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#!env perl
package main;
use strict;
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
use Log::Any::Adapter qw/Stderr/;
my $eslif = MarpaX::ESLIF->new($log);
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v1 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group
|| Expression '**' Expression assoc => right
|| Expression '*' Expression
| Expression '/' Expression
|| Expression '+' Expression
| Expression '-' Expression
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v1;
my $eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v1);
package MyRecognizer;
use strict;
# Constructor
sub new {
my ($pkg, $string) = @_;
open my $fh, "<", \$string;
bless { data => undef, fh => $fh }, $pkg
# Required methods
sub read {
my ($self) = @_; # read data
defined($self->{data} = readline($self->{fh}))
sub isEof { eof $_[0]->{fh} } # End of data ?
sub isCharacterStream { 1 } # Character stream ?
sub encoding { } # Encoding ?
sub data { shift->{data} } # data
sub isWithDisableThreshold { 0 } # Disable threshold warning ?
sub isWithExhaustion { 0 } # Exhaustion event ?
sub isWithNewline { 1 } # Newline count ?
sub isWithTrack { 0 } # Absolute position tracking ?
package MyValue;
use strict;
# Constructor
sub new { bless { result => undef}, shift }
# Required methods
sub isWithHighRankOnly { 1 } # When there is the rank adverb: highest ranks only ?
sub isWithOrderByRank { 1 } # When there is the rank adverb: order by rank ?
sub isWithAmbiguous { 0 } # Allow ambiguous parse ?
sub isWithNull { 0 } # Allow null parse ?
sub maxParses { 0 } # Maximum number of parse tree values
# ... result getter and setter
sub getResult { my ($self) = @_; $self->{result} }
sub setResult { my ($self, $result) = @_; $self->{result} = $result }
package main;
my $input = '(1+2)*3';
my $eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
my $eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
my $result = $eslifGrammar->parse($eslifRecognizerInterface, $eslifValueInterface) ? $eslifValueInterface->getResult : '??';
printf "Default parse tree value of $input: %s\n", $result;
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v2 = $grammar_v1 . q{
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
:discard ::= /(?:(?:(?:\/\/)(?:[^\n]*)(?:\n|\z))|(?:(?:\/\*)(?:(?:[^\*]+|\*(?!\/))*)(?:\*\/)))/
:discard ::= /#[^\n]*(?:\n|\z)/
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v2;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v2);
$input = q{( /* C comment */1+2)
# perl comment
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
$result = $eslifGrammar->parse($eslifRecognizerInterface, $eslifValueInterface) ? $eslifValueInterface->getResult : '??';
printf "Default parse tree value of $input: %s\n", $result;
package MyRecognizer;
no warnings 'redefine';
sub read {
my ($self) = @_; # read data
CORE::read($self->{fh}, $self->{data}, 1) ? 1 : 0x
#package MyRecognizer;
#no warnings 'redefine';
#sub encoding { 'ASCII' } # Encoding ?
