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use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
# ABSTRACT: Scope management when translating a C source to an AST
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
our $VERSION = '0.23'; # VERSION
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = {
_nscope => 0,
_typedefPerScope => [ {} ],
_enumAnyScope => {},
_delay => 0,
_enterScopeCallback => [],
_exitScopeCallback => [],
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
sub typedefPerScope {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_typedefPerScope};
sub enumAnyScope {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_enumAnyScope};
sub parseEnterScope {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self->condExitScope();
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] Duplicating scope %d to %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $self->{_nscope}, $self->{_nscope} + 1);
# calling Clone::clone is overhead for us:
# - user data associated to a typedef is assumed to never be modified: copying the $data itself (i.e. usually a reference) is enough
# - We just want to make sure this is a new hash, the values inside the hash can remain identical
# Doing \%{$...} is just to make sure this is a new hash instance, with keys pointing to the same values as the origin
push(@{$self->{_typedefPerScope}}, \%{$self->{_typedefPerScope}->[$self->{_nscope}]});
if (@{$self->{_enterScopeCallback}}) {
my ($ref, @args) = @{$self->{_enterScopeCallback}};
sub parseDelay {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $value = shift;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] Setting delay flag to %d at scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $value, $self->{_nscope});
$self->{_delay} = $value;
return $self->{_delay};
sub parseScopeLevel {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_nscope};
sub parseEnterScopeCallback {
my ($self, $ref, @args) = @_;
$self->{_enterScopeCallback} = [ $ref, @args ];
sub parseExitScopeCallback {
my ($self, $ref, @args) = @_;
$self->{_exitScopeCallback} = [ $ref, @args ];
sub parseExitScope {
my ($self, $now) = @_;
$now //= 0;
if ($now) {
} else {
sub parseReenterScope {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] Reenter scope at scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $self->{_nscope});
sub condExitScope {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->parseDelay) {
sub doExitScope {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] Removing scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $self->{_nscope});
if (@{$self->{_exitScopeCallback}}) {
my ($ref, @args) = @{$self->{_exitScopeCallback}};
sub parseEnterTypedef {
my ($self, $token, $data) = @_;
$data //= 1;
$self->{_typedefPerScope}->[$self->{_nscope}]->{$token} = $data;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] "%s" typedef entered at scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $token, $self->{_nscope});
sub parseEnterEnum {
my ($self, $token, $data) = @_;
$data //= 1;
$self->{_enumAnyScope}->{$token} = $data;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] "%s" enum entered at scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $token, $self->{_nscope});
# Enum wins from now on and forever
foreach (0..$#{$self->{_typedefPerScope}}) {
$self->parseObscureTypedef($token, $_);
sub parseObscureTypedef {
my ($self, $token, $scope) = @_;
$scope //= $self->{_nscope};
$self->{_typedefPerScope}->[$scope]->{$token} = undef;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] "%s" eventual typedef obscured at scope %d', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $token, $scope);
sub parseIsTypedef {
my ($self, $token) = @_;
my $scope = $self->{_nscope};
my $rc = (exists($self->{_typedefPerScope}->[$scope]->{$token}) && defined($self->{_typedefPerScope}->[$scope]->{$token})) ? 1 : 0;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] "%s" at scope %d is a typedef? %s', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $token, $scope, $rc ? 'yes' : 'no');
sub parseIsEnum {
my ($self, $token) = @_;
my $rc = (exists($self->{_enumAnyScope}->{$token}) && $self->{_enumAnyScope}->{$token}) ? 1 : 0;
if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debugf('[%s] "%s" is an enum at scope %d? %s', whoami(__PACKAGE__), $token, $self->{_nscope}, $rc ? 'yes' : 'no');
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Scope - Scope management when translating a C source to an AST
=head1 VERSION
version 0.23
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Scope;
my $cAstScopeObject = MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Scope->new();
foreach (qw/myTypedef myEnum myVariable/) {
if ($cAstScopeObject->parseIsTypedef($_)) {
print "\"$_\" is a typedef\n";
} elsif ($cAstScopeObject->parseIsEnum($_)) {
print "\"$_\" is an enum\n";
This modules manages the scopes when translation a C source into an AST tree. This module started after reading the article:
I<Resolving Typedefs in a Multipass C Compiler> from I<Journal of C Languages Translation>, Volume 2, Number 4, written by W.M. McKeeman. A online version may be accessed at L<http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~mckeeman/references/JCLT/ResolvingTypedefsInAMultipassCCompiler.pdf>.
Please note that this module is logging via Log::Any.
=head2 new
Instance a new object. Takes no parameter.
=head2 typedefPerScope($self)
Returns the list of known typedefs per scope. At the end of processing a source code, only scope 0 still exist. The output is a reference to an array, file-level scope being at index 0. At each indice, there is a reference to a hash with typedef name as a key, value is useless.
=head2 enumAnyScope($self)
Returns the list of known enums. Enums has no scope level: as soon as the parser sees an enum, it available at any level. The output is a reference to a hash with enumeration name as a key, value is useless.
=head2 parseEnterScope($self)
Say we enter a scope.
=head2 parseDelay($self, [$value])
Returns/Set current delay flag.
=head2 parseScopeLevel($self)
Returns current scope level, starting at number 0.
=head2 parseEnterScopeCallback($self, $ref, @args)
Callback method when entering a scope.
=head2 parseExitScopeCallback($self, $ref, @args)
Callback method when leaving a scope (not the delayed operation, the real leave).
=head2 parseExitScope($self, [$now])
Say we want to leave current scope. The operation is delayed unless $now flag is true.
=head2 parseReenterScope($self)
Reenter previous scope.
=head2 condExitScope($self)
Leave current scope if delay flag is set and not yet done.
=head2 doExitScope($self)
Leave current scope.
=head2 parseEnterTypedef($self, $token, $data)
Declare a new typedef with name $token, that will be visible until current scope is left. $data is an optional user-data area, defaulting to 1 if not specified.
=head2 parseEnterEnum($self, $token)
Declare a new enum with name $token, that will be visible at any scope from now on. $data is an optional user-data area, defaulting to 1 if not specified.
=head2 parseObscureTypedef($self, $token)
Obscures a typedef named $token.
=head2 parseIsTypedef($self, $token)
Return a true value if $token is a typedef.
=head2 parseIsEnum($self, $token)
Return a true value if $token is an enum.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jean-Damien Durand <jeandamiendurand@free.fr>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.