739aa6ccf5438df9bf9dec2983b52f568fc2563'
Merge commit '243f8c0a42af426fe7f711e3fb3f0e3d76fbd4ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.30
Merge commit 'ede20f9d2015ed2416a5cace83b97cf4a452065e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '5e02d6ff4b68878ec3fbdde2f79ba5c268b73d24'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f715cafeb0d897601b101f025669a74a07923c03'
Version 1.0.34
Merge commit '1597c7f97cabfa929e8605eea4f1ece1963cd3ad'
Version 1.0.18
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '9631741b46bb8d6ddd2737c53118c01a0ae6a147'
Use target_file in test
Merge commit 'cb68f44f596ab45c746153af64b2d16e59419d68'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.29
Merge commit '604facc4b2b9ad9fa69c272e08ecd990e80a8c26'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'e25664e40c1ad3e876ea0f8f723495d4fc65c6ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'a67dec69213f79d55ead5a9b567c1ce5201121e3'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c3fa3465c7faf70af6afee3aad1bcff1aef768f6'
Version 1.0.33
Version 1.0.17
Merge commit '3e71b76e352f9f6dd39e359e72250ae11e9d3efd'
Add test to check
Merge commit 'a9e1a36c22b6c7a8f521a39d2ec72c6b67cf48f1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.16
Merge commit 'f144996413eedae939e627c3de90be17f81c03e6'
Merge commit '750342463b52c0de7f430ae39ee4ce885f3c350d'
Version 1.0.28
Difficulty with path for tests -;
cmake/FindgenericLogger.cmake fix [ci skip]
Merge commit '7f1d4b176c4b20a3046e62a57f5ad78e8cebe6d2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'ee6499f6f81e481460c486f9cfa22d74cfc1684a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '30eb8f76d7dfba8c0ed9cb50be415949f93b85f8'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '86c14078c779e8eb317249e9a2da28af44df8f03'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.32
Version 1.0.15
Merge commit 'ecd83fdb8405a49309776404644508def5ace595'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
-D_STATIC for static executables
Merge commit '2aa193f950d8040a94451af44be197ff15953fc2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Fix for manpage
Use buil-in project versioning
Version information cached
Version information marked as advanced
Fix for version
Some library defs are private
Fix call to man page
CMakeLists.txt [ci skip]
Attach tracing and version only to libraries
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '6bcf5691d85f8eab039a7526622948ffa14d67bf'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 177d909..349cbf5
Merge commit 'b1550f995de1c6c5aac4016e608810764813ff72'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'fc172b74f69a0803754d365fcf2a3c0a668814a7'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2ec9f947ef76a705b589b8a530942dbc973276a5'
Factorization [ci skip]
Merge commit 'a3b247fda14e490d589a8c311b13aa3cbc3b9d69' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
factorization dev+
optparse conflict in merge
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f230138dc8985797a0b7ade40d69adec5ad2cab1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '522834de237ae3412ddca0efb5df4c719e361245'
Merge commit 'f1165603afaac1141328694c392b1b385ed22721'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.45
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f28650d52e9c54b6dee0ab6904aa25584c5559f8'
target_link_libraries dev+
Merge commit '3ff0db62a2612bd3581cdca83e47eef3fdd8151d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Include dependencies dev+
Structural fixes
Structural fixes [ci skip]
Merge commit '9413bbd4c926d3b452d8dd7a318dcc407913af1e' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' content from
commit 2e40261
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'dfe3f6617826a346432da01a61be62a00e387a74' as
Merge commit '158995295a85192bf9333e325b6297143d6f855a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Use my cmake framework
Use my cmake framework [ci skip]
Fix depend options parsing
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '1be2947649af0f303a97a8bef09c6b318c28df8d' as
cmake-utils-remote fix
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '9130e85f83cb17838fcf31d7db8ae52b096fd9b1'
Merge commit '14b613ecb15fdb9caad31a52da63610680d33587'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c51d830a61d709826c4c70aa312ef252995f33b0'
Merge commit '9f5802d9aa90e6210ab08a269e7c8184bf59d9f4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Check common type sizes
git_subtree_pull.zsh [ci skip]
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and dependency properties
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and test path
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and recursivity
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0b6a2136db1c632cbfc082db9901bbccc1a4180f'
Install of export file, version 1.0.26
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '3132bb74c424ea492f724f70c6fd4da2107c6268'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'd39c7d81901017639acab5cbe13d4d4300888ffb'
Install of export file, version 1.0.14
Merge commit 'e2dc03e6a73e629fda8425bf72d135e263a37448'
Install of export file bis
Install of export file, version 1.0.25
Merge commit '23af22bd8dd99ed72a80064a2d28569597ffa4af'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'e88f3d04156217ac1c0af12971d9a9bc0eed35e6'
Install of export file, version 1.0.13
Merge commit '08493d3b83e76f37492c722a04e1edfec7440ca9'
Install of export file
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.24
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0a2f3b7368f3b614f29a0446acadc308a612df23'
Merge commit '1d847df4d602c36b42c93e87058efd71690d7550'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0aaac18575a9433520c02c79a872c7e72f0e40e7'
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.31
Merge commit '9e3172731c3a6dd2c0b4bd9ea4997287637a8707'
Use of my cmake framework [ci skip]
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.11
Merge commit 'a2af3a69d326f51d13bbaf2ae4157fa886638989'
cmake framework
Version 1.0.23
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '6bb86f971bda2b0c292c401697998316e7c7c39c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '504771c80467b5fc94e7c2fe065d87c2428adbec'
Factorization, version 1.0.30
Version 1.0.10
Fix genericHashTesterStatic link
check fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '9cf3d02758d885173f070c9a89183f30247cdf99'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0b82e5bb91c95434e3437bdf490e9611ccc0b8d4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'ea0acb6dc9c6bc2f74f5ccdae0c4c9c2b1b13181'
Merge commit '0ab5593e87f544880a747a54fe4197d78beafc27'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '007cbdbc609101a25d73d1310a511fa407197908'
check factorization, version 1.0.22
check factorization, version 1.0.29
Merge commit 'da6398f806784324ed85d8ac2bf4d64b96aedc9c'
check factorization, version 1.0.9
Merge commit 'cf4bd40666ebed51b95dd2ee32362573ae55aad5'
Merge commit '9858b91c19e5ecf143e689d3e57e13de8ef79045'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '525204993aa933e06ec9fc06df52b4aa12854d4b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '6074607786a95d982af4689aa7e6f8585f0b736a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
man target, version 1.0.28
Merge commit 'a6dfee9767f7b5d6ee751adf18a373eb26c3bb31'
Man target refactoring, version 1.0.8
Merge commit '42b601ace434a15a6350249f9dd54c6fbab3fc75'
man target
Merge commit 'b183255ce9f80e44d1a08a64126ba295eb1a4ea4' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '9c46845d9d86f5c5d96f3d12c353b5cf70ba77ad' as
Reactoring, version 1.0.21
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'df140a916fd48c1a27b00345af6f2d1187d709a9' as
Travis, version 1.0.27
Reactoring, version 1.0.27
Merge commit '55a0b91b82e870d28e52d256d0d95266ff672a04' as
README.pod fix
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '686b397a0973f0994a6aa63b6e40fe684f9dc72d'
Refactoring, version 1.0.18
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '16f90eac043334da352c2a6ecebb1f39d99a76e0'
Merge commit 'c2581337f9aeb24f4d6badc24e58b4224a406558'
Merge commit 'fbdb4509953b60a1594b3258f9a36c333ccd2b8e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '98fcda2616efdd69295b18edb9c7fee169b31f3a' as
Refactoring version 1.0.17
Merge commit '34563941581da7ceccb5ddc4fa1761b7a4bf0368'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Refactoring version 1.0.7
Fix versionning
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '6308709fb92385fb8487cd3639c46f2c55d9e6c4' as
Merge commit '40c791ff0b0631a81f9a2da6f3aff6da437018b6'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
chmod +x git_subtree_pull.zsh
use MyPackageDependency
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit e310bfc
Merge commit 'a2bb92e8f9940fd846201e757c99159a5f5bf232' as
Merge commit 'db7996a20c250f0bdccded9d7d007ae66add244f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b1c4be8..e310bfc
Use cmake-utils-remote
Fix a message
Merge commit 'e3fb03055f8953d2538da818b02d1db74ea63fda' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit b1c4be8
Initial commit
Merge commit '0656dd694048fd29cbe3abf9e0007678faabee57'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Removed notion of object targets - was a bad idea
all in one [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE and test path [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE [ci skip]
Merge commit 'd395638e6a9f673d980e116f3ed3e16c6598d19b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2c4147713d39df20c1374a9dd99cf093a12c7f60'
Make sure about the location of object if used as a sub-project
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'cb5a109240380413d0bf3f861ca55610ee4f6c55'
use OBJECT type in the ALL_IN_ONE mode, version 1.0.16
Prepare for correct add_library using the OBJECT type, version 1.0.6
Merge commit '9cb3b5912daee0711949c96ca30029784fe80be4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Prepare for correct add_subdirectory, version 1.0.15
Prepare for correct add_subdirectory, version 1.0.5
marpaESLIFPerlTest fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 40f96cf..177d909
Merge commit 'e8691bd4184e69e5c1e7b4564087d1f1b183276b'
Fix for va_copy discovery and ICONV_SECOND_ARGUMENT, version 1.0.14
Merge commit 'c88d487e331fd09955e411e5108587a8b1c2db69'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from a08a22e..40f96cf
Version 1.0.13
Library link fix on Windows [ci skip]
Merge commit '2dc0fb43b6a21abb9606ad76923cf4930737e389'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from d4219bf..a08a22e
iconv second argument [ci skip]
$ESLIF::VERSION [ci skip]
Perl version fix [ci skip]
Merge commit '98909ce4a536ac4f6c0644c5b333845ecb29ec9b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Perl [ci skip]
Perl objects go in obj4perl, version 1.0.4
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 2cc9025..d4219bf
Merge commit 'fc9f708c6ac8697c3cdfe84387287bd12dd02230'
perl CMakeObjects.PL
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base fix [ci skip]
ExtUtils/CBuilder/ fileparse fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/ExtUtils-CBuilder-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '74a656df6bbfbdec812e4cb540642ea2a63859a2' as
travis and pcre2
ALL_IN_ONE mode: do not change linking mode, version 1.0.43
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '1ee95f3410b129a78181d98bf39cb53e0dca829d'
Merge commit '5bbdbdfe30c32e8a07d9d745325811a8148ef030'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 29062ed..2cc9025
ALL_IN_ONE mode: do not change linking mode, version 1.0.12
Fix static test, version 1.0.11
Merge commit '65555d0ed10ab99fe88e74cf46a17c98e171ecac' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' content from commit 29062ed
Merge commit 'e973f02e72e432d0f841badaef0dac9bfddc7b7f' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '734c1455ea57e53d0fdb122bb01d80f40e15d88e' as
build [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '2f1ccb0214963ab28eb252694dafd1cbdcf400fd' as
Merge commit 'ea8c22b6a6070536b4a2ead2dd48f8346342c55a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Test fix, Version 1.0.10
ADD_IN_ONE option, version 1.0.9
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'e8077855f5e8410725fa0e49e45df384323a7aa9' as
All-in-one and static linking
ALL_IN_ONE dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'bb5c8d3f195b4a8e1b23563ab62eb4196754767b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Fix omitted inclusion of (required) <stdarg.h> in runtime.h (also
included in genericLogger.h anyway), fixed include order because of
mingw that requires <unistd.h> to be included BEFORE <time.h> so that
localtime_r is defined...
Perl dev+
Merge commit '3a1d54bd0f48c70fec01623acee2e1362d02ab14'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.20
Build issues without icu, version 1.0.9
Workaround a MSVC bug on the macros we depend upon, version 1.0.20
Optimization, version 1.0.19
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' content from
commit 6f242a4
Merge commit '9c71df2f481411b0f248d6c6974fdeeb3946ed07' as
Merge commit '1def44809c1beecdc41ac0341a5ced9846e44078' as
Merge commit '5a381fbbd30c8e641d6fdd03df9efe2214c43eb5' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '92e9ef0fa31bbe3095a44e1941867e1277e9f0b5' as
.travis and Perl dev+ [ci skip]
Perl - localtime_r is not absolutely required [ci skip]
Merge commit '862d0ab2e57554d05d967a424a508aaacd283d9e' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Static lib dev+ [ci skip]
Commented NO_DEFAULT_PATH in cmake search [ci skip]
Build all objects at once, version 1.0.8
Find static genericLogger library [ci skip]
FinICU fixes [ci skip]
Do not link static lib against static external libraries, version 1.0.42
CMakeLists tiny reorganization [ci skip]
Removed explicit calls to all test suites, already in make check
Fix generic of static library, version 1.0.41
Fix generic of static library, version 2Use also static genericLogger
for tests, version 1.0.7
Use also static genericLogger for tests, version 1.0.18
genericLogger_versions, version 1.0.3
Static version rework, version 1.0.2
Static version of marpaWrapper, version 1.0.40
FIND_PACKAGE(PerlLibs) deficiency [ci skip]
cmake/FindICU.cmake 58.2 update
ICU 58.2 support
Subtree updates, version 1.0.6
Removed unused 3rdparty/github/tinycthread
Merge commit '0a78ef965f61284e04f08de02bddb97b993af1bc'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'e948b0fe3dda0abd3da27f1d3372ee72c2a74286'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Silent a gcc warning when casting a ptr to jlong
- removed unused method [ci skip]
doc [ci skip]
dl should be used via CMAKE_DL_LIBS, version 1.0.5
Add dl to target_link_libraries(), version 1.0.4
Proposition logic doc [ci skip]
Proposition logic [ci skip]
Fix eventual double free in marpaESLIFRecognizer_alternative() [ci skip]
lexeme_discard_tryb fix and doc [ci skip]
Say that marpaESLIFRecognizer_discard_tryb() may generate a discard
event [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_discard_tryb() and
test/selfTester.c: renamed internal lexemes [ci skip]
t+ [ci skip]
grammar cache dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: MARPAESLIF_IS_LEXEME() macro fix [ci skip]
propositionalLogic dev+ [ci skip]
cmake/CMakeGlobalSetup.txt: show CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
lexeme_last_try and internal unformization last notion of last lexeme
data [ci skip]
propositionalLogic dev+
Always fetch grammar events in marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventb(), so that we
are ok even outside of the scan()/resume() methods
src/marpaESLIF.c: Missing event initializer when showing non-lexeme
packaging, version 1.0.39
travis version 1.0.1
Packaging, version 1.0.1
Lexeme events only on lexemes, non-lexeme events only a non-lexemes [ci
Packaging, version 1.0.3
Javadoc [ci skip]
doc/BNF/README.pod: podlint [ci skip]
Fix exceptions settings in Java [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_tryb protection
A bit more POD another lexeme_alternative() [ci skip]
Make sure context is 0 when value stack exhibits an array [ci skip]
User-defined alternatives
Use an explicit structure for alternatives - in prevision of a fix for
an architectural wrong design that is not allowing ambiguous tokens
Renamed internal alternativeStackp to alternativeSymbolStackp [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: internal cosmetics [ci skip]
More comprehensible java code [ci skip]
discard event fix [ci skip]
Removed unused variables [ci skip]
Added deltaLengthl to resume
lastPauseppp[][] becomes lastPausep[] [ci skip]
afterEventStatebpp[][] becomes afterEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
beforeEventStatebpp[][] becomes beforeEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
discardEventStatebpp[][] becomes discardEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_alternative_lengthb() and case when
alternativeLength > current remaining bytes [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb() doc [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb() fixes
marpaESLIFRecognizer_pauseb() becomes
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb(), move last pause information
to recognizer structure
Do not share event states when it should not [ci skip]
before and after events in case of noEvent flag [ci skip]
Recognizer's last_completed methods [ci skip]
Recognizer's read/input/pause methods [ci skip]
Removed marpaESLIFRecognizer_eofb() [ci skip]
marpa/ do the progressLog() test once [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: API protection [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputv and marpaESLIFRecognizer_pausev are now
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputb and marpaESLIFRecognizer_pauseb,
respectively [ci skip]
JNI: recognizer progress log [ci skip]
Java test: work on discard
Internal trace logger, prevent discard failure upon discard exhaustion
BNF/README.pod: document that :discard will silently fail if it is
lexeme before and after events on/off management [ci skip]
discard event on/off support [ci skip]
Removed swig dependency in the build [ci skip]
Removed obsolete files grammarContext*
src/marpaESLIF.c: Add symbolip to _marpaESLIF_symbol_findp() prototype
[ci skip]
marpa/ show that event management is lacking some features
; dev+ [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventb() prototype,
Java_org_parser_marpa_ESLIFRecognizer_jniEventOnOff() [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: renamed a macro about exception [ci skip]
Thead-safety: a recognizer owns all its grammar, performance: cache of
precomputed grammar per recognizer [ci skip]
ESLIFException [ci skip]
API/README.pod: marpaESLIFRecognizer_isEofb [ci skip]
JNI lexeme expected [ci skip]
JNI [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_isEofb [ci skip]
document :discard event restriction (its RHS must be an LHS at the same
grammar level when an event is set) [ci skip]
Java test [ci skip]
A :discard event is possible only if its RHS is also an LHS at the same
grammar level [ci skip]
Fixed comments [ci skip]
Java_org_parser_marpa_ESLIFRecognizer_jniNew: fix uninitialized values
[ci skip]
JNI Event type fix [ci skip]
Recognizer and grammar code clarification [ci skip]
JNI and events [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: field cache [ci skip]
ICU test eventual dependency [ci skip]
JNI code warnings [ci skip]
ICU eventual dependency and path on windows [ci skip]
C_INLINE cmake fix [ci skip]
Java ESLIF event dev+ [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a little more about escaping [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: added two lines to retry in a clean state when
:discard rule has precedence [ci skip]
Changed a trace saying why :discard is ignored [ci skip]
