The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Storable qw/dclone/;
# External attributes
log_prefix => '$', # Prepended to every log
hscratchpad => '%', # User working area
ascratchpad => '@', # User working area
sscratchpad => '$', # User working area
# Internal attributes
cb => '@', # List of methods.
cb_unregistered => '@', # List of unregistered methods, post-processed if done during fire()
topic_fired => '%', # Remember what are the eligible cb's topics.
topic_fired_data => '%', # Remember what are the eligible cb's topics data.
topic_fired_persistence => '%', # Remember what are the eligible cb's topics persistence.
topic_level => '@', # Topic levels
ncb => '$', # Number of methods.
prioritized_cb => '@', # Prioritized list of methods, for efficiency.
prioritized_cb_tofire => '@', # Remember what cb are eligible.
prioritized_cb_fired => '@', # Remember what cb were fired
arguments => '@', # List of arguments to the exec method.
firing => '$'
# ABSTRACT: Simple but powerful callback generic framework that depend on nothing else but core modules.
use Carp qw/croak/;
our $VERSION = '0.14'; # VERSION
sub _sort_by_option_priority_desc {
return $b->option->priority <=> $a->option->priority;
sub _sort_by_numeric_desc {
return $b <=> $a;
sub register {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
if (ref($cb) ne 'MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Callback::Method') {
croak 'argument bust be a reference to a MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Callback::Method object';
# Sanitize self
if (! defined($self->log_prefix)) {
# Sanitize cb
if (defined($cb->method) && ref($cb->method) ne 'ARRAY') {
croak 'method must be an ARRAY ref';
if (defined($cb->method)) {
if (! @{$cb->method}) {
croak 'method is a reference to an empty array';
if (ref(($cb->method)->[0]) ne 'CODE' && (! ref($cb->method) && $cb->method eq 'auto')) {
croak 'method must be an ARRAY ref starting with a CODE reference, or the string \'auto\'';
if (! defined($cb->method_mode)) {
if ($cb->method_mode ne 'push' && $cb->method_mode ne 'replace') {
croak 'method_mode must be \'push\' or \'replace\'';
# Sanitize $cb->option
if (! defined($cb->option)) {
my $option = $cb->option;
foreach (@{$option->condition}) {
if (! defined($_) || (! (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY')) || (! (ref($_->[0]) eq 'CODE' || (! ref($_->[0]) && $_->[0] eq 'auto')))) {
croak 'A condition is not an ARRAY reference, that must start with a CODE reference or the "auto" keyword"';
if (! defined($option->conditionMode)) {
if (! grep {$option->conditionMode eq $_} qw/and or/) {
croak 'condition mode must be "and" or "or"';
if (! defined($option->subscriptionMode)) {
if (! grep {$option->subscriptionMode eq $_} qw/required optional/) {
croak 'condition mode must be "and" or "or"';
if (! defined($option->topic_persistence)) {
if (! grep {$option->topic_persistence eq $_} qw/none any level/) {
croak 'topic persistence mode must be "none", "any" or "level"';
if (! defined($option->priority)) {
my $priority = $option->priority;
if (! ("$priority" =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)) {
croak 'priority must be a number';
$self->ncb(0) if (! defined($self->ncb));
$self->cb($self->ncb, $cb);
$self->ncb($self->ncb + 1);
$self->prioritized_cb([sort _sort_by_option_priority_desc @{$self->cb}]);
# Invalid cache if any
$self->hscratchpad('_cache', 0);
# We return the indice within Callback
return $self->ncb - 1;
sub _unregister {
my $self = shift;
foreach (sort _sort_by_numeric_desc @_) {
my $cb = $self->cb($_);
croak "Unknown callback indice $_" if (! defined($cb));
splice(@{$self->cb}, $_, 1);
$self->ncb($self->ncb - 1);
$self->prioritized_cb([sort _sort_by_option_priority_desc @{$self->cb}]);
sub unregister {
my $self = shift;
my $firing = $self->firing() || 0;
if (! $firing) {
return $self->_unregister(@_);
} else {
push(@{$self->cb_unregistered}, @_);
sub exec {
my $self = shift;
# Remember our arguments, if the callback need it
# Do an inventory of eligible callbacks and topics
# Fire everything that is eligible
# And post-process eventual unregistrations
sub _inventory_condition_tofire {
my $self = shift;
my $nbConditionOK = 0;
my $nbNewTopics = 0;
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
my $prioritized_cbp = $self->prioritized_cb;
my $prioritized_cb_tofirep = $self->prioritized_cb_tofire;
my $selfArguments = $self->arguments();
my $cache = $self->hscratchpad('_cache') || 0;
