Changes for version 0.30 - 2014-01-11
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- bin/cscan: --in option
- bin/cscan: --out and --err options, yet another --xpath example
- bin/cscan: fix $xml usage confusion in source
- bin/cscan: revisited example to find declared strings
- bin/cscan: example for find declared strings
- bin/cscan: say that get method are for C::Scan like methods
- bin/cscan: removed a debugging print STDERR
- bin/cscan: say in the abstract this is a C::Scan alternative
- bin/cscan: no critic on the eval (bis)
- bin/cscan: no critic on the eval
- bin/c2ast: perlcritic
- -> c2ast
- say that is now c2ast
- bin/cscan: more examples with --cppflags
- bin/cscan: another example taking about inner anonymous types
- bin/cscan : implementation of --xml and --xpath options
- ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: fix calculation of line number
- t/scan.t: skip file/line information in tests dev+
- ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ line calculation dev+
- <DATA> should be loaded once
- bin/scan: xpath preparation
- ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: function type is not inherited
- bin/cscan: generic get argument
- ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ original filename processing fix
- bin/cscan: POD fix
- bin/cscan : a very special replacement for POD not generated at run time
- ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ perlcritic on $_
Translate a C source to an AST
Simple but powerful callback generic framework that depend on nothing else but core modules.
Events callback when translating a C source to an AST
Code reference for the Simple callback generic framework.
Options for the Simple callback generic framework.
C grammar written in Marpa BNF
ISO ANSI C 2011 grammar written in Marpa BNF
ISO ANSI C 2011 grammar actions
Implementation of Marpa's interface
Log::Any implementation on top of Marpa
Scope management when translating a C source to an AST
C Translation to AST - Class method utilities
Find data in C AST
C::Scan-like interface