README.pod on :discard, this time > maxMatchedl [ci skip]
Try again with :discard, this time > maxMatchedl [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: L0_TERMINAL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION protection [ci skip]
Hmmm.... put previous change between #if 0 #endif -;
Important change: if :discard matches at least the same number of bytes
of longest lexeme, then it has precedence
Java test: prepare for scan/resume/value tests [ci skip]
Java test: support of C/C++ comments [ci skip]
Java test: say we do not want exhaustion [ci skip]
Force no event when calling the grammar parse() method [ci skip]
Do not raise an exception in the generic logge callback [ci skip]
make check fix
Java test
ESLIFRecognizer_jniResume [ci skip]
ESLIFRecognizer_jniScan [ci skip]
- cleanup [ci skip]
- log level of result [ci skip]
- result initial value is null [ci skip]
JNI cleanup -; [ci skip]
Java bindings installation
JNI fix memory leaks
Calculator conform to java code [ci skip]
Java fix [ci skip]
RAISEEXCEPTION macro fix [ci skip]
trace fixes [ci skip]
Java [ci skip]
Java fix warnings [ci skip]
cmake/CMakeGlobalSetup.txt [ci skip]
JNI dev+ [ci skip]
java dev+
jni [ci skip]
cmake dev+
cmake dev+ [ci skip]
jni dev+
jni dev+ [ci skip]
JNI fix [ci skip]
Fix warnings [ci skip]
java dev+ [ci skip]
BNF POD [ci skip]
Move string from <rhs primary> to to <single symbol>
Test of :symbol
Support of :symbol
Calculator POD [ci skip]
Added *.3 to .gitignore [ci skip]
Calculator tutorial, version 1.0.1
Support of ::copy\[\d+\], make sure we NUL-terminated everything that
can be used in user space as a plain (char *)
Support of ::copy[\d+] action [ci skip]
Added missing ::shift action in internal prioritized transition rules
Calculator [ci skip]
Calculator v1 [ci skip]
stddef.h for size_t [ci skip]
API doc, version 1.0.0
API doc [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_contextb prototype change [ci skip]
lexemes expected [ci skip]
Reserve user interaction on lexemes
Minor optimization
adventTester cosmetic fix [ci skip]
Removed non-wanted interfaces [ci skip]
Say a bit more about newline recognition [ci skip]
Fixed exception matcher that was broken by previous commit
Do newline processing only in character mode
no-event mode
Removed unused variables
API t+ doc+ [ci skip]
API/README.pod [ci skip]
Renamed marpaESLIFGrammar_ngrammari to marpaESLIFGrammar_ngrammarib
Added PCRE2 flags and JIT support in terminal dumps
Removed {} as string delimiters [ci skip]
Cosmetic fix when saying an alternative is also a terminal [ci skip]
Grammars at different levels must have a different name [ci skip]
Some regexp simpliciations [ci skip]
self tester: reparse ESLIF using the grammar generated using its own
grammar -;
Make sure the the :discard is never the start symbol [ci skip]
self tester [ci skip]
self tester and README.pod dev+
Dump PCRE2 pattern if compile failure [ci skip]
README.pod [ci skip]
Removed PERL_IDENTIFIER, not used - README.pod [ci skip]
Changed G1_META_DISCARD from "discard" to ":discard" [ci skip]
Removed unused G1_TERMINAL_DISCARD [ci skip]
PCRE2 position independant code
README.pod, instance first travis build -;
Fixed warnings undef gcc -Wall, version 1.0.38
jsonTester t+
String terminal fix
In bootstrapping, respect the fact that default latm value is true
Silent mode and inner grammars
Added grammarOptionSetterp in the grammar clone options, version 1.0.37
Use new asf valuation API
Fix README.pod, version 1.0.36
Make ASF Value API more look-like value API, version 1.0.35
Fixed a quite vicious illegal memory access with traverserp->gladep -;
[ci skip]
ASF simulation of marpaWrapperValue, version 1.0.34
Renamed marpaWrapperAsfValueContext_t to marpaWrapperAsfValue_t [ci
memory leaks [ci skip]
ambiguous tester [ci skip]
marpaWrapperAsfAmbiguousTester dev+ [ci skip]
Moved a GENERICSTACK_POP_INT in the pruned traverser that was misplaced
[ci skipped]
marpaWrapperAsfValueContext dev+ [ci skip]
marpaWrapperAsfValueContext dev+
Renamed marpaWrapperAsfValueContext_t to
marpaWrapperAsfPrunedValueContext_t [ci skip]
test/adventTester.c: suppressed a non-used variable
Put exception in rule description
_marpaWrapperAsf_valueTraverserb dev+
Manage loop over ASF in pruned mode
Manage exception recursivity
Russel Paradox
marpaESLIFRecognizer_last_completedb bug fix
show cosmetic fixes
Hide earley sets from marpaESLIFRecognizer_last_completedb
Map latest earley set to input
Recognizer optimization
Optimize free/alloc/realloc for events and pause
advent calendar t+
Fixed missing boolean for pause information
Get last pause data from recognizer
Cosmetic fix
Move processing of user regex options after automatic discovery of the
UTF flag
Be clever with direct regexp declarations and try to determine the need
of the UTF flag directly
Optimization if not compiled with trace
Delay grammar show until requested
UTF-8 dump of pattern in case of true regexp
Terminal pattern dump dev+
Fix again terminal search - it is really what is sent to PCRE2 that
define it exactly
Changed value context
Removed a non-needed break
Removed discard default statement, fix generation of grammar in ascii
show dev+
Fix typos
Restored modifiers comparison in
Dump of ESLIF grammar itself in test
Fixed typo
Fixed creation of terminals in bootstrap - the search was often failing,
leaving to orphaned symbols
Give rule components in the grammar show
discardEvent is attached to a rule, not to a symbol, but it become a
symbol completion event in discard mode
test review
API review
events dev+
pause before dev+
pause after events
Removed TO DO comments
latmb => 1 is the default
lexeme event is meaningul only on lexemes
pause after
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputv() and marpaESLIFRecognizer_readb()
Move fetch of events after complete in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_completeb
recognizer states centralization
event management
Oups, version should be 1.0.33 [ci skip]
Supressed defaultDiscardEvent
Propagation of discard event
Fetch events even in completion failure as per the doc, version 1.0.32
Removed symbolp->isDiscardTopb
In marpaESLIFGrammar_parse_by_grammarb() follow my coding convention
README.pod fix, version 1.0.32
renamed exceptionb to silentb
::concat and exception dev+
okRuleCallback changed prototype, version 1.0.31
meta_matcher prototype
_meta_matcher prototype
Comment fix
exception precomputing dev+
exception revisited dev+
exception revisited
metag.bnf restore
Removed restriction on :discard RHSs
a :
Fix some error strings
Fix memory error with stack bis
Fix memory error with stack
action_exception_statement dev+
null adverb
null adverb dev+
null ranking specification
rank specification
proper specification
discard actions and exhausted event
event declarations
event declaration dev+
completion event dev+
Revert "Case of sparse stack because of ASF mode"
Fix stack indices in the ASF mode, they are now 100% compatible with the
native value(), version 1.0.30
Case of sparse stack because of ASF mode
Restrict ascii graph names to [[:graph]] with = character (because of
event initializers =on and =off)
discard event initializer t+
Fix rule show
G1_action_discard_ruleb dev+
discard rule dev+
Fix warnings under gcc
Fix call to marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb bis
Fix call to marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb
Removed lexeme default statement
keep track of implemented actions
op_declare_3, fix clone option
Removed _generateHelper_ methods
ascii show
event specification
pause and priority specification actions
:lexeme dev+
Make ":symbol" an explicit terminal directly in G1 grammar
Added missing <event specification> in <adverb item>
Give absolute priority to terminals in the grammar
Error logging fix
start symbol processing fix
Removal of forgiving adverb
Removal of nullable-actions, determine by grammar introspection
G1_action_default_rule, prepare for other defaults
G1_action_desc_rule and encoding
G1_action_desc_rule and _charconvp() fix
Grammar ascii show, fix uninitialized variable in
Suppressed lookupGrammarStringp in symbol structure in favour of
{lookupLevelDeltai,lookupMetas} tuple
Fix symbolp->resolvedLeveli and use ::= or ~ shortcuts in ascii show
forgot transition rules when computing prioritized rules -;
action dev+
actions dev+
Fix README.pod, version 1.0.29
Move exhaustionEventb to the recognizer phase, version 1.0.28
op loosen dev+
separator is in the stack dev+
check symbols dev+
Fix _marpaESLIFValue_stack_i_resetb when the indice to reset has never
been touched yet
More information in traces
Fix terminal description v.s. modifiers
Fix memory leak
Fix recognizer fake mode
regex fix
Fix warning
single symbol dev+
priority action dev+
up to priority_rule value
Fix free callback's userDatavp value
_marpaESLIF_symbol_action___shiftb fix: we cannot afford to make a
shallow copy from the lexeme input stack, that must remain independant
marpaESLIFValue_stack_getAndForget_xxxb implementation minor change
marpaESLIFValue_stack_pop_xxxb renamed to
Use of marpaESLIFValue_stack_pop_xxxb
adverb list actions
rhs primary type action dev+
::translit action
Work on traces
Fix traces
Removal of marpaESLIFValue_stack_is_xxxb -;
bootstrap actions
Move ESLIF types in their dedicated file
Nullable actions semantic
Fix setting of grammarp->haveRejectionb
Added includes in the internal bootstrap files
Free action resolver
Move bootstrap actions into their dedicated files
Do not specify a default lexeme action for the top-level grammar if
there is none
Fix an error detected by valgrind specific to GCC optimized code
(valgrind does not yell if code is compiled in debug), version 1.0.27
Added length in the output of marpaWrapperAsf_traverse_rh_valueb,
version 1.0.26
ASF and nulling
Support of nullables in ASF, version 1.0.25
Use of ASF dev+
use of ASF when needed
Fixed semantics of free callback
Remove unused methods
Fixed remaining memory leaks
Cosmetic fixes
Fixed a memory leak
Fix how value is returned to user space
stack management
Fix compilation under gccd
Fix some leaks
Change output type of callbacks from short to int
Fixed warn messages
Fixed a comment to expression symbol context (null or non-null input)
Suppressed the need of nullable callbacks from user space
L0.h cosmetic fix
generation of helpers being moved to C
discard default statement
back to action as ASCII string dev+
new type RHS_PRIMARY dev+
priority dev+
Move macros from grammarContext.c to grammarContext.h
priorities dev+
Make sure an LHS of a prioritized rule cannot be the LHS of any other
Different and a priori general algorithm for passthrough
Added new types in _marpaESLIF_grammarContext_i_types
Removed mantion of a hack in _marpaESLIF_grammarContext_i_resetb
Removed passthroughb and internalb - a priori this was a mistake
Handle our internal passthrough rules created for prioritized rules bis
Handle our internal passthrough rules created for prioritized rules
Fix logging when creating a rule dev+
Suppression of G1_RULE_DESC_RULE_2
Make hexadecimal dump a macro
More generic code in src/grammarContext.c
When G1_META_ADVERB_LIST is nulled dev+
encoding of encoding dev+
start rule action
Added a trace in _marpaESLIFValueRuleCallbackGrammar_op_declareb
grammar generation actions dev+
forgiving => 1
Move latmb to grammar
grammar context management dev+
Move grammar context management in its specific file because it is
really a big thing in itself
Force utfb to false if current stream is not a stream of characters as
per the user
mem leak fix dev+
More fields in marpaESLIFGrammarOption
Fix a comment
Support of non anchoring in a special case (whole stream available in
one go)
Code simplification dev+
better separation between lexeme and grammar callbacks dev+
regex dev+
terminal description dev+
Grammar simplification, tconv fix, etc dev+
Skip error reporting in valuation for the moment
marpaESLIFValue_value_startb() and marpaESLIFValue_value_lengthb(), add
error reporting in value phase
Fix setting of genericLogger in marpaWrapperValue_value_startb() and
marpaWrapperValue_value_lengthb(), version 1.0.24
Removed the argi argument in symbol callback
Removed include of genericStack.h in API dependencies
marpaESLIFLexeme_t removal
Work on trace, removal of internal non-needed valueContext structure
Grammar generation dev+
Fixed comments wrongly talking about utfbp instead of charconvbp
Fixed a static const char *funcs
Back to safe lexemeStack management methods until I am sur -;
Support of variable encoding within the stream
move data management in its specific method done
move data management in its specific method
_marpaESLIF_charconvp preparation for conversion engine reuse
Preparation for mixed encoding, including binary mode, in the reader
Work on tracing all recognizer child methods
Fix memory leak after discard, improve trace mode by adding line number
Fix some warnings under gcc -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
Fix include
Removal of outputStack from marpaESLIFValueOption
position count centralization
newline dev+
Remember UTF-8 correctness automatically in regex mode, and if needed
Renamed internal flag _convertedb to _utfb
PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK sanity check revised
Explitely name internal variables in recognizer structure, fix again on
the failure condition of the recognizer
Fix some warnings under gcc -Wall
Remove a trace
Fix logic when discard fail
Fix character class regexp dev+
Remove notion of 'remember'
UTF-8 BOM handling
/c modifier for character regex dev+
/b modifier for binary regex dev+
L0_TERMINAL_CHARACTER_CLASS_REGEXP fix - need to do posix character
class dev+
Error reporting dev+
encode part dev+
utf dev+
Removed string matcher dev+
unicode dev+
string generator better protection
string dev+
Renamed an internal parameter for coherency dev+
tracing dev+
Value logging fix dev+
Grammar information, display etc. dev+
symbol priority dev+
marpaWrapperRecognizer_latestb(), version 1.0.23 [ci skip]
method names [ci skip]
marpaWrapperValue_g1lengthb [ci skip]
stream fixes
marpaWrapperValue_g1startb [ci skip]
.gitignore: VS profile garbage
.gitignore: Visual Studio garbage
.gitignore: Code::Blocks garbage
leak tracking done -; dev+
leak tracking dev+
changed a loop when validating grammar dev+
leaks and logic fixes dev+
marpaWrapperRecognizer_exhaustedb, version 1.0.22 [ci skip]
Fix some -Wall warnings with gcc, version 1.0.21
marpaWrapperGrammar_clonep() option, version 1.0.21
marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb() and
marpaWrapperGrammar_rulePropertyb(), version 1.0.20
value dev+
Use size_t for array length
Remove some unuspported value adverbs, prepare for external value action
typo dev+
discard dev+
alternatives dev+
recce and al. dev+
grammar clone free dev+
tconv calls centralization dev+
exhaustion event, version 1.0.19
maxParsesi option for value and ASF, version 1.0.18
marpaESLIF_matcher_t prototype
_marpaESLIF_rule_newp() logging
dev+ G1 and L0: grammar methods
dev+ G1 and L0: clone and precompute
dev+ G1 and L0
dev+ G1 fix trace error
dev+ G1
dev+ G1 statement
dev+ G1 and a memory leak
dev+ grammar is a stack of grammars
dev+ bootstrap
marpaWrapperGrammar_clonep, version 1.0.17
dev+ L0 rules
dev+ rules
marpaWrapperGrammar_precompute_startb(), version 1.0.16
dev+ L0 meta
dev+ L0 enum
dev+ substitution memory access fix
dev+ Possiblity to reset start symbol when precomputing
dev+ do not use PCRE2_NEVER_xxx
dev+ metag
more substitute modifiers
/s modifier on some internal regexps
dev+ more regexp and our metag
dev+ fix uninitialized variable, better trace
dev+ substitution and output or matched value returned value
dev+ partial match processing
dev+ substitution
dev+ start custom support of groups in regexp
dev+ regexp wiht substitution
dev+ some regexp simplifications
dev+ regexp
dev partial regexp match
dev+ internal renamings
dev+ matcher prototype
dev+ matcher
dev+ Take only printable ASCII characters in asciidescs
dev+ make sure ASCII description always end with NUL
dev+ get ASCII descriptions from UTF-8 descriptions
dev+ _marpaESLIF_matcheri
dev+ fix trace error
dev+ suppressed confusing _initv() functions
dev+ - JPCRE2 semantics
dev+ limit supported modifiers to /ims
dev+ /imsx regexps modifiers
dev+ regexps options
Regexps are always anchored
Fix build
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.15
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.17
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.2
CMakeLists.txt: stop playing with CMAKE_C_FLAGS
Fix trace again, the format string -;
Fixed trace call
Will use PCRE2 for matching
dev+ setup
Include file
travis stuff
Optimizations, version 1.0.14
Change value from a stack to a sparse array [ci skip]
Support non-lvalue for valValp, version 1.0.16
dev+ cache of causesHashp
Fix test suite [ci skip]
GENERICHASH_RELAX() for reuse, version 1.0.15
README.pod: say more about GENERICSTACK_USED() [ci skip]
Suppor of hashes on the stack and usage retrieval, version 1.0.14
travis and genericSparseArray
dev+ _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_obtainp() optimization
dev+ Optimization of _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_obtainp (final step will be
use to a sparse array internally)
dev+ Optimization of _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_id_factorsb (causeNidsp)
Use of sparse array, version 1.0.13
orNodeInUse is a sparse array
Copy protection, version 1.0.12
dev+ sparse array [ci skip]
Return of _marpaWrapperAsf_intset_keyCopyFunctionp [ci skip]
README.pod: Added missing doc, version 1.0.12
src/asf.c: marpaWrapperAsf_traverseb() optimization
version 1.0.11
src/asf.c: Avoid memcpy/qsort when possible in
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb [ci skip]
Removed non-needed instructions, version 1.0.10
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb optimization [ci skip]
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb optimization
src/asf.c: Removed unused prototype
src/asf.c: renamed an internal variable from factoring to
factoringStackp [ci skip]
Optimization [ci skip]
Fix again _GENERICSTACK_EXTEND, version 1.0.24
dev+ Optimizations [ci skip]
Version 1.0.12
Version 1.0.9
POD, version 1.0.23
Changes some stack tests
Change size_t to int
Move from size_t to int
Move from size_t to int [ci skip]
Fix warning dev+ [ci skip]
Optimizations dev+
Fix cast issue, version 1.0.22
Optimizations, version 1.0.11
Fix test suite, version 1.0.21
GENERICSTACK_ERROR_RESET() macro, version 1.0.20
Fix macro GENERICHASH_NEW_ALL, version 1.0.8
Surround more variables with parenthesis, version 1.0.19
src/asf.c: fix warnings
Optimization in ASF
dev+ Optimization [ci skip]
use XOR for nidset hashing, seems better suited to how are computed
intset hash key copy optimization [ci skip]
intset hash optimization [ci skip]
src/asf.c: log typo [ci skip]
src/asf.c: do not compile non-needed function if ! MARPAWRAPPER_NTRACE
[ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: -DMARPAWRAPPER_NTRACE only if Debug [ci skip]
Fix include, version 1.0.10
Removed an unsed variable [ci skip]
Fix includes and their install, version 1.0.1
marpaWrapperAsf_prunedValueb, version 1.0.9
dev+ ASF value [ci skip]
ASF value dev+ [ci skip]
Fix error logging level [ci skip]
t+ ASF value [ci skip]
dev+ ASF value tester [ci skip]
ASF dev+ [ci skip]
ASF and value dev+ [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperAsf_valueb [ci skip]
Revert to original test/marpaWrapperAsfTester.c [ci skip]
Use funcs instead of __FILE__ in logging [ci skip]
Added missing initializers
Arrayp accessors naming fix, version 1.0.18
Arrayp, version 1.0.17
Fix warnings, version 1.0.16
Array implementation, version 1.0.15
Removed non-vital ASF methods, version 1.0.8
ASF dev+ leak fixes [ci skip]
Removal of non-needed glade.h, Version 1.0.7
Version 1.0.6 [ci skip]
Fixed some protoypes, POD
POD fix [ci skip]
POD, version 1.0.7
AST t+ - build fix
AST t+ - Working full traverser!