package MyValue;
sub do_pow { my ($self, $left, $op, $right) = @_; $left**$right }
sub do_mul { my ($self, $left, $op, $right) = @_; $left*$right }
sub do_div { my ($self, $left, $op, $right) = @_; $left/$right }
sub do_plus { my ($self, $left, $op, $right) = @_; $left+$right }
sub do_minus { my ($self, $left, $op, $right) = @_; $left-$right }
package main;
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v3 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group action => ::copy[1]
|| Expression '**' Expression assoc => right action => do_pow
|| Expression '*' Expression action => do_mul
| Expression '/' Expression action => do_div
|| Expression '+' Expression action => do_plus
| Expression '-' Expression action => do_minus
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v3;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v3);
$input = q{(1 + 2) * 3};
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
$result = $eslifGrammar->parse($eslifRecognizerInterface, $eslifValueInterface) ? $eslifValueInterface->getResult : '??';
printf "Default parse tree value of $input: %s\n", $result;
$input = q{(1 + 2) * 3 + ( abcdef};
# Remember that we are using the 'read-one-character-per-character' implementation
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
$eslifGrammar->parse($eslifRecognizerInterface, $eslifValueInterface);
$input = q{(1 + 2) * 3};
# Our usual ESLIF Recognizer interface
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
# ESLIF Recognizer engine
my $eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
# Start scanning the input, we want initial events here
my $eventsRef = $eslifRecognizer->events();
print "Events after scan():\n" . Dumper($eventsRef);
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v4 = $grammar_v3 . q{
event ^Expression = predicted Expression
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v4;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v4);
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
$eventsRef = $eslifRecognizer->events();
print "Events after scan():\n" . Dumper($eventsRef);
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v5 = $grammar_v4 . q{
event Expression$ = completed Expression
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v5;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v5);
$eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
# Always start with scan()
# ------------------------
print "Events after scan():\n" . Dumper($eslifRecognizer->events());
$eslifRecognizer->eventOnOff('Expression', [ MarpaX::ESLIF::Event::Type->MARPAESLIF_EVENTTYPE_PREDICTED ], 0);
# -------------------------------
# Always check if we can continue
# -------------------------------
if ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue) {
do {
# resume() optional parameter is a number of BYTES.
# Because we stopped with initial event ^Expression, it is okay in this specific case
# and this specific grammar to resume() without changing the position, since we switched off
# the only possible initial event ^Expression
print "Events after resume():\n" . Dumper($eslifRecognizer->events());
} while ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue)
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v6 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' NulledSymbol Expression ')' assoc => group action => ::copy[1]
|| Expression '**' Expression assoc => right action => do_pow
|| Expression '*' Expression action => do_mul
| Expression '/' Expression action => do_div
|| Expression '+' Expression action => do_plus
| Expression '-' Expression action => do_minus
NulledSymbol ::=
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
event Expression$ = completed Expression
event NulledSymbol[] = nulled NulledSymbol
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v6;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v6);
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v7 = q{
Expression ::=
| LPAREN Expression RPAREN assoc => group action => ::copy[1]
|| Expression '**' Expression assoc => right action => do_pow
|| Expression '*' Expression action => do_mul
| Expression '/' Expression action => do_div
|| Expression '+' Expression action => do_plus
| Expression '-' Expression action => do_minus
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
event Expression$ = completed Expression
LPAREN ~ '('
RPAREN ~ ')'
:lexeme ::= LPAREN pause => after event => LPAREN$
:lexeme ::= RPAREN pause => after event => RPAREN$
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v7;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v7);
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v8 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group action => ::copy[1]
|| Expression POW Expression assoc => right action => do_pow
|| Expression '*' Expression action => do_mul
| Expression '/' Expression action => do_div
|| Expression '+' Expression action => do_plus
| Expression '-' Expression action => do_minus
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
:lexeme ::= NUMBER pause => before event => ^NUMBER
NUMBER ~ /[\d]+/
POW ~ '**'