my $cacheOptionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOption') : undef;
my $cacheOptionConditionModep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionConditionMode') : undef;
my $cacheOptionConditionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionCondition') : undef;
my $cacheCbDescriptionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbDescription') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopicp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopic_persistencep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic_persistence') : undef;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
my $cb = $prioritized_cbp->[$i];
my $option = $cache ? $cacheOptionp->[$i] : $cb->option;
my $conditionMode = $cache ? $cacheOptionConditionModep->[$i] : $option->conditionMode;
my @condition = ();
my $description = $cache ? $cacheCbDescriptionp->[$i] : $cb->description;
foreach my $condition ($cache ? @{$cacheOptionConditionp->[$i]} : @{$option->condition}) {
my ($coderef, @arguments) = @{$condition};
if (ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') {
push(@condition, &$coderef($cb, $self, $selfArguments, @arguments) ? 1 :0);
} elsif (defined($description)) {
push(@condition, (grep {$_ eq $description} @{$selfArguments}) ? 1 :0);
## Apply conditionMethod. If none, then the callback will never be
## executed. Only the subscription methods can make it eligible.
my $condition = 0;
if (@condition) {
$condition = shift(@condition);
if ($conditionMode eq 'and') {
foreach (@condition) {
$condition &&= $_;
} elsif ($conditionMode eq 'or') {
foreach (@condition) {
$condition ||= $_;
if ($condition) {
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = 1;
# Initialize the associated topics if needed
foreach my $topic (keys %{$cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i] : $option->topic}) {
next if (! defined($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)));
next if (! ($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)));
if (! defined($self->topic_fired($topic))) {
$self->topic_fired($topic, 1);
$self->topic_fired_persistence($topic, $cache ? $cacheOptionTopic_persistencep->[$i] : $option->topic_persistence);
if (! defined($self->topic_fired_data($topic))) {
$self->topic_fired_data($topic, []);
} else {
if (@condition) {
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = -1;
return $nbNewTopics;
# Class::Struct is great but introduces overhead
# The most critical accesses, identified using
# Devel::NYTProf are cached here.
sub cache {
my $self = shift;
my @cacheOption = ();
my @cacheOptionConditionMode = ();
my @cacheOptionCondition = ();
my @cacheOptionSubscription = ();
my @cacheOptionSubscriptionMode = ();
my @cacheOptionTopic = ();
my @cacheOptionTopic_persistence = ();
my @cacheCbDescription = ();
my @cacheCbMethod = ();
my @cacheCbMethod_void = ();
my $prioritized_cbp = $self->prioritized_cb;
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
my $cb = $prioritized_cbp->[$i];
my $option = $cb->option;
push(@cacheOption, $option);
push(@cacheOptionConditionMode, $option->conditionMode);
push(@cacheOptionCondition, $option->condition);
push(@cacheOptionSubscription, $option->subscription);
push(@cacheOptionSubscriptionMode, $option->subscriptionMode);
push(@cacheOptionTopic, $option->topic);
push(@cacheOptionTopic_persistence, $option->topic_persistence);
push(@cacheCbDescription, $cb->description);
push(@cacheCbMethod, $cb->method);
push(@cacheCbMethod_void, $cb->method_void);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOption', \@cacheOption);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionConditionMode', \@cacheOptionConditionMode);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionCondition', \@cacheOptionCondition);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionSubscription', \@cacheOptionSubscription);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionSubscriptionMode', \@cacheOptionSubscriptionMode);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic', \@cacheOptionTopic);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic_persistence', \@cacheOptionTopic_persistence);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbDescription', \@cacheCbDescription);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbMethod', \@cacheCbMethod);
$self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbMethod_void', \@cacheCbMethod_void);
$self->hscratchpad('_cache', 1);
sub _fire {
my $self = shift;