ASF t+
ASF t+ [ci skip]
_marpaWrapperAsf_idCmpi fix
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb fix
ASF dev+
Prototypes and test fix, version 1.0.6
Always use pointers, version 1.0.5
Build fix
Rename some methods
Fix warnings, version 1.0.4
Revisited design t+
Revisited design
dev [ci skip]
Fix _GENERICHASH_SET_BY_IND when hashName->wantedSubSize is not set,
version 1.0.3
Traverse dev+
Fix warnings
_marpaWrapperAsf_glade_visited_clearb() and marpaWrapperAsf_grammarp()
dev+ fix warnings
Fix potential unitialized read, version 1.0.14
ASF dev+, fix build and execute explicitely test exe in travis
Util macros, version 1.0.13
POD dev+
BY_IND methods, version 1.0.2
dev+ parameterization of uniqueness
Version 1.0.1
Bug fix, version 1.0.12
Yet another optimization, version 1.0.11
Optimization, version 1.0.10
gcc -ansi -pedantic
FIND semantics
NA interface, version 1.0.9
cosmetic (missing space) [ci skip]
GENERICSTACK_SET_NA, version 1.0.7
SIZE nad USED macros, version 1.0.6
Removed the ANY interface: a false good idea
README.pod: say that marpaWrapperRecognizer_cleanb uses a method marked
untested [ci skip]
README.pod: document disableThresholdb and marpaWrapperRecognizer_cleanb
[ci skip]
recognizer: threshold and clean [ci skip]
src/grammar.c: removed a comma in default option definition [ci skip]
src/recognizer.c: support of sequence in
marpaWrapperRecognizer_progressLogb [ci skip]
src/recognizer.c: remove unused variables [ci skip]
Removal of latm that should belong to a lever upper, introduction of
Version 1.0.3
Detect clone failure
progress report uses an endi location instead of a lengthi argument,
version 1.0.4
src/grammar.c: fix when propagating event type, version 1.0.3
CMakeLists.txt: headers installation fix
repo reorg
.travis.yml: make install [ci skip]
POD missing marpaWrapperValue_freev + version 1.0.1
dev+ latm is the default [ci skip]
dev+ POD [ci skip]
marpaWrapper/value.c: use callbacks only if != NULL [ci skip]
dev+ cleanup typedef [ci skip]
dev+ cmake [ci skip]
inline bis [ci skip]
inline [ci skip]
Fix typo [ci skip]
test/marpaWrapperTester.c: a little bit simpler [ci skip]
dev+ warnings fix [ci skip]
dev+ install/test [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: Version 1.0.1
test/marpaWrapper/grammar.c: more advanced usage of genericStack
Fix use of unitialized memory
Fix warnings detected by travis
Protect against NULL in NEW() and FREE()
dev+ value [ci skip]
dev+ progress report [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperGrammar_eventl revisit [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_expectedb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_event_onoffb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_readb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_completeb [ci skip]
dev+ support of "*" and "+" for sequence wrapper [ci skip]
dev+ removed NULL_IS_ZEROES [ci skip]
dev+ manageBuf simplification [ci skip]
dev+ remove events callbacks - should go to an upper layer [ci skip]
dev+ [ci sckip]
dev+ Handy methods
dev+ more trace
Removed clone
dev+ fix typos in CMakeLists.txt
dev+ fix on marpa library version
genericStack dependency
dev+ init
Merge commit '8223b38ed7a00276e16c317dc2c6bf125e2d4cbe' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/Marpa--R2/' content from commit fd9b4f8
include/genericStack.h: removed a ";" that should not have been there
README.pod: fix an item that should be =item
include/tconv/README.pod: dev+ [ci skip]
src/tconv/charset/cchardet.c: default confidence to 0.4f
POD fixed [ci skip]
tconv_ext manpage
Possibility to set plugin entry point names
include/README.pod: fix indentation [ci skip]
src/README.pod -> include/README.pod [ci skip]
src/tconv.3 -> src/README.pod [ci skip]
include/genericStack.h: use a true value for
LICENSE [ci skip]
Possibility to push an opaque thingy without cloning (== PTR behaviour)
more meaningful architecture
ANY dev+
CMakeLists.txt: CFLAGS
GET and work on ANY
SET interface
bin/tconv.c: help fix [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: fix test target
Fix options retrieval
src/tconv.c: fix an #ifdef
CMakeLists.txt: fix name conflict
bin/tconv.c: choosing the engine
CMakeLists.txt: restrict pod2man to UNIX
src/tconv.3: fix doc about fromcode and tocode [ci skip]
Make tconv an official binary
test/tconv.c: fix warnings
test/tconv.c: --guess option
charset/cchardet.c: csd_consider() returning 0 is not an error
test/tconv.c: work on options [ci skip]
README.pod: default loglevel is GENERICLOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE [ci skip]
- license
README.pod cosmetic [ci skip]
README.pod replaced README
Level management macros
Man page
CMakeLists.txt: pod2man
Comparison with iconv and uconv in travis
UTF-16 test and check within travis, tconv_fromcode() and tconv_tocode
include file #define's [ci skip]
Revisit include file names
Version badge
Removed LINKER_LANGUAGE C and revisit README
.travis.yml: remove unnecessary thingies
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link order
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link
CMakeLists.txt : Revert
CMakeLists.txt : Avoid explicit propagation of -lstdc++
CMakeLists.txt : Explicitely set linker language
Ok I will give up -;
Try with LINK_FLAGS on test target
Removed linker language
CMakeLists.txt: force C language on targets
Export stuff
Replace with README.pod
CMakeLists.txt: Always copy src/tconv.3 to README.pod
man page
test/tconv.c: work on usage
convert/ICU.c: Fix warnings
ICU fix return code
ICU fix an inner loop
src/tconv.c: set ccchardet as default
convert/ICU.c: fix callack settings
test/tconv.c: fix loop
ICU dev+
convert/ICU.c: the return of offsetlp
test/tconv.c: fix
convert/ICU.c: signature add fix
convert/ICU.c dev+
convert/iconv.c: back to the minimum possible
src/tconv.c: explicit backup errno in tconv_error_set()
ICU dev+ translit pattern
ICU dev+ signature
ICU transliteration dev+
ICU dev+ transliteration fixes
ICU dev+: E2BIG
src/tconv.c: fix test
Some more logging
binary mode
portability permissions
tconvTester dependency
optparse portability
convert/iconv.c: add trace of returned value
convert/iconv.c: as short as possible
Merge commit '47caf69b1b905084a403cfea619695af3cc4cec5' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' content from commit 146d045
Take advantage of being part of the package for the plugins: TCONV_TRACE
instead of tconv_trace
Work on logging
API and tracing uniformization, do not require end-user to know about
genericLogger -;
src/genericLogger.c: if no logger configured, log everything
uniform API between charset and convert
convert/iconv.c: reduce it to the minimum
convert/iconv.c: removed unused #define
We are a pass-through to iconv: there is no specific iconv option
include/convert: this is a removed thingy
src/convert: oups, this is a removed thingy
src/convert/iconv.c: fix memory leak
Added missing trace
Merge commit 'd559ad019d5e7958ccb20349f8a34cb3715427dc' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '2628f933aff2bd476e699d4135c674a1a46384c0' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tinycthread-remote/' content from commit
Squashed '3rdparty/github/winiconv-remote/' content from commit 9f98392
Merge commit '1a2a5cef5df5f00c2891017e14f100e68b6b3077' as
CMakeLists.txt: say this is a C project
CMakeLists.txt: set independant code in any case
src/genericLogger.c: Fix warning on Unix
Back to naming conventions + clone
cmake cache fixes
CMakeLists.txt: CMP0063
CMakeLists.txt: architectural changes
src/genericLogger.c: follow export convention rename
include/genericLogger.h: C++ support
cmake/StringToInternalBool.cmake: Removed debug MESSAGE()
cmake/Find*.cmake: use StringToInternalBool
cmake/StringToInternalBool.cmake: create defines to be used using #if
_HAVE_XXX_H from the current HAVE_XXX_H
CMakeLists.txt: Add original includes to include_src
.gitignore: Fix ignore
include/*h: fix #ifdef name
Make tests in cmake/*.c depend on HAVE_xxx_H
cmake/*: cosmetic log change
CMakeLists.txt: restored installation of links for the shared lib
README: fix typo
CMakeLists.txt: make the shared library the default name, static is
explicitely stated with _static
freev -> free, seti -> set, geti -> get
CMakeLists.txt: static and shared library targets
src/genericLogger.c: C_INLINE
test fix
SONAME version
install includes
test with default and a private callback
config.h -> genericLoggerConfig.h
2.0.31 2017-12-31T18:42:14
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Fix bug when reallocating internal buffer - this happens with quite
large input
Notes on the order or recognizer callbacks [ci skip]
Typo on the exhausted event [ci skip]
2.0.30 2017-12-27T14:58:17
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.30 - Case where a lexeme matches, and explicit terminal as
well, and the lexeme match is longer than the terminal, then the lexeme
is wrongly skipped
.appveyor.yml dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '2e025e00c9aa3b41844a3f21f13f864e24ba2bcd'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c219386d..372b25c6
Toolchain dev+ [ci skip]
toolchain dev+ [ci skip]
2.0.29 2017-11-25T15:46:27
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.29
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from fcf108ae..7bcef9d0
Merge commit 'febabe2df570054487615385a9da93db6bdcf419'
Merge commit '5bca74e24063efdd129cf212e81aa0e3e39bd26b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 7d840039..008fcb46
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 6b543e9a..554b5b14
Merge commit 'e34fd606b4def4ddecf4a84fcdb49b38eda363c8'
Merge commit 'c41a50dd6c967a75d915304313446b87734a1fe2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from ecaddd5c..6773554c
Merge commit '0df08ebf4898c6cbf9ab46b257d4520f8e75894b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6aca3dc6..c219386d
Merge commit 'f2250b562095f3bc582ebefae4c31e34b3ae6a04'
2.0.28 2017-11-25T14:53:30
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.28
Version 1.0.27
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 47dc7441..fcf108ae
Merge commit '737b9349cd572f1199b25771e8e7ca56a4db50f2'
Merge commit '53434711d935c64ca9fe9f49356ded9afb9d0e64'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c5e01595..7d840039
Merge commit '794656e6451c64151e4a4c94f4c0558f8ae5cf05'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 7bed850c..6b543e9a
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 5ef9f575..ecaddd5c
Merge commit '9b93cf7f4a34153f1449b267059f9027dfeb1637'
Merge commit 'fea1f6e3a863dda76fd9044b44afbb54561a418c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '339d1e0b2fd98accac47a20744345ad6c83c4523'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 1a27b81f..6aca3dc6
git reset --hard origin/master [ci skip]
2.0.26 2017-11-24T19:22:45
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.26
Merge commit '2cbd0eaa7944bbf36181d121e7eba69fa342ffc7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from b7068d00..c5e01595
Merge commit '3fbeb9a4a8b2ae8c928186fdf22a1dcebc7c6ed7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 1dddd0db..1a27b81f
2.0.25 2017-11-24T05:58:48
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.25
2.0.24 2017-11-24T05:57:02
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.24 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 310e9a58..47dc7441
Merge commit '73e65fd31dc94c12093ee6002b347d7f03fcc2e7' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from c526ee20..7bed850c
Merge commit '5a49e9cbb81bd2aba41ba6d062c47dc6d12ea465' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 658a9e5d..5ef9f575
Merge commit '1ef10c4e3edaf493d80eb0dc764d7c01ba0bb566' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit '6d4949bed85e12a131ae0d9e4ca574c1df633ac8' [ci skip]
Merge commit 'bf50ff436b80a4029168ed65780b815b934c0f5e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 180b4468..1dddd0db
Merge commit 'db724affbff091fe6dbd84dd017aaef20e0bb78f' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 10c2ea86..180b4468
Call MYPACKAGEPRINTSETUP at the end of CMakeLists.txt
More CMake garbage
Merge commit 'f0bf04ab45173b672ab7fdabacbd2d6ba06247de'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 8e9d5627..10c2ea86
Merge commit 'b2e2a71b1187acb31e2e0ae2f1f15d80ac3a7fda'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 620edd76..8e9d5627
Call MYPACKAGEPACK [ci skip]
Non-needed file [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: test and xtest [ci skip]
Removed some @Override statements
Excluded bindings from packaging: they have their own packaging logic
(java is maven, perl is CPAN)
2.0.23 2017-11-04T07:18:52
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Back to -std=gnu89 on CFLAGS only and clang only [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFRecognizer_flush_charconv(), utf8s may
be used uninitialized in the err: section, detected by clang [ci skip]
src/bootstrap_actions.c: some variables may be used uninitialized in the
err: section, detected by clang [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: terminalp may be used uninitialized in the err:
section, detected by clang [ci skip]
In Perls dist.ini, take CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from current environment,
eventually [ci skip]
2.0.22 2017-10-30T03:43:56
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Revert "Version 2.0.23 [ci skip]"
Version 2.0.23 [ci skip]
Perls dist.ini, removed a redundant line [ci skip]
Perls dist.ini, closes #3 [ci skip]
2.0.21 2017-10-29T19:41:14
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Perls dist.ini: printout OTHERLDFLAGS [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CBuilder is appending CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, not the others [ci
Version 2.0.21 [ci skip]
[perl] dist.ini work on tweaking all flags
2.0.20 2017-10-28T05:05:32
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
For clang, use std=gnu99 - Version 2.0.20 [ci skip]
2.0.19 2017-10-25T04:44:52
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.19
For perl Prereqs / TestRequires, hardcoded dependencies not
automatically detected
2.0.18 2017-10-25T03:52:56
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.18
For perl, determining the need of inline compiler semantics because of
clang on Mavericks
cmake/CMakeLibrarySetup.txt should be removed -; [ci skip]
2.0.17 2017-10-20T19:40:08
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Java thread test dev+ [ci skip]
Perl - getInstance method [ci skip]
Java - move multiton in main class [ci skip]
Java multiton [ci skip]
Fix perl linking on Windows and mingw headers [ci skip]
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.17 [ci skip]
marpaESLIFGrammar_unsafe_newp when callers knows what they are doing -;
_marpaESLIFGrammar_newp thread-safety [ci skip]
marpa/ - removed an initial sleep call [ci skip]
marpa/ - javadoc fix [ci skip]
Java - use an indice for genericLogger [ci skip]
Javadoc fix [ci skip]
Javadoc multiton fixes [ci skip]
.travis.yml: update to latest Path::Tiny [ci skip]
cmake/FindgenericHash.cmake appears to be missing
javadoc fix ct'd (< and > characters)
- javadoc fix (< and > characters
Do not install PCRE2 globally
doc fixes [ci skip]
Travis: remove debugging thingies
Travis and cpanm
Travis and CMake
[Perl] Thread-safe multiton
[Perl] t/thread.t fixes 2 [ci skip]
[Perl] t/thread.t fixes [ci skip]
Perl multiton - dev+
src/marpaESLIF.c: symbolp->lhsRuleStackp is not correctly filled [ci
Dump of pattern when pcre2_compile fails [ci skip]
2.0.16 2017-08-14T19:21:09
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Fix MARPAESLIF_XV_STORE() macro usages: newSVsv(&PL_sv_undef) instead of
&PL_sv_undef [ci skip]
2.0.15 2017-08-14T05:50:51
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
CMakeLists.txt: comment on versioning [ci skip]
JNI: rule and symbol grammar instrospection [ci skip]
JNI: grammar properties interface [ci skip]
JNI: symbol arrays and display interfaces [ci skip]
Added maxLevel in any grammar property [ci skip]
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty trial
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty trial
travis: ppa:george-edison55/precise-backports key becomes untrusty
.travis.yml: try email 02
.travis.yml: try email
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar POD [ci skip]
JNI: no need of a new local reference in setGrammar
JNI: setGrammar during valuation [ci skip]
JNI: always convert to the UTF-8 the Object representation [ci skip]
JNI: Cosmetic indentation fix
JNI: Move marpaESLIFValueContextCleanup() where it is use for code
maintainance, and document that JNI doc about GetStringLength() is wrong
Revert "User-land alternative uses default java charset in the toString
representation [ci skip]"
User-land alternative uses default java charset in the toString
representation [ci skip]
java test bug fix [ci skip]
JNI: Value context injection [ci skip]
*.java: new value interface methods [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c new valueInterface methods, changed
previous_utf16s to previous_representations in value context
marpaESLIFJava.c: introspection classes dev+ [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: fixed a comment [ci skip]
Generated equals, hashCode and toString java methods for ESLIFEvent [ci
Generated equals, hashCode and toString java methods [ci skip]
Grammar introspection t+
- javadoc and alias methods [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
ESLIFGrammarSymbolProperties constructor [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
- javadoc fix [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
- [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::Properties more perlish
- [ci skip]
Objectification of grammar, rule and symbol properties [ci skip]
make sure using MarpaX::ESLIF is enough
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing symbolp->propertyBitSet initialization fix [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing symbolp->propertyBitSet initialization [ci
Removed lookupLevelDeltai from exported symbol property structure [ci
perl/t/test.t: use MarpaX::ESLIF::Symbol::PropertyBitSet values [ci
Symbol instrospection t+ [ci skip]
symbol introspection [ci skip]
perl's symbolPropertyBitSet, renamed Rule::Types to Rule::PropertyBitSet
[ci skip]
Symbol introspection low-level [ci skip]
internal/structures.h: changed a comment [ci skip]
perl's MarpaX::ESLIF::Rule::Type::constant [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: fix warning [ci skip]
perl bindings to grammar introspection [ci skip]
Localized perl variable for valuation [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_optionp [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_optionp test [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb revisited, marpaESLIFGrammar_optionp added [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.h: obsolete and removed
CMakeLists.txt: Output PERL_EXECUTABLE [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb test [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_optionb [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: skip emacs garbage
Value context dev+
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.20
Revert "Bypass a genericLogger bug until it is fixed [ci skip]"
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 2f629160..b7068d00
Merge commit '3e3bb83f5d4a1a7935056d12c82bb9bf24644d50'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from c0ca32f6..310e9a58
Merge commit 'e0504f42eee23c464ca3d077c176d83c6a8ae2a9'
Merge commit '5a302c1560ed555e2535bc5f250412c2767e5c96'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from 33bf3bff..c526ee20
Merge commit 'b8120e0712c26391d0348dbd65f15e86ebe361d4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Bypass a genericLogger bug until it is fixed [ci skip]
ESLIF/Recognizer.pod: $eslifRecognizer->lastCompletedLocation section
fix [ci skip]
2.0.14 2017-06-27T05:47:15
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.14 [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: some words on regular expression pitfalls [ci skip]