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v8;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v8);
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
if ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue) {
do {
my $alreadyResumed = 0;
foreach (@{$eslifRecognizer->events()}) {
if ($_->{event}) { # Can be undef for exhaustion
if ($_->{event} eq '^NUMBER') {
my $lastPause = $eslifRecognizer->lexemeLastPause($_->{symbol});
printf "Pause before event %s for symbol %s: \"%s\"\n", $_->{event}, $_->{symbol}, $lastPause;
printf " Replacing number by number**2 !\n";
# ------------------------------
# We replace NUMBER by NUMBER**2
# ------------------------------
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', $lastPause, 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('POW', '**', 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', '2', 0);
# -------------------------------------------
# We say to resume exactly where NUMBER ended
# -------------------------------------------
$alreadyResumed = 1;
$eslifRecognizer->resume() unless $alreadyResumed
} while ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue)
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
my $eslifValue = MarpaX::ESLIF::Value->new($eslifRecognizer, $eslifValueInterface);
while ($eslifValue->value()) {
# (1**2 + 2**2) * 3**2 = 45
printf "======> %s\n", $eslifValueInterface->getResult;
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v9 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group
|| Expression POW Expression assoc => right
|| Expression '*' Expression
| Expression '/' Expression
|| Expression '+' Expression
| Expression '-' Expression
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
:lexeme ::= NUMBER pause => before event => ^NUMBER
NUMBER ~ /[\d]+/
POW ~ '**'
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v9;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v9);
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
if ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue) {
do {
my $alreadyResumed = 0;
foreach (@{$eslifRecognizer->events()}) {
if ($_->{event}) { # Can be undef for exhaustion
if ($_->{event} eq '^NUMBER') {
my $lastPause = $eslifRecognizer->lexemeLastPause($_->{symbol});
printf "Pause before event %s for symbol %s: \"%s\"\n", $_->{event}, $_->{symbol}, $lastPause;
printf " Replacing $lastPause by $lastPause**2 !\n";
# ------------------------------
# We replace NUMBER by NUMBER**2
# ------------------------------
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', $lastPause, 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('POW', '**', 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', '2', 0);
# -------------------------------------------
# We say to resume exactly where NUMBER ended
# -------------------------------------------
$alreadyResumed = 1;
$eslifRecognizer->resume() unless $alreadyResumed
} while ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue)
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
$eslifValue = MarpaX::ESLIF::Value->new($eslifRecognizer, $eslifValueInterface);
while ($eslifValue->value()) {
# (1**2 + 2**2) * 3**2 = (1**2+2**2)*3**2
printf "======> %s\n", $eslifValueInterface->getResult;
print "************************************************************\n";
my $grammar_v10 = q{
Expression ::=
| '(' Expression ')' assoc => group
|| Expression POW Expression assoc => right
|| Expression '*' Expression
| Expression '/' Expression
|| Expression '+' Expression
| Expression '-' Expression
:discard ::= /[\s]+/
:lexeme ::= NUMBER pause => before event => ^NUMBER
NUMBER ~ /[\d]+/
POW ~ '**'
printf "Grammar:%s\n", $grammar_v10;
$eslifGrammar = MarpaX::ESLIF::Grammar->new($eslif, $grammar_v10);
$eslifRecognizerInterface = MyRecognizer->new($input);
$eslifRecognizer = MarpaX::ESLIF::Recognizer->new($eslifGrammar, $eslifRecognizerInterface);
if ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue) {
do {
my $alreadyResumed = 0;
foreach (@{$eslifRecognizer->events()}) {
if ($_->{event}) { # Can be undef for exhaustion
if ($_->{event} eq '^NUMBER') {
my $lastPause = $eslifRecognizer->lexemeLastPause($_->{symbol});
printf "Pause before event %s for symbol %s: \"%s\"\n", $_->{event}, $_->{symbol}, $lastPause;
printf " Replacing $lastPause by $lastPause*ANYTHING*2 saying that *ANYTHING* is the representation of POW token!\n";
# ------------------------------
# We replace NUMBER by NUMBER**2
# ------------------------------
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', $lastPause, 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('POW', '*ANYTHING*', 0);
$eslifRecognizer->lexemeRead('NUMBER', '2', 0);
# -------------------------------------------
# We say to resume exactly where NUMBER ended
# -------------------------------------------
$alreadyResumed = 1;
$eslifRecognizer->resume() unless $alreadyResumed
} while ($eslifRecognizer->isCanContinue)
$eslifValueInterface = MyValue->new();
$eslifValue = MarpaX::ESLIF::Value->new($eslifRecognizer, $eslifValueInterface);
while ($eslifValue->value()) {
# (1**2 + 2**2) * 3**2 = (1*ANYTHING*2+2*ANYTHING*2)*3*ANYTHING*2
printf "======> %s\n", $eslifValueInterface->getResult;