MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Impl - Implementation of Marpa's interface


version 0.09


use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Impl;

my $marpaImpl = MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Impl->new();


This modules implements all needed Marpa calls using its Scanless interface. Please be aware that logging is done via Log::Any.


The constants DOT_PREDICTION (0), DOT_COMPLETION (-1) and LATEST_EARLEY_SET_ID (-1) are exported on demand.


new($class, $grammarOptionsHashp, $recceOptionsHashp)

Instantiate a new object. Takes as parameter two references to hashes: the grammar options, the recognizer options. In the recognizer, there is a grammar internal option that will be forced to the grammar object. If the environment variable MARPA_TRACE_TERMINALS is set to a true value, then internal Marpa trace on terminals is activated. If the environment MARPA_TRACE_VALUES is set to a true value, then internal Marpa trace on values is activated. If the environment variable MARPA_TRACE is set to a true value, then both terminals and values internal Marpa traces are activated.

findInProgress($self, $earleySetId, $wantedRuleId, $wantedDotPosition, $wantedOrigin, $wantedLhs, $wantedRhsp, $fatalMode, $indicesp, $matchesp, $originsp) = @_;

Searches a rule at G1 Earley Set Id $earleySetId. The default Earley Set Id is the current one. $wantedRuleId, if defined, is the rule ID. $wantedDotPosition, if defined, is the dot position, that should be a number between 0 and the number of RHS, or -1. $wantedOrigin, if defined, is the wanted origin. In case $wantedRuleId is undef, the user can use $wantedLhs and/or $wantedRhs. $wantedLhs, if defined, is the LHS name. $wantedRhsp, if defined, is the list of RHS. $fatalMode, if defined and true, will mean the module will croak if there is a match. $indicesp, if defined, must be a reference to an array giving the indices from Marpa output we are interested in. $matchesp, if defined, has to be a reference to an array, which will be filled reference to hashes like {ruleId=>$ruleId, dotPosition=>$dotPosition, origin=>$origin} that matched. You can use the method g1Describe() to fill it. $originsp, if defined, have to be a reference to a hash that will be filled with Earley Set Id origins as a key if the later is not already in it, the value number will be 0 when the key is created, regardless if there is a match or not. Any origin different than $earleySetId and zero (the root) will putted in it. We remind that for a prediction, origin is always the same as the location of the current report. The shortcuts DOT_PREDICTION (0) and DOT_COMPLETION (-1) can be used if the caller import it. There is a special case: if $dotPrediction is defined, $wantedLhs is defined, and $wantedRhsp is undef then, if $dotPrediction is DOT_PREDICTION we will search any prediction of $wantedLhs, and if $dotPrediction is DOT_COMPLETION we will search any completion of $wantedLhs. This method will return a true value if there is at least one match. If one of $wantedRuleId, $wantedDotPosition, $wantedOrigin, $wantedLhs, or $wantedRhsp is defined and there is match, this method stop at the first match.

findInProgressShort($self, $wantedDotPosition, $wantedLhs, $wantedRhsp)

This method is shortcut to findInProgress(), that will force findInProgress()'s parameter $earleySetId to -1 (i.e. current G1 location), and $wantedRuleId, $wantedOrigin, $fatalMode, $indicesp, $matchesp to undef. This method exist because, in practice, only dot position, lhs or rhs are of interest within the current G1 location.

rule($self, $ruleId)

Returns Marpa's grammar's rule. Because the output of Marpa's rule is a constant for a given $ruleId, any call to this method will use a cached result if it exist, create a cache otherwise.


Returns Marpa's recognizer's value.

read($self, $inputp)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's read. Argument is a reference to input.


Returns Marpa's recognizer's resume.

last_completed($self, $symbol)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's last_completed for symbol $symbol.

last_completed_range($self, $symbol)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's last_completed_range for symbol $symbol.

range_to_string($self, $start, $end)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's range_to_string for a start value of $start and an end value of $end.

progress($self, $g1)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's progress for a g1 location $g1.

event($self, $eventNumber)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's event for event number $eventNumber.


Returns Marpa's recognizer's pause_lexeme.


Returns Marpa's recognizer's pause_span.

literal($self, $start, $length)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's literal.

line_column($self, $start)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's line_column at eventual $start location in the input stream. Default location is current location.

substring($self, $start, $length)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's substring corresponding to g1 span ($start, $length).

lexeme_read($self, $lexeme, $start, $length, $value)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's lexeme_read for lexeme $lexeme, at start position $start, length $length and value $value.


Returns Marpa's recognizer's latest_g1_location.

g1_location_to_span($self, $g1)

Returns Marpa's recognizer's g1_location_to_span for a g1 location $g1.


Jean-Damien Durand <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.