[ci skip]
Set utf validated input earlier to do pcre2_jit_match as soon as
possible [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about exception [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about exception constraints [ci skip]
Exception: do not retry to match what was tried before dev+ [ci skip]
Fixed a warning detected by gcc [ci skip]
Exception new implementation dev+ [ci skip]
Exception dev+ [ci skip]
Another exception implementation [ci skip]
Preprare for exception handling in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_resume_oneb()
dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In _marpaESLIFGrammar_validateb(), commented out a
block that I think is redundant about checking syntactic exception
nature [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Moved MARPAESLIF_MATCH_AGAIN processing from
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_resume_oneb() into
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed warnings seen with clang [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed unused method marpaESLIF_call_actionv() [ci skip]
Fixed a warning about typecast from one enum to another [ci skip]
Fixed a warning about /* within a comment [ci skip]
2.0.13 2017-05-31T19:28:52
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.13 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: removed unused method and prefer av_len over av_top_index
for old perls [ci skip]
2.0.12 2017-05-31T17:46:42
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 2.0.12 [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Make sure that discard of very last data can happen
only for the top-level rcognizer [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed builtins for the moment [ci skip]
ESLIF/Recognizer.pod: typo in POD [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: consume as much discard as possible after exhaustion
[ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: fix exhausted flag [ci skip]
API/README.pod: An important comment on exhaustion recognizer flag and
the parse() method [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: work on exhausted grammar but lexeme remains: a very
last :discard should be tried [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Removed ::nosep that is now a built-in, removed ::unpack
(returns more than once value) and ::eval (no gain) [ci skip]
hide separator documentation [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed an read of uninitialized variable [ci skip]
New adverb item hide-separator [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more words on :discard[on] and :discard[off] [ci skip]
Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off" in self test
[ci skip]
Renamed "switch discard on/off" rule to "discard on/off", for more
concise doc -; [ci skip]
Missing doc pieces for symbol-action => <string literal> [ci skip]
String literal in rule and symbol actions done [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix event type settings when cloning and event is
internal [ci skip]
String literation as action dev+ [ci skip]
String literal MARPAESLIF_DST_OR_VALCHAR() macro helper dev+ [ci skip]
String literal dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: do not allow a trailing backslash in a string [ci
Prepare for action => <quoted string> [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: ::keep, ::printf and ::pack dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fixed logic with backslash processing [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: support of ::{} builtin [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: Fix check of nullable semantics [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: In marpaESLIFValue_contextb(), return -1 for symbol or
rule Id when the case does not apply [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: removed ::undef action built-in injection because it
already exist natively in ESLIF -; [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: ::[], ::undef, ::true and ::false special actions [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: %nosep and %skip [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: "%nosep->" implementation dev+ [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: perl builtin actions will start with "%" why not [ci
perl/ESLIF.xs: prepare for the marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb()
method [ci skip]
marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb(): removed a debug statement and
document how it is implemented [ci skip]
Revival of grammar extension but under some limitations, this time it is
marpaESLIF_extend_builtin_actionb() [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: prevent built-in [] to be av_undef'ed [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: support of "nosep->" and "[]" hooks
Make marpaESLIFValue_contextb() usable with ruleproperty [ci skip]
Hide marpaESLIF_extend() - almost works but too "dangerous" until the
framework is protected against user's error [ci skip]
Fix eventual memory leak: discardEvents scope is on a rule, not on a
symbol [ci skip]
Revisit marpaESLIF_extendb() so that marpaESLIFp adress does not change
+ fix uninitialized marpaWrapperGrammarp in marpaESLIFRecognizerp_newp()
[ci skip]
Support of ESLIF extension [ci skip]
Shortened a comment in rule property structure [ci skip]
API/README.pod: rule and grammar introspection POD [ci skip]
Rule introspection: added marpa rule bits [ci skip]
test/exceptionTester*.c: removed few compile warnings [ci skip]
Grammar introspection [ci skip]
Rule introspection [ci skip]
For rules, create a convenience array of RHS Ids for future rule
introspection [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: no need to recurse to find ESLIF.xs [ci skip]
test/exceptionTester*c [ci skip]
2.0.11 2017-05-13T22:31:40
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Fix version in CMakeLists.txt, version 2.0.11 [ci skip]
Exception handling fix, version 2.0.10
2.0.10 2017-05-12T13:49:48
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
src/marpaESLIF.c: better traces, fixed comment saying that // is never
regonizeed as a valid regexp [ci skip]
Case of empty strings, this is generating an empty PCRE2 pattern [ci
Use memcmp() for explicit strings without modifiers [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: :discard[on] and :discard[off] correctness [ci skip]
Version 2.0.9 [ci skip]
Use macros for internal gets of symbol and rules, guaranteed to be
faster (no paranoid check) in production mode [ci skip]
Work on macros to get symbols and rules from their respective stacks
Allow internal :discard[on] and :discard[off] events in any cloned
POD for MarpaX::ESLIF->new()
Allow logger interface parameter to be under in MarpaX::ESLIF->new()
Revert "Renamed marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStack and
marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStack to marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStackp
and marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStackp, respectively [ci skip]"
Renamed marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStack and
marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStack to marpaESLIF_grammarp->_symbolStackp
and marpaESLIF_grammarp->_ruleStackp, respectively [ci skip]
Removed non-needed marpaESLIF_grammarp->selfp element [ci skip]
Version 2.0.8 [ci skip] (2.0.7 not available via CPAN !?)
Version 2.0.7 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 4f53c4ed..2f629160
Merge commit 'a6a44f44ae59b96d40a47d89921808169c8571a4' [ci skip]
Version 2.0.6 [ci skip]
Removed unused members in the symbol structure [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: bug fix in MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::eventOnOff when
getting the AV* length
Merge commit '827c5206e36c27862feaa64ba6567313deb0c4ac' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 420645d..4f53c4e
Version 2.0.5 [ci skip]
Merge commit 'fb229c5a58bca5fdaf71216ce834788cd5dae98e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 81212d51..420645d3
Merge commit '41bcfd5dfdd3d285f2b15b4103b96b1eb1e566ea' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 13bd6daa..81212d51
Merge commit 'd887bce48eac292c77a0d1d4ce190d7c5c878aac' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 0fe768ea..13bd6daa
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 8466306f..0fe768ea
Merge commit '118232d02fdf73625ded300ba0ac042ea095aa14' [ci skip]
Merge commit '69f0ae1c3219b0df69aceb45c1eeaf6ec850f9c2' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from c6ef2919..8466306f
Repush .travis.yml [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from fd56f7b3..33bf3bff
Merge commit 'ebc81635bd98964eb6c2bf50dfe8e712c0cfb847' [ci skip]
git_subtree_pull.zsh: Added genericHash [ci skip]
Merge commit '1248d72a24f2ce008d081c05c39dbdf2d313f9cd' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 508ddcea..c0ca32f6
Merge commit 'd6426bebb644e006b8dbd982147705ff416594e0' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from a747a2e6..c6ef2919
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a31a3463..658a9e5d
Merge commit '62e03b2ed77b0aa80745feb2e30cf694d734b198' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from
Merge commit 'abefd02f26b4e4ed94a61a29972b9db5ea3ee960' [ci skip]
Merge commit '5d7caf595b6335d57d7d3f47815e9a3bcc16a55e' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c5dec90e..620edd76
perl/ESLIF.xs: do not croak in !warnIsFatalb in marpaESLIF_sv2byte [ci
etc/copyDirs.PL: Removed non-needed stuff from CPAN distribution [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: fix typos in an error message [ci skip]
Version 2.0.4 [ci skip]
Version 2.0.3 [ci skip]
Use 3rdparty/tar/pcre2-10.23-patched.tar.gz instead of
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ec267612..a747a2e6
Merge commit '72e47428776594f80be87be687e7036f083cd923' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from d9ef92d5..a31a3463
Merge commit '1552a28b5cde796e0640ff3b9c4e522690057a42' [ci skip]
Lazy intialization of lexeme data [ci skip]
Fixed some warnings under gcc -Wall
java/CMakeLists.txt: still trying to undersrand travis build failures
Merge commit '5a08cb2a44601d965074f87ae9b3fbd75fff321f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from ddc92980..ec267612
java/CMakeLists.txt: try to fix travis build error using absolute path
for -Djava.library.path...
Changed marpaESLIF_grammar.marpaESLIFp to
Cache of reusable recognizers [ci skip]
Limit the number of calls to malloc [ci skip]
Commented out code that should not run in production [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' changes from e1f6b17..fd56f7b
Merge commit '5ca33ca6de2c7d7a25225650e01d701b6f2b8cb5' [ci skip]
Removed the complicated code with grammar cache and commented out code
that should not run in production [ci skip]
Version is 2.0.2 following last tags...
Version 1.0.54 following genericStack and marpaWrapper updates
Merge commit '6c236f8e1ed611379ebdd9c13e4c537e8cd5cd5d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from aeb47b01..508ddcea
Merge commit '286d3c57c082a5e5eddda6d71d8a6ffea71cab2a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 328964b4..d9ef92d5
bindings in general: case when argument on the stack is undef [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
ter [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
bis [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a note about internal events and grammar parse() method
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed debug statements [ci skip]
Discard hook [ci skip]
src/bootstrap_actions.c: Fixed a memory leak [ci skip]
API/README.pod: Added missing doc for marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb [ci
src/marpaESLIF.c: Removed two MARPAESLIF_NTRACE enclosings of error
messages [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Fixed a double definition of typedef
marpaESLIFValueResult_t [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: some words on how a lexeme is referenced [ci skip]
Tutorial/propositionalLogic update [ci skip]
Calculator/README.pod update [ci skip]
Calculator/Calculator.c: update [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: Fix typo in comment [ci skip]
API doc+ [ci skip]
New absolute position track option, fix memory leaks in ESLIF.xs
Absolute grammar reference documentation [ci skip]
Support of absolute grammar reference notation @=<unsigned integer>
API doc dev+
API typo fix [ci skip]
Doc update dev+ [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: alternative representation is always only a
sequence of bytes, no encoding information
XS: utf8 flag management [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt; CTest specific command-line if !WIN32 [ci skip]
XS and UTF-8 dev+, marpaESLIF_sv2byte protection [ci skip]
Better and faster value API
test/jsonTester.c: fixed a printf argument [ci skip]
perl/CMakeLists.txt: escape double quote
Perl dependency and CTest [ci skip]
Merge commit 'ed6be7c3a98d05c573c81b4883c3652d7523c086' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 0eb4067..aeb47b0
Merge commit '28fc0f4a1d530d841f17fd4f821873aad4e8f96b' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from 7bdc094..328964b
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 3613ba82..0eb40670
Merge commit 'b23e652a92be6e55b90a1fd02d54edb3ae8eed5b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a4cce7d4..7bdc0944
Merge commit 'bf093b2f0782951d6ee4240e574ed69a36817f98'
Custom genericStack type dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit 'd14eb8c234a5b3740fd151a94112a0d06308d080'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' changes from a236c341..a4cce7d4
src/marpaESLIF.c: make sure that ::ascii action result in a PTR in the
t/advent.t dev+ [ci skip]
.travis.yml: Test::More::UTF8 [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: use newRV_inc for ref count [ci skip]
Merge commit '0771c3906237a49e7cf15dea15c8536b4523f615' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e6038fef..c5dec90e
Work on user-land representation of objects pushed to stack, including
perl/ESLIF.xs: paranoid protection for representation [ci skip]
JNI: Test of line and column number recognizer [ci skip]
JNI: Support of line and column number recognizer [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: fix stringification callback [ci skip]
Perl: MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::lastCompletedLocation,
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::line, MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::column and
MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::location [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: comment an internal subtility with grammar and events
on lexeme [ci skip]
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: commented out a change of logger level
src/marpaESLIF.c: require that the left side of an exception is unique
in the grammar, because exception will become part of the lexeme
Exception mode implementation is moved to symbol matcher [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: faster MARPAESLIF_IS_LEXEME() macro [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: make sure a rule with an exception have exactly one
RHS before the "-" sign
test/marpaESLIFTester.c t+ [ci skip]
::translit becomes ::convert [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: concat uniformization dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: _marpaESLIF_appendOpaqueDataToStringGenerator()
optimization [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: append representation only it is != NULL and > 0 [ci
test/marpaESLIFTester.c: test of alternative representation [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: remember exception existence if the concerned rule is
productive, genericLogger callback factorizations, work on ::concat dev+
[ci skip]
test/jsonTester.c: Add marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb test [ci skip]
include/marpaESLIF.h: representation callback dev+ [ci skip]
internal/logging.h: prepend temporary genericLogger with an underscore
[ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: unbind array only if this really is an arrat [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_locationb [ci skip]
[“Jean-Damien <>]
Perl calculator example [ci skip]
t/advent.t: fixes [ci skip]
t/advent.t: removed debug statements [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: sv2byte and refcount dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: removed unused variables [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: removed unused variable [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: Added more garbage to ignore [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: fix warnings [ci skip]
cmake/BuildPCRE2.cmake: cosmetic change [ci skip]
Exceptions are moved to the lexing phaase [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: missing 'break' in grammar validation [ci skip]
Notion of symbol with hiden grammar internal event [ci skip]
1.0.53 2017-04-14T07:38:04
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
dist.ini: Add README.solaris to meta_noindex [ci skip]
Version 1.0.53 [ci skip]
dist.ini: Put back Capture::Tiny in ConfigureRequires in case we run our
local ExtUtils::CppGuess [ci skip]
dist.ini: Put ExtUtils::CppGuess in ConfigureSuggests and add a
README.solaris [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: add etc to meta_noindex [ci skip]
Tutorial/Calculator.pod fix for utf-8 [ci skip]
Version 1.0.52 [ci skip]
Perl - Tutorial - Events dev+ [ci skip]
XS - make resume deltaLength parameter optional [ci skip]
Perl - Tutorial - events dev+ [ci skip]
Perl - Force load of MarpaX::ESLIF if accessing only the constants [ci
Perl - Tutorial - Fix POD errors [ci skip]
Fix constant synopsis [ci skip]
perl/typemap: ensure that undef is not a valid input [ci skip]
XS: ensure proper order for destroys [ci skip]
Fix inline definition when it is not detected [ci skip]
Merge commit '534baac2e210cd0eaf482ead73913167d3efc733'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' changes from 2438d3e6..3613ba82
Merge commit '8ee66683364614e3a539147b1342c368de014f22'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from 80f07038..ddc92980
Perl - BNF/README.pod fix [ci skip]
MarpaX/ NOTES section [ci skip]
Perl - calculator example dev+ [ci skip]
Java - test fix [ci skip]
JNI - parseb and byte array [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::parse [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Tutorial::Calculator [ci skip]
README.pod fixes [ci skip]
pcre2-10.23 [ci skip]
Perl - MarpaX::ESLIF doc [ci skip]
Perl - BNF doc [ci skip]
Perl - doc [ci skip]
Perl - Adapt doc/BNF/README.pod to MarpaX::ESLIF::BNF [ci skip]
perl/dist.ini: rearrange a bit startup [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Logger::Levels => MarpaX::ESLIF::Logger::Level [ci skip]
Patreon donation for marpa [ci skip]
Update for solaris, version 1.0.51 [ci skip]
Merge commit '9ecb11bbd4c1a3ea39e7e1ade8d8c6496dfe26d0'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' changes from a68e118b..80f07038
dist.init and $iconv_libs, version 1.0.50
Fix for iconv discovery bis [ci skip]
Fix for iconv discovery [ci skip]
Version 1.0.49 [ci skip]
Version is 1.0.48 [ci skip]
dist.ini meta provides
dist.ini and modules requirements [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: fix warning [ci skip]
Perl: fix dist.ini repository.github [ci skip]
Merge commit '58dee367cfac1b2beced362e27e60b404a85350c' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv/' content from commit a68e118b
Removed 3rdparty/github/tconv for subtree reimport
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit e6038fef
Merge commit '05b23264944767ef1d6ac288b54d707260a2d348' as