# Make sure the raised topic data always exist.
# It is very important that this routine is safe v.s. any on-the-fly registration
# or unregistration. Thus all dependencies are expressed in the beginning.
# This mean that nay on-the-flu registration/unregistration will happend at NEXT round.
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
my $prioritized_cb_tofirep = $self->prioritized_cb_tofire;
my $prioritized_cb_firedp = $self->prioritized_cb_fired;
my $prioritized_cbp = $self->prioritized_cb;
my $selfArguments = $self->arguments();
my $cache = $self->hscratchpad('_cache') || 0;
my $cacheCbMethodp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbMethod') : undef;
my $cacheCbMethod_voidp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbMethod_void') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopicp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopic_persistencep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic_persistence') : undef;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
if ($prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] <= 0) {
# -1: Condition KO
# -2: Condition NA and Subscription NA
# -3: Subscription KO
my $cb = $prioritized_cbp->[$i];
if ($prioritized_cb_firedp->[$i]) {
# already fired
# Fire the callback (if there is a method)
$prioritized_cb_firedp->[$i] = 1;
my $method = $cache ? $cacheCbMethodp->[$i] : $cb->method;
if (defined($method)) {
my @rc;
if (ref($method) eq 'ARRAY') {
my ($method, @arguments) = @{$method};
if (ref($method) eq 'CODE') {
@rc = &$method($cb, $self, $selfArguments, @arguments);
} else {
@rc = $self->topic_fired_data($cb->description) || [];
# Push result to data attached to every topic of this callback
my $option = $cb->option;
my $method_void = $cache ? $cacheCbMethod_voidp->[$i] : $cb->method_void;
if (! $method_void) {
foreach my $topic (keys %{$cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i] : $option->topic}) {
next if (! defined($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)));
next if (($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)) != 1);
my $topic_fired_data = $self->topic_fired_data($topic) || [];
if (ref($cb->method) eq 'ARRAY') {
if ($cb->method_mode eq 'push') {
push(@{$topic_fired_data}, @rc);
} else {
@{$topic_fired_data} = @rc;
} else {
if ($cb->method_mode eq 'push') {
push(@{$topic_fired_data}, @rc);
} else {
@{$topic_fired_data} = @rc;
$self->topic_fired_data($topic, $topic_fired_data);
sub topic_level_fired_data {
my $self = shift;
my $topic = shift;
my $level = shift;
$level //= 0;
# Level MUST be 0 for current or a negative number
$level = int($level);
if ($level > 0) {
croak 'int(level) must be 0 or a negative number';
if ($level == 0) {
if (@_) {
$self->topic_fired_data($topic, shift);
return $self->topic_fired_data($topic);
} else {
my ($old_topic_fired, $old_topic_persistence, $old_topic_data) = @{$self->topic_level($level)};
if (@_) {
$old_topic_data->{$topic} = shift;
return $old_topic_data->{$topic};
sub _inventory_initialize_topic {
my $self = shift;
# For topics, we want to keep those that have a persistence of 'level' or 'any'
my $keep_topic_fired = {};
my $keep_topic_fired_persistence = {};
my $keep_topic_fired_data = {};
foreach my $topic (keys %{$self->topic_fired}) {
my $persistence = $self->topic_fired_persistence($topic);
if (grep {$_ eq $persistence} qw/any level/) {
$keep_topic_fired->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired($topic);
$keep_topic_fired_persistence->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired_persistence($topic);
$keep_topic_fired_data->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired_data($topic);
sub _inventory_initialize_tofire {
my $self = shift;
my $prioritized_cb_tofirep = $self->prioritized_cb_tofire;
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = 0;
sub _inventory_initialize_fired {
my $self = shift;
my $prioritized_cb_firedp = $self->prioritized_cb_fired;
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
$prioritized_cb_firedp->[$i] = 0;
sub _inventory_fire {
my $self = shift;
# Inventory
sub _inventory {
my $self = shift;
my $nbTopicsCreated = 0;
do {
$nbTopicsCreated += $self->_inventory_condition_tofire();
$nbTopicsCreated += $self->_inventory_subscription_tofire();
if ($nbTopicsCreated > 0) {
$nbTopicsCreated = 0;
} while ($nbTopicsCreated > 0);
sub _inventory_subscription_tofire {
my $self = shift;
# This is a loop because when a new callback is eligible there might be new topics
my $nbNewTopics = 0;
my $nbSubscriptionOK = 0;
my $ncb = $self->ncb;
my $prioritized_cbp = $self->prioritized_cb;
my $prioritized_cb_tofirep = $self->prioritized_cb_tofire;
my $cache = $self->hscratchpad('_cache') || 0;
my $cacheOptionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOption') : undef;