Removed cmae-utils for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'c3c537147d3d24551274b8e4bc206f91ce8f3d8a' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper/' content from commit 2438d3e6
Removed 3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper for subtree reimport
Merge commit '03bdbac292298e81ef701e162c4489824caefb71' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack/' content from commit a236c341
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericStack for subtree reimport
Merge commit '566b5d05dead721fb34f5d54a32937abf55dd4d0' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' content from commit c59c2888
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericLogger for subtree reimport
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' content from commit e1f6b179
Merge commit '61e87eea62c46791dc77b066a41827d98759620a' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericHash for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'df198ec056d1da7313a59decf6a7d485af398967' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/cmake-utils for subtree reimport
Merge commit 'decca0c29bfb5722270e0974a6f8da0388b65e06'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e310bfc2..e6038fef
git_subtree_pull.zsh dev+
Re-import of marpaWrapper as subtree
Re-import of tconv as subtree
Re-import of genericStack as subtree
Re-import of genericHash as subtree
Re-import of genericLogger as subtree
Merge remote-tracking branch 'cmake-utils/master'
Perl dist.ini [ci skip]
Perl release [ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: skip section dev+ |ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: skip section |ci skip]
src/bindings/perl/dist.ini: more skip |ci skip]
Following XS dev [ci skip]
Bug fix in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_completeb:
marpaESLIFRecognizerp->inputs is cached but can change becuase of a call
to _marpaESLIFREcognizer_readb() [ci skip]
JNI - use native marpaESLIF stack [ci skip]
Perl - commented debug statements [ci skip]
Forget original when we do an internal stack copy [ci skip]
Generic hash for ptr refcount dev+ [ci skip]
Merge commit '5ce46aafac5b088be3f5bc75076dd500bcbf2fde' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash/' content from commit e1f6b17
Get/set grammar defaults [ci skip]
XS - marpaESLIF_svStackCleanByIndicev [ci skip]
XS - Removed free action resolver, not used in high level interfaces
because managed by the proxy [ci skip]
XS - Factoization [ci skip]
XS - factorizations [ci skip]
dist.ini - Fix a warning [ci skip]
XS - memmove [ci skip]
XS - symbol and free actions dev+internal variables renamings [ci skip]
XS - internal variables renamings [ci skip]
XS - marpaESLIF_canb fix [ci skip]
JAVA - problem with cmake 3.2
XS - Fix memory problems [ci skip]
JNI - removed a wrong comment [ci skip]
Perl dev+ [ci skip]
Fix apparent but in value symbol callback [ci skip]
Perl XS constants dev+ [ci skip]
Back to a single ESLIF.xs for portability [ci skip]
Put TRACE by default if compiled with it, fixed a call to $log [ci skip]
Skip Makefile files [ci skip]
Perl xs dev+ [ci skip]
Javadoc fix [ci skip]
JNI - Removed unused variables [ci skip]
Perl typemap - correct typecast [ci skip]
Perl and constants and multiple xs files [ci skip]
Java - more tests [ci skip]
API semantics [ci skip]
JNI Work on logging [ci skip]
etc/copyDirs.PL: skip more files
Add marpaESLIFPerlPackage to the default build target [ci skip]
Cosmetic fixes [ci skip]
Enable JIT for PCRE2 [ci skip]
Perl - fix mem corruption [ci skip]
XS_MarpaX__ESLIF__Grammar_parse fix [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::parse preparation [ci skip]
Information on dzil location [ci skip]
Copy files in binary mode when preparing perl package [ci skip]
Skip java test if not gcc for a problem with rdynamic [ci skip]
Print a log statement before what is happening -; [ci skip]
Reintroduce java tests and packaging [ci skip]
Renamings, version 1.0.4
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '3f0951aa7f71f4bd64e0170bcbe81dd5b6f24385'
Merge commit '10ee07604217691add4efe3b80963c53538b1867'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from e15626f..a68e118
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '10f09b9d30c39818463dfbdf0b98f754851ff07e'
Merge commit 'ea9cc0413560faca86c7fb12905c081ac4c0e66e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Reduce filepaths
Renamings, version 1.0.22
Merge commit '486d1582e905335da16ee632f11fed8683a2cdfa'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '653ec0fbe4c5734ddd754c7771327e559f2b13ab'
Renamings, version 1.0.46
Merge commit '64899fab810ea97f7a1d63def9cac36f0c7c9ee7' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/Marpa--R2/' content from commit 0f99f82
Pb with Marpa--R2 tree
Merge commit 'fd26834a7e34caced75161fa7a1f00e8fb52fdfc'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2d7418e4b14387abacf97346be982e15cc9bb273'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'dd8d79abe0798f952c827c559083e614a72d8bee'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '470cb2fb3b60a8fac9eaf46bb0dbe516601f9517'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2e339cc269dedd86874c4aef47d8521a3537130c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Typo when doing rename of subtree, version 1.0.34
Typo when doing rename of subtree, version 1.0.33
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.32
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.31
Merge commit '53fb2713e11df68f5b1726b37635d835370061e0'
Merge commit 'b1c318116a9f404fc72075e591300366fef2c8cf'
Merge commit '542aeffec2c792ccc7fb4ca43067817d30897dea'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
cmake-utils-remote => cmake-utils, version 1.0.35
Merge commit 'a4c92cc1e484ce8fac836715b85a7f586e8716b4'
Version 1.0.19
Merge commit 'b62627cabd84aa4c1a135ebe46b0c3b61b2c54cd'
Perl better typemap [ci skip]
Fix dependencies perl [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: cleanup [ci skip]
Fix marpaESLIFPerlCopy target [ci skip]
perl dev+
dev+ [ci skip]
Typo in comment
bindings dev+ [ci skip]
travis and perl: t+
travis and perl: more dependencies
travis and perl: fix Authority plugin
travis and perl: fix call to dzil authordeps --missing dev+
travis and perl dev+
travis and perl: install Dist::Zilla via apt-get
travis and perl, say cpanm --quiet --notest
travis and perl
pcre2: no external package in any case
Install rules
Merge commit 'de0af3892ec2847295d5f79460dd7993ed1e1aac'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from fbb6fda..e15626f
Merge commit '0ad50bee3d752b9f8094edb26d0e3426daff04e8'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c0adbbfba1a52ab4b8e8134995535956a7309d24'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
man pages fix
man page absolute path
pod tweak
pcre2 build
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '1d65337567cb04a5b74ae397a071e906379db06a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c37ee0583a7189bf6173be3c08437eca84c8caf4'
More common sizes
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 349cbf5..fbb6fda
Merge commit 'f93bd5a4595eebdf3374906a6d8103b71428260e'
Merge commit '7e3c03857f666713e844319549f134d0980c9a6f'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'cf8e243fe93380ffdc4b82dc599a503a5fb10a6c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'db1b3b61fddfef13db95af797d734ccc87a02c3f'
Version 1.0.21
Merge commit 'd9565d218e63054a223eb2855c703dedd208a2a1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
LIBS scope implies TEST scopeSay public to all links
Say public to all links
Merge commit '67ab58a489cd8173d39c5b4bfde99889e7f4e98e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '7caa8e6f6930ca172078249255d71403e48bed71'
Merge commit 'f739aa6ccf5438df9bf9dec2983b52f568fc2563'
Merge commit '243f8c0a42af426fe7f711e3fb3f0e3d76fbd4ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.30
Merge commit 'ede20f9d2015ed2416a5cace83b97cf4a452065e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '5e02d6ff4b68878ec3fbdde2f79ba5c268b73d24'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f715cafeb0d897601b101f025669a74a07923c03'
Version 1.0.34
Merge commit '1597c7f97cabfa929e8605eea4f1ece1963cd3ad'
Version 1.0.18
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '9631741b46bb8d6ddd2737c53118c01a0ae6a147'
Use target_file in test
Merge commit 'cb68f44f596ab45c746153af64b2d16e59419d68'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.29
Merge commit '604facc4b2b9ad9fa69c272e08ecd990e80a8c26'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'e25664e40c1ad3e876ea0f8f723495d4fc65c6ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'a67dec69213f79d55ead5a9b567c1ce5201121e3'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c3fa3465c7faf70af6afee3aad1bcff1aef768f6'
Version 1.0.33
Version 1.0.17
Merge commit '3e71b76e352f9f6dd39e359e72250ae11e9d3efd'
Add test to check
Merge commit 'a9e1a36c22b6c7a8f521a39d2ec72c6b67cf48f1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.16
Merge commit 'f144996413eedae939e627c3de90be17f81c03e6'
Merge commit '750342463b52c0de7f430ae39ee4ce885f3c350d'
Version 1.0.28
Difficulty with path for tests -;
cmake/FindgenericLogger.cmake fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '7f1d4b176c4b20a3046e62a57f5ad78e8cebe6d2'
Merge commit 'ee6499f6f81e481460c486f9cfa22d74cfc1684a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '30eb8f76d7dfba8c0ed9cb50be415949f93b85f8'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '86c14078c779e8eb317249e9a2da28af44df8f03'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.32
Version 1.0.15
Merge commit 'ecd83fdb8405a49309776404644508def5ace595'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
-D_STATIC for static executables
Merge commit '2aa193f950d8040a94451af44be197ff15953fc2'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Fix for manpage
Use buil-in project versioning
Version information cached
Version information marked as advanced
Fix for version
Some library defs are private
Fix call to man page
CMakeLists.txt [ci skip]
Attach tracing and version only to libraries
Merge commit '6bcf5691d85f8eab039a7526622948ffa14d67bf'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'b1550f995de1c6c5aac4016e608810764813ff72'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 177d909..349cbf5
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'fc172b74f69a0803754d365fcf2a3c0a668814a7'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '2ec9f947ef76a705b589b8a530942dbc973276a5'
Factorization [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'a3b247fda14e490d589a8c311b13aa3cbc3b9d69' as
factorization dev+
optparse conflict in merge
Merge commit 'f230138dc8985797a0b7ade40d69adec5ad2cab1'
Merge commit '522834de237ae3412ddca0efb5df4c719e361245'
Merge commit 'f1165603afaac1141328694c392b1b385ed22721'
Version 1.0.45
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f28650d52e9c54b6dee0ab6904aa25584c5559f8'
target_link_libraries dev+
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '3ff0db62a2612bd3581cdca83e47eef3fdd8151d'
Include dependencies dev+
Structural fixes
Structural fixes [ci skip]
Merge commit '9413bbd4c926d3b452d8dd7a318dcc407913af1e' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' content from
commit 2e40261
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'dfe3f6617826a346432da01a61be62a00e387a74' as
Merge commit '158995295a85192bf9333e325b6297143d6f855a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Use my cmake framework
Use my cmake framework [ci skip]
Fix depend options parsing
Merge commit '1be2947649af0f303a97a8bef09c6b318c28df8d' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
cmake-utils-remote fix
Merge commit '9130e85f83cb17838fcf31d7db8ae52b096fd9b1'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '14b613ecb15fdb9caad31a52da63610680d33587'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'c51d830a61d709826c4c70aa312ef252995f33b0'
Merge commit '9f5802d9aa90e6210ab08a269e7c8184bf59d9f4'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Check common type sizes
git_subtree_pull.zsh [ci skip]
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and dependency properties
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and test path
cmake/MyPackageDependency.cmake and recursivity
Version 1.0.27
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0b6a2136db1c632cbfc082db9901bbccc1a4180f'
Install of export file, version 1.0.26
Merge commit '3132bb74c424ea492f724f70c6fd4da2107c6268'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'd39c7d81901017639acab5cbe13d4d4300888ffb'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Install of export file, version 1.0.14
Merge commit 'e2dc03e6a73e629fda8425bf72d135e263a37448'
Install of export file bis
Install of export file, version 1.0.25
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '23af22bd8dd99ed72a80064a2d28569597ffa4af'
Merge commit 'e88f3d04156217ac1c0af12971d9a9bc0eed35e6'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Install of export file, version 1.0.13
Merge commit '08493d3b83e76f37492c722a04e1edfec7440ca9'
Install of export file
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.24
Merge commit '0a2f3b7368f3b614f29a0446acadc308a612df23'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '1d847df4d602c36b42c93e87058efd71690d7550'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0aaac18575a9433520c02c79a872c7e72f0e40e7'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.31
Merge commit '9e3172731c3a6dd2c0b4bd9ea4997287637a8707'
Use of my cmake framework [ci skip]
Use of my cmake framework, version 1.0.11
Merge commit 'a2af3a69d326f51d13bbaf2ae4157fa886638989'
cmake framework
Version 1.0.23
Merge commit '6bb86f971bda2b0c292c401697998316e7c7c39c'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '504771c80467b5fc94e7c2fe065d87c2428adbec'
Factorization, version 1.0.30
Version 1.0.10
Fix genericHashTesterStatic link
check fix [ci skip]
Merge commit '9cf3d02758d885173f070c9a89183f30247cdf99'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0b82e5bb91c95434e3437bdf490e9611ccc0b8d4'
Merge commit 'ea0acb6dc9c6bc2f74f5ccdae0c4c9c2b1b13181'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0ab5593e87f544880a747a54fe4197d78beafc27'
Merge commit '007cbdbc609101a25d73d1310a511fa407197908'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
check factorization, version 1.0.22
check factorization, version 1.0.29
Merge commit 'da6398f806784324ed85d8ac2bf4d64b96aedc9c'
check factorization, version 1.0.9
Merge commit 'cf4bd40666ebed51b95dd2ee32362573ae55aad5'
Merge commit '9858b91c19e5ecf143e689d3e57e13de8ef79045'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '525204993aa933e06ec9fc06df52b4aa12854d4b'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '6074607786a95d982af4689aa7e6f8585f0b736a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
man target, version 1.0.28
Merge commit 'a6dfee9767f7b5d6ee751adf18a373eb26c3bb31'
Man target refactoring, version 1.0.8
Merge commit '42b601ace434a15a6350249f9dd54c6fbab3fc75'
man target
Merge commit 'b183255ce9f80e44d1a08a64126ba295eb1a4ea4' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '9c46845d9d86f5c5d96f3d12c353b5cf70ba77ad' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' content from commit
Reactoring, version 1.0.21
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'df140a916fd48c1a27b00345af6f2d1187d709a9' as
Travis, version 1.0.27
Reactoring, version 1.0.27
Merge commit '55a0b91b82e870d28e52d256d0d95266ff672a04' as
README.pod fix
Merge commit '686b397a0973f0994a6aa63b6e40fe684f9dc72d'
Refactoring, version 1.0.18
Merge commit '16f90eac043334da352c2a6ecebb1f39d99a76e0'
Merge commit 'c2581337f9aeb24f4d6badc24e58b4224a406558'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'fbdb4509953b60a1594b3258f9a36c333ccd2b8e'
Merge commit '98fcda2616efdd69295b18edb9c7fee169b31f3a' as
Refactoring version 1.0.17
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '34563941581da7ceccb5ddc4fa1761b7a4bf0368'
Refactoring version 1.0.7
Fix versionning
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '6308709fb92385fb8487cd3639c46f2c55d9e6c4' as
Merge commit '40c791ff0b0631a81f9a2da6f3aff6da437018b6'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
chmod +x git_subtree_pull.zsh
use MyPackageDependency
Merge commit 'a2bb92e8f9940fd846201e757c99159a5f5bf232' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit e310bfc
Merge commit 'db7996a20c250f0bdccded9d7d007ae66add244f'
Use cmake-utils-remote
Fix a message
Merge commit 'e3fb03055f8953d2538da818b02d1db74ea63fda' as
Initial commit
Merge commit '0656dd694048fd29cbe3abf9e0007678faabee57'
Removed notion of object targets - was a bad idea
all in one [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE and test path [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE [ci skip]
Merge commit 'd395638e6a9f673d980e116f3ed3e16c6598d19b'
Merge commit '2c4147713d39df20c1374a9dd99cf093a12c7f60'
Make sure about the location of object if used as a sub-project
Merge commit 'cb5a109240380413d0bf3f861ca55610ee4f6c55'
use OBJECT type in the ALL_IN_ONE mode, version 1.0.16
Prepare for correct add_library using the OBJECT type, version 1.0.6
Merge commit '9cb3b5912daee0711949c96ca30029784fe80be4'
Prepare for correct add_subdirectory, version 1.0.15
Prepare for correct add_subdirectory, version 1.0.5
marpaESLIFPerlTest fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 40f96cf..177d909
Merge commit 'e8691bd4184e69e5c1e7b4564087d1f1b183276b'
Fix for va_copy discovery and ICONV_SECOND_ARGUMENT, version 1.0.14
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from a08a22e..40f96cf
Merge commit 'c88d487e331fd09955e411e5108587a8b1c2db69'
Version 1.0.13
Library link fix on Windows [ci skip]
Merge commit '2dc0fb43b6a21abb9606ad76923cf4930737e389'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from d4219bf..a08a22e
iconv second argument [ci skip]
$ESLIF::VERSION [ci skip]
Perl version fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '98909ce4a536ac4f6c0644c5b333845ecb29ec9b'
Perl [ci skip]
Perl objects go in obj4perl, version 1.0.4
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 2cc9025..d4219bf
Merge commit 'fc9f708c6ac8697c3cdfe84387287bd12dd02230'
perl CMakeObjects.PL
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base fix [ci skip]
ExtUtils/CBuilder/ fileparse fix [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/ExtUtils-CBuilder-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '74a656df6bbfbdec812e4cb540642ea2a63859a2' as
travis and pcre2
ALL_IN_ONE mode: do not change linking mode, version 1.0.43
Merge commit '1ee95f3410b129a78181d98bf39cb53e0dca829d'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' changes from 29062ed..2cc9025
Merge commit '5bbdbdfe30c32e8a07d9d745325811a8148ef030'
ALL_IN_ONE mode: do not change linking mode, version 1.0.12
Fix static test, version 1.0.11
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '65555d0ed10ab99fe88e74cf46a17c98e171ecac' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tconv-remote/' content from commit 29062ed
Merge commit 'e973f02e72e432d0f841badaef0dac9bfddc7b7f' as
Merge commit '734c1455ea57e53d0fdb122bb01d80f40e15d88e' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/marpaWrapper-remote/' content from commit
build [ci skip]
Merge commit '2f1ccb0214963ab28eb252694dafd1cbdcf400fd' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericStack-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'ea8c22b6a6070536b4a2ead2dd48f8346342c55a'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Test fix, Version 1.0.10
ADD_IN_ONE option, version 1.0.9
Merge commit 'e8077855f5e8410725fa0e49e45df384323a7aa9' as
All-in-one and static linking
ALL_IN_ONE dev+ [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'bb5c8d3f195b4a8e1b23563ab62eb4196754767b'
Fix omitted inclusion of (required) <stdarg.h> in runtime.h (also
included in genericLogger.h anyway), fixed include order because of
mingw that requires <unistd.h> to be included BEFORE <time.h> so that
localtime_r is defined...
Perl dev+
Merge commit '3a1d54bd0f48c70fec01623acee2e1362d02ab14'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.20
Build issues without icu, version 1.0.9
Workaround a MSVC bug on the macros we depend upon, version 1.0.20
Optimization, version 1.0.19
Merge commit '9c71df2f481411b0f248d6c6974fdeeb3946ed07' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericSparseArray-remote/' content from
commit 6f242a4
Merge commit '1def44809c1beecdc41ac0341a5ced9846e44078' as
Merge commit '5a381fbbd30c8e641d6fdd03df9efe2214c43eb5' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericHash-remote/' content from commit
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '92e9ef0fa31bbe3095a44e1941867e1277e9f0b5' as
.travis and Perl dev+ [ci skip]
Perl - localtime_r is not absolutely required [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '862d0ab2e57554d05d967a424a508aaacd283d9e' as
Static lib dev+ [ci skip]
Commented NO_DEFAULT_PATH in cmake search [ci skip]
Build all objects at once, version 1.0.8
Find static genericLogger library [ci skip]
FinICU fixes [ci skip]
Do not link static lib against static external libraries, version 1.0.42
CMakeLists tiny reorganization [ci skip]
Removed explicit calls to all test suites, already in make check
Fix generic of static library, version 1.0.41
Fix generic of static library, version 2Use also static genericLogger
for tests, version 1.0.7
Use also static genericLogger for tests, version 1.0.18
genericLogger_versions, version 1.0.3
Static version rework, version 1.0.2
Static version of marpaWrapper, version 1.0.40
FIND_PACKAGE(PerlLibs) deficiency [ci skip]
cmake/FindICU.cmake 58.2 update
ICU 58.2 support
Subtree updates, version 1.0.6
Removed unused 3rdparty/github/tinycthread
Merge commit '0a78ef965f61284e04f08de02bddb97b993af1bc'
Merge commit 'e948b0fe3dda0abd3da27f1d3372ee72c2a74286'
Silent a gcc warning when casting a ptr to jlong
- removed unused method [ci skip]
doc [ci skip]
dl should be used via CMAKE_DL_LIBS, version 1.0.5
Add dl to target_link_libraries(), version 1.0.4
Proposition logic doc [ci skip]
Proposition logic [ci skip]
Fix eventual double free in marpaESLIFRecognizer_alternative() [ci skip]
lexeme_discard_tryb fix and doc [ci skip]
Say that marpaESLIFRecognizer_discard_tryb() may generate a discard
event [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_discard_tryb() and
test/selfTester.c: renamed internal lexemes [ci skip]
t+ [ci skip]
grammar cache dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: MARPAESLIF_IS_LEXEME() macro fix [ci skip]
propositionalLogic dev+ [ci skip]
cmake/CMakeGlobalSetup.txt: show CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
lexeme_last_try and internal unformization last notion of last lexeme
data [ci skip]
propositionalLogic dev+
Always fetch grammar events in marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventb(), so that we
are ok even outside of the scan()/resume() methods
src/marpaESLIF.c: Missing event initializer when showing non-lexeme
packaging, version 1.0.39
travis version 1.0.1
Packaging, version 1.0.1
Lexeme events only on lexemes, non-lexeme events only a non-lexemes [ci
Packaging, version 1.0.3
Javadoc [ci skip]
doc/BNF/README.pod: podlint [ci skip]
Fix exceptions settings in Java [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_tryb protection
A bit more POD another lexeme_alternative() [ci skip]
Make sure context is 0 when value stack exhibits an array [ci skip]
User-defined alternatives
Use an explicit structure for alternatives - in prevision of a fix for
an architectural wrong design that is not allowing ambiguous tokens
Renamed internal alternativeStackp to alternativeSymbolStackp [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: internal cosmetics [ci skip]
More comprehensible java code [ci skip]
discard event fix [ci skip]
Removed unused variables [ci skip]
Added deltaLengthl to resume
lastPauseppp[][] becomes lastPausep[] [ci skip]
afterEventStatebpp[][] becomes afterEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
beforeEventStatebpp[][] becomes beforeEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
discardEventStatebpp[][] becomes discardEventStatebp[] [ci skip]
_marpaESLIFRecognizer_alternative_lengthb() and case when
alternativeLength > current remaining bytes [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb() doc [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb() fixes
marpaESLIFRecognizer_pauseb() becomes
marpaESLIFRecognizer_lexeme_last_pauseb(), move last pause information
to recognizer structure
Do not share event states when it should not [ci skip]
before and after events in case of noEvent flag [ci skip]
Recognizer's last_completed methods [ci skip]
Recognizer's read/input/pause methods [ci skip]
Removed marpaESLIFRecognizer_eofb() [ci skip]
marpa/ do the progressLog() test once [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: API protection [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputv and marpaESLIFRecognizer_pausev are now
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputb and marpaESLIFRecognizer_pauseb,
respectively [ci skip]
JNI: recognizer progress log [ci skip]
Java test: work on discard
Internal trace logger, prevent discard failure upon discard exhaustion
BNF/README.pod: document that :discard will silently fail if it is
lexeme before and after events on/off management [ci skip]
discard event on/off support [ci skip]
Removed swig dependency in the build [ci skip]
Removed obsolete files grammarContext*
src/marpaESLIF.c: Add symbolip to _marpaESLIF_symbol_findp() prototype
[ci skip]
marpa/ show that event management is lacking some features
; dev+ [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_eventb() prototype,
Java_org_parser_marpa_ESLIFRecognizer_jniEventOnOff() [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: renamed a macro about exception [ci skip]
Thead-safety: a recognizer owns all its grammar, performance: cache of
precomputed grammar per recognizer [ci skip]
ESLIFException [ci skip]
API/README.pod: marpaESLIFRecognizer_isEofb [ci skip]
JNI lexeme expected [ci skip]
JNI [ci skip]
marpaESLIFRecognizer_isEofb [ci skip]
document :discard event restriction (its RHS must be an LHS at the same
grammar level when an event is set) [ci skip]
Java test [ci skip]
A :discard event is possible only if its RHS is also an LHS at the same
grammar level [ci skip]
Fixed comments [ci skip]
Java_org_parser_marpa_ESLIFRecognizer_jniNew: fix uninitialized values
[ci skip]
JNI Event type fix [ci skip]
Recognizer and grammar code clarification [ci skip]
JNI and events [ci skip]
java/marpaESLIFJava.c: field cache [ci skip]
ICU test eventual dependency [ci skip]
JNI code warnings [ci skip]
ICU eventual dependency and path on windows [ci skip]
C_INLINE cmake fix [ci skip]
Java ESLIF event dev+ [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: a little more about escaping [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: added two lines to retry in a clean state when
:discard rule has precedence [ci skip]
Changed a trace saying why :discard is ignored [ci skip]
README.pod on :discard, this time > maxMatchedl [ci skip]
Try again with :discard, this time > maxMatchedl [ci skip]
eslif/L0.h: L0_TERMINAL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION protection [ci skip]
Hmmm.... put previous change between #if 0 #endif -;
Important change: if :discard matches at least the same number of bytes
of longest lexeme, then it has precedence
Java test: prepare for scan/resume/value tests [ci skip]
Java test: support of C/C++ comments [ci skip]
Java test: say we do not want exhaustion [ci skip]
Force no event when calling the grammar parse() method [ci skip]
Do not raise an exception in the generic logge callback [ci skip]
make check fix
Java test
ESLIFRecognizer_jniResume [ci skip]
ESLIFRecognizer_jniScan [ci skip]
- cleanup [ci skip]
- log level of result [ci skip]
- result initial value is null [ci skip]
JNI cleanup -; [ci skip]
Java bindings installation
JNI fix memory leaks
Calculator conform to java code [ci skip]
Java fix [ci skip]
RAISEEXCEPTION macro fix [ci skip]
trace fixes [ci skip]
Java [ci skip]
Java fix warnings [ci skip]
cmake/CMakeGlobalSetup.txt [ci skip]
JNI dev+ [ci skip]
java dev+
jni [ci skip]
cmake dev+
cmake dev+ [ci skip]
jni dev+
jni dev+ [ci skip]
JNI fix [ci skip]
Fix warnings [ci skip]
java dev+ [ci skip]
BNF POD [ci skip]
Move string from <rhs primary> to to <single symbol>
Test of :symbol
Support of :symbol
Calculator POD [ci skip]
Added *.3 to .gitignore [ci skip]
Calculator tutorial, version 1.0.1
Support of ::copy\[\d+\], make sure we NUL-terminated everything that
can be used in user space as a plain (char *)
Support of ::copy[\d+] action [ci skip]
Added missing ::shift action in internal prioritized transition rules
Calculator [ci skip]
Calculator v1 [ci skip]
stddef.h for size_t [ci skip]
API doc, version 1.0.0
API doc [ci skip]
marpaESLIFValue_contextb prototype change [ci skip]
lexemes expected [ci skip]
Reserve user interaction on lexemes
Minor optimization
adventTester cosmetic fix [ci skip]
Removed non-wanted interfaces [ci skip]
Say a bit more about newline recognition [ci skip]
Fixed exception matcher that was broken by previous commit
Do newline processing only in character mode
no-event mode
Removed unused variables
API doc+ [ci skip]
API t+ doc+ [ci skip]
API/README.pod [ci skip]
Renamed marpaESLIFGrammar_ngrammari to marpaESLIFGrammar_ngrammarib
Added PCRE2 flags and JIT support in terminal dumps
Removed {} as string delimiters [ci skip]
Cosmetic fix when saying an alternative is also a terminal [ci skip]
Grammars at different levels must have a different name [ci skip]
Some regexp simpliciations [ci skip]
self tester: reparse ESLIF using the grammar generated using its own
grammar -;
Make sure the the :discard is never the start symbol [ci skip]
self tester [ci skip]
self tester and README.pod dev+
Dump PCRE2 pattern if compile failure [ci skip]
README.pod [ci skip]
Removed PERL_IDENTIFIER, not used - README.pod [ci skip]
Changed G1_META_DISCARD from "discard" to ":discard" [ci skip]
Removed unused G1_TERMINAL_DISCARD [ci skip]
PCRE2 position independant code
README.pod, instance first travis build -;
Fixed warnings undef gcc -Wall, version 1.0.38
jsonTester t+
String terminal fix
In bootstrapping, respect the fact that default latm value is true
Silent mode and inner grammars
Added grammarOptionSetterp in the grammar clone options, version 1.0.37
Use new asf valuation API
Fix README.pod, version 1.0.36
Make ASF Value API more look-like value API, version 1.0.35
Fixed a quite vicious illegal memory access with traverserp->gladep -;
[ci skip]
ASF simulation of marpaWrapperValue, version 1.0.34
Renamed marpaWrapperAsfValueContext_t to marpaWrapperAsfValue_t [ci
memory leaks [ci skip]
ambiguous tester [ci skip]
marpaWrapperAsfAmbiguousTester dev+ [ci skip]
Moved a GENERICSTACK_POP_INT in the pruned traverser that was misplaced
[ci skipped]
marpaWrapperAsfValueContext dev+ [ci skip]
marpaWrapperAsfValueContext dev+
Renamed marpaWrapperAsfValueContext_t to
marpaWrapperAsfPrunedValueContext_t [ci skip]
test/adventTester.c: suppressed a non-used variable
Put exception in rule description
_marpaWrapperAsf_valueTraverserb dev+
Manage loop over ASF in pruned mode
Manage exception recursivity
Russel Paradox
marpaESLIFRecognizer_last_completedb bug fix
show cosmetic fixes
Hide earley sets from marpaESLIFRecognizer_last_completedb
Map latest earley set to input
Recognizer optimization
Optimize free/alloc/realloc for events and pause
advent calendar t+
Fixed missing boolean for pause information
Get last pause data from recognizer
Cosmetic fix
Move processing of user regex options after automatic discovery of the
UTF flag
Be clever with direct regexp declarations and try to determine the need
of the UTF flag directly
Optimization if not compiled with trace
Delay grammar show until requested
UTF-8 dump of pattern in case of true regexp
Terminal pattern dump dev+
Fix again terminal search - it is really what is sent to PCRE2 that
define it exactly
Changed value context
Removed a non-needed break
Removed discard default statement, fix generation of grammar in ascii
show dev+
Fix typos
Restored modifiers comparison in
Dump of ESLIF grammar itself in test
Fixed typo
Fixed creation of terminals in bootstrap - the search was often failing,
leaving to orphaned symbols
Give rule components in the grammar show
discardEvent is attached to a rule, not to a symbol, but it become a
symbol completion event in discard mode
test review
API review
events dev+
pause before dev+
pause after events
Removed TO DO comments
latmb => 1 is the default
lexeme event is meaningul only on lexemes
pause after
marpaESLIFRecognizer_inputv() and marpaESLIFRecognizer_readb()
Move fetch of events after complete in _marpaESLIFRecognizer_completeb
recognizer states centralization
event management
Oups, version should be 1.0.33 [ci skip]
Supressed defaultDiscardEvent
Propagation of discard event
Fetch events even in completion failure as per the doc, version 1.0.32
Removed symbolp->isDiscardTopb
In marpaESLIFGrammar_parse_by_grammarb() follow my coding convention
README.pod fix, version 1.0.32
renamed exceptionb to silentb
::concat and exception dev+
okRuleCallback changed prototype, version 1.0.31
meta_matcher prototype
_meta_matcher prototype
Comment fix
exception precomputing dev+
exception revisited dev+
exception revisited
metag.bnf restore
Removed restriction on :discard RHSs
a :
Fix some error strings
Fix memory error with stack bis
Fix memory error with stack
action_exception_statement dev+
null adverb
null adverb dev+
null ranking specification
rank specification
proper specification
discard actions and exhausted event
event declarations
event declaration dev+
completion event dev+
Revert "Case of sparse stack because of ASF mode"
Fix stack indices in the ASF mode, they are now 100% compatible with the
native value(), version 1.0.30
Case of sparse stack because of ASF mode
Restrict ascii graph names to [[:graph]] with = character (because of
event initializers =on and =off)
discard event initializer t+
Fix rule show
G1_action_discard_ruleb dev+
discard rule dev+
Fix warnings under gcc
Fix call to marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb bis
Fix call to marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb
Removed lexeme default statement
keep track of implemented actions
op_declare_3, fix clone option
Removed _generateHelper_ methods
ascii show
event specification
pause and priority specification actions
:lexeme dev+
Make ":symbol" an explicit terminal directly in G1 grammar
Added missing <event specification> in <adverb item>
Give absolute priority to terminals in the grammar
Error logging fix
start symbol processing fix
Removal of forgiving adverb
Removal of nullable-actions, determine by grammar introspection
G1_action_default_rule, prepare for other defaults
G1_action_desc_rule and encoding
G1_action_desc_rule and _charconvp() fix
Grammar ascii show, fix uninitialized variable in
Suppressed lookupGrammarStringp in symbol structure in favour of
{lookupLevelDeltai,lookupMetas} tuple
Fix symbolp->resolvedLeveli and use ::= or ~ shortcuts in ascii show
forgot transition rules when computing prioritized rules -;
action dev+
actions dev+
Fix README.pod, version 1.0.29
Move exhaustionEventb to the recognizer phase, version 1.0.28
op loosen dev+
separator is in the stack dev+
check symbols dev+
Fix _marpaESLIFValue_stack_i_resetb when the indice to reset has never
been touched yet
More information in traces
Fix terminal description v.s. modifiers
Fix memory leak
Fix recognizer fake mode
regex fix
Fix warning
single symbol dev+
priority action dev+
up to priority_rule value
Fix free callback's userDatavp value
_marpaESLIF_symbol_action___shiftb fix: we cannot afford to make a
shallow copy from the lexeme input stack, that must remain independant
marpaESLIFValue_stack_getAndForget_xxxb implementation minor change
marpaESLIFValue_stack_pop_xxxb renamed to
Use of marpaESLIFValue_stack_pop_xxxb
adverb list actions
rhs primary type action dev+
::translit action
Work on traces
Fix traces
Removal of marpaESLIFValue_stack_is_xxxb -;
bootstrap actions
Move ESLIF types in their dedicated file
Nullable actions semantic
Fix setting of grammarp->haveRejectionb
Added includes in the internal bootstrap files
Free action resolver
Move bootstrap actions into their dedicated files
Do not specify a default lexeme action for the top-level grammar if
there is none
Fix an error detected by valgrind specific to GCC optimized code
(valgrind does not yell if code is compiled in debug), version 1.0.27
Added length in the output of marpaWrapperAsf_traverse_rh_valueb,
version 1.0.26
ASF and nulling
Support of nullables in ASF, version 1.0.25
Use of ASF dev+
use of ASF when needed
Fixed semantics of free callback
Remove unused methods
Fixed remaining memory leaks
Cosmetic fixes
Fixed a memory leak
Fix how value is returned to user space
stack management
Fix compilation under gccd
Fix some leaks
Change output type of callbacks from short to int
Fixed warn messages
Fixed a comment to expression symbol context (null or non-null input)
Suppressed the need of nullable callbacks from user space
L0.h cosmetic fix
generation of helpers being moved to C
discard default statement
back to action as ASCII string dev+
new type RHS_PRIMARY dev+
priority dev+
Move macros from grammarContext.c to grammarContext.h
priorities dev+
Make sure an LHS of a prioritized rule cannot be the LHS of any other
Different and a priori general algorithm for passthrough
Added new types in _marpaESLIF_grammarContext_i_types
Removed mantion of a hack in _marpaESLIF_grammarContext_i_resetb
Removed passthroughb and internalb - a priori this was a mistake
Handle our internal passthrough rules created for prioritized rules bis
Handle our internal passthrough rules created for prioritized rules
Fix logging when creating a rule dev+
Suppression of G1_RULE_DESC_RULE_2
Make hexadecimal dump a macro
More generic code in src/grammarContext.c
When G1_META_ADVERB_LIST is nulled dev+
encoding of encoding dev+
start rule action
Added a trace in _marpaESLIFValueRuleCallbackGrammar_op_declareb
grammar generation actions dev+
forgiving => 1
Move latmb to grammar
grammar context management dev+
Move grammar context management in its specific file because it is
really a big thing in itself
Force utfb to false if current stream is not a stream of characters as
per the user
mem leak fix dev+
More fields in marpaESLIFGrammarOption
Fix a comment
Support of non anchoring in a special case (whole stream available in
one go)
Code simplification dev+
better separation between lexeme and grammar callbacks dev+
regex dev+
terminal description dev+
Grammar simplification, tconv fix, etc dev+
Skip error reporting in valuation for the moment
marpaESLIFValue_value_startb() and marpaESLIFValue_value_lengthb(), add
error reporting in value phase