my $cacheOptionConditionModep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionConditionMode') : undef;
my $cacheOptionConditionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionCondition') : undef;
my $cacheCbDescriptionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheCbDescription') : undef;
my $cacheOptionSubscriptionp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionSubscription') : undef;
my $cacheOptionSubscriptionModep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionSubscriptionMode') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopicp = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic') : undef;
my $cacheOptionTopic_persistencep = $cache ? $self->hscratchpad('_cacheOptionTopic_persistence') : undef;
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $ncb; $i++) {
my $cb = $prioritized_cbp->[$i];
my $option = $cache ? $cacheOptionp->[$i] : $cb->option;
# Here the values can be:
# -1: condition KO
# 0: no condition applied
# 1: condition OK
next if ($prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] < 0);
my %subscribed = ();
my $nbSubscription = 0;
foreach my $subscription (keys %{$cache ? $cacheOptionSubscriptionp->[$i] : $option->subscription}) {
next if (! defined($cache ? $cacheOptionSubscriptionp->[$i]->{$subscription} : $option->subscription($subscription)));
next if (! ($cache ? $cacheOptionSubscriptionp->[$i]->{$subscription} : $option->subscription($subscription)));
if (ref($subscription) eq 'Regexp') {
foreach (keys %{$self->topic_fired}) {
if ($_ =~ $subscription) {
$subscribed{$_} = 1;
} else {
foreach (keys %{$self->topic_fired}) {
if ("$_" eq "$subscription") {
$subscribed{$_} = 1;
if ($prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] == 0 && ! %subscribed) {
# no condition was setted and no subscription is raised
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = -2;
if ($nbSubscription > 0 && ($cache ? $cacheOptionSubscriptionModep->[$i] : $option->subscriptionMode) eq 'required' && $nbSubscription != keys %subscribed) {
# There are active subscription not raised, and subscriptionMode is 'required'
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = -3;
if ($prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] == 0) {
# There must have been topic subscription being raised
$prioritized_cb_tofirep->[$i] = 1;
foreach my $topic (keys %{$cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i] : $option->topic}) {
next if (! defined($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)));
next if (! ($cache ? $cacheOptionTopicp->[$i]->{$topic} : $option->topic($topic)));
if (! defined($self->topic_fired($topic))) {
$self->topic_fired($topic, 1);
$self->topic_fired_persistence($topic, $option->topic_persistence);
$self->topic_fired_data($topic, []);
return $nbNewTopics;
sub currentTopicLevel {
my $self = shift;
return scalar(@{$self->topic_level});
sub pushTopicLevel {
my $self = shift;
# We push current topics and their persistence into the topic_level
push(@{$self->topic_level}, [ dclone($self->topic_fired), dclone($self->topic_fired_persistence), $self->topic_fired_data ]);
# We remove from current topics those that do not have the 'any' persistence
my $new_topic_fired = {};
my $new_topic_fired_persistence = {};
my $new_topic_fired_data = {};
foreach my $topic (keys %{$self->topic_fired}) {
my $persistence = $self->topic_fired_persistence($topic);
if (grep {$_ eq $persistence} qw/any/) {
$new_topic_fired->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired($topic);
$new_topic_fired_persistence->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired_persistence($topic);
$new_topic_fired_data->{$topic} = $self->topic_fired_data($topic);
sub popTopicLevel {
my $self = shift;
# We pop current topics and their persistence from the topic_level
my ($old_topic_fired, $old_topic_persistence, $old_topic_data) = @{$self->topic_level(-1)};
sub reset_topic_fired_data {
my ($self, $topic, $value, $level) = @_;
$value //= [];
$level //= 0;
if (ref($value) ne 'ARRAY') {
croak 'Topic fired data must be an ARRAY reference';
# Level MUST be 0 or a negative number
# It is okay if $value is undef
$level = int($level);
if ($level > 0) {
croak 'int(level) must be 0 or a negative number';
if ($level == 0) {
$self->topic_fired_data($topic, $value);
} else {
my ($old_topic_fired, $old_topic_persistence, $old_topic_data) = @{$self->topic_level($level)};
$old_topic_data->{$topic} = $value;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Callback - Simple but powerful callback generic framework that depend on nothing else but core modules.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.14
This modules is a simple callback framework.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jean-Damien Durand <>
=over 4
=item *
Jeffrey Kegler <>
=item *
jddurand <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.