Fix setting of genericLogger in marpaWrapperValue_value_startb() and
marpaWrapperValue_value_lengthb(), version 1.0.24
Removed the argi argument in symbol callback
Removed include of genericStack.h in API dependencies
marpaESLIFLexeme_t removal
Work on trace, removal of internal non-needed valueContext structure
Grammar generation dev+
Fixed comments wrongly talking about utfbp instead of charconvbp
Fixed a static const char *funcs
Back to safe lexemeStack management methods until I am sur -;
Support of variable encoding within the stream
move data management in its specific method done
move data management in its specific method
_marpaESLIF_charconvp preparation for conversion engine reuse
Preparation for mixed encoding, including binary mode, in the reader
Work on tracing all recognizer child methods
Fix memory leak after discard, improve trace mode by adding line number
Fix some warnings under gcc -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
Fix include
Removal of outputStack from marpaESLIFValueOption
position count centralization
newline dev+
Remember UTF-8 correctness automatically in regex mode, and if needed
Renamed internal flag _convertedb to _utfb
PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK sanity check revised
Explitely name internal variables in recognizer structure, fix again on
the failure condition of the recognizer
Fix some warnings under gcc -Wall
Remove a trace
Fix logic when discard fail
Fix character class regexp dev+
Remove notion of 'remember'
UTF-8 BOM handling
/c modifier for character regex dev+
/b modifier for binary regex dev+
L0_TERMINAL_CHARACTER_CLASS_REGEXP fix - need to do posix character
class dev+
Error reporting dev+
encode part dev+
utf dev+
Removed string matcher dev+
unicode dev+
string generator better protection
string dev+
Renamed an internal parameter for coherency dev+
tracing dev+
Value logging fix dev+
Grammar information, display etc. dev+
symbol priority dev+
marpaWrapperRecognizer_latestb(), version 1.0.23 [ci skip]
method names [ci skip]
marpaWrapperValue_g1lengthb [ci skip]
stream fixes
marpaWrapperValue_g1startb [ci skip]
.gitignore: VS profile garbage
.gitignore: Visual Studio garbage
.gitignore: Code::Blocks garbage
leak tracking done -; dev+
leak tracking dev+
changed a loop when validating grammar dev+
leaks and logic fixes dev+
marpaWrapperRecognizer_exhaustedb, version 1.0.22 [ci skip]
Fix some -Wall warnings with gcc, version 1.0.21
marpaWrapperGrammar_clonep() option, version 1.0.21
marpaWrapperGrammar_symbolPropertyb() and
marpaWrapperGrammar_rulePropertyb(), version 1.0.20
value dev+
Use size_t for array length
Remove some unuspported value adverbs, prepare for external value action
typo dev+
discard dev+
alternatives dev+
recce and al. dev+
grammar clone free dev+
tconv calls centralization dev+
exhaustion event, version 1.0.19
maxParsesi option for value and ASF, version 1.0.18
marpaESLIF_matcher_t prototype
_marpaESLIF_rule_newp() logging
dev+ G1 and L0: grammar methods
dev+ G1 and L0: clone and precompute
dev+ G1 and L0
dev+ G1 fix trace error
dev+ G1
dev+ G1 statement
dev+ G1 and a memory leak
dev+ grammar is a stack of grammars
dev+ bootstrap
marpaWrapperGrammar_clonep, version 1.0.17
dev+ L0 rules
dev+ rules
marpaWrapperGrammar_precompute_startb(), version 1.0.16
dev+ L0 meta
dev+ L0 enum
dev+ substitution memory access fix
dev+ Possiblity to reset start symbol when precomputing
dev+ do not use PCRE2_NEVER_xxx
dev+ metag
more substitute modifiers
/s modifier on some internal regexps
dev+ more regexp and our metag
dev+ fix uninitialized variable, better trace
dev+ substitution and output or matched value returned value
dev+ partial match processing
dev+ substitution
dev+ start custom support of groups in regexp
dev+ regexp wiht substitution
dev+ some regexp simplifications
dev+ regexp
dev partial regexp match
dev+ internal renamings
dev+ matcher prototype
dev+ matcher
dev+ Take only printable ASCII characters in asciidescs
dev+ make sure ASCII description always end with NUL
dev+ get ASCII descriptions from UTF-8 descriptions
dev+ _marpaESLIF_matcheri
dev+ fix trace error
dev+ suppressed confusing _initv() functions
dev+ - JPCRE2 semantics
dev+ limit supported modifiers to /ims
dev+ /imsx regexps modifiers
dev+ regexps options
Regexps are always anchored
Fix build
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.15
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.17
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.2
CMakeLists.txt: stop playing with CMAKE_C_FLAGS
Fix trace again, the format string -;
Fixed trace call
Will use PCRE2 for matching
dev+ setup
Include file
travis stuff
Optimizations, version 1.0.14
Change value from a stack to a sparse array [ci skip]
Support non-lvalue for valValp, version 1.0.16
dev+ cache of causesHashp
Fix test suite [ci skip]
GENERICHASH_RELAX() for reuse, version 1.0.15
README.pod: say more about GENERICSTACK_USED() [ci skip]
Suppor of hashes on the stack and usage retrieval, version 1.0.14
travis and genericSparseArray
dev+ _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_obtainp() optimization
dev+ Optimization of _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_obtainp (final step will be
use to a sparse array internally)
dev+ Optimization of _marpaWrapperAsf_glade_id_factorsb (causeNidsp)
Use of sparse array, version 1.0.13
orNodeInUse is a sparse array
Copy protection, version 1.0.12
dev+ sparse array [ci skip]
Return of _marpaWrapperAsf_intset_keyCopyFunctionp [ci skip]
README.pod: Added missing doc, version 1.0.12
src/asf.c: marpaWrapperAsf_traverseb() optimization
version 1.0.11
src/asf.c: Avoid memcpy/qsort when possible in
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb [ci skip]
Removed non-needed instructions, version 1.0.10
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb optimization [ci skip]
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb optimization
src/asf.c: Removed unused prototype
src/asf.c: renamed an internal variable from factoring to
factoringStackp [ci skip]
Optimization [ci skip]
Fix again _GENERICSTACK_EXTEND, version 1.0.24
dev+ Optimizations [ci skip]
Version 1.0.12
Version 1.0.9
POD, version 1.0.23
Changes some stack tests
Change size_t to int
Move from size_t to int
Move from size_t to int [ci skip]
Fix warning dev+ [ci skip]
Optimizations dev+
Fix cast issue, version 1.0.22
Optimizations, version 1.0.11
Fix test suite, version 1.0.21
GENERICSTACK_ERROR_RESET() macro, version 1.0.20
Fix macro GENERICHASH_NEW_ALL, version 1.0.8
Surround more variables with parenthesis, version 1.0.19
src/asf.c: fix warnings
Optimization in ASF
dev+ Optimization [ci skip]
use XOR for nidset hashing, seems better suited to how are computed
intset hash key copy optimization [ci skip]
intset hash optimization [ci skip]
src/asf.c: log typo [ci skip]
src/asf.c: do not compile non-needed function if ! MARPAWRAPPER_NTRACE
[ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: -DMARPAWRAPPER_NTRACE only if Debug [ci skip]
Fix include, version 1.0.10
Removed an unsed variable [ci skip]
Fix includes and their install, version 1.0.1
marpaWrapperAsf_prunedValueb, version 1.0.9
dev+ ASF value [ci skip]
ASF value dev+ [ci skip]
Fix error logging level [ci skip]
t+ ASF value [ci skip]
dev+ ASF value tester [ci skip]
ASF dev+ [ci skip]
ASF and value dev+ [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperAsf_valueb [ci skip]
Revert to original test/marpaWrapperAsfTester.c [ci skip]
Use funcs instead of __FILE__ in logging [ci skip]
Added missing initializers
Arrayp accessors naming fix, version 1.0.18
Arrayp, version 1.0.17
Fix warnings, version 1.0.16
Array implementation, version 1.0.15
Removed non-vital ASF methods, version 1.0.8
ASF dev+ leak fixes [ci skip]
Removal of non-needed glade.h, Version 1.0.7
Version 1.0.6 [ci skip]
Fixed some protoypes, POD
POD fix [ci skip]
POD, version 1.0.7
AST t+ - build fix
AST t+ - Working full traverser!
ASF t+
ASF t+ [ci skip]
_marpaWrapperAsf_idCmpi fix
_marpaWrapperAsf_intsetIdb fix
ASF dev+
Prototypes and test fix, version 1.0.6
Always use pointers, version 1.0.5
Build fix
Rename some methods
Fix warnings, version 1.0.4
Revisited design t+
Revisited design
dev [ci skip]
Fix _GENERICHASH_SET_BY_IND when hashName->wantedSubSize is not set,
version 1.0.3
Traverse dev+
Fix warnings
_marpaWrapperAsf_glade_visited_clearb() and marpaWrapperAsf_grammarp()
dev+ fix warnings
Fix potential unitialized read, version 1.0.14
ASF dev+, fix build and execute explicitely test exe in travis
Util macros, version 1.0.13
POD dev+
BY_IND methods, version 1.0.2
dev+ parameterization of uniqueness
Version 1.0.1
Bug fix, version 1.0.12
Yet another optimization, version 1.0.11
Optimization, version 1.0.10
gcc -ansi -pedantic
FIND semantics
NA interface, version 1.0.9
cosmetic (missing space) [ci skip]
GENERICSTACK_SET_NA, version 1.0.7
SIZE nad USED macros, version 1.0.6
Removed the ANY interface: a false good idea
README.pod: say that marpaWrapperRecognizer_cleanb uses a method marked
untested [ci skip]
README.pod: document disableThresholdb and marpaWrapperRecognizer_cleanb
[ci skip]
recognizer: threshold and clean [ci skip]
src/grammar.c: removed a comma in default option definition [ci skip]
src/recognizer.c: support of sequence in
marpaWrapperRecognizer_progressLogb [ci skip]
src/recognizer.c: remove unused variables [ci skip]
Removal of latm that should belong to a lever upper, introduction of
Version 1.0.3
Detect clone failure
progress report uses an endi location instead of a lengthi argument,
version 1.0.4
src/grammar.c: fix when propagating event type, version 1.0.3
CMakeLists.txt: headers installation fix
repo reorg
.travis.yml: make install [ci skip]
POD missing marpaWrapperValue_freev + version 1.0.1
dev+ latm is the default [ci skip]
dev+ POD [ci skip]
marpaWrapper/value.c: use callbacks only if != NULL [ci skip]
dev+ cleanup typedef [ci skip]
dev+ cmake [ci skip]
inline bis [ci skip]
inline [ci skip]
Fix typo [ci skip]
test/marpaWrapperTester.c: a little bit simpler [ci skip]
dev+ warnings fix [ci skip]
dev+ install/test [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: Version 1.0.1
test/marpaWrapper/grammar.c: more advanced usage of genericStack
Fix use of unitialized memory
Fix warnings detected by travis
Protect against NULL in NEW() and FREE()
dev+ value [ci skip]
dev+ progress report [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperGrammar_eventl revisit [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_expectedb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_event_onoffb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_readb [ci skip]
dev+ marpaWrapperRecognizer_completeb [ci skip]
dev+ support of "*" and "+" for sequence wrapper [ci skip]
dev+ removed NULL_IS_ZEROES [ci skip]
dev+ manageBuf simplification [ci skip]
dev+ remove events callbacks - should go to an upper layer [ci skip]
dev+ [ci sckip]
dev+ Handy methods
dev+ more trace
Removed clone
dev+ fix typos in CMakeLists.txt
dev+ fix on marpa library version
genericStack dependency
dev+ init
Merge commit '8223b38ed7a00276e16c317dc2c6bf125e2d4cbe' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/Marpa--R2/' content from commit fd9b4f8
include/genericStack.h: removed a ";" that should not have been there
README.pod: fix an item that should be =item
include/tconv/README.pod: dev+ [ci skip]
src/tconv/charset/cchardet.c: default confidence to 0.4f
POD fixed [ci skip]
tconv_ext manpage
Possibility to set plugin entry point names
include/README.pod: fix indentation [ci skip]
src/README.pod -> include/README.pod [ci skip]
src/tconv.3 -> src/README.pod [ci skip]
include/genericStack.h: use a true value for
LICENSE [ci skip]
Possibility to push an opaque thingy without cloning (== PTR behaviour)
more meaningful architecture
ANY dev+
CMakeLists.txt: CFLAGS
GET and work on ANY
SET interface
bin/tconv.c: help fix [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: fix test target
Fix options retrieval
src/tconv.c: fix an #ifdef
CMakeLists.txt: fix name conflict
bin/tconv.c: choosing the engine
CMakeLists.txt: restrict pod2man to UNIX
src/tconv.3: fix doc about fromcode and tocode [ci skip]
Make tconv an official binary
test/tconv.c: fix warnings
test/tconv.c: --guess option
charset/cchardet.c: csd_consider() returning 0 is not an error
test/tconv.c: work on options [ci skip]
README.pod: default loglevel is GENERICLOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE [ci skip]
- license
README.pod cosmetic [ci skip]
README.pod replaced README
Level management macros
Man page
CMakeLists.txt: pod2man
Comparison with iconv and uconv in travis
UTF-16 test and check within travis, tconv_fromcode() and tconv_tocode
include file #define's [ci skip]
Revisit include file names
Version badge
Removed LINKER_LANGUAGE C and revisit README
.travis.yml: remove unnecessary thingies
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link order
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link
CMakeLists.txt : Revert
CMakeLists.txt : Avoid explicit propagation of -lstdc++
CMakeLists.txt : Explicitely set linker language
Ok I will give up -;
Try with LINK_FLAGS on test target
Removed linker language
CMakeLists.txt: force C language on targets
Export stuff
Replace with README.pod
CMakeLists.txt: Always copy src/tconv.3 to README.pod
man page
test/tconv.c: work on usage
convert/ICU.c: Fix warnings
ICU fix return code
ICU fix an inner loop
src/tconv.c: set ccchardet as default
convert/ICU.c: fix callack settings
test/tconv.c: fix loop
ICU dev+
convert/ICU.c: the return of offsetlp
test/tconv.c: fix
convert/ICU.c: signature add fix
convert/ICU.c dev+
convert/iconv.c: back to the minimum possible
src/tconv.c: explicit backup errno in tconv_error_set()
ICU dev+ translit pattern
ICU dev+ signature
ICU transliteration dev+
ICU dev+ transliteration fixes
ICU dev+: E2BIG
src/tconv.c: fix test
Some more logging
binary mode
portability permissions
tconvTester dependency
optparse portability
convert/iconv.c: add trace of returned value
convert/iconv.c: as short as possible
Merge commit '47caf69b1b905084a403cfea619695af3cc4cec5' as
Take advantage of being part of the package for the plugins: TCONV_TRACE
instead of tconv_trace
Work on logging
API and tracing uniformization, do not require end-user to know about
genericLogger -;
src/genericLogger.c: if no logger configured, log everything
uniform API between charset and convert
convert/iconv.c: reduce it to the minimum
convert/iconv.c: removed unused #define
We are a pass-through to iconv: there is no specific iconv option
include/convert: this is a removed thingy
src/convert: oups, this is a removed thingy
src/convert/iconv.c: fix memory leak
Added missing trace
Merge commit 'd559ad019d5e7958ccb20349f8a34cb3715427dc' as
Merge commit '2628f933aff2bd476e699d4135c674a1a46384c0' as
Merge commit '1a2a5cef5df5f00c2891017e14f100e68b6b3077' as
CMakeLists.txt: say this is a C project
CMakeLists.txt: set independant code in any case
src/genericLogger.c: Fix warning on Unix
Back to naming conventions + clone
cmake cache fixes
CMakeLists.txt: CMP0063
CMakeLists.txt: architectural changes
src/genericLogger.c: follow export convention rename
include/genericLogger.h: C++ support
cmake/StringToInternalBool.cmake: Removed debug MESSAGE()
cmake/Find*.cmake: use StringToInternalBool
cmake/StringToInternalBool.cmake: create defines to be used using #if
_HAVE_XXX_H from the current HAVE_XXX_H
CMakeLists.txt: Add original includes to include_src
.gitignore: Fix ignore
include/*h: fix #ifdef name
Make tests in cmake/*.c depend on HAVE_xxx_H
cmake/*: cosmetic log change
CMakeLists.txt: restored installation of links for the shared lib
README: fix typo
CMakeLists.txt: make the shared library the default name, static is
explicitely stated with _static
freev -> free, seti -> set, geti -> get
CMakeLists.txt: static and shared library targets
src/genericLogger.c: C_INLINE
test fix
SONAME version
install includes
test with default and a private callback
config.h -> genericLoggerConfig.h
[Jeffrey Kegler <>]
Update README.pod
[“Jean-Damien <>]
Perl - calculator example - fix warning [ci skip]
Perl - calculator example [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: when getting an SV from the stack, try to identify the typee
of entry in the stack in case of a problem [ci skip]
rule's ::concat is ::shift when there is a single RHS [ci skip]
Perl - calculator dev+ [ci skip]
POD dev+ [ci skip]
MarpaX::ESLIF::Introduction generation [ci skip]
MarpaX/ changed SEE ALSO section [ci skip]
README.pod: capitalized =head1 sections [ci skip]
Perl example dev+ [ci skip]
src/marpaESLIF.c: more useful trace [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: missing encoding information propagation [ci skip]
Perl example [ci skip]
t/test.t: comment symbol-action
perl/ESLIF.xs: Support of MARPAESLIF_VALUE_TYPE_UNDEF [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: more about default rules [ci skip]
marpa/ Minor change in a log statement [ci skip]
perl/ESLIF.xs: Adapt valueb() alike parseb() [ci skip]
BNF/README.pod: document dangerousity of symbol-action
src/marpaESLIF.c: symplify ::concat to deal only with ARRAY and ignore
everything else [ci skip]
JNI - setResult and ByteBuffer [ci skip]
Doc [ci skip]
Perl - re index Event::Type [ci skip]
ESLIF.xs: make MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer::scan first argument optional
[ci skip]
POD [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CppGuess and dist.ini [ci skip]
dist.ini: inc dir [ci skip]
PODNAME [ci skip]
ExtUtils::CppGuess dependency [ci skip]
Perl - POD [ci skip]
Perl - MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar::ruleDisplay fix [ci skip]
Java - Added a comment for rule display [ci skip]
Perl POD [ci skip]
read() interface callback returns a boolean [ci skip]
Value/ POD [ci skip]
Event/ POD [ci skip]
dist.ini: no_index on lib/MarpaX/ESLIF/Value/ [ci skip]
- fix XSLoader usage [ci skip]
Fixed a compiler warning and a correclty detected misplaced forget:
label location [ci skip]
SunOS/Solaris tweaks [ci skip]
Work on issue #1 [ci skip]
1.0.43 2018-01-11T18:05:37
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.43
- appveyor badge [ci skip]
.appveyor.yml [ci skip]
Merge commit '34910928aed15c13e1e45b2b2de624026649018b' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from f74e910..d24b8e8
Merge commit '17391ea7ea83cf2d896892c3da5502275e269891' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c219386..372b25c
reset t++
Try to isolate the crash together with -v t++
Add valgrind to the app that crashes
Trying to isolate the eventual bug with gdb t++
Trying to isolate the eventual bug t++
Still too large for travis t++
Still too large for travis
Move THE test that is failing at the very beginning (current output is
too large on travis)
Added -v to THE valgrinded test that fails (current output is too large
on travis)
Added -v to all valgrinded tests (one is crashing on travis, not
reproducible locally...)
Integrate valgrind in the tests
bin/tconv.c: fix uninitialized used variable
fuzzy mode getters and setters
coverage dev+
For coverage, forces some internal buffers to reallocate
tconv_helper dev+
gcov fix
test/example.c: force a build -;
src/tconv.c: tconv_helperp->pauseb reset [ci skip]
test/example dev+ [ci skip]
ICU plugin coverage dev+
builtings coverate coverage dev+
bin/tconv.c coverage
bin/tconv coverage
codecov dev+
Merge commit '1bd440788c239db2acc9700dda2906cda88efe72' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/CMake-codecov/' content from commit 59fda96
coveralls .travis.yml dev+
coveralls dev+
Squashed '3rdparty/github/coveralls-cmake/' content from commit 9f96714
Merge commit '7398a6a781a4bf569a85f3a00562edfc0604311d' as
Make sure that tconv_helper() uses only externalized APIs
Do not call the producer is stopb is set
Externalize stopb, whose semantic is less hard than endb
src/tconv.c: restored the (oups) recently removed code
convert/ICU.c: fix filling output variables [ci skip]
src/tconv.c: fix wrong placement for output buffer management, do
increase of output buffer by step of TCONV_HELPER_BUFSIZ instead of *= 2
bin/tconv.c: option processing fix
tconv_helper dev+ [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: back to ICU default substitution character [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: add a (harrmless) reset of a pointer [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: add a comment how I test w/o UCONFIG_NO_TRANSLITERATION
[ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: use resource bundle dev+ [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: disable uTransliterator dev+ [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: In the "to" convert, use the default fallback when
//TRANSLIT is on [ci skip]
Fix macro managing realloc [ci skip]
convert/iconv.c: better trace in _tconv_convert_iconv_charset_lookupp
[ci skip]
convert/{iconv,ICU}.c: fixed assert [ci skip]
convert/iconv.c: in src<->internal<->dst mode, set final errno only if
needed [ci skip]
convert/iconv.c: more conformity with iconv check of input parameters in
direct mode [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: more conformity with iconv check if input parameters [ci
bin/tconv.c: EINVAL case [ci skip]
ICU and errno again dev+ [ci skip]
1.0.42 2018-01-03T16:58:16
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.42 [ci skip]
Stop at eventual "/" character in
Added setlocale(LC_ALL, "") to bin/tconv.c [ci skip]
ICU and errno dev+
CMakeObjects.PL and alias.c dev+
tconv on same charset category dev+
fuzzy mode protection dev+ [ci skip]
1.0.41 2018-01-01T07:58:28
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Inform about fuzzy state, version 1.0.41
1.0.40 2017-11-25T15:45:06
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.40
Merge commit 'a21523abaf011cf6b5c97c8d9ab25599c3b91151'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from 5c1a598..f74e910
Merge commit '7a1049b2347e86049d8d0431c652810331260e35'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 6aca3dc..c219386
1.0.39 2017-11-25T14:50:56
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.39
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from a871977..5c1a598
Merge commit 'dacb5e6d68dc94e7f29281b136b1972c53d5a2a3'
Merge commit '5394d333f00528bc3aed713fda09322c1dfab6f0'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 1a27b81..6aca3dc
git reset --hard origin/master [ci skip]
1.0.38 2017-11-24T19:16:40
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.38
1.0.37 2017-11-24T19:14:52
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
.travis.yml [ci skip]
Version 1.0.37 [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse/' changes from 870bce3..841f52e
Merge commit '9b5684409197fe8e13f08175e8cb9f1ad0d4dd43' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from 7f99b81..a871977
Merge commit '1cf0d92807eed693fc51e0f1ead4f7efc85da1be' [ci skip]
Merge commit '48138be8d16625dd6521c14809888c9103f88ad9' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32/' changes from 2d03bf6..f1edc33
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from 620edd7..1a27b81
Merge commit '4618a041eafe8a77fc3578c240ef24b692421f22' [ci skip]
1.0.36 2017-07-23T10:49:17
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Version 1.0.36 (previous version was wrong)
Version 1.0.35 (genericLogger hot fix)
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from 0f71f68..7f99b81
Merge commit 'd622c3ce4124a66c2ed65833d0d2e09ecf0f99b3'
1.0.35 2017-05-10T19:22:32
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Renamings, version 1.0.22
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '486d1582e905335da16ee632f11fed8683a2cdfa'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '653ec0fbe4c5734ddd754c7771327e559f2b13ab'
Merge commit 'c0adbbfba1a52ab4b8e8134995535956a7309d24'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
man pages fix
Merge commit 'f739aa6ccf5438df9bf9dec2983b52f568fc2563'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '243f8c0a42af426fe7f711e3fb3f0e3d76fbd4ab'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
all in one [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE and test path [ci skip]
ALL_IN_ONE [ci skip]
iconv second argument [ci skip]
Fix static test, version 1.0.11
Build issues without icu, version 1.0.9
ICU 58.2 support
Packaging, version 1.0.3
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES revisit, version 1.0.2
CMakeLists.txt: stop playing with CMAKE_C_FLAGS
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
Check iconv locatin before testing iconv capabilities, version 1.0.35
CMakeObjects.PL: delay check of iconv capabilities to fix eventual
winiconv path dependency, version 1.0.34 [ci skip]
include/README.pod: some words on iconv plugin [ci skip]
.travis.yml : added File::Temp
iconv features or no features - version 1.0.33
CMakeObjects.PL dev+ [ci skip]
Moved iconv capability handling to convert/iconv.c
cmake/FindIconvCapabilities.cmake: take into account same charset
capability when testing //IGNORE and //TRANSLIT [ci skip]
cmake/FindIconvCapabilities.cmake revisit [ci skip]
Find iconv capabilities [ci skip]
cmake/FindIconv.cmake: CheckCSourceCompiles instead of
CheckCXXSourceCompiles [ci skip]
Do not even call convertion start/end when doing a direct copy, version
bin/tconv.c: putenv("TCONV_ENV_TRACE=1") for very early trace [ci skip]
Fix check of tconvp->strnicmpDoneb, version 1.0.31
Perl build, version 1.0.30
Version 1.0.29
src/tconv.c: tiny optimization [ci skip]
include/README.pod: more words on input guess impact
Direct byte copy if equivalent charsets
CMakeLists.txt: strnicmp checks [ci skip]
convert/ICU.c: return 0 instead of counted characters, set EINVAL in
some error cases [ci skip]
include/README.pod: some words on the return value [ci skip]
Use --notest for cpanm [ci skip]
Use lists instead of flag strings to target_link_libraries
FindIconv usage fix
src/tconv.c: fixed a typo in a trace [ci skip]
src/tconv.c: when charsets are equivalent - put a comment before
implementing the protection -; [ci skip]
Version 1.0.28
Repush .travis.yml [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' changes from c59c288..0f71f68
Merge commit '2c628ce4b62e24ce37dc54376b60a8d36fb6c025' [ci skip]
Merge commit '8df8d104c0b334ecdd0a00afec42f16b3cff0c3c' [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from c5dec90..620edd7
Version 1.0.27
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32/' changes from 18195b1..2d03bf6
Merge commit 'fd62fbb8a071a583ff752d23373bff1b04aa61e7' |ci skip]
Merge commit '2539e8cc81ff57395457179ea2af03f8dfa8b0a5' |ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from e6038fe..c5dec90
nspr-emu mess total removal, this is fixing hopefully the build on
cygwin as well
cmake/FindIconv.cmake: fix set of ICONV_LINK_FLAGS [ci skip]
nspr-emu dev+ [ci skip]
nspr-emu mess and generic fix for cmake builds
Fix some warnings, version 1.0.26
Fix inline definition when it is not detected, version 1.0.25
Merge commit '737952b6d78ebf18fd36f0b976e645923e744c71'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32/' changes from 69bd6d5..18195b1
Version 1.0.24
CMakeObjects.PL update for prcpucfg_solaris.h [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/winiconv/' content from commit 9f98392
Merge commit 'ad5367db22992da86a627efa67ce8da4efb6fdcb' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/winiconv for subtree reimport [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse/' content from commit 870bce3
Merge commit '6b851df0aa5f706289734bdc6c43ad92cacc5e46' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/optparse for subtree reimport [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger/' content from commit c59c288
Merge commit '2a3bc900037c6415ec85d583be0335a586062b62' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/genericLogger for subtree reimport [ci skip]
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32/' content from commit 69bd6d5
Merge commit '036e48f2b541c0009fafc89770afbfbabb183263' as
Removed 3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32 for subtree reimport [ci skip]
Merge commit '4314df8e167a32467b3ac199b904cd922ac9de14' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit e6038fe
Removed 3rdparty/github/cmake-utils for subtree reimport [ci skip]
git_subtree_pull.zsh update again [ci skip]
git_subtree_pull.zsh update [ci skip]
prcpucfg_solaris.h, version 1.0.23
Version 1.0.21
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'd9565d218e63054a223eb2855c703dedd208a2a1'
Merge commit '67ab58a489cd8173d39c5b4bfde99889e7f4e98e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '7caa8e6f6930ca172078249255d71403e48bed71'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Version 1.0.19
factorization dev+
optparse conflict in merge
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f230138dc8985797a0b7ade40d69adec5ad2cab1'
Merge commit '522834de237ae3412ddca0efb5df4c719e361245'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'f1165603afaac1141328694c392b1b385ed22721'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '686b397a0973f0994a6aa63b6e40fe684f9dc72d'
Refactoring, version 1.0.18
Merge commit '16f90eac043334da352c2a6ecebb1f39d99a76e0'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'fbdb4509953b60a1594b3258f9a36c333ccd2b8e'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '98fcda2616efdd69295b18edb9c7fee169b31f3a' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils-remote/' content from commit
Refactoring version 1.0.17
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' changes from b1c4be8..e310bfc
Merge commit 'db7996a20c250f0bdccded9d7d007ae66add244f'
Use cmake-utils-remote
Squashed '3rdparty/github/cmake-utils/' content from commit b1c4be8
Merge commit 'e3fb03055f8953d2538da818b02d1db74ea63fda' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0656dd694048fd29cbe3abf9e0007678faabee57'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'd395638e6a9f673d980e116f3ed3e16c6598d19b'
Merge commit '2c4147713d39df20c1374a9dd99cf093a12c7f60'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'cb5a109240380413d0bf3f861ca55610ee4f6c55'
use OBJECT type in the ALL_IN_ONE mode, version 1.0.16
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '9cb3b5912daee0711949c96ca30029784fe80be4'
Prepare for correct add_subdirectory, version 1.0.15
Fix for va_copy discovery and ICONV_SECOND_ARGUMENT, version 1.0.14
Version 1.0.13
perl CMakeObjects.PL
ALL_IN_ONE mode: do not change linking mode, version 1.0.12
Test fix, Version 1.0.10
Version 1.0.10
ADD_IN_ONE option, version 1.0.9
Squashed '3rdparty/github/genericLogger-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'e8077855f5e8410725fa0e49e45df384323a7aa9' as
Commented NO_DEFAULT_PATH in cmake search [ci skip]
Build all objects at once, version 1.0.8
Find static genericLogger library [ci skip]
FinICU fixes [ci skip]
Subtree updates, version 1.0.6
Removed unused 3rdparty/github/tinycthread
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' changes from
Merge commit '0a78ef965f61284e04f08de02bddb97b993af1bc'
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' changes from
Merge commit 'e948b0fe3dda0abd3da27f1d3372ee72c2a74286'
dl should be used via CMAKE_DL_LIBS, version 1.0.5
Add dl to target_link_libraries(), version 1.0.4
Fix includes and their install, version 1.0.1
include/tconv/README.pod: dev+ [ci skip]
src/tconv/charset/cchardet.c: default confidence to 0.4f
POD fixed [ci skip]
tconv_ext manpage
Possibility to set plugin entry point names
include/README.pod: fix indentation [ci skip]
src/README.pod -> include/README.pod [ci skip]
src/tconv.3 -> src/README.pod [ci skip]
bin/tconv.c: help fix [ci skip]
CMakeLists.txt: fix test target
Fix options retrieval
src/tconv.c: fix an #ifdef
CMakeLists.txt: fix name conflict
bin/tconv.c: choosing the engine
CMakeLists.txt: restrict pod2man to UNIX
src/tconv.3: fix doc about fromcode and tocode [ci skip]
Make tconv an official binary
test/tconv.c: fix warnings
test/tconv.c: --guess option
charset/cchardet.c: csd_consider() returning 0 is not an error
test/tconv.c: work on options [ci skip]
- license
Comparison with iconv and uconv in travis
UTF-16 test and check within travis, tconv_fromcode() and tconv_tocode
Version badge
Removed LINKER_LANGUAGE C and revisit README
.travis.yml: remove unnecessary thingies
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link order
CMakeLists.txt: tconvTester link
CMakeLists.txt : Revert
CMakeLists.txt : Avoid explicit propagation of -lstdc++
CMakeLists.txt : Explicitely set linker language
Ok I will give up -;
Try with LINK_FLAGS on test target
CMakeLists.txt: force C language on targets
Export stuff
POD dev+
Replace with README.pod
CMakeLists.txt: Always copy src/tconv.3 to README.pod
man page
test/tconv.c: work on usage
convert/ICU.c: Fix warnings
ICU fix return code
ICU fix an inner loop
src/tconv.c: set ccchardet as default
convert/ICU.c: fix callack settings
test/tconv.c: fix loop
ICU dev+
convert/ICU.c: the return of offsetlp
test/tconv.c: fix
convert/ICU.c: signature add fix
convert/ICU.c dev+
convert/iconv.c: back to the minimum possible
src/tconv.c: explicit backup errno in tconv_error_set()
ICU dev+ translit pattern
ICU dev+ signature
ICU transliteration dev+
ICU dev+ transliteration fixes
ICU dev+: E2BIG
src/tconv.c: fix test
Some more logging
binary mode
portability permissions
tconvTester dependency
optparse portability
convert/iconv.c: add trace of returned value
convert/iconv.c: as short as possible
Merge commit '47caf69b1b905084a403cfea619695af3cc4cec5' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/optparse-remote/' content from commit 146d045
Take advantage of being part of the package for the plugins: TCONV_TRACE
instead of tconv_trace
Work on logging
API and tracing uniformization, do not require end-user to know about
genericLogger -;
uniform API between charset and convert
convert/iconv.c: reduce it to the minimum
convert/iconv.c: removed unused #define
We are a pass-through to iconv: there is no specific iconv option
include/convert: this is a removed thingy
src/convert: oups, this is a removed thingy
src/convert/iconv.c: fix memory leak
Added missing trace
Squashed '3rdparty/github/dlfcn-win32-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit 'd559ad019d5e7958ccb20349f8a34cb3715427dc' as
Merge commit '2628f933aff2bd476e699d4135c674a1a46384c0' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/tinycthread-remote/' content from commit
Merge commit '1a2a5cef5df5f00c2891017e14f100e68b6b3077' as
Squashed '3rdparty/github/winiconv-remote/' content from commit 9f98392
[jddurand <>]
Initial commit